The vindication of Sylvanas

Sadly to say our glorious Queen Sylvanas Windrunner will become a raid boss next patch. Begs the question tho how this all will turn out. The best scenario for her to happen would be a vindication where she did all these things for the greater good of Azeroth and rubs it all into the faces of her enemies. I think it is just fair and right for her fans to get a real closure on everything and then get to follow her to wherever the story takes her.

Victory for the dark lady! Glory to Sylvanas! Lok’tar!


I don’t think Sylvanas did anything for the greater good of Azeroth. However, I do think it will be Sylvanas pursuing her own self-interest, and that will coincide with the best interests of Azeroth… or Azerothians. Nor do I think Sylvanas cares enough about her enemies to rub anything in their face. If anything, she wants them to join her!


I can see “had her reasons”. I don’t think “right all along” is in the cards. It would make Alliance players too much the bad guys.


lollin at the idea of the story going “well you see she killed you all and sent you to hell for good reason”


I don’t think it would make Alliance the “bad guy”, even if Sylvanas turned out to be “right” or whatever, just because even if she is “right”, the Alliance’s reaction to Sylvanas is still reasonable.

Just like the Scarlet Crusade’s… crusade, against the undead. I have no doubt in my mind, that if a Zombie apocalypse scenario ever happened IRL, it wouldn’t matter if some of them showed signs of free will later on… we would wipe them out… there’s a small possibility that some might get kept, and studied. But we wouldn’t be letting them form their own civilization on earth, if we could help it.


“Genocide is okay if ____” is still a pretty monstrous message to send.


Hanging by my ankles in Torghast getting vivisected repeatedly but it’s okay because Sylvanas put me here


But it doesn’t send that message. Being wrong about one thing doesn’t make you wrong about everything. Otherwise I could use Hitler’s supposed abstinence from alcohol to justify my alcoholism. *hick


This is a non-sequitur. People didn’t have a problem with Hitler because he wouldn’t have a drink. People had a problem with him over his military aggression and a genocide. Vindicating Sylvanas is directly related to her crimes, not to something incidental like this.


It is more I don’t think they would make Alliance players out to be on the “wrong” side, they have resisted that pretty had.


I almost want this to happen solely due to the fact that it would be really really REALLY funny

Like, Grom “We Are Free!” x1000


Even if she is vindicated in the “ends” department, it doesn’t vindicate her in the “means” department. Nobody is mad at Illidan because he stopped the Legion. They’re mad because he sucked out his friends’ life force to do it. He went to jail for like 10000 years, but he was still right that the legion had to be stopped.

Too Bad!!! lol. Come on, do you have to “righteous” AND “right”? Throw us a damn bone!


The character of the vindication offered by the prompt strongly suggests a vindication of the means as well.


The burning of Teldresil is, I think, the largest atrocity committed in the history of Azeroth by someone not on an evil side (ie Legion, Old Gods, etc.). I can think of others, but they are all smaller in scale or were a failed attempt.

I don’t think Blizzard can get away with ignoring that, like they have with others. So the question is, how does it get rationalized?

Blizzard could have had their being sent to the maw as being temporary. But I think it is too late. We have already seen some them being tortured and presumably some have been lost, given the treatment.

So all that is left is the greater good. The clearest argument, that more would have suffered more, looks like it will be hard to pull off. And even then it would like be controversial (look at the debate over Hiroshima).

So I don’t see them going with a “clearly this was the right thing to do” at all. Instead the best is a “was what she did, or tried to do, worth it”. Though my money is more on a “she was controlled or lied to” kind of thing, like with Medivh.


I’m glad you atleast managed to say something besides, the script about Alliance morality.

Your logic with that is, Blizzard doesn’t want to justify Sylvanas’ actions, because it would make the Alliance look ‘bad’? Where are you drawing this from specifically, because I’m not sure how you landed on such an idea.

Teldrassil wasn’t ignored, and they rationalized it in front of Orgrimmar, and word of mouth but Sylvanas and others beneath the Jailor.

I wouldn’t have seen them further trying to purify Slyvanas’ intentions either, until I started watching the cut scenes from SL, where she is pouting pretty much over the plan she is setting in motion.

Teldrasil wasn’t done by the Alliance, Blizzard is clearly unwilling to write such stuff for the Alliance.

No, they write stuff like that for the Alliance, but its not allowed to go anywhere. Weather it be the character being talked down, or literally told not to do anything about it. At this point, I don’t think you’re going to be able to find this as ‘excusing’ what the Alliance have to expend to keep this. It has nothing to do with the Alliance, never does. I harp on this point, but Genn wasn’t allowed to harm anyone in Stormheim. He pretty much was allowed the Horde their in for a devastating fist pump triumph, which they only disliked after the inevitable fall out.

The Horde characters don’t do anything remotely close to what Genn did in Stormheim. They succeed in their awful acts, and then the story the factions share is one about making sure the Horde isn’t viewed as pure evil, and only partially responsible, while heaping further blame as an irritant on characters people enjoy. Namely Jaina, Genn, Tyrande, probably Turalyon soon.

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You know what Eleven? I agree.

Let her be right, let Tyrande be cut down and all her detractors eat mud.

Cause A) The fallout would be phenomenal. And B) We can finally, finally fully checkout mentally from this nightmare of a story.


How awful to think the story must stop, because others enjoy it.

Oh, the story and game can and likely would go on, just that I and maybe a sizable portion of other story enthusiasts could safely ignore aby further developments going forward.