The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

There will be an update. Soon.


That helm makes me think this is an Among Us game and that isn’t the real High Warlord.


January 29th, the old Lord of the Tower calls his congregation for another ritualistic “Black Mass”. Typically held in the summer, was instead arranged before the assault upon “The Den”. “The Den” is a highly classified, obfuscated Forward Operating Base for the Kal’Garn, lost during the Scourge invasion two summers ago.

At this “Black Mass”, several ancient rituals from the Old Horde are woven, constructed, and basked in. Hideous, gruesome acts of terrible deeds and ultimate destruction. It is not for the faint of heart, and few attend. Those that did were granted boon for the following assault.

High Warlord,

Yesterday evening, the Vol’kar Legion completed it’s assault of the Den. Our victory was hard-won against legions of undead and necrotic constructs. Using catapults, skill, subterfuge, and monsters of our own, we were able to hunt down and clear out every last soldier of this false Legion. Their leader, the so-called High Warlord Shalehide, was slain in the crossfire as he lead a charge against us. It appears that he had either learned or been imbued with powers of necromancy and fleshcrafting. Many of the ‘soldiers’ within the den were risen from nearby graveyards or kidnapped and slain caravan drivers. Many did not know how to use a weapon in life and this skill did not transfer in death. Though he tried to train them, Shalehide was unable to give them the proper skill necessary to fight back.

We led a charge, with the Reavers in front. The Deathweavers held the second row, volleying spells and counterspells from Shalehide’s forces. The Kal’Garn rappelled in from the back, taking out their healers and machinery. We used constructs of our own, both of wood and flesh, to assault theirs and break their lines. Our flesh construct locked into battle with a mass of limbs - the two seem to have destroyed each other. We were able to split his force down the middle and cut it in half, splitting one off from the other. Shalehide attempted to ram through, to reconnect his soldiers, but this is where he perished. From there, his necrotic power gone, his constructs weakened or lost control and were easy to clean up.

The Den itself has taken catastrophic damage. The Scourge, Shalehide’s Legion, fire, wildlife, and necrotic auras have left us with little left of the original construction. Bodies of people and animals alike are piled high, the earth and water polluted, vegetation nonexistent. The bodies will need to be burned and cleared, waterways cleared and given time to flush out, the earth cleansed, and new growth to be planted. Thankfully, our peons will have a more direct route to the Den from Ashenvale.

Those who have assisted in the fight have sworn an oath of silence on the Den’s location. They may not reveal it’s location to any member of the Vol’kar, no matter their rank, unless specifically ordered by High Warlord Jan-Mak, General Stoneheart, or Sergeant Skybreaker. Future members of the Legion will not know of the Den’s location unless they are Kal’Garn - but for now we must live with this knowledge.

The Wolves have a home once more. The pack runs together.

Sgt. Skybreaker.

That night, following the “rituals”, Jan-Mak lurches away in seclusion. The thoughts and visions he is cursed with haunts him for several nights, even following the climatic siege upon the Den. Despite being advised to never take the field by Champion Duskweaver, he was present at the end of the savage foray. Battles are never to be praised, and the terrible visions of undead soldiers with warped minds, believing they were the true Legion being put to the blade seared his mind viciously. Pools of red and yellow filled moats of flesh, fat, and bone. The populace of these “rebels” were exterminated through flame, and High Warlord Shalehide was slain in simple melee. The gargantuan beast was a twisted macabre mess. No matter how much they pried and picked at his corpse, they couldn’t tell what that thing was. Was it a bull? Beast? It didn’t matter. They never found the necromancer that cursed this place. Revenge upon the one that caused this horrid madness will have to suffice. Shalehide wanted to be treated like Horde, and he was. A traitor. He would watch what he believed was his burn down, decimated. If his soul somehow returned, they would never find the courage, nor strength to rise again.

Jan-Mak felt like a conqueror, not a leader. It disgusted him. This eternal war against the undead. The drastic measures that must be imposed. He loathed it. Hated it. This was not the Horde he remembers, nor the one he wants. His opinions, however, are null.

The mind will wander for several days, he says, but for now: there is work.

He writes three letters that are designated “Secret”. This form of classification for letters is not unheard of for the Horde, but its creation has fallen out of favor since the Fourth War. For designated eyes only - and sharing to those not entrusted with this knowledge or designation is under threat of treason (or worse). Is it because he considers these messages truly secret, or is it because of heartache?

The only one with that knowledge would be the troll himself. Once he finishes writing these, he sits alone at his writing desk. In his palm his thumb traces an insignia. His knuckles protrude and turn white against his strained skin. Over and over, it traces the name “Fleetfoot”. He would not leave this room for several hours.

In addition:

A large resurgence of players this past month has resulted in a huge wave of roleplay. We’re chasing it while it’s hot! You never know when peoples’ attention ebbs and flows. Enjoy the read!

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Several moons ago…

"High Warlord,

It has been many years since we’ve spoken, properly, last. There is a continent between us, and a war behind us. I see now, only when the blood has dried, that we are both old men, fighting to hold on to what we care for. Our upbringings are different. Our homes, our people, but we are similar, you and I, and the time that we fought as allies and as enemies cannot be forgotten.

I had a dream some nights ago. I felt snow crunch underneath my boots, then turn to a bloody froth as I waded hip deep in the muck. I steeled myself and found that I faced a shattered rush’kah, one that I knew because it was by my hand that it was broken. I awoke in a sweat and knew that it was time.

When our sky burned and we struck our first accord, meet me. I will be there with what I can gather of my shattered Legion. There, we shall make our next, and perhaps, the last one we will ever need."

The symbol at the bottom is that of two golden eagles christened with shield.

. . .

Forty-eighty hours ago…

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I will not be posting updates for an extended period of time because it does not feel right or in good taste whatsoever.

It is important to note that given our concentration / RP themes, none of us have ever glorified war. For many of us it is a symbolic way to creatively write in our favorite fantasy environment. Even though it is still fantasy, it is incredibly important to realize the seriousness of the world we live in.

Our community remains a safe haven for our members that live all over the world. Things are scary right now. I am not posting this for clout, likes, social awareness, or any kind of veiled “brownie points”.

I have always felt incredibly passionate about what I write about and my interests due to my upbringing and family history.

I will leave off with: for some of us this situation is more serious and/or closer to home than others.

If you wanna know what we’re up to, find us in-game. Stay safe, be kind, and Slava Ukraini.


Slava Ukraini.


Lots of good roleplay.

Finishing out the tier and beginning Heroic.

Good vibes.

Lots of crossfaction interactions - soon continuing our Silverpine/Hillsbrad campaign.


This year’s veteran portrait, done by First Sergeant Daxos Wolfborn!

Left to right:
Centurion Ruscion
Sergeant Weyuk Cleavefury,
Senior Sergeant Teilaiya Sangry,
Legionnaire Sashi’zon,
First Sergeant Sluggaa “Drillmaster” Blacklung
Senior Sergeant Ala’nare Runeash
First Sergeant Daxos Wolfborn
Wolfmother Ithise Fleetfoot
Warlord Vokur of Stonemaul
High Warlord Jan-Mak
Champion Luna Duskweaver
General Lara Stoneheart
Champion Mandiyanti of Darkspear
Battlemaster Araghar Bloodsurge
Senior Sergeant Bwon’ran
Quartermaster Shaysynn Stormborn
Warlord Auhgag Stormfury
Senior Sergeant Nexxit Hagglehide
Lord Dolthar Blackfire
Vanguard Renaya Makenna

This guild is a wonderful group of people, it’s sad we couldn’t include everyone that wanted to. I would’ve paid for everyone if I could have. I hope we stay together as a gang for many years to come!


The Legion of the Legion raiding team is upon us. May 31st.

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We are alive and kicking. The Legion is currently preventing an insurrection that would enable the re-start of the Fourth War in Ashenvale. Plenty of RP and lots of PvE/PvP, too. The world sucks and so does the game but we find comfort in playing with each other. Maybe an IC update for the thread will come someday. :wave:


War is good. How can I support the insurrectioners?

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Sign here, please.

The paper is just an arrest warrant that is made for the signer to be arrested.

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You guys seem like a really fun bunch! I’ve been looking for a guild to spice up my WoW playtime because I’m getting bored running around solo. I’ll keep an eye out in game for you all!

Wrong character used to post above. This is my guy. 60 BM Hunter.

Sure, hit up any of the officers or myself on this character or Tsulay. Would love to chat and see if you’re a good fit. :wave:

Happy hot dog day volkar legion!

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We are the canonical heroes of this expansion.

You are welcome.