The War Within Pathfinding

That may have been the case when we ALLhad to do PF…I dont think that works anymore given 99% of us will be dragonriding on day 1 again.
I think its Ions way of making old flight so irritating and unfair to some, that theyre hoping to keep working to removing altogether still…personally


“Im putting my foot down… I will give them 3 or 4 more expansions and if pathfinding isnt gone , then I am!!! The game hasnt been good since WOTLK anyways”

~ Average GDer.



its confusing why PF is still a thing at all.
Ion and crew proved with flying colors in DF that they ARE actually creative and CAN make content designed for flight.
and then they had to ruin the good hearted sentiment with PF…again…that only affects lesser abled players.


no where near grindy , peole just want to whinge

and here is a perfect example --whinging about 5 seconds . They are not the only ones , seen a few others whinge about this --everyone sing " I want it all . I want it all , and I WANT IT NOW " .


I seriously cannot think of one logical reason pathfinder should still be a thing.


yeah…just in here to insult lesser abled players…youre ignored.

pathfinder in tww is just like DF.

while I think it should be availeble right off the bat since skyriding is available.

but pathfinder is now reasonable: do the main story line in full (which you were going to do anyway most likely) on your way to max level, and then just take your skyriding mount and fly everywhere you havent yet revealed on your map.

gone as the insanity of jumping off cliffs into trees to find treasures and get reputations, etc.

Stop using us as a token please and thank you.


just flag and ignore the ones trolling in here folks.
just here for attention and to cause disruption

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This – please dont think all disabled players think and whinge like that --we dont , we accept that not everything is going to be easy for us and realise things shouldnt be handed to us just because we are disabled


I wouldnt personally call it reasonable unless we ALL have to do it to get either mode of flight.
Feels more unreasonable given who it specifically affects.
If everyone had to do it the same, then we could use either flight types, sure.

But literally targetting players having trouble with DRing over motion sickness, vision or motor skill problems is, Im sorry, just disgusting.
More disgusting…equally so, I suppose…is trolling players coming into these threads to get an ego boost by attacking, insulting and demeaning players who are literally having physical issues with DRing, then being told they have to do work the rest of us dont have to do to get flight.

personally, I wonder about the mindset that thinks this is all ok, quite honestly, given it doesnt HAVE to even be a thing.
Its not like driving a car where if lesser abled people do it they HAVE to do things that arent easy.
In this case we already have something that works for them better…and Ion is again playing mind games with them over his own hatred of flight.

disgusting behavior.


It’s fairly straight forward. Complete all zone campaigns, Reach level 80, Explore the zones. Done. And having played on the beta the zones are pretty ground mount friendly for the most part.

It’s every expansion. Idk why you all pretend you don’t know why flying isn’t right off the bat. It is so much easier to quest and gather with reg flying. You can skip mobs grab objectives half land to try and gather get aggro just fly up they deaggro and reposition. The 5s toggle had me concerned as a major annoyance but supposedly there are a bunch mounts that won’t be able to dragon fly so I’ll just drag one of those on my bar and hopefully that’ll negate that pointless aggravation


A family member plays who has CP, and he would never say some of the bs like what’s been posted in these threads.


Because some of the people who are screaming they are disabled to get their way with this subj on flying, is not disabled at all, they just think it sounds good to try to win their argument.

Even seen some admit all they do is gather from nodes and play the AH to make gold at the highest possible prices early on in the xpac’s release. This has far more to do with their true intentions about their arguments about flight styles than if their disabled or not.

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3 post alt. lol. makes sense.
have you ever played this game…like at all?
Because last I checked WE ALL got flight DAY ONE…HOUR ONE…in DF…EXCEPT the lesser abled players who had to wait a year to get flight they could handle.
So yeah…“right off the bat” lmao

I think I said it best when I said…


Disgusting. You deserved that ignore you got before.
It wasnt required for you to come in here attacking disabled players…but you CHOSE to do so anyway, clearly to boost your own bruised ego.


Nope not attacking Disabled people, stating that some people on these forums are strait up liars to try to get their way. And by the way stop with the stupid pretend act like you ignore anyone. It makes you look childish and even more like a troll.

Have a wonderful day.


Reg flying bro not Dragon ride. It was in the second sentence you didn’t quote. And it’s a 3 post acc but of course the amount of posts totally validates someones opinion. Wait it’s 4 posts now. Am I more validated. Before we had to wait for reg flying and didn’t have dr. I legit spent months unlocking flying in one expansion where you needed like exalted in everything. That was some bs grind forever grind. Imagine playing the victim to my mild post like go away. Did I accidently reply to you the 1st time or something. Like 3rd post not really sure why you aggroed

not even a good deflection son.
YOU pretty much running off at the mouth at them claiming its always been this way…and NO…it HASNT.
Until DF we ALL had to do PF to get flight since WoD.
IN DF we ALL got FLYING day one…hour one…EXCEPT the lesser abled players who had trouble with it and had to wait nearly a year just so THEY could fly.