The world is making me sad

Trust me, I completely understand.

Been watching the news a bit. Was surprised to see that the Taliban eradicated the coronavirus. What a strange turn of events.


Just about every statistic on the planet has improved outside of climate change. People are living longer, overall health has improved, poverty is lower, and we are in the longest pattern of sustained peace among major nations that the world has ever seen.

The biggest issue that the world faces is climate change, that’s about it. Unfortunately that one is so major that it could completely wipe away every other positive statistic that the planet currently holds.


People don’t even know what goes on at their place of work.

Be careful… this was actually somewhat coherent. I think you may be starting to sober up. :wink:

I have a tinfoil hat theory that human beings are not meant to take in so much negative news/information all the time.

Like 300 years ago you didn’t know what was going on outside your town/village except for the few big stories that travelled far enough to reach you…

But now we see the news from all around the world in seconds, and I think seeing/knowing all the negative things going on, even tho they do not involve you, can still have a big (and negative) impact on your mental health.

I also think it’s worse to know about something bad that’s happening and not be able to help than it is to deal with a bad situation you can actually change.

Sometimes it’s good to just step away and turn off the news so all that negativity can’t get to you

The other day, I said “f-- everything” at work and used my lunch break to go get a poke bowl and eat it in the park.

Last night, wife wanted Hibachi for dinner, so i picked a place thats further away so I get a chance to speed on the highway a little and get a slight kick out of it.


0 “face masks” and 0 “social distancing” in any of the Taliban photoshoots, no “vaccines” either :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Was refreshing to watch, maybe they’re giving us a hint.

I usually like to play wow to forget about my worries.

But as my country’s currency is worthless, I don’t even know if I’ll keep playing.

After the wonderful price increase at the beginning of the year it was difficult.

But all for the greater good.

Bobby Kotick needs a new yacht.

We will increase the price by 30% or 500% as it was in the neighboring country.


diagnosed by whom?

that was healthy when? hint: never

it’s cool, you’re doing just great making threads with those kinda doomsdays instead of doing what you can do, right? right!

Sadly this won’t bget better. It will get only worse from this point on.
First glaciers are already gone.

Only watch the news if you want to worry about stuff you can’t change and get mad/depressed, same thing about politics, religion, every other crappy thing in this world.

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In the last 100 years the world has seen a world war, the cold war, numerous other wars and tragedies/illnesses, and a rapid population increase with less and less food and water. But we’ve also seen rapid technological advances that bring the world together more than ever. Civilian space agencies accomplishing what might have been considered the impossible. New medicines, sustainable food sources, protection of valuable biological diversity that would take millions of years to regain, and more are also good things happening in the world.

We actually have more food than ever. It’s not a problem of supply, it’s a problem of getting that supply to areas that need it more than others.

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Yeah I am basing my information off an older intelligence analysis of coming years and human migration due to overpopulation causing said shortages. That also in turn could lead to conflict as well apparently, though that opinion may have changed somewhat.

When it comes to big things OP as individuals we are powerless, it is best to accept this and focus on self improvement and the things we can do. When we allow ourselves to dwell on the things we cannot change it can create a feeling of overwhelming defeat. Take your power back, and work on self and tune out the rest of the world the best you can.

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No wonder we are in such a bad place.
Reading the “just ignore all the problems” awnsers is terrible.

I’m with you.

I said for most people - and especially people that are posting on the forums of a PC video gamr