The War Within Pathfinding

Great post and you are a valued member of the community. Let me add that BlizZard does not respect players playing differently and it has become a bigger issues as time has gone on.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You donā€™t have to do side quests.
You donā€™t have to do rep stuff.
You donā€™t have to time gate it.
You donā€™t have to walk on the ground until you get it.

You do have to do the main campaign quest until the end.
You do have to dragonfly around and discover all the places in each zone.

I got it at lvl 78.
What a relief it was because I donā€™t really like dragonflying.

Yes you do have to use a ground mount if you canā€™t stomach Dragon Flying at allā€¦

You donā€™t have to use dragon Flying to explore all the zones you can do that with a ground mount just takes way too long.

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Iā€™m confused. I was stuck saying I had to hit level 80. But I didnā€™t rush through the main story so maybe that was why.

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I did only the campaign quests after I realized I didnā€™t have to do reps too.
So, I did maybe, 6 side quests at the start. When I finished the campaign line, I was lvl 78. Flew around and explored the areas that I didnā€™t discover during questing and bam! I had pathfinder done. I did do some follower dungeons in there, the first 3 unlocked. So that helped with xp, too.

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Yes this is precisely what is happening in real time.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I did this pathfinder just discover all the land and areas
And do the current storylines all zones
Donā€™t have to be lvl 80 and not wait till the end of the expansion is nice

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