The vindication of Sylvanas

I mean, way to misread what I said. But you do you I suppose. And please don’t project your feelings on me.


If you haven’t read the whole of this thread… there is a lot of projection going on.

You know nothing about me, so don’t assume you know how I feel. It’s all I ask.


To be fair to you it’s not just you the comment was referring to there is a handful of other posters my comments were applying to.

It’s a reply to all of the commenter in the “she not that smart” circle jerk going on right now.

But to assume that just because I think a FICTIONAL toon isn’t a tactical genius, somehow means I hate women in IRL, is one of the worse takes I‘ve seen


I know nothing about you. Take what resonates leave what doesn’t.

When she loses all her humanity like Arthas.

Right now, she still has some humanity. You can see it in her concern for Anduin. At the end of BfA she states that she pitied the forsaken. She spares her sisters in Three Sisters. She broke down in tears when Vereesa did not join her in Undercity. She has sympathy, empathy, love. With humanity there is always a chance of redemption.

Arthas, in contrast, destroyed the little humanity he still had to assume more power as the Lich King. That’s going too far.


That chance of redemption died when those people she doomed to the maw were obliterated after their eternity of torture.


Don’t feed the sharks.
They are looking for any cracks in your reasoning. Don’t let them have it.

Don’t participate in his thought experiment he’s already thought up a rebuttal. They are all the same. He will probably use it as a jumping off point for another anti-Sylvanas thread.


Oh, we’re doing that kinda thing eh, alright, I’ll play your game.


Foolish, impudent, mortal, you’ve already lost.

While it is true, there are much better characters to be had, none of those which you suggest are worthy of standing alongside the Horde.

Sylvanas is banished, done-zo, her goose’s cooked. It’s over for her, she had her chance to lead well and that chance has since been squandered 3x over and soon, yes very soon, she’ll get what’s coming to her. We’re going to storm the Jailers’ sanctum and rain divine justice upon her wicked soul, and send her to languish within the very realm of darkness of chose to serve along with all of the innocents she, herself, sent there in the service of her dark master.

Your mission is doomed to failure, it’s time to face the facts and accept your inevitable destiny. All mortal kind who chose to willingly become servants to evil will fall before our righteous fury and their corpses, stained with sin, will be washed away and forgotten beneath the tides of divine justice.


Not gonna lie Pyrogar that was mad funny


The Horde has no rights to claim justice for anyone. They are the sidekick faction. Not the main protagonist faction. That privilege is saved for the Alliance. I am telling you now that your fake faction will take no part in the way how Sylvanas’ story will end. Because that will always be the fate of the weakling themed Horde led by Thrall and his club of friends. Being second fiddle in every way possible involing the lore.

Lmao don’t make me laugh. The best the current Horde can do are powerless hacks without any plot purpose. The best they will ever be able to do is sitting in a corner collecting dust while the Alliance takes the goal home. Source: The plot of every neutral themed expansion ever since TBC. The Alliance is the true faction this game centers around. The Horde is just a byproduct which passed over its expiry date. The Horde is dead. The sooner you accept it the better we can debate the actual lore.

What? You mean, like, a server that hates Sylvanas?

Cuz racist Saurfang is right, and such a phrase should never be uttered from the lips of a filthy elf. Let alone the most conniving and insincere elf on the planet.

Didn’t realize Orcs gaf about what Sylvanas thinks of their language and culture.

Last I checked, Forsaken have a phrase that’s straight-up “Beware the living” despite the fact that all of their allies are living beings. It’s a pretty broad spectrum to “beware” of, despite having worked with living beings since Vanilla.


undead high elves, Blood elves and Nightborne are all part of the Horde. You will hear enough of them saying “Lok’tar” eventually at one point in the plot.

This thread is a society.

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You know the one with erevien…

Also Racism in wow is fantastic and it needs more glorious racism.

Hell xenophobia is the very root of the franchise.

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Uh huh. So your thing is xenophobia. Good to know.

I’ve never once said she was deserving of the Maw right after ICC. Its even up for debate if she’d be worthy of a short stint in Revendreth, with her mental state and desire for release in mind. However, her being a victim is merely a factor to be considerate of when considering consequences for her acts. It does not invalidate all her victims, just because Blizz NEVER focuses on them enough to emotionally resonate.

Which is why I say you’re operating off a double standard. The double standard is being applied to Sylvanas, not those she’s being compared to. Her being shown a vision of the Maw (one that is probably a convenient lie to get her to act in convenient ways, just like the types she used to manipulate the Forsaken for years) … doesn’t just vanish the choices she’s taken since then. Nor the pain of her victims. That’s not how this works.

Which is why when you brought up Kel’thuzad’s lack of consequences, I responded “Yes, I want him to face consequences for his actions and choices; just as I want Sylvanas to face the consequences of hers”. I’m consistent in that. But then you deflected to not wanting to argue “since you know how I feel about Sylvanas already” … which reveals that you do not feel the same way. You are inconsistent. Kel’thuzad should face his consequences, Sylvie should not. Solely because you only see her as the victim, not also as the abuser she became.

Pretty sure they use this phase because the living have actively hunted them for being undead since the Third War. It’s a bit different.

The undead have reasonable cause to beware the living…


Oh, there’s an anti- sylvanas discord? Is that where you guys hold your rallies?

I imagine it’s just one big circle jerk. Is that’s where you all get together and re-imagine canon?

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