The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

You will notice that if you look at the armory, the Vol’kar Legion lost quite a few members. That is due to a vicious political debate, the topic being: “Are hot dogs sandwiches”? Few were spared in the crossfire.

Nah, just removing some inactives and trimming down our fat.

I’m still putting together a good IC update; our storylines so far have been really disjointed and don’t share much in common with one another. It would be awkward and confusing to have one post that includes updates from seven different zones!

We’d like to welcome our newest member, Hazaji, who has yet to have an interview yet- but has shown a lot of eagerness towards the guild!

Tonight is the second part of General Lo’Gar’Nosh’s “Loose Ends”, with Chapter 2: “Of Rum and Scurvy”.

“With the Star Seer secured, another artifact has reared its head. The Wolf Brother gathers his pack to hunt down this next item well in the possession of a bunch of glorified criminals and violent drunkards…”

One miniseries plotline is in the works, involving some disturbing reports of unrest within the Eastern Kingdoms. I can’t share much, but I can give a hint: it involves a lot of death. :skull:

Have a great start to your week!

Tonight, to cap off a long, quiet week we had our first promotion ceremony in almost three months! We recognized and celebrated the accomplishments of:

  • Grunt Velanreia Bloodsorrow to Legionnaire,
  • Grunt Saljourn Deepriver to Legionnaire,
  • Grunt Teilaya Sangryn to Legionnaire,
  • Legionnaire Ki’lani to Vanguard,
  • Vanguard Skavens to Sergeant,
  • Vanguard Deylinna Summerveil to Sergeant,
  • Vanguard Lara to Sergeant, and
  • Blood Guard Essalie Westcrown to Centurion!

Real life is troubling. Heartbreaking. Tiring. It hasn’t been getting any easier - only harder. We shoulder on the best that we can and use our vast group as a net to help give support. Our DND events and RP were a way to escape the horrors of the day and that won’t be changing anytime soon.

Shadowlands gets closer every day - but it’s still so far away! We’re biding our time and will continue to make DnD storylines despite our reduced activity. :wave: Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great weekend, whoever you are. :heart:


Haven’t had time to sit down and properly write a forum update, so here’s today’s schedule ping from the discord!


Hello and good morning everyone. We had a slow and boring weekend but we’re giving way to a fast week. Tonight is another Mulgore Monday, same time as always (7PM ST), and this Wednesday is “Operation: Fish Hook” part 1. The introduction to the Silverpine Insurrection. Finally, this Friday is our first Recruitment Drive at 6PM server. We may be bombarded by trolls, but we’ll play it by ear. Come hang out and look pretty while we sit in Orgrimmar drumming up new blood. We’ll be doing this monthly until Shadowlands drops!

This is also a reminder that a week and six days from now, “Operation: Man in the Mirror” takes place. RP-PVP with ! Shift your butts into gear. Literally. Get gear, relearn your class, let me know if you need help. It’s going to be a wild fight! I promise you.

Have a good day! :wave:


See you this Friday at 6PM sever! If you’re interested in the guild but want to see more firsthand, then come find us in Orgrimmar!

Wednesday’s event went completely off the rails!

Deep within the confines of the lower Silverpine region, a power vacuum has unleashed its full might upon its people. Months and months of no local government, nor any type of Overlord following the Battle for Lordaeron, the peasantry has taken it upon themselves to forge their own destinies. Shedding the oppressive chains of the Horde as well as the zealous nature of the Alliance. The question is: how does a combined force mobilize? How do they operate? After all, war is logistics. Or not at all.

The Vol’kar’s first mark was a precarious farmhouse that remained relatively quiet for the past fifty years of its life. “Valgan’s Field” is what the locals called it, and thus the name stuck until the Kingdom’s collapse and subsequent torture thereafter. Ransacked multiple times first by scourge, then refuges, then bandits, once more to the scourge, then ultimately the Forsaken. Now once again the hearth lies cold.

Intel suggested that not only was the house being used as a stash for weapons, food, and general supplies, but a lead on the uprising leader, self-proclaimed “King of Shadows” was inside. High Warlord Jan-Mak deferred to Lieutenant General Ithise Fleetfoot’s lead on the assault. In total, the operators were:

Lieutenant General Eurphadion Dawnstrider,
Centurion Essalie Westcrown,
Champion A’relan Sunblade,
Champion Luna Duskweaver,
Sergeant Magrakka,
Sergeant Lara,
Vanguard Hynil Owlfeather,
Legionnaire Velanreia Bloodsworn,
Legionnaire Spizig Blackbottle,
Grunt Donovan Wightborn,
Grunt Reichov Ravenmire.

A hefty sized group for a possible infiltration matter - which Fleetfoot opted to do so. Which the main forces stuck back behind the barn, Luna Duskweaver and Sergeant Lara would make their way across the field to peer inside the farmhouse. Only one guard was placed outside - and his twitchy nature and attitudes suggested that all that they needed to do was make one wrong move - and the whole operation would go down in flames.

However, the operation went down in flames anyhow, as Legionnaire Blackbottle was able to sneak by on his own and scale the side of the aged home. Not-so-stealthily, as even the weight of a goblin caused many of the dead and rotting board to give way, capitulating and falling to the ground. Although this alone wasn’t enough to alert the guards, it put the tweaking rebel on high alert. Thankfully, his counterparts inside kept him mostly occupied for the three to look inside.

Inside the house, there was nothing but more evidence that this indeed was both a rebel stockpile and food dispensary. They held so many bodies in one place, though, it was strange. A front for an assault, or some other reason? In any case, the time it took you to read this paragraph, Spizig had already stuck himself and his giant sack of bombs through the rotten insulation to the master bedroom. Inside, there lay a sealed crate with a mysterious rune slapped to the side. The Legion might never know what happened there, as moments later, their stealth busted. How? Why? Did the goblin simply wish chaos? The exact opposite. Luna opted to head back to the group to inform her superiors of their findings, and on the way - look inside the barn itself. No stone unturned, like a true scout.

Dark, damp, musky. The air of the barn could suffocate. The heat, combined with the rot - a disgusting mixture. It would make an abomination gag. Thankfully, the elf had her helm and other runes to ward off such trivial misfortunes. This was nothing more than a forgotten relic, just like the farmhouse. Or so she thought. Failing to notice a glinting spidersilk tripwire, she had mere moments to hear the click and the flash of gunpowder - a bundle of rusting blunderbusses pointing straight down at the unsuspecting elf.

The noise caused both the Vol’kar to charge the House and the rebels inside to hole up even harder. For a brief moment, it was an impenetrable bunker with firearms sticking free from the boarded windows and broken wood. Minutes passed, with A’relan suffering catastrophic bullet wounds, Magrakka taking a singe to the shoulder, and Donovan nearly losing his head. Spizig, on the other had, had begun his “seven-step” plan, which ultimately ended in an explosive finish. With all those barrels of blackpowder and shot - it was time to boom, right? Not so. He was able to cause a fire, which subsequently led to an explosion, but the rebels inside fell to a grueling death of smoke inhalation and incineration. Some were able to escape into the woods, but ultimately, the house burned freely.

Reeling and uncertain on whether or not this mission could be rendered a success, Fleetfoot watched as the Legionnaires picked off the rebels that fought a losing battle. Sergeant Lara distinguished herself thrice this mission, as not only did she help infiltrate the house originally, she saved Duskweaver from bleeding out and deposited her frame for Centurion Westcrown. Then, she secured the barn and reported that the Vol’kar had still retrieved a rebel cache - it was set as a trap. Later, Spizig found a control button within the box, as well as a parchment that showed disfigured and marred images of several factions within Azeroth - the Forsaken, the Horde, and the Alliance. The button later revealed a goblin gatling gun - rigged to riddle the house with several hundred rounds of ammunition. Both houses acting as mousetraps for the Vol’kar.

All in all, a success. A bloody, uncertain success - but still a victory. With only a handful of injuries and zero casualties, as miraculously, Luna’s scalp was untouched from any projectile - only backflame from the barrels of the guns. Sergeant Lara was raised to the rank of Senior Sergeant for her above-and-beyond application of self.

This mission could be summed up as a headache: the leads that the Vol’kar wished to uncover weren’t there, and instead they were given many more. Both houses rigged to either explode or kill as many soldiers as possible, and with goblin technology. The plot thickens to a confusing degree. Forsaken rebels working with living? Worgen interference? Goblin firearms? A discussion to be had later, for sure, and further tracking on this “King of Shadows”.

A fun start to a brief miniseries idea I brewed for the content drought from now until Shadowlands. Can’t wait to discover more with the guild!

Tonight we have our first of many recruitment drives at 6PM server! Come find us in Orgrimmar to learn firsthand about the Vol’kar Legion, sate your curiousites and see the soldiers in person- and what you can do to serve the Horde! Lok-Tar O’Gar!

P.S. . . . .

I heard there’s going to be some RP-PvP next week! :eyes: :eyes: With a certain “73” guild…

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Last night’s recruitment drive was a complete success!

Welcome aboard to our four new Grunts,

Laurial Valeri, an elven woman of strange heritage but an utter devotion to the Horde and her people. Although her appearance may be questioned, the contents of her heart is what is truly judged. Her extensive teachings of both natural medicine and mistweaving has placed her within the Mender’s Circle.

Hazkel, a Zandalari who was recently risen within the Ebon Blade. A dark, yet obvious past - his hatred of the Alliance stems from his brutal end within Dazar’Alor. The Vol’kar is a natural development for him, as his vengeance might yet be sated by serving the Horde. He joins the other knights within the Deathweavers.

Nar’gul, “The Warbear”, a monstrous behemoth that gravitated towards the Vol’kar like the moons naturally attracted to Azeroth. His hulking figure gives way to his natural trade of crushing all that stand in his way. A natural-born soldier for the Reaver Company.

Dasra Tornear, a curious specimen of vulpera with a broken past. Her caravan scattered and enslaved when she was but a kit, she was forced to forge through the world on her on - no teacher, no mentor, only the cruel reality of nature. Using her size as a skill, she stuck to the shadows and remained out of sight - utilizing all of her abilities as a thief. Now she will act as an up and coming wolf among the Kal’Garn.

We plan on doing these drives once or twice a month! Some we weren’t able to interact with due to the volume of folk. Hope to see some of you there!

Bumping for self interest

Glad to see you’ve taken interest! Hope to hear from you soon!

Butterflies in the stomach for tomorrow night!



A training mission, of course, so nothing grand is at stake. Except bragging rights!

Awesome training tonight! Lots of close calls and an intense back-and-forth between the Vol’kar and the Seventy Third. The location is “classified” - but your hint is: one of the nightmare dragons are killed there.

There’s so much I could say, so instead I’ll leave you with an imgur album of over 400+ screenshots of the event! Shout out to Raz’aghar for taking the screens.

There were three scenarios in the training tonight: Open terrain, a breach into close quarters, and finally a combination of all techniques for the all-out assault on the temple ruins. Tons of fun, we’re already in talks for more organized and regular RP-PvP events. We may be headed towards a portion in WoW’s story where the faction conflict simply doesn’t make sense, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have PvP training events!

Thanks again to everyone! :heart:


It has been quite some time since an official update on the Vol’kar forum post. I would like to first start this update with another update: We’ve got banners! New ones done by the artist -YH-, a friend of Oro’gar from the Steeltusk Clan. -YH- was the perfect choice that pulled the ideas straight out of the officers’ collective brain. Our previous banners were so outdated and aged it was painful to look at from time to time. I’ve already updated the main post, but condensed all of them for your viewing pleasure in this imgur master post:

Previously, on The Vol’kar Legion…

The Legion acquired four new recruits and soundly defeated the Seventy Third during an intense CQC training program - but behind the scenes, trouble brews within the Eastern Kingdoms.

Unannounced, a peoples’ rebellion began within the farthest away reaches of Pyrewood Village. A nobody by the name of Ikavod Donor rose up against an oppressive regime of thugs and former Dreadguard, and rallied a group of the downtrodden, the forgotten, living, unliving, and even enlisted the aid of some Worgen to head north into Silverpine. Enough was enough. For years, they had been used, thrown into battlefield after battlefield, grinder after grinder, to fight one another for a Queen that didn’t care for them. To fight for a pretender that would rather sacrifice Capital City than to even feign caring for her people. Now, with no form of government, even local, with a vacuum unlike the which has not been seen since traveling to The Great Beyond for Argus…

A big has been cast for the Sepulcher. Reports are unclear on whether or not the town has fallen. The already buckling Dreadguard unable to keep up with a united coalition, it is safe to say that the Sepulcher has been lost. Intense scrutiny was sent throughout the entire chain of command for both the Horde proper and the Dreadguard militia. Rumor has it that the rebels’ intent was to move out of Silverpine and cast another bid for Hillsbrad. Their first stepping stone: Fenris Isle.

Whether or not the now proclaimed “King of Shadows” knew that Fenris Isle was already inhabited by another, the nefarious Lord Kalder Walker, a rotten old bag of flies with an intolerance for peasantry. Seizing the opportunity as they had done with the Call of Lordaeron, the Vol’kar launched an immediate strike upon Fenris Isle. Lord Walker’s power resided with the engine of souls that he had pilfered from Scholomance many years ago- an endless churning of mindless spirits, wandering the ground, hurling their unlife away to protect him. Unfortunately for Lord Walker, several of the Vol’kar’s taskforce were experienced with this type of treacherous magics. Quick work was made of the spirits and the engine tracked won to its power source. However, with the sheer amount of spirits near the epicenter of the engine, the Vol’kar were forced to make a choice: destroy the engine or pursue Lord Walker. Ultimately the Legionnaires chose the engine. With dozens of years under his belt on knowledge of the Keep, Lord Walker escaped with a collapsible tunnel. It was unclear whether or not the rogue-Lord was apart of the rebellion, or if he even threw his lot in with the “King of Shadows”. Sergeant Skavens was able to track his movements to the shore of Fenris Isle as well as a burned paddle boat.

Such investigation would have to be tabled. Just a few short days later…

The Vol’kar would have to work quickly to disrupt the rebels’ plan. With only so many personnel up against a disorganized band of outlaws, they can’t take any chances - and the pragmatic choice would be a bloody, costly decision. So, they must divert the rebel army down one chosen path - convince them that the Horde held a large force at one of the positions.

-----FIRST PATH-----

A gradual incline that caresses the edge of the Alterac Plateau. In the past, the Magi of Dalaran kept many prisoners on its outskirts and even helped transport some victims of the Internment camps. Long since falling from a relevantal grace, the Thenn is used for nothing more than the occasional smuggling run, Alliance troop movement, and grazing paths for the bear populace. A natural route for a marching army that wishes to take the high ground.

-----SECOND PATH-----

Alterac. Nicknamed the “Perenolde Pass”, as long, long ao, this cliffside was an integral part of the rampaging Orcish Horde’s warpath into the northern reaches of the Eastern Kingdoms. While not the main passage Doomhammer forced his troops through, it was flawless enough information provided by Pernolde which allowed the Horde to bypass General Hath’s many eyes. Doomhammer would then lay a brief siege to Lordearon before causing the bloodiest campaign Azeroth had seen at the time. Naturally, the Kingdom of Southweald would want to use this - and ultimately move into Alterac. Nobody but the rummaging ogres live within its crumbling, comatose walls.

“Which would be preferred” has many more questions within itself - it isn’t a clear answer. Allowing the rebels to pass through Perenolde Pass means a natural garrison and a forward command center for the invaders. Allowing rebels to march straight through the incline means they gain the routes of the natural highway. Several options to be considered….

Foremost, the scouting party would be the greatest threat to the Legionnaires this evening. A fight upon open ground, or urban combat within a stone, snow ruin?

Ultimately, the taskforce assigned chose Perenolde Pass. The following soldiers in the retinue were:

Lieutenant General Eurphadion Dawnstrider
Champion A’relan Sundblade
Champion Luna Duskweaver
Senior Sergeant Lara
Sergeant Skavens
Legionnaire Saljourn Deepriver
Legionnaire Spizig Blackbottle
Legionnaire Teilaya Sangryn
Grunt Bulgan
Grunt Donovan Wightborn
Grunt Okirri

The Vol’kar Legion had a few hours up on the scouting force, and thankfully they chose Perenolde Pass as a secondary option. Legionnaire Blackbottle was given express permission to riddle the snowglade with explosives while the rest of the unit manned the broken, shambling walls. Champion Duskweaver and Sergeant Skavens were sent south and north, respectively, to keep watch for the forward scouts. Time passed on, and a blizzard brewed upon their position. Intense snowfall prevented movement and limited visibility to roughly five feet.

As Reavers continued their strenuous position on the wall, expecting and waiting results from the scouts, the only warning they were given was the aforementioned Sergeant racing as fast as his feet may take him towards the wall. Puzzled, wondering what could have spooked the goblin, their answer came in the form of a dark, furred rider. A worgen racing through the snowglen on the back of a vicious friesian that nearly trampled the goblin. A ruthless strike upon his collarbone, and another that hamstrung him. Against the orders of General Dawnstrider, Sergeant Lara rushed out to save her comrade- hurling the goblin with an extreme amount of force back towards the wall. This unfortunately left her open for an attack from the rider - an attack that never came, as the rider was trailed by a rifleman and another forsaken. Intense small arms fire came from the north after the first shot, as the scouting force split in two and decided upon a two-pronged assault. Either they were tipped off from previous information, or they simply expected some kind of resistance.

Thankfully, the deceptive planning and stalwart defense from the Vol’kar fooled the scouts into genuinely believing a much larger, stauncher force standing behind the walls within Alterac. Round after round of practiced volleys from Southweald Dragoons, both living and forsaken, eventually broke into disarray from Champion Duskweaver’s abilities to disrupt the leadership. Her name was Dame Westbard, another armed and mounted worgen that held aloft a greatsword. Grunt Donovan Wightborn utilized his abilities as an Ebon Knight to incite terror among the ranks and rout the dragoons.

The previous rider which felled Sergeant Skavens, whose name would be discovered to be Sir Veiss, noticed the rout and ordered his compatriots to flee - inform the main army. He accepted his fate and decided to take down as many as he could. Champion Sunblade deflected many of his skillful attacks- becoming hard pressed as he encountered another swordsman of extreme caliber. Grunt Bulgan inflicted a fatal blow that lacerated an artery in his shoulder, and Sergeant Lara slew his horse in a-frequently-noted-“illegal”-move. Sprawling, but with adrenaline keeping his senses, Sir Veiss demanded an open fight upon the glen.

Sergeant Lara decided to take his claim. Although blood poured like springwater, Sir Veiss refused to fall without fight- inflicting a great deal of damage upon Lara. However, his fate was sealed. Another overpowering strike from the ferocious vixen never came - as Champion Sunblade, notorious for his lack of care for swordplay “etiquette”, struck Sir Veiss through the spine, filling his lungs with blood and bringing him to his knees. It was noted in a later report that his teeth were taken for a necklace. A macabre trophy.

The Vol’kar then vacated Alterac quickly - this news should immediately see the light of day at Fenris, and with Sergeant Skavens in critical, possibly dead condition- he had to be evacuated to Bloodhoof Village.

The Vol’kar now licks its wounds - painful and aching are the gashes. The rebels were put together more than anyone wanted to admit. Only time would tell how their gambit would pay off - their attention turns to Hillsbrad. Will the Vol’kar allow the “Kingdom of Southweald” expand into the greater area, or will the Horde further cement its borders in a strong rebuke with crushing force?

Hope you enjoyed the recap! We have more RP-PvP in the works with The Seventy Third hopefully focused on smaller scale battles and an emphasis on individuality! Tonight is a training hosted by the up-and-coming Senior Sergeant Lara, with Quartermaster Aly’sandrel continuing her adventures in part four of “Id Igitur”.

Our next recruitment drive is in two weeks! Mark it on your calendars - August 21st, with a promotion ceremony the next day. Thanks again for reading!


… an old face will be returning within a few days. They’ve passed navy boot camp to become a sailor! Who could it be, who could it be?!


That was a very polite way of saying that Sunblade stole my kill!

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tugs collar nervously Hey uh… anyone else see what’s happening with that plague on PTR?

anyone know any good vantage points in Orgrimmar?

There are some decent spots on the ledges overlooking the VoH and VoS that are pretty good. No buildings up there, but plenty of space to run around between the main two valleys to watch.

The “Battle of Strahnbrad” commenced tonight and ended with resounding…defeat.

Yes, surprising, I know. We don’t win all the time- but the rebels of Silverpine suffered a great deal themselves. A Pyrrhic victory at best.

A bigger update on that will come later. Tomorrow is our second recruitment drive! Hope to see some of you there! :slight_smile:

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Hi, this guild looks amazing. So much detail, I’m very impressed.

When/where is the recruitment drive tomorrow?

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Hi there, slightly embarrassed because not only did I get the date wrong for my own event, I posted it on my own thread. :sweat_smile:

The recruitment drive is Friday, August 21st at 6PM server (9PM eastern). We conduct them in Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor. Of course, some of us will be in Orgrimmar a few hours ahead of its start.

Tonight’s event is instead “Breaking the Hammer” by our very own Bwon’ran, with him getting his feet wet being a dungeon-master for the first time. This will be covered in our next forum recap.

Please keep in touch if you are unable to make Friday! We are always recruiting and do not regulate new members to only the drives. Sorry for all who thought the drive was tonight! :upside_down_face:

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This guild is full of nerds. But we love and cherish these nerds.
(I too have mistaken my own calendar from time to time.)

10/10 guild, full of great people!


Great folks! Looking for a great horde guild? Get yer butt to this recruitment drive!


(Am Marruin, just forgot to switch characters.)

No worries at all, to be honest 9pm EST tomorrow actually works 1000 times better than any time today, lol. I’m excited to read about Bwon’ran’s event, your writeups are well-done!

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Happy Friday, everybody! Recruitment drive tonight in Orgrimmar! Lok-Tar O’Gar and have a great weekend!