The World (of warcraft) is on Fire

So as we all know, blizzard in their infinite wisdom, much like a child going to stick a penny in a light socket to see what would happen, they released 11.0.5 and all of the false advertising and bugs galore to see how the player base would react (spoiler alert; not good at all) and to point a few issues out, here is what we got.

–A TON of class talent capstones arent working, the one I have personal investement in with paldin, the talent “Lights Revocation” not working and still giving the paladin forbearance when divine shield is popped.

–The mount advertised that would be purchaseable for 20 bronze tokens was originally the “Obsidian Worldbreaker” aka the deathwing mount. It is NOT the worldbreaker mount it is the “World chiller” a blue version of the worldbreaker mount

– Arcane Mage and Frost dk which were 2 of the highest specs receiving a 8-11% damage INCREASE while classes like warlock which, even in its highest spec, Demonology, were barely poking above bottom of the class boards and having no desperately needed QoL changes to be found in their talent trees or added in to help.

–The first week of the new event to get your class T2 updated sets are put behind a nonsense time gate achievement and daily/weekly system with a few of the quests breaking repeatedly

All in all good job with these VERY ANNOYING changes and additions blizzard, dont change a thing! …Or change significantly, your call


I understand this may have been bumped down in the sea of feedback/criticism threads right now, but this deserves attention.

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I would LOVE to hear from the balancing team as to the reasons why they buffed Arcane Mage and Frost DK (specs that were already over performing) - whilst simultaneously nerfing Warlocks (the current worst performing class across the board) and giving them an icon as compensation.


This is objectively not true. Perhaps you already own the worldbreaker, and not the chiller? Only anniversary mounts you do not already own are for sale.


Because they hate Warlock? Come on now, do they really need to tell you that?

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It is true actually and I dont own the worldbreaker because I wasnt around for that mount. I was in my discord and having other players talking about how they are gonna grab the mount since “thry missed it for such and such reason”

Granted im gonna grab it cause the thing that changed is the color but dont hype up your player base with X when youre promising Y

it is the same Obsidian Worldbreaker mount that was given to us during the 15th Anniversary event




I’m starting to wonder if all of this garbage they’re putting out is them intentionally trying to kill the game for some reason or another.
Maybe microsoft wants it dead so they can push forward a WoW2, or to draw frustrated players herefrom to some other property of theirs soon to release, I dunno.

Half of what the OP said is wrong. The mount is purchasable. Mage and DK got nerfed after their changes.

The class talents I’d have to test.

And the currency stuff wasn’t false advertising when we knew about it weeks ago from Blizzard themselves.


The mentioned paladin talent only says “Divine Shield may now be cast while Forbearance is active”. It says nothing about Divine Shield no longer causing Forbearance itself.

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Maybe you just need some time off the forum so you see it isn’t actually that bad.


So OP is entirely wrong. As usual. Not surprising.


Thery didn’t buff them, there was a change right before patch to nerf them.

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Yep. Right here:

And also in the stickied hotfixes at the top of this forum.

they said it was an unintentional consequence of them changing stuff with their classes and nerfed them. from what im understanding mage got hit hard but until the numbers are out we dont know for sure.

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Nothing of what I said was wrong. DK and mage have gotten buffed and warlock got nerfed, which is why the 2nd person to comment on my thread has already stated “there is a litany of other criticism posts”

Dk and mage are getting nerfed in the upcoming week after blizzard announced “there will be a tuning patch”

The mount originally advertised was the obsidian worldbreaker NOT the worldchiller which everyone was lead to believe, even discord groups were looking forward to getting.

What YOU are doing is a sleight of hand where you say “Omg OP is wrong” because of some personal vendetta against me personally by highlighting things that have happened underhandedly or what will happen in the future and calling me “wrong about it” just get out of my threads my guy

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People love to jump up and yell, but when they are wrong you’ll hear nothing.


They literally had the data from the PTR and all the feedback. They could check said data and figure out that this might not be intended.
They didn’t because they’re not only incompetent, their leads are also incredibly stubborn and won’t accept data that contradicts what they believe is “correct”.

It’s a deeper malaise inside Blizzard’s dev team and honestly no idea what the f even happened there. They were nowhere this stubborn and short sightted in Dragonflight, despite all it’s failings.

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Everything you said is wrong.

They were literally nerfed as per blue post I linked.

Wrong. Please learn to read.

The Worldbreaker is absolutely available to buy, as some of my friends went straight to the vendor and saw it was there and that’s their first buy.

I don’t care about you. I care about all of the misinformation you keep spreading.