The World (of warcraft) is on Fire

And right here from yesterday…

Obsidian Worldbreaker is on the vendor for me. The Worldchiller is as well on a different vendor.


How about when you reply to my posts you do it in its entirety and not section out and reply to things to make yourself look good.

Also, them coming in at the very last swcond to make some under the radar changes to ones they were planning to impliment already isnt “omg youre spreading misinformation!!”

To quote one of the greatest movies of all time Princess Bride: “that word, you keep using it, but I dont think it means what you think it means”

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under the radar??? lol
They posted it and set it at the top of the forum.

Just admit you’re wrong and move on man.
Why do you people always want to argue and complain.


Dimes fit better.

Also if you stick a paper clip in a wall socket the middle disappeared on me and became two small pieces of wire.

Are you goint to perhaps also mention Paladins getting their 3rd Ret overhaul in the last 3 years while Rogues are left as the skeleton chained to a chair at the bottom of the sea?

Seriously before the latest talent shifts Ret was a perfectly serviceable, playable and pleasant spec. I know because I’m playing my Ret Paladin more and more over my Rogue nowadays, it’s just BETTER. And before the changes it was FINE. It had some issues here and there, came up short in some content but it was a perfectly fine spec with strenghts, weaknesses and a really good flow.

Meanwhile Rogues have bugs that actually brick their rotation, some of which (BTE going on cooldown but not showing that on the UI or anywhere and all the silly ways you get pulled out of stealth as Assassination and Outlaw) are actually ANCIENT by now because they’re from TWW beta. And now there’s MORE ridiculous bugs in the same vein which were introduced or exacerbated with 11.0.5 which were NOTICED AND REPORTED on the PTR weeks ago.
And that’s on top of being the only dps class that can actually run out of resources be it by screwing up or the fight taking too long, extreme performance issues in some content (Assassination is not exactly stellar in raids for example, it does well but holy f the amount of work, knowledge and experience it takes is ridiculous) and horrible, outdated talent nodes.

Please when you make your “the sky is falling” lists do mention that the level of care or effort being put into classes is absolutely ridiculously and most importantly aggravatingly uneven.

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Because it wasnt until all the negative feedback that they made a blue post IE at the last second. But my thread is more than just thr class tuning they hit the breaks on.

You and sendryn are the kind of people who hyper focus on one section of the entirety of my topic to start the arguement. If you want have an honest conversation then dont come into a forum thread with the “UHMMM ACKTUALLY YOURE WRONG BECAUSE THEY DID THIS AT THIS TIME SO UHMMM YEAH GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT”

Cool. Why did they leave it for the last minute and AFTER people got salty about the DK and Mage buffs?

You might be shocked to hear this, but I do in fact still play.
I’m speaking from my own experience, and in my experience it’s a dumpster fire.

He literally responding to every single point one by one, stop acting like you are being taken out of context.

You were wrong on all of it, move on.


He didnt, I wasnt, get off your high horse and for a fellow tauren thats one hell of a high horse to be on

We should try and move all the popcorn in Azeroth to the fire and see how far it spreads as it pops. Let’s also make a small pond of butter for some of the pop corn to spill into. But not all of it. That butter is nasty.

Your posts don’t even make sense.
It’s not a “high horse” when someone just shows you that you were wrong.

It’s way more embarrassing when someone pretends they were right than just admitting they were ignorant.


If Microsoft wanted it dead they wouldn’t be wasting money and resources trying to make people quit, they’d just announce a closing date and move on.

No one is going “man. I hate that we are earning money “

Would never happen. If wow dies, so does their mmo. The amount of issues they have won’t magically vanish because “Wow 2”

I doubt that, since you came here to agree with someone that’s blatantly lying.


Nope. I’m going to quote what’s relevant to keep it organized and easy to understand.

So let’s go through your OP.

I have no information on a “ton of class talent capstones not working.” I have seen no reports of this. I’ve seen a few bugs with Shaman Ascendance reported.

And you were told how your Paladin talent actually works, which is not how you think it works. :point_down:

Next point…

It is listed on Wowhead. It is showing for everyone I know that doesn’t already have it. :point_down:

This was addressed yesterday before the servers even came back up by Blizzard in the blue post I’ve quoted twice now.

This is not false advertising. This is what we knew weeks ago when Blizzard put out their news articles on this very website. And it’s not that dramatic.


High Kodo at best. Tauren would destroy a super tall horse. I prefer my mega-pony. it clops so disturbingly.

Assassination is doing just fine right now, warlock is in a very VERY rough shape compared to them and lets be real rogue is a dumb class anyway and thats not even incorporating its pvp 1 shot potential.

My personal bias against rogue aside its doing just fine, but to say rogue needs more help than warlock right now is disingenuous

You being wrong isn’t a conspiracy mate