The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

I’m waiting for some one to go now that the replies are showing up white they are now racist.

You know some clown is going to use that one.

And please no ideas people in here.

Note : I mean reply and like notifications

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I dont think they would. If I remember correctly they never gave us an notification when they changed the forum format from before

I would have no idea. I won’t find out until you find out IF we find out anything.

I would assume we get some sort of advance notice like we did for forum migration. Hopefully also a free Btag change for anyone who does not have one left. That way people can select a name they are comfy with showing, and that does not break the forum rules.

This all assumes we even get a single ID/Battletag/something.

We don’t know that we will. We only know the Blues are well aware of the issues and would also like things to improve. What steps and what timeline is unknown.

We got a sticky notice at least a week before. They also told us to archive/copy any threads or post that we would not want to lose. That the old forums would be archived for a time, then removed.

What they did not warn of was when the read-only archives were removed which was over a year after the 2018 forum migration to Discourse.


Sit in the corner for that one, Weid. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

It was doing that for me earlier, but now it’s super inconsistent. Yours was scrolling, but Pharazon below you wasn’t, so… honestly, idk anymore.

I hope that isn’t a new feature forever, though, because yeah, makes me a bit uncomfy too.

Same. I can’t live without emojis, and the DF ones are really cute to boot.


Hi there, random poster here.

Something new has happened to this forum, can I ask what’s actually happening?

No, it really isn’t. Neither the forum software, nor forum rules prevent a person from doing it currently. Your only recourse is to ignore the new posting toon even if they choose to do it another 100+ times.

I know that can be seen as a bit of hyperbole, but it is possible today if someone were so inclined. Though I have never seen anyone spend the time to actually do it (“T” had around 20ish), I can only hope that the moderators would step in at some point.

I do too! I always get excited to see her new creations. :slightly_smiling_face:


Again, it would depend on context and the clues. If they (meaning you) made a 55 classic toon and named it the same as 3 other characters and posted within 1 second of each other on the same post, and said “which one is the real me”, and didn’t hide their achievements. Again, yes that is obvious.

I mean you can bury your head in the sand and ignore fact, doesn’t mean it is true. There are obvious indicators someone is ignoring you. You can continue to deny this, but it doesn’t make it less true.

Oh my, you are a special little snowflake aren’t you? You asked me “which part” in response to this:

I said “Harassment and Defamatory” because that is the name of the section (or “part”) of the CoC I believed covered circumventing an ignore, and said the decision would be up to the mods.

I did not say Defamation had anything to do with the ignore function, and I never said that quoting a post was harassment. Talk about moving the goalposts rofl.

Actually, sorry again, that was you:

See, you brought up ignore - I responded, then tried to redirect it back to impersonation.

I mean how can you argue with someone who either completely denies fact, or doesn’t have the reading comprehension to understand a simple set of rules? It is like arguing with a kindergartner. Since you seem to be arguing in bad faith, I am just going to stop replying to you.

If I can prove a pattern of INTENT to harass, it doesn’t matter what “words” are used. Please pay attention. I really hate repeating myself.

yeah i saw this… it seems kind of pointless to come to a forum, and behave that way.

oh… so it was that person?
i noticed someone had posted a thread from a previously unseen character, with the exact same M.O.
using the same buzzwords etc.

omg that murloc is EVERYTHING!!! :heart_eyes:


No you’re not a random Lilithia


when someone impersonates someone, there usually isn’t any context or clues.
it’s just a person posting.
people shouldn’t have to jump through hoops, or play detective, to find out if the person they’re responding to is pretending to be someone they’re not.

Resorting to name-calling because you were mistaken, is not appropriate behaviour.

but …it doesn’t fall under that category, because it’s only a rule in-game.

There are two bullet points under that category.
Defamation is one of them.
Neither of the bullet points apply.
At all.
In any way.
No goal posts were moved.

it went back further than what you quoted.
my response was an attempt to show you how it can be confusing when there are multiple posters with the same name.
even if the intention of the poster/s is NOT to troll or harass.
you continue to play coy, and act like it’s not a problem.
…just like you continue to pretend it’s against the rules for people to post from various characters.

i have no issue with reading comprehension.
you’re trying to invent your own set of rules.
if it was a rule which existed, it would be spelled out very clearly.


At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the next excuse for the Anti-Taggers or if try to bring racism in this somehow.


That didn’t take long


I’m really starting to not trust anyone with double digit or lower post counts in this thread .

So I thought I’d do a little checking


Well putting her on ignore straight away


Thanks for alerting us to the alt of that particular poster I did what many of you have already done oh and bumpity for battle tags.


Just Tuesday before bed musings.

Honestley don’t know if it isa Tal because the name didn’t come up in the check pvp search but Lilithia’s name did

based on the “feelings” of Yzermañ, everyone who has Lils other toon/s on ignore, should be able to report for circumventing the ignore.

luckily, that isn’t an actual rule.