The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed


Our activity is very sporadic and sparse with the constant stream of scourge. We are nearing our RP hiatus with the incoming Shadowlands launch! Our hiatus will last roughly a month or maybe longer for all to soak up and enjoy content so we aren’t fighting for when raids happen, when PvP happens, or when events are scheduled. So, some folks are disconnecting for a few days before the chaos ensues.

You should be able to find us towards the later half of the day, or feel free to send a letter in-game to Buliss, Ithise, or Eurphadion! Some names to keep an eye out for is Aly’sandrel, Skavens, Tellun, Deylinna, Cam, and Mystfire.

If all of this makes sense and is acceptable to you- hope we hear from you soon!

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Cool, thank you! I will be looking forward to meeting one of you, or several of you, in game. Still haven’t decided fully on a guild for this toon, but this one seems very promising.

The in game /who lists have been pretty broken since pre-patch came out.

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That is also very true.

Tonight’s event, “A Closed Door; An Open Path” is one to rival our previous guild-shattering event, “The Last Formation”. Worry not- there isn’t a second ‘civil war’ arc (and you can smack me if I ever consider that again). It is a lead-in to our events come Shadowlands! Here is the teaser:

In the witching hours of Saturday morning, a company-wide notice was sent out to all within the Legion. Beit oral, written, or hearsay. . .

The tides of darkness never appear to wane, but with what missions we have launched, we have a margin of success, yet hardly anything one would say: “noticeable”.

Our world reels in pain. Azeroth herself cries - a sobbing mother watching her children be torn asunder. Kalimdor is but a crucible of death. A cradle for terror.

The Scourge continues to march, tearing friend, foe, and defenseless alike. They come from the age beyond ages, space beyond vision; wheeling within the abyss of infinite darkness. They have no goal, but which to kill. To murder. To destroy. Break.

Like children that do not understand the strength they possess. Even at the HEIGHT of The Burning Legion’s strength, they struggled to topple Ner’zhul’s endless armies. Truly, we have seen a madness that has not been witnessed in ANY of our lifetimes.

High Command believes they have a solution. One that I have heard from several sources outside chain of command. It is time this comes to light. I call upon you, Legionnaire. Orgrimmar herself sounds the horn and cracks the drum.

At five bells this evening, the Vol’kar Legion pledges to a war that shall change the very fabric of life as we know it. A pledge not unlike the war upon the broken world, Argus, that left the Pantheon Star ever-burning in our sky. Only now, every Legionnaire must make their choice. Do you charge forward into darkness, or stand your ground, shield raised? Your decision shall be remembered for years to come…

All aboard hype train! Next stop: Shadowlands!


I’m dead :joy:


And so we move to take our RP hiatus starting TODAY! This will lift sometime in December or January! Stay tuned.

Much has been divulged in the discord and discussed behind closed doors.

Tomorrow we cross into the Shadowlands and into a new chapter of the guild!

So long, BfA. I won’t be missing you. You made life difficult. There were plenty of good memories, but too many bad ones that overshadows the good.

It was a wild, wild, fun ride. Personally, I think if some better decisions were made, coupled with an overall better game (but that’s a fairytale in of itself har har har) I would be happy. Oh well, it’s time to move on to better heights.

I’m incredibly excited for the direction we are going. I hope that, two years from now, I can look back and be as melancholic-happy with Shadowlands as I was with Legion. Heck, there were even long stretches of WoD that I was sad to leave behind. :crossed_fingers: for another good trip.

I’d like to thank everyone that followed the guild’s thread and kept up with its story regardless of if you were in the guild or not. I am far from the best author and at times I can be grating, but the incredible amount of support that we have as a community is amazing. It’s silly to say something, like “The Vol’kar has touched the lives of some people, even if small”, but in this day and age where some of us have nothing but the worlds we create, it truly does mean a whole more.

I love you all, and hope to see you in Shadowlands and beyond! Keep being you. This little section of WoW wouldn’t be anywhere near the same without you. :heart: :wave: Until next we meet! Lok-Tar O’Gar!


Day four of the expansion and we have over thirty 60s in the guild! Lots of mythics, heroics, and battlegrounds. Crazy, fast-paced matches everywhere. We certainly have a wild expansion ahead of us. Lots of discussion around Shadowlands lore as well! Interesting and exciting ideas.

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Late Thanksgiving post but I’m thankful for this guild and all the friends I’ve made here. I reached a point awhile ago where Vol’kar has become synonymous with the game, just about everything I do in game is with the guild and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m really excited for the RP hiatus to end and see what storylines we come up with. Everyone seems passionate about the Shadowlands story so far and I’m confident we’re going to see some of our best RP we’ve had in awhile.

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Not only getting closer to raiding, but to the lifting of the RP hiatus! Can’t wait to see what cool stuff we get up to in the afterlife!

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Are you guys currently recruiting? Unsure if RP hiatus means recruitment hiatus too or not, but you seem like a cool group!


Hi Zari,

We’re always recruiting! Feel free to contact an officer or message me in-game.

We just had a meeting and determined that our RP schedule will hit full force back in January, though. So no real events will happen until after the holiday hullabaloo.

If this sounds fine to you, let’s chat!

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Hi all, this seems like an amazing guild and I would certainly contact you in game, however I have a few questions :slight_smile:

  1. My main is a DH, so are you looking for tanks or mdps in your current raids ? I am currently leveling the toon so I suppose I would not be part of the first raid group, do you have 2 ?

  2. From a RP perspective, are you comfortable with DH ? I know that some guilds prefer to avoid them and DK because of the strength of the character compared to let’s say a hunter or a regular warrior. ( guilds prefering a more realistic settings compared to high fantasy )

However I have a pretty extensive backstory for my toon and 25 years of RP as a DM in dungeon and dragons and in WoW, so I can assure you that I am not god modding my DH…

Let me know if this can interest you and if so, let’s meet in game for a RP chat !

Cheers !

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Hi there! I’m happy to hear that you’ve taken such an interest in the guild.

  1. We are always recruiting for more people in our raid team. We don’t bench anyone, and it is primarily a first come first serve situation. We playing a big game of tank roulette right now, searching for a permanent reliable off tank is very difficult. We would love to see your tanking skills in the future, but havoc DPS is always loved!
  2. We are very comfortable with demon hunters and hero classes. The Vol’kar’s power levels in events can get whacky, but we have a healthy dose of realism to keep us all in check and far from any convoluted, PC/lore character nonsense. Hero classes aren’t an issue at all.

Here’s hoping we can talk sometime soon in-game!

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Awesome, thanks so much for the quick reply. As far as raiding goes, I love both roles and both specs, so no problem playing DPS.

Another quick question while I level, is the guild story arc gonna impose a covenant choice for everyone ( seen that in other guilds ) or are we free on that front ?

Will send a message in game ( any website where I can read on the lore of the guild ? )

I can tell you that members are not forced into any particular covenant, IC or OOC.

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Hi again,

Nope! We are in the process of figuring out how covenants interact with the guild as a whole, but more or less it will be that we as mortals simply connect with, or become extremely MINOR aspirants of the covenants, nowhere near champions in terms of power.

We used to have a website but it got tiresome to update, we consolidate everything between the forum and the discord server. Your best bet is to read the latest story update post, or the little synopsis blurb that’s included in the main post.

Tomorrow the Vol’kar turns five! Five exciting years of roleplay and goofs.

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Happy five years, Vol’kar! Thanks for being you, reader. Whether or not you’re in the guild, or even interacted with us- you played a part in our whacky, crazy, long story. There are many things similar than there are different from 2015. The story it tells, the people it enables, and the memories to be had. I’m trying to compile all of the guild’s history since day one, and it’s a monster of a project. Hopefully I can finish it, and when I do it’ll feel like I’ve completely a book. Here’s to five years, and maybe five more!


Gan bei! :beers: Congrats on the five years!