The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Thanks, Nakhu.

While the Vol’kar continues its efforts on the homegrown, nearing a breakthrough in their reclamation of Dustwallow, adventurers in the past find what it means to be Horde in the wake of extensive devastation wrought by the Legion.

With 9.1 just a few days away, I’d like to announce that we are looking for folks that may not be as interested in RP, but are respectful, mindful, and appreciate the communities that are looking for a raid team. We are a server 100 AoTC that raids an extremely casual 1 night a week (Friday) with 3hr commitment. We are in very big need of healers and ranged DPS- pls no more warriors. This is the one time we do not need more ZugZug. Our only goal is to get loot, have fun, and improve our game play.


Come one, come all. I know you would like to ““defeat”” Sylvanas and punch some zombies in the face.

Happy Friday.

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We are still looking for several members to help fill out our raid team for this tier! Ranged DPS are at the top of our priority.

What’s a person gotta do to find ranged DPS around here? <3

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Babe wake up new Buliss post



I had forgotten to update the title since the new season went live.

Some folks were probably wondering how we got 10/10 AoTC the day of.

Yeah, we’re totally one of the 33 guilds that killed defeated Sylvanas.

5/10 N first night, this week we’ll probably do a deep clear. Hope to start Heroic in just a few weeks’ time. AoTC this season will be a doozy.

On the IC side of things- I haven’t made an update in some time. There are several reasons for this, chief among them a certain fatigue. It will come nonetheless. A quick teaser: Muck, mud, and death oh my!




oh wait, you mean actually good ranged DPS.


yes, we’re still alive


Sounds like a Druid with a strong tie to RP also willing to put in the time to raid at high level is just what you need mon ! (( 25 years of tabletop and computer RP in general, just switched to horde after having been AOTC for a while in the Alliance. Let me know how the interview process goes ))

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Hey there,

I’ll be sending you an in-game mail today, hope we can chat sometime. :slight_smile:

Bouncing this thread to the top :slight_smile:


With an unfortunate turn in their quest to reclaim Honorfall, the remnants of the Vol’kar turn to unsavory tactics in order to do what must be done. No, no amount of blight or grey morality will help them win in their struggle against the Scourge, but instead, daemonic entities under the control of an old friend. The future is bleak. There is no doubt. If this proves successful, what is their next step?

On the OOC side, there isn’t anything I or other people can say that hasn’t already been said. Many have unsubbed, some tentatively, many permanently. The pool of players grows smaller by the hour. Many of us are turning towards other games to help ease the pain of the recent months’ news and bombshells. Many are betrayed, and rightfully so, by the taint that cannot be unseen, unheard, or undone(myself included). The plainest statement I offer is that the game and company both may one day return to what it was a long time ago. We are tired. Personally, I feel as if I am apart of a one-sided relationship. I try my hardest to be motivated and to motivate others, to try and help coax more love from my favorite game- just being rejected, or prevented, or stonewalled, or every other facet.

This isn’t to say that I’m giving up. There are others still in the guild that wish to push on and try to ‘rise from the ashes’. We have not had any sort of routine roleplay or weekly events in months. Even our raid team, which always draws most of our non-roleplaying-friends, is on life support. I’m not entirely sure where I am going with this semi-rambling stream of conscience. I’m just being plain-faced and honest in this post.

Maybe soon there will be a huge burst of inspiration. Maybe not. Maybe we’re damned to be dormant like others. For what it’s worth, I have loved my time meeting and interacting with so many of you over the years. I love our community and the world of Azeroth. It does not belong to anybody or thing but the players.

For now, you will likely see some of us at the guild drive on the 29th. Right now, doesn’t even matter if you want to roleplay. If you want to raid or PvP in a casual environment safe from elitism and bigotry, give us a holler. If you see me or anybody else out in the wild, don’t hesitate to pull us aside and just start chatting. RP? OOC? Doesn’t matter. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Happy Wednesday #2. Thursday sucks.

The gang sieges Honorfall on Saturday. Casual things.

“Pushed to the brink and without options, the Vol’kar turns to Lord Blackfire’s powers in a final bid to retake Honorfall. Will they succeed?”

Tomorrow we raid. Hope to find our feet and get a team goin’ again.

Have a good one lovely people.

Well it was 90% a pug but the three amigos of myself, Daxos, and Donovan killed the Banshee Queen tonight. 10/10 normal. Hoping to pull the raid team back together in 1 to 2 weeks. All roles welcome :call_me_hand:. Guaranteed AoTC, chill, casual environment. RP not required to raid.


Well, last night we had to reschedule our event due to some unforeseen circumstances, but we still had eight or so folks show up to do some idle RP! It has been dark, gloomy, and overall a not-fun-time on WoW, but we have brighter days ahead.


Lots of stuff happening. I’ll give a detailed post another time, here are some cliffnotes:

  • We have reclaimed Honorfall! Following a battle of cosmic proportions involving demons, undead, and mawsworn - oh my! The dedicated efforts of the remaining few have brought us one step closer to a safer Horde.
  • Join me in congratulating the following: Senior Sergeant Krol, Sergeant Daxos Skybreaker, Vanguard Nandrea Phoenixfeather, and General Lara Stoneheart! Things suck lately, but we still have fun roleplaying and enjoying each others’ company.
  • Additionally, welcome our two new and one returning face(s): X’ewa, Chentao Bronzefur, and Madeline Raywhisper!
  • We are taking an extended break from content following fatigue, draught, and OOC feeling. We hope to gear up and taken down SoD by the end of 9.1.5.
  • Special thanks to certain folks: Dolthar, Bwon’ran, Mortdreth, and Spizig.

Also, please give warm and acceptably distanced wishes to Kaeden Summerspire who has contracted Covid. We hope for a speedy recovery to the eternal Demon Hunter of the Month. :heart:


Lara’s got a last name! That’ll take some getting used to. I’m sure she’ll forget to sign it on her checks for awhile.

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I will bump this thread
In the form of a haiku
For the Alliance




