The vindication of Sylvanas

Thats a fair point, but its not a position the Shadowlands gets to take as the Daughter of Slaughter is celebrated for mass murder.


Again, I brought up earlier the point that we can’t really compare the morality of the Shadowlands vs. Azeroth, just like we can’t compare the sins of Sargeras vs. someone on Azeroth; the scale is just unfathomable.

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in this context yes.

Because the stakes are really really high.
until Sylvanas instigated the 4th war the Alliance and the Horde were literally blind to the Jailer’s machinations. Varimarthas taunts us with that in Legion “It matters not, you are blind to the true darkness in your midst,” You think that without a big event like Teldrassil the Horde and Alliance would have even taken notice of the bigger cosmic game? no, Sylvanas had to make them take notice.

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Who cares. you guys act like anything in this games story has any impact on your daily life, while you complain about that in regards to others.


Where are you getting this? Nowhere does it say how long she was in the Maw, only that she got a taste of her eternity supposedly waiting for her and it freaked her out. There is no time provided, but it seems the Primes did not leave her there for long. She was given a vision of her own afterlife and it placed her in a venerable enough position to make what was clearly a far too good to be true deal with those Val’kyr. Frankly, it kind of sounds like she got a dash of her own medicine. Her own manipulative tactics used against her. Given the image of a world someone else wanted her to see, to get her to move in convenient ways for them.

Just like she herself has done with the Forsaken and Horde.

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Yes, but we arent talking about Tyrande’s grievances here
 the thinv that keeps coming up is the Shadowlands system sending Sylvanas to the maw.

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I absolutely think it’s possible. Crazier things have happened in WoW, and, more importantly, it would offer Blizzard an opportunity to tell a new story (god forbid, right?).

Sylvanas could have independently sent heroes from Azeroth to steal away into the Shadowlands to bring back proof, or a million other scenarios. Doing the whole “oh, you think she’s evil but REALLY she’s been good all along, she’s just misunderstood” is repeating Illidan, and almost even Grommash from WoD, all over again.


I honestly think the narrative presented in A Good War is precisely this. Why they went with the more heavy handed version of the story is beyond me, as AGW makes more sense to the audience. The motivations are clearly laid out. The rationale for the eventual burning is mostly cut and dry and the response of everyone involved is perfectly in character.

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“Time was meaningless here. Her whole life seemed not a series of events but a single instant, a pinpoint flash of consciousness in an infinite void. [
] Was it a moment or a lifetime before a single thread of light broke through the darkness?”

It’s implied that she has no concept of time while in the Shadowlands. Uther spends aeons in Bastion between WC3 and Wrath of the Lich King, which is probably only canonically 5 years. 5 years equaled lifetimes. So with this information one can read between the lines that Sylvanas spent a considerable amount of time in the Maw in the span of a few days/month? she was in the Maw.

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Shock value. Plain and simple.

Blizzard’s story writing has (for a long time now) been about the big moments that stand out, not the sinew which holds a narrative together.


God forbid Blizzard tell a story where the perceived evil woman is right about the cosmic big bad.

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Ever play Fable 3?

yeah, have you ever played Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver? a great series.

Because it doesn’t matter if she’s right. Trying to justify and redeem genocide, torture, and other unspeakable, horrible affairs for some cheap and flashy ‘aha!’ moment is lazy writing with little heart.

They could have gone in a million directions with Sylvanas that did not throw her into one of their two female categories: 1) hysterical women who go crazy due to grief, or 2) the woman who tragically loses everything and is made to continue suffering.

I’d rather have a heroic female character that doesn’t get away with things that shouldn’t, in any reality or fiction, be championed or excused.


I have not

Right, so there is nothing concrete. And you’re basing it off Uther’s time in the SLs SINCE his physical death, to Sylvanas’ brief taste of the afterlife 
 that was probably orchestrated by her own primes. Enough to give her a scare, not enough to break her. As a broken tool is hardly worth anyone’s time.

That being said, I doubt there is anything that will deter you from the idea that she’s been right all along. Which 
 when combined with Blizz’s likelyhood of putting more effort into her “redemption” than the Horde they ground into the dirt for her story; it would at least prove her final message. “That the Horde is Nothing”. Just a tool, like the Forsaken, to be used and discarded by both Sylvanas and Blizz themselves. Sigh

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shame, It was such a good series, and Sylvanas reminds me a lot of Raziel. Not a “good” character, but a protagonist against bigger antagonists in a plot to divert destiny which was the machinations of a Eldritch God who trapped his soul in a wraith blade.

Raziel is voiced by the same VO who voices Medivh in game.

Funny how popular culture has shaped World of Warcraft

You don’t understand, Droite. Sylvanas is the bestest character Warcraft has ever had. Who cares if she utterly obliterates any semblance of faction pride or competence among faction leadership? She’s so great and smart and powerful and always two steps ahead, ahead of even WoW’s Devil stand-in! She deserves vindication, of course. /s


clearly, some of the responses in this thread prove it’s all of the above.

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Or, yah, know, we recognize that both Arthas and Ner’zhul have actually been punished for their actions. Or the fact that a major reason people can ignore Sylvies victims is not that they don’t exist 
 its that Blizz doesn’t focus on them. Ever. So they can’t risk really creating a personal, emotional resonance, and thus are invalid. And like it or not that is one of the major reasons she gets such a free pass from her fans on this issue. Because they ONLY see the abuse victim, and don’t see the ABUSER she herself became 
 because to some extent Blizz allows for it. Because unlike Sylvie, her victims are easy to ignore. Nameless, faceless, means to justify her ends.

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