Exactly at this point he is just making up random things and saying what ToS is in FFXIV when it’s not. Clearly this is just a troll post.
I mean I know because I used to play the game. Did plenty of dungeon runs and yeah, we had to boot some folks for bad performance, either because their damage wasn’t up to par and we couldn’t kill stuff, they’re healing was bad and they weren’t able to keep everyone up or the tank was running in like Rambo and getting himself killed constantly.
None of us were at risk of getting banned for doing that.
sorry about your luck.
but absolutely not.
By the GMs, who have brains. Basically the content is trivial so don’t be mean and vote kick people for trivial content. I can say that I’ve never EVER been removed from an XIV group finder group. WoW is like a hive of toxicity compared to it.
I know the trolls are going to jump on this and say that people should be allowed to be mean and it’s not their fault and other people should just take it, but that’s just terrible. It’s quite possible to enforce a good community through effective intervention
False. Playstyle difference is a valid reason for kick.
That will never happen lol. I can agree that the debuff timer might be a little to extreme. 30 minute dungeon debuff is a little extreme imo, but not being able to kick, because of low dps? I mean, if someone is really trying to do their best, then sure help carry them not a prob, but you will get a few people on occasion who will just auto cast a spell every once in awhile, and just sit back, and relax, and watch while everyone else in group is doing the work. Those folks deserve to be kicked. And what about the folks who join a group just to troll? Pulling every mob in the instance, etc? You wanna give them a free ride?
They changed TOS in 2019. But if it was after 2019 then GM could just be wrong. In any case I’ve never been kicked in XIV and I’ve been kicked dozens of times in WoW for stupid things including “no looms” lol.
Or more likely, you are wrong. Because, well… you are.
I would look for the common denominator.
Congrats, you’ve never been kicked in FFXIV. That just means most groups either didn’t see a reason to kick you, or didn’t care. Not that they couldn’t at all if you were underperforming.
If you keep getting kicked from groups then it may be a YOU problem and not a Blizzard problem uwu
Clearly the common denominator is that his group mates are all big meanie monkeys. Right?
I agree with the OP.
The vote kick system needs a major rework to make it easier to kick people.
It’s because they treat trivial content like trivial content in XIV. If I kick someone I have to select from a menu that it’s because they’re AFK, in WoW I can just type in “no looms lol”, it doesn’t exactly discourage vote kicking. It’s trivial content , and in 99% of the cases there’s just never a reason to vote kick, but yet in WoW it happens so often it’s disgusting.
No man, it’s a conspiracy! People from different servers and even different countries have collaborated to be mean to the OP for “reasons.”
And there’s likely something wrong with how you’re acting that is creating these issues for you.
Getting kicked once? Okay, that’s unfortunate.
Getting kicked twice? Coincidence, maybe…
Three times? That’s a pattern.
I can count the number of times I’ve been kicked from dungeon runs in WoW on one hand, and I’ve been playing since before LFD first became a thing in WotLK. You claim you’ve been kicked dozens of times, well then there’s something wrong with your behaviour or performance that is prompting these kicks.
This might sound silly but I would like a sightseeing mode.
I am presently a strictly solo player because I could not experience dungeons while grouped with other people because they just wanted to rush thru them while I want to pick up and read the quests, take in the environment, listen to the NPCs, ect.
Sightseeing mode would keep all mobs in role-play mode (orange?) in the room for a specific period of time, giving everyone a change to read, listen, explore, ect.
doesn’t happen in any competitor titles I play, only happens in WoW.
besides I already mentioned what my crime was: wanting to do a dungeon quest in BRD.
So maybe you are just bad at WoW.
I honestly don’t mean that as an insult, but if you are being kicked for performance, maybe it is just your performance in WoW that isn’t up to snuff.
I get that it’s a lot of work to avoid the problem, but you should form your own group to avoid these situations.