I usually think its my depression, but hot dang I can’t turn my head without seeing sad and frustrating news. I can’t bury my head in WoW anymore either. The world is literally on fire and idk if it will get better.
The world has always been on fire. We’re just hyper-informed about it now.
Seriously open an history book.
I think you should just turn that stuff off and work on yourself then.
You have to learn to not let things you have no control over affect you personally. Easier said than done but if you stress over issues you cannot influence it diverts energy from things you can influence.
our knowledge of history is filled with bias…
i refuse to become ignorant
It’s always been this way. Hasn’t always been that we’d get our faces shoved in it til it’s at least at our doorstep.
Turn off what passes for “news” and go about your day. Most problems work themselves out in time.
All these will, too.
It’s always had whacky things going on to put it lightly.
Too much news of any kind of the happenings in the world or what have you is never a good thing.
I’m depressed too. I’ve been in a lot of political threads today.
Well then let me inform you, the news will always be bad because good news doesn’t pique interests and get clicks. If you’re going to base your life around bad news then the rest of your life is going to be rough, best of luck.
What exactly is the “good news” then?
very true thank you
Last week, crazies burned down a police station in Minneapolis. This week, crazies have reclaimed Afghanistan.
H. P. Lovecraft, racist though he could be, did raise a central point in his fiction that there was such a thing as knowledge it was objectively better not to know, because to know it you would go insane. Probably pulling this out of my butt but I swear I heard climate scientists have above average rates of depression, go figure.
I used to be a lot more engaged with the world, as a result also far more sad and angry. It seems like you’re doing the right thing but what you have to realize is that you feeling bad does nothing to stop those problems, and likely very little within your realistic scope of power is.
At some point, you have to give up the inner struggle a little, the world isn’t perfect, or it’s headed for an end, depending on who you talk to. The odds it’ll just so happen on any of our watches though, slim to none. But maybe I digress.
Well sadly, trolls and immature, unemployed people forced Blizzard to put all this real world non sense into game. So you can thanks them for that… Just turn off trade chat I would say.
Or you could try playing single player games, survival games. The Forest, Rust, SKYRIM, 7 days to die is zombie/surivval game, Conan Exiles etc. Those are safe from trolls and no one is listening to them getting offended by spit emote.
Oh and minecraft is very relaxing, its just smooth. And well yes, about the world we can’t do much. I would say live in country, far from cities maybe. Its relaxing to be there and most importantly folks don’t care about politics and all that non sense there, they just like to have easy life in small towns. People are just people there.
Reading medieval books is also good, or any old literature really. It is free of modern non sense. History is not filled with anything. It is way it is and we can’t judge it. We are far below those powerful people who marked their name in pages of history.
Stop watching the news, they usually make things seem worse than they actually are. Some times they are but it’s better off without knowing about them all. Ignorance is a bliss. Do the things you enjoy in life and don’t pay attention to the rest.
Read books.
It’s what the media wants. Bad news sells. Division sells and keeps the simple minded consuming as much media bad news as they possibly can. Just worry about yourself and make your own life as good as you possibly can and you will be fine. Ignore major media and prosper.
Be glad we arnt living through another World War, those times were god awful
The world hasn’t gotten more bad, it’s just the news reporting all the bad stuff much more. In reality 99% of this stuff doesnt affect most people lives, and simply not watching the news is a huge mental boost
Honestly, it sort of seems like depression has gotten a lot worse for most if not all of us lately. Im not sure why, but I’ve noticed it, whether it be n the news, on social media, in my city and hometown, my own family, even myself. everything just seems dimmer.
maybe it’s the pandemic… idk. It sucks. I hope whatevers going on with the world and us stops soon. We all really need a win.