[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

Two weeks ago, we were under a blizzard warning. A few days later, temps were in the 80s and 90s. Yesterday, we got two more inches of snow.

Finally reached one of my goals I had been hoping to get for quite some time now! Just broke 36,000 Achievement Points on my main!

Getting to the 37,000 Achievement Point mark should be fun! Just 569 achieves left in the game for me to earn at this time! :smiley:


Grats! I’m working on breaking 30k … so I still have quite a ways to go to catch up with you.


I’ve been doing the Dragonriding achievements tonight. Now that I’m getting better at flying with this new system. It’s really pushing my score up tonight. Already nearing 36,100 Points in-game!

Edit: Just earned my 4,000th achievement in-game!


Taxes are done and sent off. I even got them done before deadline day this year (yesterday counts!). Between Federal and State taxes, I’m down $15 - I owed $37 to the Feds, but got $22 back from state. I like it as far as the paycheck throughout the year is concerned, but it sure would be nice to get a little chunk of money in the spring.

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Eeek! The forums have been updated! The avatars now follow as you scroll down a long post, and the Blues’ titles/positions are missing.


It looks kinda… Spooky and weird.

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Yeah, they keep fixing something that wasn’t broken…and end up breaking it some.


At least I got a shirt! :+1:


Oh boy has leveling this girl been a slog… My Lock and Hunter had no issues, they were even soloing elites at level, but not this girl… Nope. She was dying all the time until this past level, not sure if it was a new talent or gear, or what… but she is finally feeling like a normal character that doesn’t die every other mob.

And she actually feels fun too. (not updated yet but she is 67).


I had the most fun leveling my lock and hunter, but my DH seemed to be the best once it had good enough gear.


I took all of the leech abilities I could and all of the cooldowns to Eye Beam, so that I could get the most out of Meta leech. It helped a lot!


Yeah it is like a switch. She has a full Primal Set waiting for her when she reaches 70 (my Lock only seems to get Primal drops for leather, mail, and plate >.<), my Hunter got a full Primal Set from my Lock as well… My Lock only has like two pieces and the neck.

Found a build like that and I think it is one of the things that helped a lot. Plus a couple of the talents you get towards the end of the tree help quite a bit. Like Hunt and Essence Break.


Anyone else feel that the hacked thread gone on long enough.

Can’t seem to fix my constant disconnection issues. I may have to reinstall the game and my addons. Can’t figure out which one is causing it, but it’s driving me insane.

Im not sure if im ready for the season sinale of mandalorian.

My sub to wow ends soon. I’m not quitting, but taking a break. Getting ready for a move in June and taking care of dad, as he is going through active renal failure. So my time is gonna be rather limited, along with catching up with a few behind projects.


Not sure what a “sinale” is… :stuck_out_tongue:

If what I’m hearing is true, I’m not sure I’m ready for the next episode of Ted Lasso. Hearing it’s the best episode in the entire series so far.

I went back and watched The Mentalist. It was great up until a point. Found out they got new writers and then they screwed up the entire Red John storyline and ended it horribly. Very disappointed. It was fantastic up until they messed up Red John.

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I have not even watched the first episode of Season 3 yet. I should huh?

I movws Monday. Im exhausted. Still so much ro set up. And clean up.

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