The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Amazing ceremony! Amazing choice for an officer! Amazing guild!


This guild has been with me for going on three years now, through ups and downs, losses and gains, three different jobs and two different living situations. I love it here and am totally honored to hold this position. Here’s to more great years and stories in the future!



MIA: 2




The contents of tonight’s mission will remain classified for some time. Although the outcome was in the Vol’kars favor, it was- and forever will be- bittersweet.


Due to several of our members in danger zones and being at risk with the coronavirus, we have no set plans for events this week. While we are here to ignore the plights of IRL, we are all adults and know when to focus on what matters most. I hope you all stay safe and don’t let hysteria in your household. :wave: :heart: Have a great weekend!

Seem like great folks in the community, I’ve heard nothing but good things about 'em! Very organized, conduct themselves with professionalism and politeness, and very cool Horde military themes!


Dude, where’s my Vol’kar.


Not much has progressed in the ways of story- folks have been upended and busy with The Virus in the newest patch of Real Life. I don’t really enjoy it myself, but it is what it is. I hope everyone stays safe and keeps on trucking. We’ll get through this one way or another- and we need to reach out to help one another whenever and however we can. Never shirk real duties that need to be done immediately. :wave: :heart:

We are now officially 6/12 Heroic! Next week, we start on Vex, then proceed to the underbelly of Ny’alotha!


MIA: 0





“To the desk of @Chak’Ga, (if he even has a desk).”

" As we’ve noted, the body we found is indubitably the one of ---- There are no official reports on his whereabouts and his name does not appear in any records searched. Although we only have a handful from the now-decommissioned Ironwing on the task, they worked twenty hours straight on making sure these records were correct. His hair, the lines in his palms, and the axe are all consistencies with the file of Stone Guard ----. "

" We do not know why the Ebon Blade were there. We likely never will. No amount of security clearances or peace offerings will pull information from their maw. ---- ---- ----- ----- ------------------------------- ------------- ----. No artifacts were found at this battlefield; Official diagnoses will remain muddled. "

" I have instructed several former Ironwing to study the battlefield further- scry for whatever residual effects of magic there are, and I have even enlisted the help of a necromancer. I do not think this will be a fast case, and I wonder if this choice is simply a waste of time- but only time will tell. "

" Attached are the next-of-kin for the deceased: "

The entire attached form is redacted.

Final requests:

"As we’ve discussed, do not state your affiliation with the Vol’kar. Deliver the body to the Farseers, inform the family, and deliver the axe. Chances are, they won’t see you as anything but an ogre. The less correlation with the Legion, the better."


03/18/?? L.C.


*"To the desk of Lieutenant General Fleetfoot…

The idiot is back."

– A troll palm is at the bottom of the slip of paper.

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This week, the have seen the first foray into the Dread Wastes. Emphasis on the usage of ‘seen’, as the mission was cut short due to several (silly) mistakes and oversight.

Four wolves of the Kal’Garn have gone missing - Celtherae Brightfeather, Shisemi, Norlak Samoht, and Nordlahb NalCam. Each reported on several sectors of the new Mantid Swarm - the Zara’thik - as well as several big mentions of the swarm’s new developments. Grunt Brightfeather’s last report sent to the desk of the High Warlord suggested that they infused their new offspring with segments of stolen Azerite. However, as of March 10th, Brightfeather was the last to go missing.

The specialized force hand-picked by the High Warlord were ordered to explore the following regions:

  • Kypari Vor,

  • Terrace of Gurthan,

  • Forgotten Mire,

  • Lake of Stars,

  • and finally, Kypari Zar.

This would have just been an assessment. A simple ‘reaffirmation’ that the details within these reports were true - and possibly recovering bodies. Hope is high that the wolves are still on their run from mantid hunters- and still alive- but hope wanes.

Unfortunately, as the squadron approached the first location of Kypari Vor, they were only able to make minimal notes of the area before hysteria set in. Grunt Luna Duskweaver suddenly struck out- enraged and befuddled by the drones that surrounded her, Vanguard Magrakka nigh drew her blades on her superiors, Iriari Danishi succumbed to fear- almost screaming into the night, and Grunt Ki’lani almost suffered a breakdown in the middle of the field.

Absolutely bewildered by these actions, the High Warlord was forced to cut the entire operation short by advisory from Blood Guard Westcrown. Upon arrival to the Shrine of the Two Moons, once Duskweaver’s body was cleansed of mantid toxin, (and an arrow removed from her shin…) Blood Guard Westcrown, Vanguard Tellun, and 1st Sergeant Iriari Danishi concluded that the residual negative energies in the Dread Wastes called upon the remnants of the Sha. With the High Warlord’s approval, they decided a ‘blind experiment’. On the same night of their expedition to Zan’Vess, instead, they were sent to a remote location far within Kun-Lai. Effectively tricking the soldiers by claiming the ‘trinkets’ they had found were symbols of power against the mantid, those in attendance were inoculated by trace amounts of sha energy.

Some were indoctrinated by their pride, others by their anger, some by their fear- but most of what connected them all was the doubt that they had within themselves. Doubt that they could win the war, doubt that they could protect those that they love. It was here that they learned one of the most important lessons to keep close at heart for the remainder of this war: letting the enemy enter your mind will allow the enemy to win.

With all this in mind, and being a rather quiet week of deployment, the High Warlord has ordered a weekly day of leave- every Monday (sans emergencies) back to Kalimdor, to break up the monotony of sluggish, 4-way war in Pandaria. Sometimes the idyllic, exotic landscapes of faraway lands are simply too much for ones’ mind. Home is where wounds can be mended most.

As for the forgotten wolves, they must hold on for as long as they can. Only one agent leaves evidence they yet live - Celtherae Brightfeather.

On the OOC front: we are now 8/12 Heroic! Vexiona is quite the thorn in our sides, but I anticipate she’ll finally fall this upcoming Friday. Stay safe, wash your hands, and Lok-Tar O’Gar!


Wow! Look at us go- 10/12H. N’Zoth is just around the corner- are you ready to try and drown a squid? Hilarity will ensue!

“Let the record show I wasn’t under the tentacle.” - Celtherae

edit: nice post count


I wasn’t! N’zoth framed me! :angry:

We are now 11/12 H and our lowest attempt on N’Zoth for the night is 73%. AoTC is right around the corner! Also, Operation: Phantom Limb tomorrow!

The month of April was to be a grand source of anxiety for the sons and daughters of Vol’jin. Many lie awake at night wondering how they were going to contend with the void threat, when they had just finished the great struggle with the Mogu empire. Dozens of settlements were sacked or razed every day, and with dwindling numbers, extreme hours of operation, and little time for rest - it was a full wartime effort. Even worse, a strange venom the new mantid swarm - the Zara’thik - was crippling several Kal’Garn agents. A master of afflictions mentioned that it was similar to that of a trapdoor spider - a rushing bite to destroy the muscles, the central nervous system, and brute strength to finish them off.

It was decided that they would cripple as much of the mantid that they could before they focused heavily on the void. The previous foray - although brief - still gave them plenty of information to contend with the bug-people. Completely in line with the old gods - similar to the records from the Siege - they used what little Sha energies remained in the Dread Wastes to amplify their magics and abilities. This is what caused the Vol’kar to succumb to their more primal emotions in their weakened, overburdened state. Some suffered terrible visions of pain- others horror, and a few gave in to their pride.

Blood Guard Westcrown and Senior Sergeant Danishi were able to perform several rituals and rites to temporarily halt this infection of the mind- but only for a few soldiers. Some were unable to conquer the darkness within them, but they were given exposure in the most authentic form: surprise. While trust may have been breached, and perhaps a bit of pride, this was ultimately the best course of action. Now they must wait for orders…

Several days passed- the feeling of anxiety intensifying. Lack of orders, with a general lack of direction - or confidence from the chain of command… the failures of prolonged warfare were looking to be onset. It wasn’t until a refreshing change of pace - a promotion date set for the Seventh that much was revealed.

On the desk of the High Warlord was given a missive from the highest powers that be - news of the great darkness being crushed by heroes we might never meet. Whoever they were, and whatever they did, their legend would live on. Proof of this being the lack of void assaults - the waning in intensity of how the Old God struck at the Vale. While the Vol’kar haven’t been to Uldum, the reports must have meant their presence waxed there as well.

While this should have been great news - and to the people of Pandaria that the Vol’kar strove to protect, it was - but every good thing must also bring bad. The extreme amounts of bloody conflict, seemingly endless in its stream of battlefields… the people of Azeroth cry out on both sides. Orgrimmar, beautiful as she may be, has seen far better days. Hearths lie cold, families are smaller. Fathers wither away with no sons to take their mantle. Mothers sob as they receive the letters of sacrifice at the base of where their babies were held.

Conflict… it is an integral part of life. Too much of it will upset the delicate balance. Which is why the High Command of the Horde military wishes to decommission as many soldiers as possible. The Vol’kar is no exception, despite their contracts of blood. They are to return to Kalimdor as soon as possible and report to Orgrimmar for further orders. Soldiers that were picked to be decommissioned would be receiving letters of discharge, while others would remain on for further duty. A ceremony to recognize those who were deserving of praise had suddenly become sobering. Perhaps it was the act - or at least the idea of boosting one’s final pay.

In summary, those who were promoted (with their new rank):

Quartermaster Aly’sandrel,
Sergeant Magrakka,
Vanguard Deylinna Summerveil,
Vanguard Jorue Dawnwalker,
Vanguard Lara,
Legionnaire Kekona,
Legionnaire Camasaen Brookwood,
Legionnaire Honovi,
Legionnaire Reavus Cinderpath,
Legionnaire Ki’lani

Once the ceremony concluded, soldiers were instructed to return back to the Shrine and await their ship date back home. There would be no mass-shipping. Instead, waves of soldiers would be sent to prevent the onset of a power vacuum within the Vale. The mogu, cowed as they are, would not hesitate to snap their hungry jaws. The Horde cannot guarantee complete safety of the pandaren, but they must work and give what they can.

One final mission within the Dread Wastes was conducted. Dubbed “Phantom Limb”, the High Warlord declared that no soldier - or agent - would be left behind on Pandaria. All hens must be counted. The four previous Kal’Garn agents sent to the Dread Wastes had not returned, signalling that it was time to find them.

Such a classified mission cannot be shared, but unfortunately, three were reported to be KIA. Poor intel and lack of planning resulted in needless death. These issues within the Kal’Garn will be investigated. Early evidence suggests that the Agents were ill-equip to handle the void-tinged swarm. One agent was recovered, Legionnaire Celtherae Brightfeather - and is looking to recover from her hellish adventures. Three weeks within the Dread Wastes is more than enough time to break the psyche of any hardened veteran. Her resilient nature and attitude is something more soldiers should strive to achieve. Coincidentally, Legionnaire Raelisa Emberleaf also reappeared shortly after Celtherae’s rescue. Correlation is questionable.

As of Monday Night, April 13th, it is reported that the Vol’kar Legion is entirely within Kalimdor once more - with a few assents elsewhere in Azeroth. This uncertain time is just that - uncertain. The potential for great things to aspire is ever-astounding. Although the ending of this campaign was bittersweet, the feeling as if you lost despite your win, a legitimate chance at peace - even brief - is possible. Maybe war has had its time. Maybe violence will decrease. Maybe families will grow ever stronger. Only time will tell what fate may bring. With one tyrant still unaccounted for, it feels as if we are treading into open waters - and blood pools around us. So long as we don’t look down… we can see our future.


The Vol’kar’s BfA finale has concluded. Indeed, it was bittersweet - we are unable to venture into all corners that we hoped. We didn’t even get to meet the big villain that we created back in 8.0.

I’d like to say that BfA was great. I’d love to continue on and say how much we had fun… but we’ve all seen (and spoken (im especially guilty)) how… terrible this expansion was. I won’t take this time to go on about how meh it was, or try and explain myself… but I will admit that we all let passion get to us somewhere in this. It even drove us to have the civil war plot that resulted in a lot of mixed feelings and dissatisfied cravings.

We look to Shadowlands full of hope and criticism. Many of the Vol’kar are far more educated and wearing different lenses this time around. Even though we are roleplayers, I heavily encourage everyone to lend their voice and help shape the next expansion. While it’s just a game for all of us to get lost in from time to time, repeated experiences like WoD and BfA will only degrade and further disillusion us - and distance us from our like of the game. Prose and [expletive] aside, if the game isn’t fun - why play it?

The Vol’kar will be going into a low-activity run for now until prepatch. There will be no major DnD storylines, and roleplay will be solely focused around building our strength, protecting the Horde, and serving Kalimdor in every way possible. Creative freedom is encouraged in this time.

If you still want to join in this lull/hiatus activity, come one come all! We’d love to see and interact with you while the canvas is blank. If not- we still understand. BfA, although contentious, is still some folks’ favorite expansion.

Furthermore, we are recruiting for our content groups in Shadowlands!

We love our roleplay, but love doing content just as much! If you love to do both, give us a try in Shadowlands!


We did it! Squidface is dead - we are now retired in terms of BfA PvE. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just a bump to say hello! While we move into a post-expansion lull, we’re still around and still kicking. We attend every Mulgore Monday and Soup night we can- and our doors will remain open for anyone that wishes to join!

We haven’t had much development on the roleplay front as we return to Kalimdor, but we anticipate to have a lot of open creative freedom very soon! (Did someone say RP-PvP? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:)

May 8th, we are going to recognize and praise another that will ascend to join the Officer Corps. Who could it be? Find out the Friday after next!

Lok-Tar O’Gar!

As the silence and lull of the post-campaign partum begins… it appears as if more events commence.

Following a lead about a possible “assassination plot”, a missing diplomat, and brand new intelligence about Horde and Alliance escalations within the humid jungles of Stranglethorn, Jan-Mak went out on chance into Silvermoon with a few elves in tow: Eurphadion Dawnstrider, Arlenia Dawncrown, Aly’sandrel, Nandrea Phoenixfeather, and Luna Duskweaver. His intention? A “war council social gathering”. Information should be confirmed at the source - and so it was.

Dozens of orders, spanning from the familiar faces such as the Sunfury Battalion, the Horde Army, and the Royal Apothecary Society, the High Warlord merely listened in- eavesdropping on what conversations he maw. Of course, a troll “sneaking” into Silvermoon is about as successful as not breaking anything in an all-glass house. Recognized and approached almost immediately by several heads, a night of politicking and conversing ensued. Intense and hushed, Jan-Mak found several leads- but nothing overtly conclusive. The old troll and Warlord Blightbane exchanged several more bits of information before the Vol’kar was offered a seat at the next council. To be a guest of the affairs - and possibly join. Accepting as part of then-Battlemaster Dawnstrider’s words of advisal, the Vol’kar decided that they would learn more about this “missing diplomat” and “cold confrontations” within Stranglethorn there.

A few days later - at said Council, despite Jan-Mak’s sheepish mannerisms towards such councils, the Vol’kar were welcomed with open arms - with no hostility made or given. Acting as guests with generally no input allowed- the Vol’kar learned far, far more than what they originally thought of their fellow orders-in-arms. (Screenshot credit to Ithise!)

Although - conversations at said council were… inconclusive to Jan-Mak’s curiosity. Talks of training, sure - talks of Horde and Alliance aggression? Practically a constant in this world. No more news of Stranglethorn or the diplomats. Slightly troubled, but, not wishing to act ungrateful, Jan-Mak officially entered the Vol’kar into the War Council’s fold. OOCly, a new age of Vol’kar - hoping to involve itself more in server junctions, ICly a bold new gambit.

Much was discussed, with many new and old faces quickly coming to speak with Jan-Mak at such council. Seemingly a new world for the Vol’kar.

Although… something felt… off…

Several interactions - several meetings - several discussed words… Such things shall remain behind the Vol’kar’s closed doors. Although nothing to raise suspicion on their fellow allies, no, the hastened end to this “missing diplomat” was left at that. A case turned cold.

Before completely departing, those in tow at the war council splintered off and softly gathered their own intelligence. Luna Duskweaver was keenly interested in the Apothercary Society, Reavus Cinderpath interacting with the other Illidari, Quartermaster Aly’sandrel quickly taking to her new role - interacting with Warlord Blightbane and several other heads to quickly offer logistical services. Overall, a successful night.

Right as he sought to leave, Chieftain Dahote Wolfmane, son of Raton Wolfmane, pulled Jan-Mak aside to speak on a dire issue within the council - previously stated. Words of there still being Sylvanas Loyalists in power. Words of possible insurrection - and worry. Although troubling indeed, the Vol’kar cannot act on any’s behalf - and musn’t take any sudden strides. Even if they formally joined the Horde War Council - which inherently, no power is subtracted or given - all are treated equal - the Vol’kar still listened to the High Council over all else. In place of a Warchief, the Vol’kar will still enact their will. As such, the High Council believes previous Loyalists will be pardoned, if they offer apologies and an oath. Light sentencing, but… it is of no place for anyone - especially Jan-Mak to add input. Dahote also shared critical information on the Stranglethorn issue, as well as the “assassination plot” within the Council. Quietly, Jan-Mak pocketed this for his wolves within the Kal’Garn.

Following another closed-door briefing, several squadrons left Kalimdor to conduct critical essential surveillance and intelligence gathering. One shall return May 10th, whilst the other shall return May 18th. Much more to be shared, then. While the wolves work abroad, Jan-Mak continues to hear troubling news. Alliance efforts moving more into Stranglethorn? A situation balanced upon a needle-thread. This is a situation that the Vol’kar can freely (socially) distance themselves from, but now that they’re in so deep - it would be a crime not to.

Tonight, the Vol’kar welcomed their newest officer in its latest “Ascension” ceremony. Eurphadion Dawnstrider was formally recognized and risen to Lieutenant General - and given complete command of the Deathweavers. Finally, the Obliterators have sufficient successors.

Eurphadion came to us from our long-standing sister guild, the Blood Forged Warband, and none of us knew what to expect IC or OOC. Two years and twelve days later, time and time again, he has proven himself both IC and OOC. Jan-Mak confided in him many secrets - even some he kept from the War Council itself. Eurphadion never gave up on the Vol’kar, and never shied away from telling the truth. When the Vol’kar was sub-par, he made efforts to correct that. When the Vol’kar grew overconfident, he humbled the Legionnaires. With blessing from Dolthar Blackfire, Eurphadion Dawnstrider will soon take over the previous Dark Tower and commence operations of old.

Congratulations once again, Eurphadion! You’ve never let us down - I hope to still be playing WoW with you five more years from now!


This week’s update will be delayed somewhat. We have been had at work in the story mill building some post-expansion plotlines but lo and behold: they’ve been falling right into our laps! The Horde War Council, the missing diplomats in Stranglethorn, and now some hints of fel subterfuge within the Vol’kar’s own ranks!

Tomorrow night sees the return of a very old face, a reveal that some may find shocking. Here’s hoping you tune in for the update when it comes!

As always, think about checking us out! Glory to Vol’jin! Lok-Tar O’Gar!


My weekly post is still “in the works” as they say. However, I just wanted to repeat an announcement I gave in our discord :slight_smile:

“Good morning @everyone and happy memorial day. As you go about your business, reflect and think why it is this day is important. As I mentioned before I’m rather patriotic (not apologizing once again :P), but there is no one size fits all on our many memorial day holidays in America. For some of us its somber, for some of us it’s the second biggest 'murica party behind the 4th. Whatever it is you’re doing, however it is that you celebrate, please reflect. Remember throughout history the men and women who did what they had to and whose lives were cut short.”

And if you live elsewhere, I hope you too have a reflectful and great day. :heart: :wave:


Comes in sweeping at dust and other debris on the thread

Still don’t have time to make an update but it’s coming! x.x Summer semester hit me like a battering ram.

Lots - and I mean LOTS of events coming this next week. Three crossguild events, the continuation of a new storyline made by our very own Aly’sandrel, and additional plotlines making waves in the Vol’kar by Mystfire.

We’ve also been invited to a military ball at the end of the month by Blackheart Accord! Lots and lots and LOTS of fun!

Promise promise promise next time I post will be a genuine IC update.

Please stay safe, respect and love one another, and remember that Black Lives Matter. :fist: Stand up to injustice anywhere you see it.


A long overdue update; As noted before, the Vol’kar has seen a drastic change in both leadership and training - the two Generals elected now firmly rooted in their positions in the Obliterators, wolfbrother Lo’Gar’Nosh seeks to take over the First Cohort and lead where his fellow brothers and sisters have passed on. In wake of the Fourth War, there is much to suggest that the Vol’kar may finally relax…

Or is there?

The conflicts within Stranglethorn have always graced Jan-Mak’s desk, yet he has not given credence to any of the rumors or risks until the Legion’s formal induction into the War Council. Greeted with open arms by several orders - the suspicion continues to grow, as does the crisis within the jungle. Although the High Warlord no longer trusts the newfound allies, he is deeply troubled at the actions taken by them - and angered by the Alliance for provoking the bear.

In wake of a recent caravan - which the High Warlord may or may not have been informed of ahead of time, the Alliance outright attacked a troop of Horde soldiers - leading to a three hour skirmish ending in some two-hundred casualties, the Alliance caravan broken, and the elected leader of the caravan captured. Of course, this leader could be none other than the flamboyant wizard from the Vol’kar’s past. Dressed in amber, heavy is the head that dons the clown nose. The High Warlord couldn’t help but groan - perhaps this is just what he wanted. Is this a test? The relentless agonizing torment inflicted upon him by his captors suggests otherwise. As much as the troll wishes not for more blood, and for grudging hatreds to finally surmise, he must wrestle with the conflict that writhes within his heart. What good is one dead human to the Horde, versus more dead children of the Horde? If he must make that decision, then he is no better than the demons that infested this world, he thinks. War should not continuously be the answer- yet as long as there are people there will be conflict.

After conferring with several lords of the Council - Oathkeeper Blackdawn, General Aeyther, General Silverwing, Warmaster Lightsworn, and Warlord Blightbane, the proposed solution is to get the wizard to bend and give terms for peace - an end, yet, the wizard will not bow, and he will not admit defeat. The troll suggested that he ought to talk with him; an older friend might change his tune. The effects of this meeting will be seen in the coming days.

Throughout the entirety of this month, the High Warlord has impressed upon those that seek to one day lead in any capacity - the meaning of Leadership. In his ascension throughout the Horde ranks through many years, the main three traits he has always kept were Respect, Sacrifice, and Integrity.

Respect for those that have come before you. Respect the earth beneath your feet, respect for the ancestors that have passed on - and respect for those that you serve alongside. They do not serve you, and neither does this world. You may fight against the way and meaning of things, but the earth and life will always triumph in the end. Respect for all things, living and dead, and understanding that abuse of power has no place within the Horde - or this life.

Sacrifice what you have that leaves you rotten at the core. We all have traits that we may never give up, but we may destroy those habits and attempt to control this decay. Your pride, your anger, your sadness, your hatred. These are the things of failure; these are the things that will compromise your mission and set the Horde back. Allowing any of these traits to shine through will cause an outbreak; the infection will flow through your enlisted, you will be no better than the Horde that crossed the dark portal.

Integrity. To know yourself. To say to those that seek to make you what you are not: never. We are Horde, we bow to nobody and to no-one. Our history cannot be erased, we are chained by our sins, but that does not mean the son is like the father; the daughter like the mother. The most sacred possession the Horde keeps is its integrity - its blood, its way of life. Our tool is the sword; and we must protect those who cannot protect themselves.

These “classes” shall continue monthly, with a new lesson each month. The goal is to cultivate the next leaders of the Horde, and to grow from the proverbial dirt- the next generation of Horde.

Finally, last night, the Vol’kar was greeted within the Blackheart Accord’s halls, their keep within Ashenvale. The banners of the twin serpents flew high alongside the cobra. A conjoined training element was conducted - a mixture of Vol’kar personnel and Blackheart operatives, working in tandem to secure an objective. Five teams of four split on an open field- using everything in their arsenal to capture the “VIP”.

In the end, the teams were bloodthirsty - brutal and eager to cut down their fellows, perhaps it was the adrenaline or the simple act of play - but one champion reigned over the others whom nursed sore joints and concussed heads: General Fleetfoot claimed victory over Quartermaster Aly’sandrel, retrieving the flag for the Vol’kar. Although there was hearty victory, an even greater bond of kinship was felt between the Blackheart Accord and the Legion. The two regiments appear to create a budding friendship - and Warmaster Lightsworn affirms this, with a jest to the chiefs of staff:

Now we’ll have to take the flag from -their- home.

A mighty challenge! One that the Vol’kar will be ready for, no? We will see in time - will they keep the flag, or has their victory made them soft?



A few events from the past month or half have been omitted from this update due to hectic situations both IRL and in-game. They will be better documented in the future!


This is where I would normally put a big IC update on the Vol’kar’s whereabouts, as well as our recent plotlines. Truth be told, I’ve been so stressed and busy doing nothing (ah, quarantine) that it just slipped my mind. So instead we’ll spotlight two upcoming leaders within the Vol’kar and their recent events:

  1. Mystfire, whom, after rejoining, went right into a flurry of events. A mini-series on the past three or four Saturdays that saw a dastardly tale of void elves, centaur, and magic. Oh my!
  2. Aly’sandrel, taking to their new role of Quartermaster, has continued their plotline of “Id Igitur”, the caravan of fire. Originally started in Desolation Hold, it has found its way to the Kal’Garn Den. There are plans to continue it elsewhere, but for now, the carrier atop their beloved “Fluffy” the clefthoof is broken.

I would elaborate more, but would just like to spotlight them for their abilities OOC right now.

I would also like to welcome two of our newest members:

  1. Saljourn Deepriver, a tauren that Jan-Mak has met several times since 2015. Previously a Sergeant within the Shadows of Lordaeron, the behemoth came to the High Warlord bearing grave (no pun intended) news of the Shadows. It appears that Slade’s troop has gone into deep slumber following the conclusion of the Fourth War. Deepriver has turned a new leaf - no longer wanting to serve the Forsaken and the ultimate goals of death. His new charge is the Horde - and he shall devote the rest of his unlife to it.
  2. Velanreia Bloodsorrow. A death knight of extreme repute within the Ebon Blade, known for their ruthlessness and cunning strategy in the War against the Lich King. Many years have passed since then and now - and their skills are not as grandiose as they once were, but the knowledge of veterans is not one to disregard. She prefers the name “Bloodsorrow” and curiously, so too does her weapon. A powerful aura of death and blood surrounds her.

The pair of these battle-hardened veterans have gone to the Deathweaver’s company of the Obliterators.

There is a miniseries project in the works on top of another miniseries project I am hosting - but more on that later. This Friday is the Midsummer Military Ball hosted by the Blackheart Accord! Hope to see you all there!

Happy Father’s Day!