The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

This is the only reason I really actively say anything about putting people on Ignore, tbh. And that’s only if they have been in any kind of discussion with me prior, usually - or are an alt trying to bypass an Ignore I already put their first character on.

Hey now I’m not that b*tchy! Most of the time. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

(I know you aren’t talking about me, but I have often stated when I have people Ignored in this thread, so, couldn’t help to poke fun!)

Was there any surprise it’d happen? lol

As an aside, whatever is going on with the forums is bugging the heck out of me. Change so suddenly makes my brain go into Reject mode, and everything feels weird now. :dracthyr_a1: I only hope whatever they’re doing, its something relating to Btags!

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Yeah, noticing little changes one by one on the forums. And I know it has nothing to do with in-game, but super laggy in game. I was gonna go kill some rares in the Reach but it’s ridiculously laggy. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. I’m gonna try to take a short nap. We will see how that goes. I have been hitting the snooze on my alarm for naps and then staying up all night lately @_@


Yes, I would love ignore account wide.


And more WarCraft emojis too, please CM’s.


Sorry for delays. Had taxes to do.

Going around your ignore - in and of itself - is not considered harassment! That is the whole point I am trying to make. Not unless the words themselves are actually harassing/against the Code of Conduct.

No. Not on the forums. I can tell you that I put you on Ignore on Laeuko and not to reply to me anymore. You are free to switch to another char and reply. That is not against the rules. I do not have the right to tell you if you can post, who you can reply to, or where you can reply. Even if I have ignored you on a char you are still free to continue to post on that one, or others, including replying to me.

What would be against the rules is actually using profanity, slurs, insults, flamebait, personal directed attacks, etc. If you use another char to do those things then those things continue to be against the code of conduct.


Are BattleTags happening today? It feels like it.

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We don’t know what CM’s have in mind, but it seems to be an update every month.

fingers crossed for more WarCraft emojis :crossed_fingers:

And thank you for the clarification. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah came here to check in bcz I saw the forum vibe feel like a change is coming so hope it’s the beginning of a forum overhaul of some sorts.


Maybe it’s the start of something BeauTagful


They’re definitely messing around with the forum software again today. The worst part is that anyone in a guild has their name cut down to 2-5 letters on my phone.

What phone do you have? That part is still working on mine

Iphone 13 using the stock Safari app.

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yeah on laptop when I scroll people pics stay w the scroll even as I move past the post lol … kinda makes me nauseous personally

Laeuko's steamrollerdancing murloc

Well, non-battletag-related, with adjusting the size of the orc steamroller gif here, I’ve noticed that the forum no longer auto-adjusts the height to preserve the aspect ratio with images when you feed it a height x width parameter: it used to take the width and auto-set the height to preserve the aspect ratio and ignored what you put for height…now it just seems to cut off the image vertically if the height parameter is lower than the value that would match the correct aspect ratio or will cut off the sides if the height is higher than the value that would match the original images aspect ratio…I imagine a lot of my posts now look terrible because I didn’t always try to match the aspect ratio exactly when I made posts where I needed to scale the image… sigh


We need this one for certain threads

(the sussy emoji XD)


I have the 13 pro too and actually now I see it the safari version does add a “…” to people’s names

It’s the web version on desktops that looks weird to me bcz the pictures move as u scroll I can’t explain it but it’s really a … nauseating effect ugh

That’s what I was referring to. It started sometime today.

Which is interesting, since it’s not doing that on my 11

Yours shows as Cäpsl… for me. Some are down to just 2 letters.

Just using ur post as an example but it’s like this w anyone in a guild / what a couple of us are mentioning but

this is the “…” we’re talking about


They show as An… for me, but I don’t have the pro screen size.