The War Within™: Updated Character Screen and Character Services

hey blizz i know you guys have already fired the moron that managed to backdoor this new god awful character select screen into the game so good job. can we get a time table on when you’re gonna revert it though?


This is just a joke, right? Did they?

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Yes it’s a joke. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

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People have definitely been let go in the past for ideas that were poorly received by a huge amount of people. I can point to a few.

Not quite the facepalm moment you think it is.

I love the new login screen except for the UI Scaling issue. :person_gesturing_no:

I hate the favorites bar. I don’t have any favorites and it keeps re-expanding after I close it.


I love the favorites and the Campfire scene and I’m looking to collecting more scenes. For the people who don’t like it having the favorites state (open or collapsed) save should be an easy option to create. As for asking for the whole change to be reverted absolutely NOT.

it does save the last character you logged out on, so it would only take you to that solo character’s login screen at least.

It would be better than the hot mess we have right now.


I like what we have now. :person_gesturing_no:

The changes are probably one of those one-way database conversion processes that start capturing newly categorized activity critical to the account.

No do overs, no undos.

Hate. It. Jumbled mess!

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I mean was i just wish blizz made an option for people to choose if we want the new ui + the fave bar or revert back to the old ui + another option to add the fave bar etc.
I do like the fave bar dont get me wrong.

Finraziell im aware but i dont want to see all my chars in diff servs squeezed into the 1 bar.

I liked switching servers to view the chars i have on that server only.
I also like the fact where i can see my gold spread onto my alts,etc.
The ui of them sitting by the campfire is also fine.

Im just talking about the part where the old ui showed the server chars only while the new ui shows every server,chars you have thats the problem im talking about.

For me its just stressing me out, very overwhelming its a complete mess right now.

im logged into thrall - i only want to see my chars ive created / played on thrall
im logged onto lets say blackrock - i only want to see my chars ive created / played on blackrock

im not asking for much, just a less scrambled char ui


Unless something changed today, no, you cannot select any character from your account, only the ones on your active sub.

We need collapsible drop down lists by realm, and an option to sort characters. Not a hot unorganized clustered mess


thought came to mind, might be more trouble than it’s worth, and some people might freaking hate it:

Leave the favorites to 4…and let us bundle more characters in groups of 4?

I would like for them to make it so we can sort our favourite characters ourselves they have 4 new time runners as my favourites like what the! let me sort my characters out I have ASD and OCD I hate change and it’s hard enough to deal with a new expansion but to change something that wasn’t broken geeze they really need to see a shrink

you can sort them however you want.

you can drag and drop, or use the up/down arrows on the side of the menu

This is a big step backwards in terms of usability. I have characters grouped on different realms for a reason (well, a couple of reasons - not least being that it’s convenient), and now you throw them all together into one long list so I have to check each one individually to check their realm?

Can you at least add a Group By/Sort By Realm option?


how has this absolute travesty of a ui design not been updated already lmao.

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