The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Two weeks ago…

With the Lich dead, the Vol’kar leaves behind a trail that ends in their sure defeat. Their guide, unable to assist in anything but pathfinding, runs his fingers through the pile of ashen bone-dust. He murmurs to himself, whispering an incantation. Boughs of magic rocket hundreds of feet above, expiring in grandiose fashion. The Legionnaires stand, bewildered and perhaps suspicious. Among themselves, they schemed and wondered if they should cut their losses - leave the blind one now while he channels his strange magic.

Without reaching a conclusion, several ghoul-like figures trail from the mountains around them. Shambling up to the guide, their figures growing recognizable by the moment. No bone skewed out from skin, no decayed flesh, no rotten organs. These were living - or perhaps, at least, “undead” in another sense - beings. They shambled on all fours, or hunched like misfigured cretins of Azeroth’s underworlds. One clad in dark leathers with a blindfold tightly wrapping his skull skittered to the Vol’kar’s guide.

“Sun. Sin. Son.” it whispered.

“One. Kin. Won.” their guide replied.

The tense standoff soon turned to a release - the suspense lifting from the figures and Legionnaires both. The shamblers quickly made their rounds on this battlefield- battering themselves with the dust, hiding amongst the dead, and vandalizing other structures.

Their guide, now known as “Brokentusk”, moved through the compound as if he lived there. The many buildings of the compound are dizzingly similar - each beset with their own sounds, visions, and stenches. The horrors never cease, a bottomless maze of torture. It intensifies with each square footage. The Constructs populace was on high alert with the death of the Lich. The General in question was led to a safe zone - one that his handlers suspected would not be breached. Unfortunately, all three would fail to catch to this ploy.

The assassination of General Xhe’ciq was an intense, brutal skirmish. Several Legionnaires nearly fell to their last breath - Vanguard Cleavefury’s breastplate broken with several shattered ribs. Vanguard Magrakka scored a heavy blow to her thigh. Stone Guard Lara’s tail became amputated, and a mace to the jaw sent her to Vol’dun.

Sergeant Summerveil’s aim was true, ending the General forever more - or at least, until his soul was retrieved for another construct. Their guide inspected the corpse just as he did with the Lich, then ushered them away from the House. Much protest was had, for several Legionnaires were still missing, perhaps dead. Chief among them being Jan-Mak, as well as Fleetfoot and Legionnaire Tegorick. With leadership thrust firmly upon her, Stone Guard Lara made the difficult, but obvious call to head back to camp.

Last night…

With no sun to be had on this dead planet, the arduous trek back to the sludge-pool lake left many longing for the simple Barrens heat. Several injured and incapacitated Legionnaires changed hands, as Deylinna grew quite fatigued from being the defacto body-mule. Upon reaching the camp, their guide wandered - bleak and aimless. After several moments of staring at nothing, the figured trekked towards the nearest pair: Deylinna and Camsaen. While his shaken hands inspired no confidence, his boots marched with steadfast determination. His axe sunk into the corpse-ground next to them, and he fell to his knees. The figure produced what appeared to be a birdcage, or latern, and removing the side of the compartment produced a dark red flow of power. The energy pulsating with the same glow that did the rest of his body. Fingers realigned, bones regrown, skin sutured, and life sustained. With give, there must be take - and their friend withered steadily for their benefit. To each soldier he went, dispensing what he could, mending flesh and rejuvenating his allies. When there was none left to give, he seated himself several feet away.

His talons reached for his helm. Painstakingly, he unlatched what kept the piece of armor pried to his face. Perhaps, some thought, this armor wasn’t entirely fused to his body like previously thought. Below was a twisted figure - a skull long since rotten. Well beyond decay, and with no trace of similarity to any figure - beast, humanoid, or demon. Horns stretched out in obscene, and two jagged spikes poked from his maw.

“My true name is lost to time.” one talon traces at the splintered chippings of those tusks. “I serve many. You are mortal, and I saw your strength, your will, your ability. I used it, until it no longer had use. You will die here, your names forgotten, your shells withered, if you do not leave this land. The powers you seek for your homeland - I have heard it many times before. There is only one that controls many in the manner you describe. His domain is impenetrable. His will unstoppable. Some try, and they too, shall fail. Only one may defeat him - and none of you shall be this one.”

“I warn you: do not give in to the curiosity that bubbles in the prison of flesh. Shall you enter, you face eternal damnation. It is of little regard to me. For some time, an innumerable many have entered his domain. There was once one who judged all souls - and now, all are condemned.” The vibrant red power that once flickered in his skull now burned out- the skeletal maw of Brokentusk slack-jawing. “There is much I do not know, just as much as I do. Your world is under threat, similar to many others. I say once more: you must leave. You must go to where your strength can be used, your power be matched. This is no world for the living. Those you are missing may yet be found, but not today. Not now. Not by you.”

With much deliberation and ire, ultimately, Stone Guard Lara heeded this one’s words. It pained her, just as it pained many others: to come so far, and leave with so little? What would they say when they returned? What would be done to them? Would they be sent right back? Does Orgrimmar still stand?

These questions would have answers soon. Surely, the scourge has been curved somehow. The damned couldn’t possibly be in every corner, if the Afterlife has its own problems…

The Warlord missing, the General unrecovered, and still no true match for Champion “Goldenhair”…

The fun never ends.

The Maldraxxus arc is over! Shaken, beaten, and spooked, the Vol’kar’s return to Azeroth is imminent. Maybe Brokentusk’s words were true: mortals could only produce change in the mortal world. But so many questions still have no answers.

Next week: a return home?


Just this morning, an emergency notice was sent to all standing Vol’kar personnel. . .

Slashes indicate reported scourge assaults, severity increases with markings.
The lack of slashes does not imply safe zoning.

((Credit to Sturmbart the Insane (and Esdreika)'s wonderful take on Azeroth with his artistic cartographer skills. You can find these maps at


We are now 9/10H with our first few pulls getting Denathrius as low as 32.7%. We wiped once because I referred to him as “daddy” and nobody expected it.


An IC update is in the works, as we like to do things in batches. Some events are coming and going, with this week likely to be the busiest we’ve had in months. Denathrius reached 19.9% before we had to call it. Progression is brutal, but not as grueling as some of our previous AOTC grinds. G’Huun still takes the cake with brutality and hate, with Kil’jaeden just slightly behind him. I know, KJ losing to G’Huun? Trust me, we’re terrible at playing basketball.

We were invited by the Azerothian Medical Association to send Vol’kar representatives to their upcoming job faire. It seems RP has eclipsed real life, as several menders will now go to try and convince impressionable, bright-eyed and bushy doctors into serving the Horde. During a zombie apocalypse. March 25th on the dot.

Immediately after, the first Shadowlands meeting of Chimaera, and the first meeting of Chimaera in 2021. Hosted by Chieftain Dahote of the Wolfmane Tribe, the many heads gather to assess the crumbling heart of Kalimdor.

The 27th, a promotion ceremony. Mundane, routine, with a few special heads rising above others- but the true surprise lies just a week after that. I am happy to announce that our latest “Ascension” ceremony has been planned. One among the Vol’kar has proven themselves in such a short time, and has remained relentlessly devoted and optimistic. For now you’ll have to wait with suspense, but there will be a separate blurb commemorating them once it passes.

I hope you all are remaining in high spirits. It seems as if the years just don’t care about being a good one or not. I can’t remember the last time someone said “[year] was great”, lol. Even on MG way back when, all I heard was “I think [year] is worse than the last.” so on and so forth. Games getting yuckier, WoW getting duller, everything getting… meh. It’s hard to find things that keep you in good mental health, but if I had any genuine advice - lunge for those nuggets that keep you motivated and happy. Cling to them, don’t let people take that away from you. :heart: I’ve been suffering from that as well. Sometimes it gets bleak, but sometimes it feels great.


Things have been quiet, but the Legion welcomes its newest generation of junior officers with our latest promotion ceremony:

Stone Guard Deylinna Summerveil
Stone Guard Te’lun Sunstorm
Quartermaster Camsaen Brookwood
Senior Sergeant Teilaiya Sangryn
Senior Sergeant Bwon’ran
Sergeant Woogywoo
Vanguard Donovan
Vanguard Krol

With these Legionnaires dubbed veterans of the Shadowlands, now the Vol’kar must circle its strength around protecting Orgrimmar’s holds. The scourge continue to batter her walls with unrestrained anger, but they cannot falter despite the heartbreaking losses. In such desperate times, one shall rise and ascend to the officer corps this Saturday - complete with another IC update. Seeya then!

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A few days late, and unfortunately, my hard drive deleted all screenshots I took. On Friday, we welcomed our newest officer. Lara “The Queenreaver” ascended to the rank of Lieutenant General and has taken control of the First Cohort as its most senior commander. They have been a wonderful person and one of the most helpful + devoted members I’ve met in a long time. Despite the state of the game being rough, she has continued to show just how much she loves the guild. I hope they spend many more years with the guild. Lok-Tar, Lieutenant General Lara!

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I should have taken my own screenshots! I’M A FOOL! But yes, I won’t be going anywhere for a long time. Probably until the servers shut down. Vol’kar life yo.

My body is battered. My mind is fractured. My spirit is broken. But he is dead. We are now WrA’s 100th guild at 10/10 Heroic. Progress is progress.


Best guild confirmed

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Soon.:tm: Soon :tm: I will make an IC update post for the forum. I’ve been plagued by massive writer’s block and a lack of inspiration. But the folks in the guild have taken to their new roles rather well. Camsaen has developed several new features for our discord as well as our DiceMaster system. Bwon’ran’s events in Tiragarde Keep has spawned at least four subplots, one involving a manhunt for the necromancer, the second for quillboar, and the third about rampant misplaced souls in Durotar. Last but not least, Luna has assisted in both tying up loose ends for misplaced (or left behind) soldiers in the Shadowlands, and recovered a Telemancy Beacon from one of the Vol’kar’s overrun FOBs in Stonetalon. All of these and more will be expanded upon, but I just wanted to highlight those folks’ efforts. Everyone has been slumped, but the story keeps pushing forward.

To those that are still itching to join, yet are uncertain due to the expansion, I say: come try it out. I know you’re there (mostly because there’s been an influx of inquiries ^^). We are quieter these days - and smaller. That never prevents us from having a good time and developing great stories. A lack of heavy hustle-and-bustle shouldn’t dissuade you from giving us a chance! :wave: Thanks for reading, and have a good day!


Welcoming aboard our three newest members: Kaeltheril, Axeborne, and Valoraad. It’s been roughly two weeks since they joined but it has revitalized quite a few PvE/PvP-side of things in the guild. I’ve been dragging my feet on writing an IC update due to finals as well as transitioning between colleges – procrastination and immense amount of stress. But, I can say we have started development on our new (and first) official campaign for retaking Kalimdor: Dustwallow Marsh. Name’s pending, my creativity is fairly bleh but after all this time doing the same stuff in Azeroth, original names are pretty hard to come up with.

Have a good Wednesday!



I miss you guys loads! Makes me so happy to see ya’ll still going strong! :mechanical_arm:


Thanks Shay. I hope things are looking brighter for you!

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Thank you! Being an adult is still super lame, but to be honest I can’t complain these days. :blush:

I hope you and all of the Vol’kar are doing well!


The month of April brought much hardship to the sons and daughters of Vol’jin. Two commanding officers dead or incapacitated, another in a coma, and a wreckage of the chain of command. Refugees continuously pour through Razor Hill - seeking the safety of Orgrimmar, and even worse- the Legion’s wolves had vanished.

With a lack of resources and dwindling supplies, the weeks were grueling, terrible, mind-numbing. Endless patrols to protect the weak wooden-barricades that made a mockery for walls. None were allowed outside Razor Hill’s limits without explicit permission and defined parameters. No soldier was allowed to go without battlekin, everything was tight as a knot. Day after day, wave of scourge and undead pouring across Durotar, ravaging everything in sight. Nature struggled, as did the rest of the mortal realm. There was not much to note - a constant struggle for life over death, heartache, and rampant suffering.

A rogue necromancer by the name of Taren Vigorick unleashed his cabal upon the people of Razor Hill, nearly succeeding after his experiments beneath Skull Rock were foiled. His earlier plans, as early as the twelfth of April, led to the infusion of a soul within a suit of armor. Something reminiscent to the evils experienced in the early years of the Horde. Sergeant Bwon’ran led a squadron beneath Orgrimmar and ultimately collapsed a portion of the cave, and freed the captives that the presumptive necromancer experimented on. As they left the cave, several scourge intercepted them. In the commotion, the captives fled. One of the captives that fled was Vigorick himself, posing with the mindbroken wretches in order to flee in the chaos. Now, the fiend attempted to break the spirit of Razor Hill. Valiantly, Sergeant Bwon’ran led the defense and secured the oasis of Durotar. Taren Vigorick would flee once more, retreating to the ruined Tirasgarde Keep. The infamous structure that housed Daelin Proudmoore’s nefarious terrorists that killed many a civilian during Thrall’s founding. Void of any soldier and teeming with bodies, this was the perfect nest for Vigorick’s schemes. As the Vol’kar hunted down the wretch, he toiled, teemed, and experimented on corpse after corpse. It ended after then-Sergeant Summerveil was captured and held hostage at the keep. After sieging the keep, executing the stronger minions at his disposal, and freeing one of the Vol’kar’s missing storm wolves, Taren made his escape yet again. . .

Vol’kar Report: Necromancer Vigorick’s Research
FROM: Grunt Solleniel Daybell
SUBJECT: The Content Within Necromancer Vigorick’s Tomes

Yesterday, a group of Vol’kar were sent to investigate Tiragarde Keep. During the investigation, four tomes were found, the contents of which outlining different schools of magic as well as research from Necromancer Vigorick, who shall be referred to as V from now on. Below is a report on the tomes.

Throughout the tomes, V makes reference to “the Beyond”, which evidence highly suggests to be the Shadowlands. Throughout all four tomes, V’s notes repeatedly refer to “stuff from the Beyond”, as well as the fact that his current number of said “stuff” is dwindling. He also makes mention of possessing a crystal from the Beyond, albeit to a lesser extent.

V seems to be adept, or at least proficient, in regards to all forms of magic. Many of his citations and footnotes point to other tomes within his possession, which indicates that there are more tomes than the ones we have recovered. Seemingly all schools of magic are referenced (Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, etc).

V has managed to synthesize several necromantic-restoration spells. The notes within these tomes indicate that these spells have the ability to heal the living as well as alter flesh without killing the subject. V’s research highly suggests that these spells are self-applicable. Experimentation with these spells is not advised, and should be handled with caution should experimentation prove necessary.

A staggering amount of V’s research is focused upon souls, specifically how to bind them as well as how to transform them. What he wishes to transform them into is not referenced within the tomes in our possession, or is hidden behind his lackluster handwriting.

The most recent of V’s research is in regards to a spell that can, in his words, “grant limited immortality” and an “exponential growth in strength” to a willing subject. Once again, experimentation is not advised.

In conclusion, V is an exceptionally dangerous individual, and great caution should be taken when pursuing him. He has crossed both the moral and ethical bounds of acceptable research, and seemingly has no signs of stopping. If notes in the book are to be trusted, then this man’s only weakness is his shoddy handwriting, which took 14 hours to decipher.


Sometime during this, the incapacitated Warlord awoke from his deep slumber. The injuries sustained beyond the veil nearly cemented his fate and condemned him to the Shadowlands truthfully. The shaman that tended him said he would live, but would be forever changed. Weeks passed as the troll was unresponsive, unable to write, speak, or properly walk. His thoughts jumbled, memory fading- episodic. Bit by bit with therapeutic approach, the snake came through. It is uncertain if he shall ever return to his full battle-ready state, but for now, he upholds his lifelong oath, however long that may be. . .

Once his mental state was reclaimed, the first order given was to launch a hunt for Taren Vigorick. This was fruitless, as if the lands of Durotar weren’t already lawless, it was now desolate. Quillboar tribes hidden away, defensive, yet aggressive. The Vol’kar were forced to slumber within the tight boundaries of Razor Hill and pick at the scabs of their wounds. The recently appointed Quartermaster Camsaen Brookwood led an assault upon a watch tower in the Barrens. A goblin had taken it completely over, holding it hostage for reasons unknown. With a mechanical firearm, he shot at anything that moved - refugee, scourge, animal, anything. This was a problem, obviously.

Report 88: Watchtower, Helmets Are Mandatory

The unknown sniper, through careful planning and use of tactics by Vol’kar personnel, was routed out of their fortified position in the Barrens watchtower. What was revealed was something odd- a turret, left to fire on all creatures that came into its view, and its long-dead Goblin creator. The mechanism that powered this turret was unfortunately not salvageable, but it no longer poses a threat at least. The tower remains, and can potentially be repurposed as a fortified forward position in the Barrens.

Someone will need to clean and air that place out, though. Dead bodies stink up a closed space rather quickly.

  • Quartermaster Brookwood

Hours, weeks, days, constant patrol and examination of their dwindling supplies. Then one day, the Warlord awoke to a Legion missing… Entirely…

To be continued.

Slowly working through the backlog of IC reports. This leaves you, the reader, about 3 weeks behind the main story. Lots of work! Depression, school, and stress has prevented me from keeping this up to date but I hope we can catch it back up to an acceptable state.

Currently, we are launching our “Dead Marsh” campaign, where the sons and daughters of Vol’jin will reclaim Dustwallow for the Horde! An intense, collaborative campaign to liberate Honorfall and to restore the cycle of life to nature!

And of course, some of us are rather excited for TBC. An exciting break from the hooplah of life & retail WoW. :wave: Thanks for reading! Interested in joining? Come and ask! Lok-Tar O’Gar!


Things are getting… swampy.

…and a total of 22 unique users coming out to impromptu-roleplay tonight, we now have a grand spanking 5 events in the works for the next three weeks. Big ones. I will have an IC update for this thread tomorrow.

Burning Crusade hype is alive and well, but the folks here in the Vol’kar are always foaming at the mouth for roleplay and plot development on retail. Kalimdor never stops being fun. Please help me, I am struggling to feed them with roleplay. Come join in the fun.


Been in this guild for 2 weeks to a month now and they’re a great bunch of people that are fun to rp with. Highly recommend them if you’re looking for a good horde rp guild!


Quillboar, undead, lost (and now recovered) zeppelin pilots, oh my!

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Buncha damned oathbreakers, the lot of them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: