The War Within™: Updated Character Screen and Character Services

yeah its hot garbage.


As a minimum, can we at least have server names added to the search function? That’d be a nice start.


Search doesn’t work for Realm Names? How did that get missed?
Also needs a sort button, to sort by Realm, Faction, level, Class, and anything else important.


“Hot garbage” is actually an understatement.
They put time into appearance, and minimal into functionality.
Functionality is more important!


Hm, the video I watched indicated it would. I wonder if it’s a bug?

same here

Honestly, it’s like they have no concept of UX whatsoever.

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Lol…warband bank…“the bank is being used by another member of your warband”

on every character Ive logged in with so far. :rofl:

What’s weird is I still have a realm button at the top but it means nothing… it will let you choose a different realm but the character list is the same.

My characters are all out of order, I am guessing based on something but I can’t tell. My number two character is now one I rarely play from a different server.

Why Blizz… why? Let me change it back or organize it. Please…



I need my toons to be listed by realm, this is not good. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Why would I want all my toons listed in one page? Why do you allow me to choose the realms, but not show only my toons on that realm.

This is annoying.


thats cause its disabled.

Use grammar, and real words please.


That’s much better, thank you for being a human adult.

i re4fuse to use grammer.

I see the dragon riding abilities also popup for any other mount…changing the actionbar as well!

There are, apparently, a handful of flying mounts this does not work with. And, apparently, they are grounded until it does.

But there is a toggle option for it. Sadly, it does not seem to be on a per mount basis.

Toggle? Where does that reside, if you don’t mind.

If I recall (it was late, and I only got 5 hours of sleeps), top middle of the mounts page. Think it’s also in the atrocious new spellbook. And I think it can also be added to the action bar.

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