The War Within Pathfinding

I mean let’s not be naive to think there are no people with real life health issues that is playing the game currently.

Pretty sure it’s “truth be told”

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Ohh I am sure there are some, but many have jumped on using that as the excuse to end all excuses as a way to push an agenda about flight. Because if you say anything against them, they will jump you with that you have no empathy for a disabled person with medical issues. How ever many of them go so over board about how bad off they are, its easy to see they wouldn’t be able to play any part of the game really period. So you know they are liars.

Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think any form of flying should be available on day one. But there should be a pathfinder either. Just unlock all forms of flying after the 3rd of 4th reset

Do you feel personally attacked regarding my ire for a method of flying in a video game?

Did you design it? lol

But all your mounts are not forgetting how to fly. All your mount outside of a extremely very few are now all able to Dynamic Fly from the get go.

Here’s how you tell if it’s Grindy to you as individual player.

Forget there’s flying at all just answer honestly based on your usual new expansion first play through experience.

  1. On your first play through of a new expansion do you usually complete the main story?

  2. On your first play through of a new expansion do your usually get the exploration achievement for each zone?

If you answered yes for both - it’s not grindy it’s your normal play experience.

If no for at least one - ok I can see you not liking it.

If no for both - ok it’s Grindy for you but seriously how the heck do you play? Though it’s a bit of a meme , totally honest this time to say it’s literally playing the game.

I think your standard for what a grind is is very low. Like through the floor low.

No I don’t. Do you feel personally attacked by people enjoying and preferring regular flying?


Between the two of us, only one of us baffled and clearly taking umbrage with the others’ behavior. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry if what I said about sky swimming hurt your feelings.

It is grindy.

BlizZard wants to punish players that play differently. WoW is an alt driven game look at warbands which is their exciting new feature for TWW. Even BlizZard admits it is an alt driven game that is WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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If you think, completing the main quest chain on ONE TOON, explore all the zones and reach max level on that SAME TOON is grindy, How have you ever lasted this long in WoW is beyond me. Because that is not grindy at all.

But have a wonderful weekend.

Everyone sticking up for holding normal flight up would be whining the biggest if dragonflying had the same restriction.


BlizZArd is selling TWW as alt friendly aka warbands but putting in features that punish players that play alts like patchfinder nonsense.

They did the same mistake in BFA and that hurt their bottom line bad which is why they kind of switched gears in systemlands and DF to an extent.

WoW is an alt driven game and to punish players that play alts is never a good move.

Covenant shenanigans proved this and punishing players that play alts to unlock a mode of travel is very malicious IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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No, people would not be doing that at all.
They would do what we’ve always done since PF’s inception.


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The toggle is already a pain point. They put Dr behind a patchfinder and it will be tsunami of tears.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’s the same storylines you have to do in order to unlock world quests.

Based on beta the feedback on the toggle alone is not about adapting but asking for the removal of the toggle.

BlizZard creating friction where it is not necessary is a big fat L for them.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Its easy killing mobs has all ways been faster then doing quests . I got the achiv for doing 500 quests from doing daily’s or weekly’s not lvling quests . I find other things to do in game I hate questing . Well I lasted tell the end of dragon flight not going to buy TWW , its not only pathfinder its Sharding/phasing path finder was last straw more or less .

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So, doing leveling quest to you, is GRINDY, yet killing millions of mobs until you are max level is not GRINDY, you do know just how completely dumb that sounds, right? The simple fact that killing endless mobs of any kind over and over and over again is the pure strait example of what a grind is in any video game. If you are doing that for XP, Rep or a peace of jerky, it is grinding.

Either way I hope you have a wonderful weekend with this enlightenment.

This I agree with. That 5 second cast time is nutso.

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