The War Within Pathfinding

Ok. I must always attract the trolls who just wanna fite all day. Plz ignore me and I will you cuz I still don’t get how I aggroed you. I chose forever. chose whatever you’d like

Doesn’t matter if its less tedious the others ones…its still bull…its dang demeaning too those of us that have issues with Dragon flying…

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You tell’em Lucrend…thank you

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You don’t need pathfinder to fly. You will need it if you want to use the old sky swimming introduced in TBC.

And what if I don’t want to do it quickly but spend time exploring my way…this game has gotten so damn down in the dumps anymore…its rush rush rush to the top…use to be you could have fun exploring and hunting things…now its rush rush rush or we won’t let you have your toys.

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The main story quests go by pretty fast. With a majority of the time spent on side quests.
I would not call completing the main story quests in tww grindy, it’s pretty easy to achieve. If you’re wanting to get through them as fast as possible, I would recommend focusing on the main story and either going back or playing the side stuff on an alt.

Btw unless something changes than you may need to complete a few extra things like dungeons because the main story quest doesn’t level you completely through it.

Seems like some of the quests are missing on Beta. So there will probably be more added on Live. Along with a few more side quests.

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Don’t rush yourself, pathfinder isn’t required to fly. And if you want to go slow, you can cruise nice and slow while Skyriding if you just resist pressing the 1 key to boost.

I usually switch between ground mount and dragonriding mount currently. Ground mount when my hands start swelling and cramping.

Let them razz me all they want…I am a old US Navy Wave from years back …as we say **** rolls off our backs…I cuss worse then most male Sailors too…and thank you for the support.


It’s weird to me, all my mounts forget how to fly when I travel to a new island.


Wrong I need to do the silly pathfinder so I can use a flying that doesn’t cripple me on a daily base as I try to mine and or herb so I can make gold to take care of my stable of Battle pets and mounts…see I can’t raid anymore or PVP…I mean normal Raid or up not raid finder…and last time I was PVPing it put me in the hospital with a Stroke…


:joy: :rofl:
I remember early on playing WoW I said this same thing…my mount goes full stupid and forgets how to fly every time I get into new content lol.
I guess at least with DRing now…skyriding, whatever…SOME of that hokey stuff is diminished to some degree…though obviously with old flight the mount brain damage seems to remain every new expac, lol

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You do know you don’t have to use it right? Why are you so opposed to regular flying? It’s like you just trolling.


You don’t have to rush, not one part of TWW requires you to use Dragonriding, if you want to walk the whole thing on foot you can, if you desire that slow of a pace. The whole fact that right now Dragonriding and TBC flight are what 200% or what ever speed difference, one can not really use speed or lack of as just an excuse that it make it more or less engaging to use one over the other as the main hit point in an argument anymore.

How ever anyone who has ever played the AH, and been a gathering profession knows the whole game of those who gather early and stuffs the AH, scores gold. Those who come late to the party only gets the scraps once the AH is over stocked and the prices drop like a ton of bricks.

We also all know that Druids always had a huge advantage as herbers when it came to speed at picking them and moving onto the next node. That has been a no brainer forever. Players and even the Devs are not born yesterday, they know these things, they take this into account when people no matter where they voice their opinions on changes or option happen.

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I wasn’t complaining, or implying that I was being forced to use it. Huh?

You’re in every single flying thread insulting and bashing on regular flying. You going to deny it?

What’s your big problem with it? Honestly.


For the last time! The war within zones doesn’t force you to use skyriding when EVERYTHING is ground mount friendly.

They just admitted in another thread that the truth is they just want to be able to mine and herb more efficiently using flight mode such as in druid form using TBC style so they can get that maximum edge at early playing the AH for gold income.

The truth behold, its not about disabilities, or speed of travel, motion sickness or any other garbage that I bet half of them fib about, its all about them farming nods at a efficient speed to jack stuff into the AH as early on in the xpac as they can before it get flooded with everyone else so they can make as much gold as possible early on.

As long as you are forced to do quest lines its grindy . I got like 13 alts non did quests to lvl .

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