The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Hey there!

Just resubbed back to this game, and transferred servers from Emerald Dream what with it being fairly dead in the RP scene nowadays. I did some looking around at various guilds and am super interested in this one! Are you all still recruiting?

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Of course! Although responding is redundant since we spoke in-game and you joined xD

Tonight is a really exciting night. Not only does Gamescon come with a lot of possible information with the animated short, but we have another event that will become the penultimate moment for our Silverpine rebellion arc. The big IC information update will come soon - tomorrow is the meeting of thew new “Chimaera”, an order of guilds that shall come together in support of the Horde’s interests - and Saturday will be “Operation: Barrens Clearance” by Mystfire.

Have a good Thursday to all that read! :slight_smile:

Suspicion rumbles throughout the ranks as no new occurrences are reported from the “kingdom of Southweald”. The Vol’kar’s main forces were pulled back to Bloodhoof to recuperate and then only a few were redeployed under the control of Lieutenant General Fleetfoot. Over the course of a week, the wolfmother launched a ruthless hunt for Lord Kalder Walker - her crosshairs deadset upon the insidious bag of bones. She believed that with the fall of one of the rebellion’s pillars, more would capitulate to the mounting stress of bloodshed and anger.

Lord Walker’s movements were tracked to several camps within Silverpine, each bearing a greater resemblance to his work within Fenris Keep, more than the last. Corpses, rotted and bloated, of all kinds of life from Silverpine. Beit critter, humanoid, or animal. Picked apart like a vulture would seek its prime selections of meat from roadkill, Lord Walker was amassing as much as he could for a prime necromantic abomination. Fortunately, due to the work of the Kal’Garn, who had familiarized themselves with the terrain over the course of two month, he was swiftly intercepted at the Deep Elem Mine.

Although reports say he went down easily - it is safe to assume that, from firsthand accounts, Lord Walker fought as much as one with his power possessed. Several Legionnaires left with decayed brands and scarred flesh - some marred by the horrors witnessed from cross-species-stitchings. With a macabre sense of irony, Lieutenant General Fleetfoot ordered his corpse displayed on the outskirts of the Sepulcher, the alleged holdout of the rebellion. They shouted and jeered- taunting and demoralizing the soldiers there for only a few minutes. Not wishing to whip them into a total frenzy, they left for their main post.

Soon thereafter they were ordered back to Kalimdor - garrisoning, recuperation, and recruitment. Grumblings on top of that suspicion - sudden pulling out of the rebellious conflict. For what reason would they leave the power vacuum of Silverpine?

While soldiers across the Maelstrom fought with rebels, those that remained stationed within Kalimdor were sent on a new mission, initiated by the then-Vanguard Bwon’ran. Alleged Twilight’s Hammer Cultists were caught traversing the lands between Desolace and the lower Barrens - hiking through the mountains. Their intentions were unknown, but with their line of work, nothing should be left to the imagination. Initially, Vanguard Bwon’ran wished the cultists to be eradicated, but the High Warlord wondered where the rest of their circle was hiding. Lord Blackfire agreed - and with a revision, the cultists were to be killed, and their bodies retrieved for the Lord of the Dark Tower - in Desolace. Some may grumble in anger at fighting fire with fire, but their bodies were to be used for disguises - using their skin for the pulp of the disguise. This would lead the Legionnaires to the Hammer’s rest, leading in total annihilation for the cult in this sector of Kalimdor. While the cultists were intercepted and slain, their bodies delivered, no disguise has been formulated - yet. However, in the cultists’ possession, a strange amulet was found. It held the power to sap one’s soul completely from contact of magical, ethereal, and spiritual power. Rendering them practically mute from the wonders of the world - becoming a plain mortal. There appears to be no ‘antidote’ for this curse. The amulet was quickly confiscated by Lieutenant General Dawnstrider - and sent to the Tower for further inspection.

A few days past these acts, and the time for promotions came. Last month, on August 22nd, the Vol’kar honored the following (with new rank):

Stone Guard Aly’sandrel,
First Sergeant Lara,
Senior Sergeant Skavens,
Sergeant Bwon’ran,
Vanguard Teilaya Sangryn,
Vanguard Spizig Blackbottle,
Vanguard Camsaen Brookwood,
Legionnaire Laurial Valeri,
Legionnaire Haz’kel.

Additionally, we welcome those who have joined since then:

Grunt Sehoro Crestley,
Grunt Zenraith Wintermaul,
Grunt Weyuk “Woogy” Cleavefury,
Grunt Zekkerio, and
Grunt Swa’tish Yiuwn Khouper.

Last night, upon reports by Lieutenant General Drakenbolt, the one known as “Belial Vestites”, a terrible thorn within the side of the Vol’kar Legion, and a personal taint upon several Sin’dorei Legionnaires, was found leading a caravan of his cultist pupils through a void rift within Mulgore. Drakenbolt was able to procure several devices that transformed the bodies of the volunteer squadron into void elves - much to the displeasure of practically everyone. What must be done, had to be done, as they quickly rode out to the last known position to enter the rift.

Traversing the void is a shuddering task - a loathsome taxation. Compounded by the herectical frames the Vol’kar were forced to pose as, this operation was a particular stain. Lieutenant General Drakenbolt ordered the force split into three forces and ordered a pincer manuever - General Fleetfoot taking the Second Cohort forces upon the southern ridgeline, and Jan-Mak taking the rest upon the northern. Once Drakenbolt lured the one known as Belial into a false sense of security - opening his wagon and stepping free from the caravan, a bomb was thrown underneath the carriage - and promptly lit ablaze.

A terrible warcry from the brutal Darkspear known as Orvus cascaded through the plains- whirling into a bloody frenzy, intent on taking several more trophies for his pile. Grunt Cleavefury launched himself into the fray as well, and with the two pincers of the great claw closing in- Belial had finally met his match, after two grand years of systemically breaking the many wheels of the Vol’kar Legion.

Information is sparse, despite the so-soon-operative, but one thing remains certain: the Vol’kar will never cease in its mission statement to K.A.V.E. Traitors deserve no quarter.

( art by Ithnan Drakenbolt herself!)

We have much more that was not mentioned here, but we decided to only show the significant plotlines of the Vol’kar instead of everything done within the past month. It has been a whirlpool of roleplay despite the fatigue of BfA. We are currently hunkered down, desperately waiting for 9.0, but we won’t hesitate to log in for good stories! There never has been a more perfect time to hop in for the ride along- we are READY for the pre-patch (and certainly more than willing!)

Also - a certain Blackheart Accord has come knocking for their flag… will they take it? Find out after Wednesday’s conjoined training!

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Vol’kar Legion woot woot! Bumping for love.


Happy Labor Day!

Reminder that our last official recruitment drive is Friday, September 18th (barring no sudden zombie invasion on the 15th) at 6PM server!


It is Wednesday my dudes.

Hype is building for tomorrow’s short, but for today: First Sergeant Lara is going to kick a lot of butts in Dustwallow. The Vol’kar must always stay alert and well-prepared.

This Friday is our final big recruitment drive. After that, we have a “Liberty Day” by First Sergeant Iriari Danishi. The Vol’kar comes together for a day of relaxation. Away from the field of battles to connect with our fellow soldiers, to understand them more deeply.

:wave: Hope to see some of you there! Get hype for vampire gang.

Our last recruitment drive kicks off in about an hour! Swing by and say hello! Or don’t. I’m not the boss of you.

An idea for a inner-guild social event, hosted by First Sergeant Iriari Danishi, nicknamed ‘Liberty Hours’ was a complete, resounding success tonight!

The idea was to have a social night specifically featured, and angled towards the guild. Forcing interaction between the old blood and the new blood organically - and it worked out!

Where people would otherwise feel awkward and out of place in multi-guild events, balls and parties, everyone meshed together and had an amazing time. We had a unique count of 32 individual characters make appearances, develop relationships, and become well-acquainted with their brothers-and-sisters-in-arms. Characters that are typically ‘hardcore’ and extremely serious were allowed to drop the facade for the night, drinking, friendly competition, and harmless shenanigans abound. There was even an impromptu sparring tournament organized by Iriari!

One of our new recruits, Regga, came and wiped the floor with everyone!

Speaking of, we’d like to formally welcome our newest recruits:

The aforementioned Grunt Regga, an orc with no family name, no past, and with several notches upon her belt for slain Alliance Knights. A fitting addition for the Wolfmother’s pack.

Grunt Elezei Balradesh, an elf of extremely young age (compared to her people) that required some… ‘convincing’ to be recruited – nevermind the duel that may or may not have happened, resulting in maiming by the First Sergeant, and vouching-for by Senior Sergeant Darkstar… She is… a handful, to say the least, but shows promise.

Grunt Rotheron, a Blood Knight who sought to pay his debts back to the Horde through military service. His age and experience could fill several tomes - and thus, a fine soldier for the ranks of the Reavers.

Grunt Uzumi, a friend of Regga’s, who only came here to see the Legion in action. It wasn’t until he decided to try and spar with some of the drunken soldiers - that he realized the potential he held within his grasp. After defeating several Legionnaires, he found himself taking the blood oath for the Horde. A witch doctor that knows his hand to hand combat - and a technique that Fleetfoot coined as: “floor attack”.

Grunt Sibylle Hollowblade, a death knight of mysterious origins - who exists to serve the Horde in ways in which the living cannot. Sergeant Darkstar has taken this one under his wing for his cadre of death knights.

And finally, the return of an old, old face: Grunt Fedine Sunstorm, one of the Warlord’s closest confidants and former Champion. During the final invasion of the Burning Legion, they disappeared to serve their family in its darkest hour. After a spell of self exile, they have return to bid their broken oath. To fulfill in ways that they could not before.

A wonderful past two days - and with the amount of folks around, I am ECSTATIC for the prepatch and its potential storylines. Lok-Tar O’GAR!


Last week, the Vol’kar Legionnaires treated themselves to the festivities of Brewfest by enjoying the festival on their down times, and acting as peacekeepers when on duty. Quartermaster Aly’sandrel initially sought to host a training based upon Brewfest, but after careful consideration (simply remembering “Liberty Hours”) she instead opted to host a training based upon magical damage. Notoriously, the Vol’kar has suffered the most against magically-inclined enemies.

The report is as follows:

Report from training session on 09/25:

The training session was successful. Two groups were rotated into combat. The first group fought an illusionary ancient similar to what was fought against the kaldorei. While successful in their fight, Blackfire had decided to use fel fire to burn the ancient; this backfired to some extent as it became enraged, immediately bringing the group to one spot to be pummeled. Legionnaire Wightborn had spoken of using necromantic magics, which would have made the fight simpler, if not easier. Why he had not used it is something he spoke of after, which I was pre-occupied during that time so I was unable to catch his reasoning.

The second group started against a void lord, being that we will inevitably cross one again, with partial credit being awarded to the ren’dorei. The fight went surprisingly well. Senior Sergeant Skavens had used an enchant on his blade to turn all healing on the void lord against it, with Grunt Orvus and Grunt Mina working alongside this to bypass the immunity it was originally given. Per the request of Grunt Balredesh, who had demanded something harder, a lava elemental was conjured in its place. It was defeated regardless, with the only true wounded being Skavens and Balredesh.

-Quartermaster Aly’sandrel

Overall a success. The sobering training was significant enough to liven the Legionnaire’s evening by a considerable amount. Peacetime has worn upon the minds of all - an uneasy rest that suspends the beliefs of all. Is this truly it? Has Azeroth finally found a quiet peace? Perhaps it has.

Last night we had our preliminary raid team meeting and had 22 members in attendance. We are super excited for Castle Nathria, and we wait with baited breath for the pre-patch. It couldn’t be any slower, seriously… X-X

We seem to have a healthy mix of classes, but now’s not the time to say anything so soon - we’re always melee heavy, and seem to never have a good amount of well-performing healers! Only time will tell what our final composition will be, though. We merely have to wait and see!

We’re aiming to easily achieve another Ahead of the Curve and perhaps dip our big toes into Mythic content! If you’re a roleplayer that loves content as much as you love storytelling, come give us a call! We’re currently seeking a permanent off tank, and classes that can offspec healing. Come one, come all!

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WTB Pre-patch and/or Beta key (joking)


Well the Groundhog came out and couldn’t even see his shadow because he was ganked by a rogue in a 4 second stunlock. This could have worked out better for him if he picked the right covenant.

And now Shadowlands is delayed.

This is a massive bummer and another monkey paw wish. Oh well.

The Vol’kar’s plans will be massively reworked to fit the new time frame. Our events and forum will go a little quiet as we work on a contingency plan, but we’ll fill the gaps between now and the zombie invasion easily. We’re not going to let our momentum go to waste. :wave: Lok-Tar!

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The Shadowlands claims another… RIP my SSD (or, at least, the 100GB of screenshots). Genuinely depressed that I lost so many pictures. As much as I despise BfA, had a lot of good memories. :sob::sob::sob:


I cannot wait to kick some butt with my guildies. Ready to make some prepatch memories!!

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Duuude that is heartbreaking. I’ll go through mine and sort whatever I have from BfA Vol’kar events into a google drive or something and send you the access in case there’s any to help make up for the ones you lost.


I recently learned I got trust level 3 and I can embed images, gifs, and links in my posts! The main post got a pretty update with our new banner!


Rapid developments in the Vol’kar story.

A tragedy, a revelation, and the return of an old horror…

Too much to catalog in a regular update- but one will come soon.

I logged over 35k+ words in a single event tonight! We had 34 people in attendance. :weary: Thankfully it wasn’t DnD based, and we kept a really good pace. We never like letting people feel like they aren’t heard or their emotes ignored!

Scourge invasion is at maximum hype.

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I wake up every morning and read beautiful Vol’kar RP posts and stories over breakfast. Super talented writers.

I am hyped to be overrun with Scourge with you all Soon™.


Thank you Eleeria! Right back at yourself and the Blackheart Accord.

The Vol’kar is pausing its IC updates for now until a future date. Our storyline has advanced so quickly and in such a dramatic pace, that it’s fruitless to try and write it all.

What we will say:

On the second Chimaera meeting, hosted at the Scar Blade Clan’s ancestral home of Frostspear, high within the mountains of Alterac…

A shocking revelation of a shattered crown, a split sky, and the return of the Scourge. While the High Warlord didn’t believe such mythical claims, Lieutenant General Fleetfoot had her reservations. A feeling in her gut - one which she needed to see for herself. She volunteered to witness firsthand if these claims were true or false. Begrudgingly, Jan-Mak agreed, but with one condition: she must bring her twin, Sir A’relan Sunblade.

Unfortunately, the rumors were true. While the proof lies with the split open sky, the shambling masses of corpses, and a sudden gargoyle attack, an even bigger tragedy now lies within a shallow grave of the frozen north: Sir A’relan Sunblade himself.

Bordering on hysteria, the High Warlord renewed his blood oath for the fifth time- and has mobilized the Legion fully. All Legionnaires must be prepared to give their fullest, and willing to sacrifice - or make the decision to return home. Several emergency orders were sent. Battle-buddies, family matters, weapon requirements, and more.

The Reavers of the First Cohort were sent to Honorfall to immediately begin fortification. The Menders were ordered to stockpile as much as they could, and to test for infected rations. The Deathweavers were immediately sent to the Tower for research, development, and creation for plague cures. The Kal’Garn were split into two squadrons: Homeguard reconnaissance, and forward reconnaissance. Led by First Sergeant Iriari Danishi, only volunteers, evaluated by Centurion Westcrown, could head to Northrend. All soldiers, regardless of task or cohort, were ordered to write final letters to friends and loved ones. Make no mistake: while the Vol’kar attempts to prepare, no soul is prepared for an unleashed, unrestrained, and unmatched Scourge.

Lok-Tar O’Gar.

Congratulations to the following that received promotions on October 23rd:
Blood Guard Iriari Danishi
Stone Guard Markahn Galefist
Stone Guard Lara
First Sergeant Ala’nare Darkstar
First Sergeant Skavens
Senior Sergeant Deylinna Summerveil
Sergeant Teilaya Sangryn
Sergeant Tellun
Sergeat Camsaen Brookwood
Vanguard Weyuk Cleavefury
Legionnaire Nandrea Phoenixfeather
Legionnaire Fedine Sunsword
Legionnaire Krol
Legionnaire Melamina
Legionnaire Elezei Balredesh
Legionnaire Ratonhn Grimpride
Legionnaire Velindeyn Shadestrider
Legionnaire Vrigka
Legionnaire Sashi’zon

The Scourge invasion goes live on November 10th - a good call on no To Honor the Fallen. The Vol’kar will do everything in its power to protect the people of the Horde! We will patrol in the open world, taking interactions as fully canon. Invasions in cities, liberating towns, forward operations, defending FOBs, and more! We hope to interact with you in a variety of ways and to make this experience the best possible moment ever!


Back to the top!

I should have waited 8 more days to make the reply comically macabre. (“28 Days Later”)

Much has been packed into two short weeks. I hope to give an update sometime after Shadowlands launches! Maybe before - if I’m feeling ambitious!

We’ve had to say goodbye to many old characters - and reeled in agony at the damage wrought by the Scourge. The Vol’kar takes the fight to Northrend whilst leaving behind several squadrons to protect Kalimdor. Orgrimmar cries out in pain, and the Horde groans beneath the weight of this plague. Whatever may stop this horrific, endless tide of undead? As the Legionnaires continue their work through endless hardship, saying goodbye to their closest friends every day, there may yet be an open path just behind a closed door.

No cost too great!

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Poppin’ in to say hello.

finger guns


I’m interested in joining the guild, but I haven’t seen anybody in game today.