The War Within™: Updated Character Screen and Character Services

Weird place for it. I was looking in the menu. And I notice they added that icon to my actionbar and didn’t inform me!!! Blizz, making things worse…for a while…again.

Wow, that is crazy to make an entire button for that. Thanks again.

I. do. NOT. like. the. new. login/character. selection. screen.


Please add Realm names to the search bar results.

This is a glaring omission to implementing a search bar. You have no sorting in the character select box, so being able to sort your list by more than just class or name in the search is essential to character management.

“Design first” types of places tend to forget that UX is just as important as UI.

Seriously? 1 more favorite character is what you want? It’s a hot mess altogether. Need multiple screens of favorites per server/race/class, etc.; not just one more favorite character, lmao.

Yeah man. It’s almost like that post was made 21 hours ago, before we’d actually seen it in action, and was just an off the cuff thought about it. Sorry I didn’t have my in depth critique ready at the time.


ah…the restroom in december…

I just spent like 30-40 minutes dragging my characters around on the jumbled character list. Everything was jumbled and out of place. Horrendous and unnecessary change.


I love the campfire aspect, but the char select column is wayyy too wide and cuts off the right-most character name for me.

If I change my UI% in-game to go lower than 85% it fixes the login screen, but then all the wording/reputation bars/spell hover descriptions become way too grainy, ugh…


Whew boy was it annoying to reorganize a huge list. I’ve always had my alliance server and my horde server and having them all in one huge jumbled list is not fun. I did reorganize them with my alliance first then horde, but still a bummer there aren’t separate lists so I can have my four alliance and four horde around the campfire. /shrug


Easily the worst UI change I have ever seen. This is what happens when your company relies on addon creators to fix everything for you.


So did this change interfere with/bork Item Restoration as well?

Spent 10-15 minutes rearranging characters before the maintenance (got halfway through my list ) and now they are back to whatever the heck order Blizz put them in initially - we REALLY need a sort function

Can you fix your screen so weapons worn in game are worn the same in warband favorite screen? It shouldn’t be that hard.

Not a fan of removing Addon Management from the character select screen.

The screen should also have filters for Realm and Faction. Search boxes are not intuitive design and are not as accessible.


Any way to disable this or shrink it? I log onto many different characters, and the favorites are inconvenient. I will rarely log into the same character. Also it barely shows any characters, so I have to scroll significantly. This is not ideal even if some of it looks pretty. At the very least, some customization would be helpful. It takes a considerable amount of time and focus now for me to swap toons.

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It’s up top under Menu.

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Dark Pattern Detector:
Purposely design -1 to increase new feature “attractiveness” in future sale.

I don’t like the idea of warbands. I just want to click on a realm and see my characters there, in the order they were arranged before. How come I don’t see a way to do that???