The War Within™: Updated Character Screen and Character Services

Hopefully, it follows per character add-on settings like the old version did.

When activated from the menu after logging in, the add-on menu doesn’t always handle per character settings properly.

Even the old version gave me issues with that for some reason.

Worst update of all time! Way to break quests, achievements, and character selection.

I logged in a couple times today, but searching for my toons is damn near impossible with this horrible selection screen. Favorites? WTF for?

Since you can show me so many toons on the page now, am I to assume I can make 200 toons per realm now?

and then we could use are 5 and do Dungeons with our 5 toons but they are played by AI :slight_smile:

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Please, by all holy might, Blizzard…

Return the old character screens of a bi-realm setup, and addon listing aswell.

If anything PLEASE give us atleast a toggle option or something.

I am not a fan of this “update” whatsoever in the nearing 20 years playing World of Warcraft.

It causes so much more disorganization of the near 45 characters I have across multiple realms, all being in this listing of one huge scroll down, not listed with a realm to them atleast to tell which is which, and this addon setup in the Menu bar that I now have this huge listing more than halfway down my screen of all these names in random order, having to pick about for the main 13 I have of my home realm to read through to find which one is where…its just a huge mess and inconvenience to work with what is here now.

Please do us the favor for fans of the game like myself, most of all Autistic, Neurodivergent and OCD tendency stricken people and fanbase.

Again like myself we are GREATLY upset with a change of our “normality” of things and obsessive structure to things…to not have this here only makes us incredibly anxious and upset as we try to enjoy the game with all the multitasking and difference we have had “forced” on us with this change.

I am all for a revert toggle option in the menu, and would like to see this all much more simple to organize, for players.

Maybe have a dropdown bar like the “Favorites” there at the top, that then is for each realm, so you can simply click to one or the other, and have your organized list of characters there from that realm to then select for a favorite spot in the warband, or simply to know where each and every is specifically.

This would save us all alot of time going through a huge scroll list and to find which character we are looking for, who also are without any way to tell multiple characters of a shared name, one from the other in that scroll-wheel listing of names we currently have with the update


There’s a search bar right at the top and you can use it to search names, classes. etc.

Addons are under Menu at the top of the screen.

Thank you, I am aware, but I explained it in my post to have this be a split listing for character realm to realm to do this.

Otherwise you have a huge list of disorganized names you have to scan through to find where a specific one is…and if characters are multiple of the same name across multiple realms…you have no way to tell one from another. Thats what I was getting at.

I get that but what does the visuals on the screen have to do with where the Addons button went? I have Guildies who couldn’t find it either and I thought that’s what you were asking.

I had only asked for a return of the addon listing, as it was previously, which was that the characters listed in it were to a specific realm. I had said nothing about the button being returned.

As it says before I mention “addon listing”… I’d like to see a bi-realm setup.

Thank you for the input though.

I really like the new character selection screen. Though it would be nice to have a way to sort by realm.

Even better would be to just get rid of realms altogether and merge everything. Just have realm tags for names after merger.


That’s my hope.



Blizzard. You have an article here detailing one of the handful of reasons that you SHOULD NOT have forced a consolidated list of characters on us.

It is unintuitive to have them thrown out in front of us and then told we can’t use x service, y feature, or change z setting because the realm selection is incorrect.

You have multiple items that do NOT work cleanly with a consolidated character list, so why did you push it forward?

Addon Settings:
This is still managed on a server basis. You have to manually choose your active server, change the settings, choose the next server, and so on. This doesn’t affect a ton of people as I’d imagine most people run with all of their addons enabled regardless of server, but I noticed it come up a few times last night and this morning when talking about the updated Character Select screen. The new screen implies it’s a global setting - but it is not.

Gear Update:
Similarly, this feature does not function unless you manually go in and change your realm to match the character you want to use the feature on, despite the character being listed right in front of you with a big colored “GEAR UPDATE” flag on it.

Character Services:
Much like Gear update, but worse, since these are paid services. These should be intuitive. If you have to put out on article explaining how to switch your active realm because the UI isn’t functioning in a way that handles this for you when selecting a character, there is an obvious design flaw.

In addition to all of this, the new consolidated character list is HORRIBLE for general organizational purposes. Many people, myself included, organize their characters by server for a reason. It’s SO much less cluttered to have, say, My Alliance on one realm, my Horde on another, and my Twinks on another.

If you want to have a singular global list, fine, but fix the features that do not work with it, and give us organizational tools to replace the ones you’ve just nuked (see: separating by server).

If that means letting us make our own groups (ala favorites), awesome. If that just means sorting our characters by Realm with collapsible Realm Headers, that’s fine too. Just something to let us maintain the organization we USED to have. Moving characters up and down a massive list is not good enough.

I want to be very clear that “sort by realm” without collapsible headers is also not good enough. I paid something like $200 specifically to transfer several characters to another realm so I wouldn’t have them cluttering my normal endgame characters. They’re their own thing and I wanted them to be visually separated. Having them just clustered but not visually separated is not enough.


Or no favorites.

Why do we need favorites when you can already rearrange the list and put your most played characters at the top.

I think we would’ve been better served with them changing font sizes and reworking the nameplates so you could fit more on screen at once. You cannot have 1 of each class without having to scroll. The favorites thing created more dead space and made it worse.

I’m okay with it. I really only play on MG. I think your warband should size accordingly.

1 to 5 like a dungeon group

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

I have about 60 alts now - I can’t be the only one with NUMEROUS alts!! Who on earth thought lumping them all in one list would be wanted? If you only play with 5 of those 60, or whatever, fine. But I play with all of mine at different times. Having the realms separate was the main way I could keep up with who was what. (No, I don’t have a life for various reasons, and I’m SURE I’m not the only person)


My big thing is I have like a dozen different twinks from level 10 - 30 + This Forum character that will be perpetually 10.

I went out of my way to move them to another realm to declutter my main / endgame realm.

Now they’re all back. It’s ugly and I hate looking at it.

The new character screen is…awful for anyone that has accumulated a bunch of alts - which would be many, if not most, people that have played since Vanilla. I own three active accounts. Two have 50ish toons each that just got tossed in together - some have the same name!

You provided zero apparent means to view or sort them aside from this haphazard approach. We should be able to view and sort them by realm, faction, class, spec/role, level, etc.

Swapping realms (which we still weirdly have to do) STILL won’t allow us to see only the toons on that realm.

Character unread mail icon is now TINY. It was already weak, since it didn’t show who had read and/or expiring mail in their inbox, just who had unread mail. Please have an icon version for “read” mail in a toon’s inbox. You could also add an icon next to the mail icon if there is mail that will expire soon. This also would be a tremendous feature/use of the phone app, btw! As an altoholic, I would love to be able to turn on phone notifications for expiring mail on a character, so I know I need to deal with it or lose it.


I don’t like to complain and I don’t even recall the last time I posted anything on Blizzard forums…

That being said. Blizzard, PLEASE fix this character screen fiasco. I appreciate the fact that you’re trying something different. However, this is not a very user-friendly setup and is causing considerable frustration on this end.