The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

I honestly don’t see the negative. If people who are causing strife among the community feel they have no place and leave the community… how does things get worse?

I mean sure every dollar is a dollar towards development (or 50 cents or whatever). But its not like this is tens of thousands of people. My guess would be in the hundreds, at best. Those people “leaving the game” over btags on forums would be irrelevant in the finanical bigger picture. Any suggestion that these alt hoppers leaving would sink the company is the most preposterous thing yet. Easily outstripping “i dont want to be murdered”

The problem is… people are being allowed to troll and support their stuff with endless alts, making it APPEAR “oh wow a lot of people are saying this” when it’s not true.

On the other side “if we don’t let them troll they’ll feel hopeless and leave the game.”

It’s entirely possible “worgen tails” is not happening because Blizzard knows that whole gigantic thread has been completely conducted by one person this whole entire time…

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thats why if it was up to me (its not, thankfully cause i dont want it to be) alt hopping would be over. 1 human would have 1 master account which can support any number of licenses. Multiple accounts would be punishable/detectable somehow. All these licenses are bound to the master accounts btag, as selected by the user with the randomly assigned hashtag numbers. That would be the users forward facing element when using forums and communicating to blizzard. Though Blizzard would have the internal means to link the btag to the owners account, as they can do now already.

Even if blizzard did implement a common ID for the forums (aka btag) i do doubt they would tie it to all of a users accounts so there still would be those few who actually do cash in and buy alt accounts to forum post on. As whacked out as that sounds

as for worgens, no waggle for them

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Yes please 100% let’s go.

The only problem is that these grifters pay for multiple accounts which would equal multiple battle tags and a result these trolls would gain more legitimacy due to others thinking it’s two different people because of two different battle IDs.

["The World of Warcraft forums have always allowed player to post using their characters, showing their class, realm, link to their achievements and experience, etc… When we were switching to a new forum system we wanted to retain that functionality, because that is how it has always worked. Unfortunately, the default functionality of the system did not allow for it, so some tweaks needed to be made to allow it for WoW.

It works, but there are limitations in it that has been less than stellar.

That has provided feedback both internally and externally, which will eventually see some changes to help resolve those issues. It is not a simple task though, it takes time."](

We’re aware that there’s been no official announcement of intent to update the WoW forums to use Btags for posting. That’s literally why we’re rabbling. A Blizzard employee has said many times that they want to change the forums in the future to add the things that we want, it’s just a matter of time.

Squeaky wheels get grease. We’re reiterating that we want it to happen, and keeping the issue in the forefront of their minds so that they assign the task the appropriate priority. Maybe this thread will plonk along for a couple more years, or maybe as people get more and more fed up with the trolling they’ll help us get momentum on the issue by adding their voices requesting urgency.


So you’re spamming this topic.


i mean you are too, only your are literally just spamming with some of your posts, given how little substance they offer the discussion as a whole. See this post i just replied too for an example.

also, remember this? you couldnt even be bothered reading 21 words, your net worth in this thread is demonstrating why a common ID is the best way forward. Keep shooting yourself in the feet, are you a millipede by the way? you seem to have alot of feet…


Just pointing out the hypocrisy of trolling to get rid of trolling.

Seems somewhat self-defeating considering the conduct of posters throughout this topic and others.

It won’t make Btags come any faster.

by not reading the extra few words after that where i clearly said

So please, show me the “hypocrisy” of you cherry picking what you want to try and paint me in a negative light where the following 10 words literaly spelled out the very rights you have on this forum. There goes another foot… you’ll have none left soon


Don’t feed the troll.


im making mr millipede shoot his own feet off. I want to see the transition to… worm

It opens up the gateway for them to start their reporting nonsense, in an effort to get the thread shut down.

Report, ignore, move on.


The forums aren’t a revenue stream for Blizzard. They’re not trying to monetize them.

So your "bLiZzArD dOeSn’T wAnT tO lOsE mOnEy’ hypothesis holds no water.

The fact is the forums are provided at no additional charge, and there many expenses associated with them: forum staff, hardware, infrastructure, licensing fees, etc. Those expenses are not being recouped.


That was debated earlier I believe.

i’m not breaking any rules, if he wants to flood what forum team there is with false flags, thats on him. Even better if he doesnt gain attention and starts utilising alts.

And besides, him being “engaged” shows this thread has traction, and is building post numbers. It might very well earn an extension soon, further boosting a likelihood of visibility among those who hold sway.

I know you’re not bashing someone for resubbing when you did nothing but whine about WoW being so bad and dead for years and finally left for a very short time to ultimately come back and complain again?



You’re getting mighty close there with some of your response.

Look, all I am trying to do is prevent what happened to the last thread, aye? They will engage with this thread regardless of whether you interact with them or not - we have seen it before.

Don’t let this thread die too, just because you want to earn internet points. It’s not worth it. :slight_smile:


I believe the spirit in the gaming world for WoW to finally pass on is still strong to this day.

Hardly an uncommon belief.

It’s contained to one thread (or it would be, if people would stop going to the Bad Place thread), and is no more obtrusive than the High Elf and Give Worgen a Toggle thread, both of which happened eventually (if you count High Elf customizations for Void Elves).

And you’re being so kind as to give us consistent new topics to discuss when we have wild new theories to straighten out instead of needing to just bump the thread with daily support! :dracthyr_heart: