The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

maybe a sign battle tags are coming or something thats gonna be involved in the area where names currently display?

Quite interesting, also sad the emojis arent animated on your end :sob:

oh no they are!

it was a screenshot just to show how names are displaying rn for some iPhone users -

so it captured them mid animation lol

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No telling, but they’ve been leaving the slot below our race/class vacant since the new forums began.

Meanwhile they’ve been shuffling everything else to squeeze into the rest of the mobile space to the right.

OHHHH okay
Glad they’re animated for other people haha

I would LOVE more game related forum emojis! The DF one are fantastic and I see them used a lot.

:dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_tea:


More emojis would be neat.

As would B-Tags

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Has anybody else noticed the bizzare changes of somebody’s profile pic strolling with you until their comment is gone? And how the blue icons when you right click on your notifications are white now?

Or is it just me? :dracthyr_a1:


I’m on my computer and when I scroll down the avatars follows a bit. :rofl:


starts playing Somebody’s Watching Me


Yes. I get that too on Firefox/PC.

Icon changes? I have blue dots on my notifications list. I might not be up to date though.


Well icon color changes. :point_down:


We hates it precious, the changes!

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Ah… Yeah those are white now that you mention it.

And now I know what changed and looked funny! I was trying to figure out why the post text was too high.

Our titles are gone for those few of us with them. Someone mentioned it in the CS lounge thread and I was just skimming there.


Won’t that be consider a form of harassment? There’s a reason why someone has put someone on ignore and circumventing it means you dont respect the person’s decision to put you on ignore

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I love your gif’s!


and a steamroller emoji!

Hoping for notification color change too, red for you’re in trouble and green for everything else. Every time I see a green notification when I bookmark, I think I’m in trouble.


Oh yea, that gets me too lol.


No. It is not. Not unless the words used to reply to someone on the forum break the rules in such a way they constitute harassment.

The forums are not a private chat. They are a public (ish) board. We don’t get to tell people who can reply to us, period. You can control what you see, but not what someone posts on the boards. They can quote you, reply to you, etc. on as many chars as they want, provided they are not insulting/belittling/picking fights or trolling/etc.

Nobody has to respect your decision to Ignore them here. That is one of the big reasons a Battletag Ignore is wanted. So someone can actually IGNORE a whole account and control what content they see from someone.


On the forums, no. As long as what the person is saying on the new alt circumventing the ignore isn’t something that would qualify as harassment coming from anyone else, it’s not fundamentally harassment just because they switched to a new character.

There was someone who posted to the CS forums a while ago who was saying that someone was following them around to different messages, liking their posts and responding to them even after they were told to stop. The Blues were quite clear - anyone can respond to any post as long as they’re following the forum rules and not being insulting, using bad language, spamming, or other specifically disallowed things, even if they’ve swapped alts to get around a forum ignore.

I imagine that it’s one of those things that someone would have to really break to have it change, like the T-squad posts finally getting stepped on because it was so pervasive and causing so many problems for so long that they may have shifted their internal policies to use a little more common sense when sussing out the intent of a post instead of having to take it at face value like each one is an island unconnected from any other behaviors.

Sockpuppeting, though, switching alts to agree with yourself, is specifically disallowed. It’s all kind of a mishmash of rules and guidelines that were probably formed reactively with time.


So, if the direction is Btag, how much of an advance notification do they give?