The War Within™: Updated Character Screen and Character Services

The Gear Update feature doesn’t work, even after switching to the realm the character is on. I agree that the addons issue is particularly annoying, since so many haven’t been updated yet, and have to be disabled.

Requitus, Item Restoration was disabled last week. I’m not sure whether they have re-enabled it yet.

This please we need sorting options. Everything is all over the place :frowning:

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I am too autistic for this. I can’t. I just…can’t.

Please. Please change it back. Let me change it back. I can’t do this.


The warband screen itself is awesome.

The character list is whatever the opposite of awesome is. I have a Horde server, Alliance server, a couple social toons, and my youngest daughter plays on the same account, with her own server. She couldn’t even find her characters and I had to show her.


I agree on the server splitting for characters. I don’t know the point of the Realms tab at the top if it doesn’t sort the toons by the server you choose. I do like having all characters on one screen to organize them for leveling, but having 64 to scroll through is a lot lol.

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Can I get a few different options for the background? The firepit is cool and all but id like to see some more faction/race based backgrounds

Can we have an option to just view our characters per realm instead of every single alt we have on the account?


The person that wants you to pay for a name change, I assume.

I’d prefer to have search or sort by realm! I’m not renaming them.

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yeah, now I am trying to figure out what toon is on what realm. ffs fix this

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I tried to be optimistic with the new war a character select and give it a chance but I don’t like it. It’s very overwhelming. Maybe bring back the being separated by realm but keep the aesthetic and layout? I like how it looks visually, functionally is overwhelming and makes me wanna log out.


So um … Can we please have a font-size setting in the interface?

Some of us prefer smaller-sizes for both the texts & buttons :sweat_smile:


While we’re all chatting about this stuff, could you please bake the loading into one loading screen, by that i mean when you load click on a character from a different realm, it still shows the different sections of loading the other realm list, characters, and then loading into the actual game. It looks pretty janky, just bake it all into the one loading screen please.

I absolutely agree! If it would at least allow search by realm name that would help but sorting options would be good too.

I bought a transmogrifer on the Trading Post. A summonable barber may be another option. IF they do this they could for the fun of it take inspiration from the barber on Picard’s Enterprise (Star Trek). Said barber, a Bolean, a naturally hairless species. It was a bit of a phun. Or perhaps one with a lot of hair like Hozen…

We did notice it, we are not all entirely in love with it.

If you change something, the ideal is to change it for the better.

The Warband is a fancy name for our account wide character list. If you wanted to give us a smoother, more effective and useful way of interacting with those account characters, there are any number of ways you could have done that. And yet, this is cumbersome, awkward, unintuitive, has minimal functionality improvements and feels like something designed by someone who never had all that many characters in this game.


id honestly like to have an option to have the current and the old char screen

i personally dont like the new char screen because all my chars are on there (sure u can hover over the chars to see what server,etc but it messes with me so much idk whats going on)

i liked the old char ui, switching servers to select my chars was fine for me. i really dont like seeing every char i have in the 1 menu, including the chars i forgot all about are randomly popping up at the bottom of my char page >.<


To get that back just remove all the favorite characters out of the favorite slots and collapse the favorites list in the character select list panel on the right, then you’re back to the single character screens.

Until you reload or logout. People say collapse the favorites list doesn’t save so it has to be done on every reload or login.

I don’t know because I love the now layout except for the broken UI Scaling.

The new update to the character selection screen is jarring and terrible. The scaling is set so large that I have to set my in-game UI scaling to 70% to even see 3 of my characters on the selection list. As a result, things like in-game text and map icons are impossible to read.

Blizzard, PLEASE fix the scaling of the character login screen and give players an option to revert to the original version, or at the very least be able to remove the favorites bar.

I love all of my WoW characters equally. I don’t have favorites. I took all of my characters off of the favorites bar, but whenever I log out of my alts, the drop-down favorites window on the login screen is expanded again for some reason even though it’s empty, making all of my characters below it invisible.

The old character selection screen was iconic, simple, and perfect. It’s so terrible to force this change on everybody. It looks incredibly jarring and clunky. It makes the game feel like a cheap and neglected smartphone app.