The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Ten days until Christmas! I hope Topsail doesn’t get ahold of my stocking this year.

Where are you hanging your stocking, J?

Probably the rear gate. We got kicked out of the Hall of the Brave in prepatch.

Family friendly content only here, please.


Actually, would the Horde even have stockings? Or would it be like. Raptor skins?

The stockings are silk socks looted from former Kaldorei lands, of course. Business is booming after the Fourth War.

Horde (sans trolls and Tauren) still have feet and therefore wear socks?
Buliss needs better foot hygiene.

Last night, we decked castle Nathria’s halls pretty good. We are now 9/10 Normal. Denathrius’ death will be one of the first things we do in the new year. Woohoo. Merry Christmas, Revendreth.

Raiders who attended last night were not obligated or forced to come. Most of us just didn’t have a whole lot to do on Xmas.

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I /bonked Opherial today. It was a good day.

The Vol’kar’s hiatus has ended, with our first even taking place on January 4th. Titled “The Call”.

Some time has passed since the familiar rumbling of horns and drums resonated within bone and ear. As elder beasts of horror and death ravaged the lands of life, some were sent to the realm of death. An unending tide of terror, hatred, and gore threatens to capitulate Azeroth, and Orgrimmar cries out like a mother who yet witnessed the murder of her children. While hope seems bleak, the wailings never ceasing, bodies dwindling by the day, beyond the veil- the Champions of life itself have learned much. Their only mission: to find anything that may yet break the tide. United they were, prepared for an expedition unlike any. The portal - no - rift etched through the fabric of the world in Orgrimmar did not send all to the gateway of the afterlife. Some were found elsewhere, fates unknown. A chaotic silence plagued the ranks, ruined the chain of command. Some wandered, some left, and some continued their mission. Waiting for something. Anything. . .

… and so it comes. The call to formation.

A month and several days ago, several volunteers were ordered from the Vol’kar Legion to undertake an expedition of extreme nature. Little detail was given to the nature of this adventure. Those that gave themselves to High Command’s orders were sent home to Orgrimmar, to prepare. The forward forces of the Vol’kar were sent home as well- to prepare the taxing, agonizingly long defense of Kalimdor while the others went about on this “expedition”. Many were angry - resentful of this. Why should some leave and some stay? Is there not better chance in remaining to cull the numbers of the scourge? What could they possibly find on this adventure? The answer: a lead. A weapon. Something. Some ONE. To bring back- to use against the hordes of undead. To stop the endless onslaught of terror.

Still- where were they going?

On the night of November 23rd, a witching hour, a rift opened between the two realms that we know. Of life, of death. Those who entered were supposed to find purchase in a station, of which there were only wisps. Rumors. No true information. Instead- only some of those who crossed found this station. Others- were sent elsewhere. Catapulted through the many realms of the afterlife. Immediately, it seemed as if the Legion would break before the mission began.

Several weeks later, just as some had learned to live with their surroundings, the call was sent- and to Oribos they came. With numbers dwindling, the mission already strained, they called a vote to continue their efforts- in search of something to help cull the onslaught back home. Firstly, they must convene the rest that could not answer- and with three holding significant experience within the land of eternal strife and war - Maldraxxus - that is where the Legion shall go.

The start to our Shadowlands experience is underway - our first stop is Maldraxxus. Lots of cool and intense ideas are being planned as we explore a weird expansion with weird lore and a weird story. Rusty intro, but I’m just trying to get back into the swing of things!

Special thanks to:

Lieutenant General Eurphadion Dawnstrider
Champion Mandiyanti
Champion Luna Duskweaver
Stone Guard Lara
First Sergeant Nexxit “Skavens”
Senior Sergeant Deylinna Summerveil
Sergeant Te’lun Sunstorm
Sergeant Camsaen Brookwood
Sergeant Magrakka
Sergeant Teilaiya Sangryn
Vanguard Hynil Owlfeather
Legionnaire Donovan Wightborn
Legionnaire Weyuk Cleavefury
Legionnaire Krol
Legionnaire Tegorick

While our guild is semi-split (ICly of course) between Azeroth and the Shadowlands, we are still recruiting far and wide for friends of all kinds. If you’re interested- just drop a whisper in game! We’re handling the new expansion with a special kind of gloves so we don’t wander into ridiculous power levels or precarious lore situations.

Also: we did in fact deliver an xmas gift to Revendreth - in the form of killing Denathrius! We didn’t get to take a screenshot though, due to a certain bug…

… so we came back and did it again last night!

Heroic progression starts next Friday! If you’re interested in roleplayers that kick as much butt OOC as we do IC- now’s a good time to poke your head in! We are in desperate want of ranged DPS and competent players. :slight_smile:


Fight night approaches. A gladiator with golden hair, a sword of flame, a land of skin, bones, and blood. Yuck.

So far I have been hugged by Buliss in The Heart of the Forest on three of my alts and I just don’t get how he keeps finding me.

It couldn’t possibly be my naming scheme…

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What can I say? I like wolves.

Unfortunately I have to swap to Kyrian on my hunter, so.

:wave:until we meet again

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Farewell and good hunting.

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Tonight we start again on our progress through Heroic CN. We are 5/10, but hopefully 7/10 after tonight! We are always looking for folks that love content as much as they love RP. Ranged DPS, healers, tanks (in that order of priority!)

I’d like to give thanks and mention a very important member that decided to step down just a few days ago. Ithnan Drakenbolt, lovingly referred to as Guild Mom, stepped down from their officer position after being with us for over four years. Crazy to think that Legion was that long ago. With 2021 being “act 6” / “year 6”, I often wonder what’s going to happen next. Things are crazy, times change, and we’re all getting older. I really don’t know what lies in store but I hope I’m still spending it with you all. :slight_smile:

Big RP update coming next week! Hopefully captivating to some of you. Constructs, blood and guts oh my!


This week, the Vol’kar finally awakes from several days of tormented slumber. In the House of Constructs, the boneyard next to the Hall of Chains, buried beneath gore and terror. Several wounds were inflicted as they were incapacitated - the degree which I shouldn’t go too in depth here - with a bleak outlook. The most grievously injured, on death’s door, was Stone Guard Lara. Buried twelve feet beneath, her entire side was exposed to the elements. Interpret that as you will - and morale was low. So, this was how the Vol’kar would end. After chasing a hint that a champion with “golden hair” might possibly be someone they know, they would be torn asunder and remade in fiendish image.

As the Stone Guard took what she supposed to be her final breaths, a mass of blackened flesh writhed through the bones, crawling and heaving himself through to her. His skin charred, his features blank - no eyes, no mouth, no nose. A great spined helmet, practically fused to his flesh (mirroring the rest of his blackened armor) imprisoned the lanky figure. With spiked talons, he transferred what remained of his power into the dying vixen, saving her from the brink. Legionnaire Wightborn thought this to be fleshcrafting, but instead, Sergeant Brookwood found that this being pulsated with anima. Or, he did. Now his reserves were dwindling, almost as if he was sacrificing himself for this furred stranger he never knew.

He bid them to be silent, and crawled to the nearest wall. Deep, infected gashes covered the parts of his body that weren’t entirely encased in his tar-black armor. As a mass caravan of scavengers, fleshcrafters, and stitchweavers moved past the road - reading themselves for a grand procession - the figure gave only two sentences to the Legionnaires:

“Do what I say, and I shall make things whole.”

He crawled inside the house of gore, keeping himself low, his chest labored. They followed. There was no other option.

On the road, huge sacs of flesh and muscle, filled with rotten organ moved. They all looked the same, yet had their own blemishes of uniqueness. At a glance, they were snow. Upon inspection, snowflakes. The figure explained that the one who orchestrates war upon Maldraxxus was dead, and in their place several more had their own designs. One who builds constructs from all victims from across the Shadowlands was called General Xhe’ciq. The name was spit like poison, its syllables a curse. A brutal man who inspected every chop-shop every single day. His regime paramount, his hatred unending. The crowd parted to reveal the General, as if on cue. The construct’s body was a work of strange art: blackened teeth, green skin, red limbs, an orange, sickly, heart. Great blanched spines ripped from his hide, twitching like fingers and dripping with venom. His left arm a cleaver, his right a morningstar. Those who fought against the Scourge may have seen horrors, but this - an everyday occurrence in Maldraxxus.

“Patience,” the figure rasps “strike now, and we meet our true end. I have hunted him for years, luck alone preventing my strike. It shall end today.”

He looked to them - his shaking hand, a telling sign of blindedness, releasing his axe. “I cannot see, I cannot kill. You will do it for me. But he will not leave himself exposed. We shall avenge you honor. We must strike at the one who brought you here.”

He spoke, of course, about the Lich who wanted to pluck this Champion known as “Goldenhair” from the Theater of Pain. The lich was fond of fleshcrafting himself, his languid wailing of a missed opportunity rang in their minds even now - weeks after their capture. The figure led them to a courtyard where four crystalline structures, surging with anima, fed off of the corpses from dozens of battlefields.

“Break the crystals, the Lich shall come.”

So they did, fighting back against dozens of amalgam servants, trying their damnedest to keep their master’s power crystals safe. The Lich boomed his orders from a grand tower- screaming at them, proclaiming “a dozen prime limbs to the one who brings me their corpses!”

Two more crystals fell, prompting the Lich to take the stage directly. This is the part where it is explained a grand battle took place, but instead, a back-and-forth of comical proportions. Sergeant Camsaen Brookwood proved his worth in surprising fashion, with his spellbreaker ties and magehunter roots- he redirected a spell the Lich would have casted and severely injured the party. The Lich, known as Tar’khuun, was in shock. The babbling, loud, pointy-eared idiot actually silenced him. The seven other Legionnaires wielding large, lethal weapons were an intimidating sight for a skeleton in a robe.

Sergeant Camsaen Brookwood sacrificed his last bits of consciousness for Cleavefury and Wightborn to take him down. A great wail shot out across the compound, resonating from Tar’khuun.

“He is not truly dead,” their blind guide shambled over- rubbing his hands through the ashen, bone dust left behind. “His presence will not be felt for many years, but he will have his vengeance. This intrusion will put General Xhe’ciq’s retinue on high alert. We go now, to put the lamb to slaughter.”

Part two comes next week!


“Were you killed?”
“Sadly yes…but I LIVED.”

The Vol’kar is officially 6/10H after last Friday! Excited to see where we go from here. Hardcore progression next Friday following an intense Inerva kill.

New RP update to come next week as well - a hint - they indeed live, but some fates are now unknown.

Also: Blizzcon comes next Friday. Cool.


Twenty-some-million people went without power yesterday. Some incremental, some cycling, others all night. No event. Hope those affected by the vortex are staying warm. Eat soup.

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Soon there shall be an update. Guild story has churned to a halt at this moment, and experiencing some changes due to new information and story reveals. I anticipate a lot of scourge in the Vol’kar’s future.

Also, we’re 7/10 Heroic now, and a big F for us on Sludgefist.

Denathrius next week probably. Still looking for players that love content as much as RP! Our roster is quite small right now.