The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Absolutely! Simply message myself or an officer in-game whenever you’re online. Or send an in-game mail. :slight_smile:

(( Looks like an awesome bunch, I sent a RP intro by in game mail but not too sure if it reached you because of the mailing bugs… ))

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I did! I will be attempting to contact you in-game when I’m able to. :slight_smile:

Greeting the call to arms with fire in their bellies and glory on their throats, the Vol’kar stepped through a portal from Bloodhoof Village to the Shrine of the Two Moons. What awaited them was nothing like the rumors had spread; the rumors of the void returning to the world, and the possible destruction that it shall bring with it.

Instead, the Shrine had been assaulted by a force of the mogu- claiming the mantle of Zan-tien. An ancient clan that none within the Vol’kar knew- not even the most veteran members who served on the frontlines in the Pandaria conquest. What they lacked in historical knowledge they replaced with basic knowledge. Bodies of tortured civilians littered the Shrine and mogu subjugators sought to sow chaos and pain. Quick, efficient work on the Vol’kar’s part saw the Shrine return to an uneasy peace. Ritualists were expelled, cultists executed, and the mogu’s siege broken.

The final bouts of the battle saw a dark ritual of ill roots. An anima blood-orb that absorbed anything that came near its way, including the cultists that fed it power. Growing into an abomination, the disgusting natal being was nothing more than a mogu “Titan”. (the construct, not the god.) A monstrous construct that stood well over twenty feet tall, thousands upon thousands of weight in its stone. From flesh to stone, back to stone.

Fortunately, the Vol’kar’s efforts disturbed the cultists enough that the construct could not live for more than a few seconds. The being left a crater as it fell into the stairs of the Shrine. Battlemaster Eurphadion Dawnstrider and Grunt Raelisa Emberleaf were caught in its path. Presumed dead- they have been shipped and placed in critical care almost a hundred miles from the front in Dawn’s Blossom.

Scrambling to understand the several-tiered war unfolding around them, the Vol’kar established a safe zone within the Shrine and worked with the Huojin to redouble the defenses. They thought they were fighting the Void- not the mogu. The arrogant, prideful, and cowardly beings strike whenever there is a weak point, no matter how dire the situation.

Void or Mogu, the Vol’kar shall remain to fulfill the orders of the Horde High Command.

A darkness that has not been felt in many years befalls Pandaria once again. Will the Vol’kar prevail and see through to a new dawn- or shall they succumb, only to be mocked as toy soldiers in the distant future?

Our BfA finale begins!

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My first event as a new member of the Legion! I am very eager to learn the ins and outs of the system. Happy to be here! For glory!



How are you?

I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. I noticed you signed up to the guild / came back to the game. Catch me in-game and we can talk more. :slight_smile:

Popping in to say I’ll be leading an in-character assault clear in the Vale tonight. If you see us, feel free to jump in and get those bonus objectives/rares for your cache reward! I’m sure there will also be a lot of yelling, since I don’t think we can get credit in a raid group. Happy old god punching!


I’ll be around this weekend. This week kinda sucked.

Talk more? Have I been bad? Is there some sort of hazing for desertion?

No- there’s no hazing at all in Vol’kar. Desertion is kind of a big deal, however.

I’ve got a little green fiend looking for a home and I’m looking for a community too. Adopt me :pray:

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I knew the day you mercilessly rearranged the disks in Jan-Mak’s spine that it wouldn’t be the last time I’d be hounded by you…

… but wanting to join the Horde?..


Well, we do have a grand total of 0 proficient rogues.

Message me in-game sometime!

Last night the Vol’kar began their first night of “srs progression” after needing to rebuild their raid team and rearranging the pieces. Running at anywhere from 2/4/9 to 2/5/11, we went all the way to Ilgy’noth, whom stopped us on our traditional “Blind run” (where we go in with no information and figure the bosses out the very first day it’s open) and smacked him in two attempts. Every other fight took a single attempt. Many of our DPS parsed insanely high, even for normal. Myself and several of the content peeps were very worried about 8.3, but now we’re coasting along happily. A few more weeks of normal, then straight into Heroic!

N’Zoth will not stop us like Azshara did. Have a great weekend everyone!

Following the defense of the Huojin Shrine, the High Warlord called together a skeleton-council of the soldiers readily available. Stone Guard Arienne Autumnbow led an attack out into the void-infested Vale, yet mysteriously vanished on her own ferry. None have found her, not even Sergeant Galefist, who noted that he was given direction to lead said expedition. Noted in a follow-up report:

Sergeant Galefist, under the direction of Stone Guard Autumbow, lead a follow up sortie into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in a squad composed of Lt. General Ithnan Drakenbolt, Vanguard Bwon'ran, Legionnaire Aly'sandrel, and Grunt Deylinna Summerveil.

The squad conducted reconnaissance of the Vale while engaging at the Sergeant's discretion. Several targets of opportunity were hit, with at least three confirmed kills of faceless ones, and examination and destruction of any isolated "obelisks."

Sergeant Galefist collected several fragments of one such obelisk, as well as a charcoal rubbing of the runes on another. These have been forwarded to the Deathweavers for analysis.

Falling back to the Golden Pagoda, Legionnaire Aly'sandrel noted signs of conflict leading into one of the vaults that run underneath the Vale. After conferring, the squad elected to conduct reconnaissance into the vault--it was here Sergeant Galefist took the rubbing of one of the obelisks.

However, during this, a creature believed to be a c'thraxxi emerged from the waters running through the structure. Having no choice, the squad briefly engaged. Through a concentrated effort between Vanguard Bwon'ran and Grunt Summerveil, a crumbling pillar was dislodged and used to briefly separate them from the c'thraxxi, at which point the squad disengaged. It is a credit to the prowess of Lt. General Drakenbolt that all operatives have returned safely and without lasting injury.

Sergeant Galefist notes the following:

--Whitepetal Lake should be considered an extreme hazard. The whispers are strongest there, and even hours after departing the mag'har felt the aftereffects, and saw ill omens all around him.
--The Old God forces habitually push alarmingly close to be Shrines, but the Shado-Pan are holding.
--No sign of the so called "Rajani" mogu.
--The C'thraxxi is still alive, and the sergeant recommends it be designated a HVT.

Although absent, Stone Guard Autumnbow is not imagined to be in any outstanding danger. A few days after this expedition, the void-infestation of the Vale subsided.

With the aforementioned skeleton-war-council, the High Warlord designated attention to the three main targets within the Vale:

  • The Mogu clans,

  • The Mantid

  • The Void

A quick assessment of manpower and vote led the Vol’kar to turn their full attention upon the Mogu clans. Their assault on the Shrine and gross negligence for simple life - even during arguably, the dangerous invasion of Azeroth, was not something to be simply ignored. The Mogu Empire must be dealt with.

Previously, Senior Sergeant Iriari Danishi scouted the outer reaches of the Vale and came back with a troubling assessment. The Mogu were using a combination of their ancient anima magicks and cruel subjugation tactics of old. Populaces were being exterminated. Villages burned. Families ruined- just for the sake of reputation, fear, and loathing.

The High Warlord has stated that the civilians of the Vale were their top priority to protect. They shall not pursue any skirmishes with neighboring forces or rise to the antics of Alliance hecklers. Invoking the previously earned title on behalf of the Steelpaw Shaodin, the Vol’kar shall become the Champions of the Land by keeping themselves firmly rooted in Pandaria, shielding those that they may.

With a command to research what she could on the “new” mogu clans and their acts of pure terror, Legionnaire Aly’sandrel could only gain knowledge that the Lorewalkers had, nothing more. On the topics of Mantid strength:

Legionnaire Aly'sandrel, alongside Grunt Summerveil, took a small reconnaissance expedition past The Serpent's Spine to look into what the mantid may indeed be up to. With two tigers on loan from the Shado-Pan, they had discovered two noteworthy things.

The first is that survivors were being dragged and/or carried into the kypari in the Sumprushes. The majority of those being taken were pandaren, though there were certainly those fallen from both the Alliance and Horde. Their numbers too many, neither were willing to approach to see what may be transpiring.

The second is that several smaller bands of mantid were headed north along Serpent's Spine. Each group consisted of only four or five each. They were too high up to get any specific details from either Aly'sandrel or Summerveil.

Upon preparing to return, an explosion was triggered near the Horde outpost along the wall. Several mantid and a kunchong were preparing to breach a hole in the wall. With a bit of quick reaction, Summerveil was able to remove several mantid from the fight, as well as her wolf Fenrir taking one down. Aly'sandrel opened a small portal from the explosives laid against the wall to the kunchong. Nearly a dozen bombs destroyed the remaining forces.

Notes left by Aly'sandrel of the incident:

- Mantid forces are already prodding the Shado-Pan for holes in their forces.
- The large trees(kypari) are of interest to the mantid, be it for keeping prisoners or otherwise.
- Any expeditions beyond The Serpent's Spine should begin with even a check-up with the Shado-Pan on the wall, who may be able to provide recent reports of any movements.

Furthering her scorched-earth campaign against the overbearing Mogu, Senior Sergeant Iriari Danishi took a small taskforce of troops to the Guo-Lai Halls. With her earlier scouting reports at hand, she was able to lead several troops on a highly successful sabotage mission. They were able to render several of the “titan constructs” useless, as well as placing many of the cultists with such ancient knowledge to the blade. Several more Vol’kar troops disappeared in such chaotic fighting, such as Spymaster Lo’Gar’Nosh. Although he too is not rumored to be in immediate danger, the Vol’kar’s dwindling manpower makes fighting an Empire increasingly stark.

With the pieces falling into place, the High Warlord is preparing to case the die. The next move is to secure the northern gate to the Vale. By securing the gate, the Vol’kar will be able to split the Mogu empire’s forces effectively in half. Although the Mogu will not simply wait on the outside of the wall - and the gate will surely be sieged - it will give the sons and daughters of Vol’jin just enough time to properly clear the Guo-Lai Halls.

Will they succeed? Only time will tell…

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The word invokes many emotions to the elder members of the Pandaren. The word means “resting place” or “birthplace”, but Mogu are not birthed - at least, not the ones that we see today. The Titans may have shaped these behemoths, but it is us- mortals who will reduce their bodies to dust.

The combined forces of the three factions, the Dokabi, the Zan-tien, and the Barruk, rested easy at the Golden Stair, in the shadow of the Gate of the August Celestials. The three clans sectioned themselves evenly. Barruk stood with their behemoths, clad in gold and brass armor- admiring the strength of their titanic creations. In tow behind them were their leagues of Quilen, claws of serrated jade. What they lacked in magics, they would make up in strength.

Opposite end of the Barruk stood the Dokabi. Small in number, fierce in magic. Their blood rituals, their anima magic - seemingly shared with a few Zan-tien cultists - and titan constructs, standing a few dozen feet tall - an army of those things hidden away elsewhere in the world.

Betwixt these two, the Zan-tien. Breakers of the sky, rulers of all. Although relatively unheard of in Pandaren past, not even the wildlife of Pandaria is safe from the cruel nature of the Mogu. Breaking and torturing the reptiles from birth, the naturally sky-wandering, fierce creatures of nature- would be bent. Broken. Reforged for war. An equilibrium between these three clans- all having a strength to fill the weakness of the other. The strength of the land, the strength of the sky, the strength of magic…

What they did not have, however, was intelligence. A wizard may know an incantation or two- but that does not make him smart.

An experienced scout could count a few dozen leagues (thousands) of troops at “Mogujia”. The Vol’kar had no means of taking on such a force- and no intention. Scaling the precarious cliffs undetected towards the Gate, they were able to launch an assault on the few scattered clan-members that were charged with keeping the gate secure. Each with their own idea and demand for crushing these interlopers - for their brazen, arrogant ways. By Mogu birthright, they own Pandaria. By Mogu ability, they should rule- they should subjugate- dominate- as they see fit.

Disorganized and without proper leadership among them, and only the thought of ruling uniting them, the gate defenders were quickly dealt with- and the Vol’kar were able to seize control of both apparati that controlled the opening and closing of the gate. Too quick and sure of themselves, these mogu, that they failed to have any sort of pathway up the gate to support the few they ferried to the top. Landing a cloud serpent on such a small runway, and paratrooping a several-hundred-tonne-stone giant won’t work so well.

With the gate secured, the Vol’kar left two of their demon hunters behind to hold off on their own for as long as they could- Sergeant Zyndros Nightsun and Grunt Reavus Cinderpath. They would have to defend against all they could- against all costs- to buy the Vol’kar enough time to deal with the excursion into Guo-Lai Halls. As they are Illidari, the thought of prolonged combat against impossible odds was not unknown to them.

Just as they returned to the Shrine of the Two Moons to recuperate and lick their wounds, Vanguard Saija’Kai led another excursion to defend against a wave of Mogu that sought to take their revenge on the Shrine. At the centermost pagoda of the Vale, a vicious close-quarters combat ensued. Although casualties for both sides were low, the viciousness of the Vol’kar’s ability, coupled with the recent Mogu defeat, the combined clans-forces turned and forcemarched in full rout to Guo-Lai.

All initial enemy forces were slain at the central pagoda. Only minor allied injures were reported.
Sigils created by Vanguard Bwon'ran and Grunt Raelisa were left as a booby trap directed away from the repaired structures, only the Mogu were harmed by these felfire mines.
Status of the Central Vale: Secure yet sure to be recontested soon.
Status of the Mogu Strikeforce: In Retreat.
Vol'kar Casualties: Zero
Mogu Casualties: Four
Mission: Complete

Rest never graces the forces of the Vol’kar for too long. The shadow of the Void - the great insidious one, the All-Seeing descends on the Vale. Twisting and perverting the Eternal Blossoms into the Eternal Twilight, Stone Guard Arienne Autumnbow quickly led another forray into the all-out-assault. Fighting where they could, their usual movements against the faceless were stopped by the discovery of a formation of cultists just on the banks of Whitepetal Lake. While information is scarce on this report, with first-hand accounts from both Sergeant Markahn Galefist, Deylinna Summerveil, and Lieutenant-General Ithnan Drakenbolt, a water spirit, being twisted and tortured by the cultists, was once again set free into the waters. This small interaction led the Vol’kar to rediscover that it isn’t just the citizens of Pandaria that fight for their survival- but the land around them. Who knows what other secrets that lie, waiting to be discovered, waiting to throw their support behind these Champions of the Land?

Finally, despite their tireless efforts, and impossible hours put in every week towards protecting the Vale, the Vol’kar took an eve to recognize those that deserved a commendation towards their efforts. On the night of February 12th, the following members were raised in rank (new rank denoting):

Legionnaire Lara
Legionnaire Deylinna Summerveil
Legionnaire Raelisa
Legionnaire Celtherae Brightfether
Legionnaire Vyha
Vanguard Skavens
Vanguard Aly’sandrel
Vanguard Magrakka
Vanguard Tellun
Senior Sergeant Ala’nare Darkstar
Senior Sergeant Markahn Galefist
First Sergeant Iriari Danishi
Blood Guard Arienne Autumnbow

With morale heightened and spirits soaring, the Vol’kar now seeks to further the momentum. With only a few hours of leave permitted to them, with stark commands to report back to the Shrine at first dawn, First Sergeant Iriari Danishi quickly sets her eyes on Guo-Lai Halls. The High Warlord has ordered that the Vol’kar must construct a message- one that shall not be ignored, one that must be digested and read by the Mogu Empire. Operation: “Loveletter” will convince the Mogu that efforts onto the citizens of the Vale will not go unmatched, nor unnoticed. That for every life they take, it will be repaid in full. A loveletter of a severed Mogu Senator, a crumpled body of a Warlord, the crippled supply chains in Kun-Lai, or perhaps the destruction of sacred Mogu sites. The choice will be in the Empire’s hands- but they must read this “loveletter” carefully, or risk another response to their campaigns of brutality…


You came expecting an update…

…but I have none to give!

Schoolwork has been especially rough this week. (On top of my family getting a new dog!) As well as all of the fantastic, amazing events done on behalf of Essalie, Iriari, Saija’Kai, and Raz’aghar. I’m waiting for this Saturday’s event to conclude before I give a formal “This week on Vol’kar Legion”.

I’d like to give a warm welcome to our newest members to the guild:
Lara, a vulpera marksman that has proven her worth, her might, and her quick wits almost ten times already,
Kekona, another vulpera marksman who puts some of us to shame.
Jorue, the “man’s man” sin’dorei who I always mentally compare to Armstrong from FMA,
Pukali, another vulpera marksman (sensing a theme yet?) whom the dice gods/RNG hates,
(And not so new, whom his the fact she joined her uncle’s Legion) Ki’lani the troublemaker.

It has been wild in the Vale. “Operation: Loveletter” is nearing the capstone event. Our next arc that’s just around the corner: The Swarm.



Rock climbing, and mantid. Tomorrow.

That is all.

The construction of the Mogu’s love-letter has proven difficult. The dour attitudes and effective strategy of the stone-men promote the feeling of beating your head against the wall. With a hydra, once one head is cut away- two more grow. With a mogu, cut down one, and he will return- himself smaller, but behind him, an even larger and grandiose brother-in-arms.

Mission Report | Operation: Death's Embrace

Vol'kar forces led by First Sergeant Iriari Danishi departed from the Shrine of Two Moons to move against the Mogu position at Guo-Lai Halls. Having previous negotiated a joint-operation with Shado-Pan forces, Iriari led the Vol'kar to an overlook directly above the Halls entrance and awaited the signal from their pandaren allies. After sitting through a storm of thunder, lightning and torrential rains, the signal was given by way of fires spurring to life around the outer perimeter of the encampment in the ruins and explosives near the tents. A banner of the Shado-Pan was erected, drawing Mogu forces from their posts and into combat. This allowed the Vol'kar to rappel down the cliffside and gain entry to the Halls.

Upon entering and turning the first corner, the Vol'kar were met by a trio of Mogu. Two warriors with heavy mauls and a sorcerer who wielded lightning. After a skirmish there and minor injuries sustained in the close quartered combat in the narrow hallway, the Vol'kar forces pushed further in. A second battle ensued with three more Mogu of similar skills and weaponry. Markahn Galefist reversed some manner of blood magic performed by this specific sorcerer and turned it around on him, killing it instantly. The other two Mogu killed each other in accidental friendly fire trying to collide with Galefist who dodged their attack.

The leadership figure we discovered was in fact not a mogu, but a Zandalari. He was bigger, stronger and faster than your usual troll. Before we could consider our approach, powerful gale force winds propelled our entire unit towards him and we were met with flame. After that, we began to engage him directly but our attacks did not seem to phase him. For each wound he received, his attacks on our own seemed to siphon our vitality and regenerate his own wounds. Reavus realized this, called it out and we proceeded with this in mind.

Unfortunately we were forced back by another series of gale force winds and the troll, who referred to himself as Herku, fled from the Halls and we lost his trail. Due to injuries sustained to every member of the Vol'kar, we did not give pursuit and returned to the Shrine. We do not know the fate of the Shado-Pan who assisted us.

Mission Failed: Target escaped.
Recommended Actions: After nursing the injuries, I suggest we begin a search for this zandalari and put him down. It's clear he is a threat to our efforts here. We have a name, a face and knowledge of what to expect from him.

First Sergeant Iriari Danishi
Second Cohort

Despite rumors and firsthand accounts of some Zandalari from the past throwing their lot in with the Mogu, the Vol’kar was not swayed by hearsay, or limited possibilities. They had no time to quash rumors or investigate. Instead, the defense of the Gate had begun to crumble- and now it was time to meet fury with fury. A full blown assault upon the gate, with the combined forces of the three clans. The assault, dubbed Stone Within, Stone Without left many of the Legionnaires battered and bloodied. Some nearly meeting their end due to the contemptuous Warlord Qan Xuet of Clan Zan-tien, and the mighty Warlord Xin Zokung - a feared and fabled of clan Baruk.

An attachment of this report would be included, yet the War Council deemed it of too high importance to give. ((Code for the report was done on a google doc. :P))

Finally, Vanguard Saija’kai proved herself once more with another forward assault.

Target: southern mountains of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms pulsating beacon visually confirmed and identified from afar.
Causing swarming Mantid all along aforementioned mountaintops.
Mantid appeared confused and endagered by pulsating beacon, several Mantid bodies littered the area immediately around it.
Several other Mantid attacked our forces as we attempted to reach the beacon.

Beacon was observed siphoning energy from passing void creatures, and attempting to act in a self-preservative manner when confronted. Riddled with several opposite types of energy that did not destroy it despite all knowledge proving that it should have imploded. It was a magical anomaly, foreign to Pandaria and showing no sign of Alliance or Horde construction.

Mantid Casualties: 5 by Vol'kar action.
-Another dozen and a half or so from Beacon activity
-Mantid Captives: 2
-Vol'kar Casualities: 0
-Beacon Status: Destroyed
-Mission status: Success

To some, this news sounds faint- disinteresting. Mantid are but another form of glorified bugs that will be crushed by might or skill. The mortal realms of Azeroth have dealt with the Aqir for as long as time itself. Yet this news is chilling. A beacon drawing large swarms of the mantid with no master in visible sight. Even worse yet: a growing theory suggests that one of the last mogu Warlords may possess something to incurr a swarm. Little evidence suggests this is true.

However, First Sergeant Raz’aghar’s newest incursion into the tunnels beneath the Vale that saw the destruction of Clan Baruk’s massive “spirit-crafting” scheme (a despicable and crass disrespect of life itself) that twisted and turned spirits into nothing more than pure energy… it strongly hints that the Mogu are unhinged- and wills top at nothing to seize the day.

As this is written, the Kal’Garn already reports of intense Mogu ire. Luna Duskweaver reports of a conjoined clan force that intends to march on the Townlong Steppes- and cut across into the Vale. Loudly the remaining Mogu captains scream: “Actions, not words!”

Sergeant Iriari Danishi intends to chase down Warlord Herku and put an end to him before his newfound knowledge can be unleashed with a new band of rebels. The rest of the Kal’Garn must harry the conjoined forces’ movements for as long as possible.

In the throes of the Mogu Empire’s offensive, the void clenches its determined jaws. Monstrous. Prodigious. Indifferent. Slow. Deliberate. Torturous.

It does not matter what happens now, or tomorrow.

The void has an eternity, whereas the mortal realms only have for as long as the sun shines.

It toys with all, for it knows all- your fears, your loves, there is nothing you can hide.

Mission report 2-16:
Vol’kar forces under the leadership of Blood Guard Westcrown and Blood Guard Autumnbow departed from Mistfall Village into the mountains to investigate the appearance of deformed corpses believed to be caused by excessive void corruption and possible experimentation.

Unit encountered a meager defense of cultists defending a medium sized void rift, enemy forces swiftly eliminated with minimal injuries to Legion forces. Once the entrance to the rift was secured Battlemaster Dawnstrider lead the unit through the rift into what appeared to be some twisted form of laboratory. Inside was every bit as twisted as one could imagine with twisted, deformed corpses littering the hallways and floors, void tentacles and ooze seemed to seep through the wall.

As the unit moved to plant explosives the whispers increased in intensity and longevity, several members were rendered near, or entirely incapable of fighting for a brief period before the mastermind behind the particular rift exposed herself. [redacted], former..or current member of the [redacted], their status is currently unknown to myself. She was assaulted by the front liners, allowing for others to plant explosives that would close the rift for good. Before the Legion withdrew First Sergeant Danishi was able to land what appeared to be several killing blows on [redacted]. All Vol’kar forces were able to safely escape with only minimal physical injuries, and an unknown number of mental ailments.

Mission Successful: Void Rift closed, high value target eliminated.

Recommended Actions: Mental strain may be high on several members, investigate and evaluate those who were most affected and search for ways to better ward of the influence of the Void.
Battlemaster Eurphadion Dawnstrider.

If you cannot see it, how can you fight it?

If you cannot prepare for it, how can you win?

The final monster of this week reared his head- and he isn’t even a monster. The void toys with its prey before finally unleashing its full strength. A thousand terrors upon the mind before a thousand cuts upon the body. Lord Belial Vestites, a void elf whom hath pricked the Vol’kar for three years now, nipped at the ankles of the most susceptible and weakest company - the Mender’s Circle.

Tired and overworked, one of Lieutenant General Drakenbolt’s couriers was abducted mid logistical trip. “Elsie Sparkbolt” went missing two days ago within the mountain range of the Golden Stair. With three bodyguards, they searched for a pathway between the shore and the Shrine to deliver medical equipment. Blood Guard Arienne Autumnbow, Legionnaire Lara, Grunt Jorue Dawnwalker, Sergeant Iriari Danishi, Blood Guard Essalie Westcrown, and the General went out on a search. Or they would have.

Mid-briefing of the situation, a void rift tore open in the Shrine and abruptly forced the battalion in. What awaited on the other side was Lord Vestites himself- and at his back, his insatiable cult-followers. He wanted to toy with them- and to force the Vol’kar to “play”, he shut the void rift behind them. As he was the sole person with the ability to create these rifts, they were forced to play his games.

Combat against aberrations, horrific visions of death, dismemberment, betrayal, and power led the battalion to an almost fruitless eve. While within the “void” shrine, they had found the medical supplies and bodies of the soldiers attached to Elsie. They also found her communicator- but no Elsie.

The War Council had deemed this report to be of highly confidential information as well. Thus, the report was not attached.

Two casualties were noted in this report.

Morale cracks at the seams- but no large splinters or spiderwebs have started. It is difficult to keep soldiers happy in the field, but we try our hardest. Lindiwe Brightmoon, a friend of Jorue Dawnwalker’s, suggested the Vol’kar attend one of the carny’s events. Although an embittered old troll, Jan-Mak briefly considered a night at a Horde faire. While the Seventy Third has beach episodes, the Vol’kar may have a carnival episode. Coming soon.




How many times did I ask for a Vol’cation?!? A night at the faire, a day at the beach…now It’s finally happening and I’m gonna miss it!

Just kidding, have fun guys!

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RP stuffs are still in progress, so no IC update yet. But I have a lot of good OOC news to share in this bite size update.

  1. Last Friday the gang killed N’Zoth on normal! Our Heroic progression officially begins this upcoming Friday. Ruscion will be back from his hiatus and the team will look really strong!

  1. A new officer has been selected to ascend to the Vol’kar officer corps! This selection remains secret and will be revealed this upcoming Saturday, two days after our mogu arc finale. Who could it be? I can’t say- but I will say they have been an incredible member and have been the face of the guild for quite some time. :slight_smile: <3

  2. The wonderful artist Pyxelpug has finished a project that we’ve kept under wraps for quite some time! The Vol’kar veterans portrait.

From left to right:
Raz’aghar (bottom), Ala’nare Darkstar, Ruscion, Eurphadion Dawnstrider, Arienne Autumnbow, Essalie Westcrown, Tellun, Iriari Danishi, Markahn Galefist, Mandiyanti, Neeza Highclaw, Krik’thor Dreadwing (back), Auhgag Stormfury, Bwon’ran, Avanoria Everglade, Eranon Emberbrook, Vathias Nightsun (back), Aly’sandrel, Seraethas Dawncrown, Ithnan Drakenbolt (front), Saija’Kai, Hynil Owlfeather (back), and Jarclair Richards.


I honestly don’t have a whole lot of energy to splurge a second time, but CONGRATULATIONS to Arienne Autumnbow for becoming our newest officer, shedding her second identity and returning to the Vol’kar as Ithise Fleetfoot! :heart: