The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

This thread was an even 200, but not anymore. I ruin everything.

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Several weeks have passed since the Second Battle of Honorfall. The horrors witnessed were forbidden to be discussed, but the battle itself was chronicled by the many hands of the Legion. Many cultures exist within the Horde, with no two tribes expressing the same fashions or trophies, however, the Horde had its own way of expressing a veteran’s participation - mementos, badges, and sometimes - physical contact. The High Warlord’s mark was one of many. Each and every Legionnaire would have received a crystal for his or her participation during the marsh campaign, soon-to-be-dubbed: “Of Blood and Stone”.

Mid-afternoon, just as the sun begins to fall, stormclouds gather in Honorfall. A letter is sent to General Stoneheart. From the mouth of the Warlord.

Somewhere, the troll leans back in his chair to face a mirror. It is cracked and marred with dirt. Within it, he does not see himself, but his family. He spies his friends, of past and current. Shadows of those that have come and gone, and those that have yet to pass. He makes no sound, his features do not change. Behind him, the barracks lie cold. They are empty. For the first time in many years, he feels alone. A fist props his face while his other withering arm grips the chair. He scowls, staring at his desk.

A response is quickly drafted from the cluttered desk of the General and returned to the High Warlord.

Why do all of our plots always involve the same people? (Especially that weirdo Dolthar).

Also. Baoshii decides to update the Wolfmane story the same time I do. They and I have never been in the same room at the same time. Coincidence???


Represented us at the guild fair in Orgrimmar tonight! No new folks but got to chat with a couple curious individuals. Always fun and refreshing to see all the guilds still kicking around in these uncertain times. If you missed us tonight but are interested, just shoot any of our members a whisper!!

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October 8th.

October 10th.

October 14th.
Mission Objective: Neutralize security and intel risk in the form of rogue Deathweaver agent.
Location: Last known to be in the abandoned Troll city Zul’Farrak.
Mission Status: Success
Rogue Agent Status: Deceased
The assembled team landed in Zul Farrak at 1830 hours. Encounted little resistance through the city proper. Some light guards were dispatched with ease.
Discovered Morrowfury mid ritual, when the Soul Stone was destroyed her new acolytes were killed instantly.
Xaracia Morrowfury herself refused to surrender despite attempts to subdue her.
Making a decision for the wellbeing and safety of the rest of the Legionnaires Morrowfury’s life was ended, body recovered and returned to the Tower

October 16th.
High Warlord,

As you witnessed yourself at the end of the training, the Vol’kar stands more prepared than I could have hoped for. Stormvolt, Araghar, Driekhof, Blackfire, Thundermaw, Corohk, Duskweaver, and Blackpaw all performed with exemplary skill and a surprising amount of cooperation. Watching them train and succeed as they did, I have no doubts that those that go to Northrend will bring honor and glory to the Horde.
May your campaign against the Scourge be swift and decisive. When you return, the Den will belong to the Legion once more.
No task too difficult, no cost too great.

The Vol’kar have pledged forces to the Argent Crusade’s call. Children of Vol’jin land upon Borean Tundra’s shores tonight.

Upon violent waves and sleepless nights, Jan-Mak resides with hundreds of soldiers stuffed in the belly of a ship that barely holds them. Some have never seen Northrend, while others are on their fifth, maybe sixth trip to the roof of the world. While it is uncertain, the High Warlord’s role, in all of these struggles, he never strays far from where he commands. Will he fight in Northrend? Will he stay in Orgrimmar? Will he meditate upon a hill? No. A leader does not lock himself in ivory towers or demands thrones; he suffers with the lot. It is difficult, writing on his knees in rocky waters, but eventually an unnamed Ironwing operative delivers what will be dubbed ‘the send-off’.

(( Looks like an awesome setup.

Expat from Moon Guard here, Zarkhan is my first horde character ever. I have 25 years of RP experience in both Dungeons and Dragons and MMO in general ( WoW, EQ, Guild Wars ) and really like the idea of mixing heavy RP and PvE.

How could Zharkhan get a hold of a member of the Legion IC ? ))



Send myself or an officer a whisper or in-game mail and we’ll talk further. We’d be happy to have you. :slight_smile:


(( Hi, sent an IC letter to you in game, let me know if it reached you ))

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Of course! I sent a letter back (two actually) with more info. I’m rather hard to get these days due to work/school and sleep schedule, but we’ll get you sorted asap!

Ain’t it the life?


Thank you, got them, just want to maybe rethink who of my character will join, as I will make sure that the character that join is my main going forward. Will be in touch soon


There hasn’t been a lot of updates because there hasn’t been a lot of updates. Some of us are burned out, some are taking time off, and some are struggling with the game right now - but our community remains fairly close. Some of us are even going to pal around on SoM with some meme ideas - enhance tank, rogue tank and the like.

We will have much more activity in the future I’m sure, no matter how rough Shadowlands has been, we’ll still be around for friends.


Are you still recruiting even in this part of the patch? I may be interested in applying on this character or rolling one I may be more suited towards in RP/PvP.

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Hey there,

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is yes, but things are quiet. Very quiet.

Many of us are handling IRL troubles at this moment. Some have moved on from the game altogether. We are smaller oriented, smaller themed these days.

I myself cannot be at my computer at reliable times. Feel free to contact Lara (Larasteel), or any of the following: Dolthar, Lunadreaux, Skybreaker, Mystfire.


the pain is real

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Hello and good morning everyone!

This day is especially important as 12/12/2021 marks the Vol’kar Legion’s sixth birthday!

The player that helped push me to create the charter is no longer around, but it was very early in the morning (5AM or so) and they told me: “If we make a guild, we have to make it the best dang guild that we can”. Six years later, I like to imagine that I’ve tried my hardest to make it so.

I have bumped heads with a lot of people on the server over various things. I have made a butt of myself on numerous occasion. It seems that daily, I humiliate myself or do some sort of foot-in-mouth exercise. That’s apart of growing up, I guess. But this really isn’t about me, this is about you: the reader. You could just be someone that reads our updates, a former member, or a current member just heading to this post to help signal boost it. You are the most important person that has helped foster this community. For that, the only thing I can say is thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I mean it. WoW is in a terrible place right now, but Azeroth is always in our mind. Our stories will never disappear.

Anyways, I talk a lot. Here is what we’ve been working on for the Vol’kar’s sixth birthday!

Special thanks to Feyawen for helping me with templates, and Traekon for image affects!

Over the years, we’ve met some wonderful people. Here is a screenshot that immortalizes all of our friends from the very beginning to today!

Bottom row:
Lieutenant General Eurphadion Dawnstrider, Lieutenant General Ithnan Drakenbolt, Admiral Orruk Rustcleaver, Centurion (Captain) Gurgles, Duke Jarclair Richards, General Neeza Highclaw, General Lara Stoneheart, Battlemaster Gar’khann Skullfist, Warlord Guthung Direfang, High Warlord Jan-Mak, Lord Garthian Rosewood, Lord Dolthar Blackfire, Warlord Takeru Terrormaw, General Ithise Fleetfoot, General Zisho Quinn, General Lo’Gar’Nosh, Battlemaster Gru’fall Bloodfist,and Ravage.
Second from bottom:
Blood Guard Chak’Ga, Blood Guard Krik’thor Dreadwing, First Sergeant Sluggaa Blacklung, Lady Avanoria Everglade, Stone Guard Te’lun Sunstorm, Centurion Ruscion, Champion Juri Riverlotus, Baron Adalvaldr von Harmonn (vrykul), Champion Luna Duskweaver, First Champion Mandiyanti, Champion Koman’che Wildclaw, Warlord Auhgag (unfortunately stuck behind Guthung) Warlord Vokur, Champion A’relan Sunblade, Centurion Groma’kesh “The Red Giant” Stormfist, Champion Yunsheng, Centurion Eranon Emberbrook, Centurion Iriari Danishi, Centurion Essalie Westcrown, Centurion Vathias Nightsun, Stone Guard Nexxit, First Sergeant Ala’nare Darkstar, Stone Guard Deylinna Summerveil, and Fenrir.
Third from bottom:
Quartermaster Camsaen Brookwood, Sergeant Magrakka, Sergeant Daxos Skybreaker, First Sergeant Raz’aghar, Senior Sergeant Seraethas Dawncrown, Senior Sergeant Bwon’ran, Sergeant Weyuk “Woogy” Cleavefury, Senior Sergeant Krol Ironblood, Senior Sergeant Teilaya Sangryn, Vanguard Roswenadora, Xun’jabu, Vanguard Hynil Owlfeather, Quartermaster Shaysinn Stormborn, and Trixxie Blastbomb.
Fourth row:
Legionnaire Shaulkra Wolfmother, Legionnaire Karongoth, Legionnaire Tinkexxi, Legionnaire Chentao Bronzefur, Legionnaire Vrigka, Legionnaire Diomedis, Legionnaire Rijhanni Summerspire, Legionnaire Saija’kai, Vanguard Qua’palah Highwind, Vanguard Wahkooah, Vanguard Donovan Wightborn, Vanguard Nandrea Phoenixfeather, Vanguard Honovii, Vanguard Celtherae Brightfeather, Viendreaux, Vanguard Spizig Blackbottle, Legionnaire Ratohn Grimpride, Legionnaire Kekona, Legionnaire Volkama, and Legionnaire Melamina.
Fifth row:
Araghar the Bloodsurge, Vanguard Virion Caledor, Legionnaire Sol’dok, Legionnaire Gulraki, Legionnaire Kaeden, Legionnaire Sashi’zon, Legionnaire Ban’orak Bladesnaw, Skoll, Ren’thuul Wartotem, Grunt Vok’hai, Grunt Orvus, Grunt Marmaul Thundermaw, Legionnaire Mortdreth Dreikhof, Legionnaire Reavus Cinderpath, Reichov, Legionnaire Madeline “Mads” Raywhisper, Legionnaire Busuku, Grunt Pukali, Grunt Georgina Prewett, and Grunt Rixxel Triggervolt.
Agent Arendin Hamilton, Warlord Lormeus Lightsworn, and General Eleeria Silverwing.

There were many more that I wanted to include in this screenshot. I had well over 300 names and could recall their transmog, face, and what have you, but I realized that we would barely have enough time as it is. I hope to make this an eternal, ongoing project for many years to come. Whether or not our time on Azeroth is short, or for another ten years, I’m thankful and happy for all of these wonderful people I’ve met in my time as GM.

To those not listed: I haven’t forgotten you, to our sister guilds, our close friends, ex-members, and more: I hope to add you soon.

Finally, I dedicate this image to Shaulkra Wolfmother, whom we learned passed away just a few short months ago. She fell in love with the concept and theme of the guild almost instantly and was a wonderful person to be around. I know she would have been ecstatic to see this.

Thank you all for reading! Glory to Vol’jin!

(Additional unused images can be found here:


We are still kicking - and pretty hard I might say. A big surprise in store for 2022 with a large revitalization effort! Stay tuned, be safe, and happy new year!


What exactly are you kicking?



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For what has seemed like years, a rumor spread by one became an open joke among the ranks of the Legionnaires. A claim that somehow, the High Warlord sired General Stoneheart. Implausible, ridiculous, outlandish, and at one point- an open stain to both of their honor. One might even claim it was Alliance propaganda of crossbreeding and unfaithful mating on behalf of the High Warlord. Strangely, these rumors were never dismissed. Instead, they died. Quietly. There was no threat of retaliation or violence that hushed the soldiers. No, a rumor spawned a much different truth. Few will see it, and while neither party speaks on it openly, it is very much known that the High Warlord adopted the General. Strange as it may be, his reasons are muted.

Many thanks to Traekon for creating this. Mini IC update- bigger one to come soon!