Spidey senses are tingling. Believe there is more to the op’s story than he is letting on lol.
Yeah you’re right, I reported them for having inappropriate names. The kicked guy strikes back!
Yea because that would never be abused.
While it sucks you went through that experience, it happens a lot less than people who use their time in dungeons to make others’ lives miserable. And they need to be kicked, as quickly as they make themselves known.
How about if you want to go fast and do meta strategies and crap in random dungeon groups YOU get the static group of friends and NOT ME. The nerve!
I find it hard to believe that four other players would just kick you just for the sole reason of you wanting to do quests.
Perhaps you’d ought to run dungeons with guildies, or a group of friends?
YOU do that, NOT ME. We’re talking about sub-50 dungeon finder here, not premade mythic+ groups. The content can be bulldozed with 3 people so there’s no reason to kick EVER unless someone is just not casting at all.
You’re saying it’s that hard to compile a group of pals to level up alts with? Sounds like a you problem.
And there are reasons to kick. I have a feeling, judging by this thread, you did some other sorts of stuff to warrant it. I’ve not been kicked from a group in literal ages, and a few other players talking in this thread seem to share that same experience.
What else were you doing to make them ‘gang up’ on you?
If you are getting kicked enough that you felt a need to come and create a topic about it, maybe the issue is not those kicking you.
Victim shamer. I could turn around on you and say everything that happens to you is your fault too.
Yes, the fact she almost never gets kicked from a group is her fault which is the point she’s making.
Ah yes, the ol ‘you’re a victim blamer’ card, when something as small as a group kick (that happens probably once in a blue moon) evokes so much spitefulness that you want to change a whole system to fit around how you feel?
Go ahead. Turn it on me, if you’ve got anything.
No, never again do I want a group held hostage because a tank doesn’t want to do the run.
I remember when I went and tanked a MoP normal dungeon for a guildmate who was new at the game and still learning her rotation on a dot class that has ramp up time.
The jerks kicked her.
I scolded them for kicking a brand new player.
As the tank I sat down and held the group hostage until everyone left because they had already kicked someone.
People are jerks.
Well I got kicked because I wanted to do the quest for the dungeon and it was BRD so that was the whole crime.
And this was from people that accused me of wasting their time. When it’s been proven by WoW speedrunners that the fastest way to level now is not to do a single dungeon (DesMephisto) So – don’t know what to say about that. I got kicked by idiots who didn’t want their time wasted but were wasting their own time by doing dungeons at all if their objective was truly to level quickly.
I begin to see why kicking is an issue for you.
There’s a reason the system is how it is.
At one point, it worked like you suggested, but people abused it by standing at the start and refusing to do the dungeon if they didn’t like it.
Well, you are at the mercy of the group majority. You stated your case, they objected. You stood firm and they thought it wiser to kick you than argue with you.
This isn’t burger king. You don’t always get it your way.
LFD is not the fastest way to level.
Content is so easy you don’t even need 5 people for it
You can remove yourself if you don’t like how your random group is going
You can FIND YOUR OWN GROUP if you want to enforce speedrun metas in LFD.
Kicks should be reportable, and Blizzard needs to hire a special moderation team in charge of reviewing all reported kicks and silence the abusers, as well removing them the ability to vote kick temporarily.
Problem solved.
Then stop doing it for the following reasons: