The vindication of Sylvanas

this whole sentence is sexist and a misogynistic.

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You lied and quote-mined, that wasn’t the whole sentence. the whole sentence was actually, quote; “you should see my discussions standing up for Yrel, I did think at one point Sylvanas was getting a pu$$ypass to be a war criminal but then I remembered Azshara - a far better and more consistently-written villain”).

You just employed a tactic widely used by ideologues - especially the woke left-wing ones these days, and the only reason I won’t accuse you of being one yet is benefit of the doubt, but between the “ist” or “phobe” accusations and singling out Christianity in criticism of rl religion, you’ve peaked my suspicion that you are one.

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The only people who use that term are people who frequent the most misogynistic reddit threads. That term doesn’t exist outside of Reddit, and Incel culture. You say “I’m not sexist,” but then you continued to prove that isn’t true by saying you USED to have deeply misogynist opinions but then you deflected to how Azshara is written better? that doesn’t even make sense.

And, honestly, your admission to previously holding sexist views discredits your current views. You have not changed anyone’s mind that you are not misogynistic, and that makes a whole world of difference in context of this thread.

Maybe your opinions of Sylvanas are biased due to your sexist bias.

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Now you resort to passive-aggressive strawmanning and confirm my suspicions of you being a woke ideologue. You admitted in another comment you once associated Sylvanas with bad aspects of femininity and/or feminism. Does that mean when you associated certain male villains with “toxic masculinity” you were being misandrist? (that use of "toxic masculinity peaked my suspicions, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt
 which you have now thoroughly destroyed).

Thinking Sylvanas had plot armor due to the pu$$ypass isn’t misogynist, it was based on the rabid part of her fanbase and the writers repeatedly kowtowing to them.

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I think it’s the fact that you’re using the term at all.


Using the term is not misogyny in and of itself, and I had reason to do so.

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whelp, this isn’t passive aggressive and political

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Direct accusations are not passive-aggressive, and you started it by using the same tactics those ideologues use. You’re just projecting now (I’m starting to think you’re the one who flagged my posts, but the mods clearly can see I’m not what those people try to frame me as, so false-flagging thankfully doesn’t work here).

Back on topic, Sylvanas at best has yet to be proven right, but has done nothing to earn trust in-universe or out and has done a lot to lose trust.

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honestly I don’t care if she earns your trust at this point. I hope she hurts your feelings.

The average horde soldier became much more accepting and sensitive to forsaken racial issues leading up to BfA, indicated by some rather charming Goblin dialogue in Zandalar. The horde was a more united nation than ever before
 but Bain and Saurfang always hated Sylvanas, and Nathanos did indicate that she wasnt nearly as appreciated as he thought she should be.


it’s true, she has as much tactical and strategy experience as Saurfang, even more the way she played him like a fiddle. The Horde doesn’t appreciate how clever and skillful she is.

I really liked her dynamic with Vol’jin in War Crimes. I thought that was the perfect set up for her becoming Warchief and I thought for a split second that Vol’jin actually did see her strengths and then they went and retconned it by making Mueh’zala’s whispers take away Vol’jin’s agency. I’m still kinda pissed about that.



I think most fans of the story from cata to the middle of BfA are pissed about that.


Sylvanas has been a terrible character since her creation.

There a bit of reality to crash your party.

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They did so much to build up the trust between Sylvanas/Vol’jin/ Varian and the Broken shore was such a good moment for that where she had to choose one or the other. That was Blizzard’s writing at it’s best. Even though a lot of people have opinions on Golden’s characterization of Sylvanas, I thought the confrontation between Anduin and Sylvanas at the Gathering was really well written. It’s those little details that keep me hanging on and I hope Shadowlands continues with that. Playing on a past Varian/Sylvanas dynamic with Sylvanas and Anduin. I know that’s probably an unpopular opinion, since many people are not fans of Anduin, but I kind of liked the backbone he showed in the Shadowlands cinematics. There’s a lot of potential for an interesting story between them.

And I hope when Vol’jin is done cooking, he will come back to fight on our side against Mueh’zala when he becomes the penultimate raid boss before we kick the Jailer’s butt. Vol’jin becoming the new Loa to the Darkspear is something I am personally looking forward to.


I would assume because she’s never faced any consequences for her acts. Arthas, as far as we’re aware has been sitting in hell for the better part of a decade. Assuming there is anything left of his soul left. Ner’zhul, who the hell knows what happened to him, but I’d wager his fate wasn’t much better. Especially since after WoD Blizz clearly forgot what story they wrote for Ner’zhul. Of a pious man having his faith and peoples health manipulated against him to compel him to make a horrific choice; and then forced to watch helplessly as (and driven mad by) the consequences of that mistake when he realizes the truth. Destroying the very people he wished to save. WoD Ner’zhul 
 completely ignored this, as well as the ban on Void Magic coming from the Shadowmoon themselves.

Sylvanas in contrast 
 One could easily say that she is being manipulated here (as I highly doubt with what we know she was destined for the Maw post-ICC). But, in service of whatever her “Afterlife” based agenda is, she has essentially condemned 10s of thousands of souls to Hell-Weapon Processing she herself wished to avoid. She’s not just killing them, she’s destroying their souls. Yet, she has yet to face any consequences for that. Which is what sets her apart from her contemporaries, beyond just the freshness of her actions.


Maybe I’m missing something but we dont see anything between Anduin’s ultimatum and his appearance in Bastion, right? My first thought was that Anduin and Sylvanas privately decided that Anduin’s temporary turn was the only way to lull the Jailer into a false sense of security. I know thats probably not whats happening, but something like that would have been good.

There’s also the potential for this really great tsundere dynamic between Sylvanas and Anduin, that probably shouldnt happen because Sylvanas cant realistically return to Azeroth, but I keep going back to the scarlet pamphlets that accuse Anduin of having a banshee lover.


I will have to echo the words of a famous german
 wir mussen die sylvanas ausrossen!

When Sylvanas jumped off ICC it’s described in Edge of Night that she spent AEONS in the the Maw being tortured as time passes more slowly in the Shadowlands. She literally was punished for not doing anything other than subverting the Jailer’s plans. If you think she deserves to go to the Maw for burning Teldrassil think of it as double Jeopardy, she’s already served the time, what’s a few hundred lives to help her destroy the Jailer?

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Oh, you know, what’s a few measly lives, right? It’s only innocent children and their parents. No biggie.