The vote kick system needs major rework

This is not a kickable offense for sub 50 dungeon finder content. Invalid reason.
Besides my crime was wanting to do a BRD dungeon quest and someone and their buddy told me they were gonna kick me because I was wasting their time.

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Well there’s your problem.

No one actually does the quests in BRD. Blizzard has designed that dungeon very poorly, and there’s just no incentive to do the quests, so most groups don’t bother. Other dungeons? The quests are on the way and easy to do. BRD? Not so much.

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OK not my problem. Fix it Blizz.

also kicking people for deficiencies in design by blizzard is not a valid vote kick reason either

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You don’t get to decide what is a valid reason. 3 people don’t want to play with you, Blizzard feels that is a valid reason. You are welcome to not like it, but that changes nothing.


Never said it was, but now you know the reason you got kicked. And I’m guessing you probably didn’t ask just once if you could do the quests right? You were probably asking over and over and maybe getting a bit upset that they wouldn’t do the quests?

And yes, it is a valid reason. You can be kicked from a dungeon for any reason or no reason. Blizzard does not determine what reasons are and are not deserving of a kick.

I could literally kick you from a dungeon because your avatar’s hair is purple and looks like a palm tree and Blizzard wouldn’t give a toss.


It’s trivial content, treat trivial content like trivial content - no kicks. If people don’t like something a group of randoms is doing they can leave after 10 minutes. If the dungeon is broken - FIX IT.

Blizzard needs to start cracking down on this immediately. It’s just creating the worst community, as evidenced by all the trollish responses I’m getting here. Many people in this thread are just immediately victim shaming and it’s disgusting.

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You keep using that word. It doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Trivial content in WoW is when the content no longer rewards any XP, meaning all the mobs are grey, the quests are grey etc and the dungeon can effectively be soloed. If you’re getting experience and you need a group to clear said content? It’s not trivial. Old? Yes. Trivial? No.


spamming 1-1-1-2 over and over again on a low level frost mage in BRD is trivial content, it’s so easy that it’s “trivial”

Again, not according to Blizzards own definition of what trivial is. The content is still rewarding experience, it still requires a group, therefor it isn’t trivial. Easy? Yeah, you could argue that. Boring? That too. But trivial? Nope.

But it doesn’t matter.

The current system is fine. Adjust your attitude in the groups you join and I guarantee you won’t get kicked as often as you do.


Unfortunately, they were “not wrong” according to Blizzard. They can vote kick you for any reason they want. They can do it because of your race, gender, spec, doesn’t matter.

It’s because Blizzard doesn’t want to become the arbitrator for every time someone gets kicked. The pro is that it reduced the amount of tickets for it that they have to address. The con is that it weaponizes the kick system for :poop:heads.

Pretty much this, so it’s on them to fix it so it cant be weaponized for poopheads.

Rando dungeon system in wow can be 3 manned without a tank or a healer so there’s no point in having a weaponized kick system.

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Then why did you get kicked :thinking:

You are correct in this manner. I’ve kicked a good share of people in FF14 from Groups for various reasons. Trolling, not performing their role, being racist to in game races, etc… However I’ve not gone over 10 kicks cause it’s much more rare and people get dealt with as well with reports much faster. The tolerance level of GMs is pretty decent, but they’ll look at things just as much to see if you deserve your punishment.

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What you suggest doesn’t account for people being toxic in chat, chain pulling mobs without the tanks say so, or auto attacking to remain not afk.

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I’ve been playing 16 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been kicked from a dungeon in all that time. If you’re getting kicked a lot, as you have indicated, then maybe you need to work on being less of a “poophead” to the other players.

I wasn’t kidding when I said you need to look for the common denominator. There’s no grand conspiracy to be mean to you nor are most of the people in LFD jerks.


They absolutely make you choose from a preset list of reasons which are “AFK Offline Harassment or Cheating” and then warn you that unjustified use of vote dismiss is a punishable act. Google image search for the FFXIV kick menu and you’ll see it.

So even if they really aren’t going to ban you if you kick someone for bad deeps and tell them so, they sure go out of their way to scare the crap out of people who want to - So guess what: it doesn’t happen anywhere near as often! effective social tools!

What else could be done about it?

If you make a dropbox selection of why you’re kicking someone, they’ll just pick whatever and say on discord “just say yes to this vote”. You’ll never know why you were kicked.

I know that typing in isn’t much better. Lost count how many times It’s been because of “lol!” or “insert some derogatory name here”.

Luckily it doesn’t happen as a norm or else it would force their hand but the occasional kick by :poop:heads is annoying but not the end of the world.

weird i have played for a long time now and been kicked maybe twice in a decade.

WoW is the biggest in its genre so therefor it has more people. I mean, you’re probably not going get kicked in a SWTOR dungeon, for example, because the other members will be praising God they finally found someone else playing. :roll_eyes:


PvE queues are about the same as WoW in XIV. It’s just that people enjoy playing the game so much there’s less people watching and more people playing.