The vindication of Sylvanas

There are probably multiple anti sylvanas discords. because most discords hate the story (unlike these forums)

Lol, you wish I was a xenopohobe.

I’m just spitting facts. Orcs shouldn’t give a single solitary dam about the opinion of a person who literally experiments on live people in her secret torture dungeon telling them that they’re culture and terms are stupid and nonsensical.

Death is an option, because if they can’t achieve victory, most Orcs would now rather die than compromise their morals and succumb to the same type of evil that damed their race and destroyed their world.

Lmao, the living haven’t been actively “hunting them” since Vanilla. Now sure you can say the scarlets have been persistently on their tail, but largely the Alliance has pretty much buzzed off and the only reason they were on the Forsakens tail as recently as Legion was because the Forsaken were the ones who initiated a conflict via the invasion and destruction of both Southshore and Gilneas and neither conflict gave the Alliance belligerents any sort of reparation. Their homes are still firmly in the Forsakens’ area of influence, their people are slaughtered, and they’re still homeless. I guess we can also just add the Night Elves to the list of people that the Forsaken have decreed to be homeless as well.

Their “reasonable cause” pretty much ended after vanilla, because nowadays they’re the ones actively going out of their way to hunt the living.


Ew, I think I’ll pass.

I already told Nelgarr I’m not joining that hellish pit of toxicity.

I am still trying to figure out what you are on that this is the interpretation that you are getting from the story forum these days lol?


I love how this thread turned into anti-sylvanas stans outing themselves as either sexist, xenophobic or both. This is great.

grabs popcorn

Please tell me more. Lay it all out on the table.


I’m still trying to figure out why people downright telling you exactly why they have issues with Sylvanas, and why her having not faced the consequences for her actions is why they have an issue with her, is translatable to “sexism” or “xenophobia”? Just because you give Sylvie a free pass for being a downright horrific person because she’s a woman (and because you’re incapable of seeing her as anything more than a victim, rather than also the abuser she became) 
 doesn’t make those that wont “sexist”.


Then that shows the Orcs as a race are weak pushovers. The Alliance fights their battles to win them. The Orcs just for the lolz of being killed in combat. Clearly the humans are superior to the Orcs then in that field like you just admittet with your post.

Not on a world like Azeroth.

Night elves relocated to Hyjal. They are no longer homeless. Can’t say the same about the Forsaken who are rotting away on the streets of Orgrimmar. If you Orcs were better allies you would help them to take Lordaeron back instead of vouching your worthleass peace treaty

Lordaeron was never alliance turf to claim. The fact that you suck up to human propaganda like that shows that you never cared about your non Orc allies.

What they did was securing the borders of land that belonged to them since vanilla. Much like Stormwind humans would kill kobolds and gnolls to make sure these creatures can’t disturb their citizens from the inside. But I guess you use a different standard on who counts as real people and who does not?

Garrosh did the worst stuff and went to Revendreth with a chance of redemption. Wotlk Sylvanas did far less bad stuff then Garrosh did but straight up goes to the Maw? I am sorry but you have to admit that there is a big double standard here. Things does not add up. The system of the afterlifes seems messy from an outside perspective.

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As I said, according to some here. Not everyone.

Instead of understanding or even applying context to Sylvanas, a lot of folks go “Sylvanas bad,” but they are willing to say, “Hey wait a minute, didn’t Arthas have a magical sword and a magic hat telling him what to do?”

That’s a double standard (regardless of which party you want to say it is being applied toward).

Not a vision. Actual torture and torment. She was shown a vision of the Forsaken being killed in droves under Garrosh’s leadership. She was tossed into the Maw and tortured.

Never claimed it did. In fact, I specifically said redemption is often subjective because even if a character does act in the interests of the greater good at some point, that doesn’t undo their prior actions. Blizzard though has 
 let’s say skirted that line (via Jaina, Grom, etc).

This is probably not addressed to me. I have no idea what this is about.


Imagine accusing folks of being sexist or xenophobes for disliking an easily dislikable video game character.

slaps the popcorn out of Luxios’ hands


I mean
 yes. The Blackrock clan, saurfang’s clan’s definition of honor is to die in combat against a hated enemy. Sylvanas has really good lines in AGW beginning Saurfang and the Blackrock concept of honor. She even has a line in BfA that hardens back to it. I think it goes “you don’t care how many of your people die so long as it is honorable, but I think this Horde is worth fighting for.” It’s an honorable Sylvanas moment.

“I can’t present a convincing argument, so I’ll demonize anyone who rails against me. INTERNET VICTORY ACHIEVED!”

Edit: Sidenote, sorry for bumping a bait thread.


You would have a point, if not for the ending of BFA where Sylvanas literally tells the entire horde that she does not care about it. Thus, the moment you refer to is rendered invalid.

This was addressed to me and I’ll reiterate. Dying is not “consequences” for a Lich.

Consequences is Kel’thuzad get actual, tangible suffering for the suffering he caused others. Like I said before. Sylvanas has already suffered long before she hurt anyone.

Arthas has had more atonement to date than Kel’thuzad
 because Uther threw him in the Maw. Unless we see Kel’thuzad being tortured in the Maw he hasn’t experienced consequences.

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What exactly about the Arbiter System that we know now suggests to you that Sylvie should have ended up there legitimately? Truly? No one seems to go there their first time. I get the idea that “the most pragmatic, smartest person evar!” is being played here is an unfathomable thought, but nothing about her getting sent to the Maw makes sense. Even less now than it did then. Hell, her deal with her Primes seems more suss and “Too Good To Be True” than it ever has before; and it was super sketchy back when it happened.

In short, Sylvanas is being played. Her “seeing the world as it really is” is merely “her seeing the world as someone else wanted her to”, because they knew it would get her to move in convenient ways for them. Honestly, it feels like she’s getting toyed with by the same damned manipulation tactics she’s famous for using against others; and that could not be more reinforced than when Zoval “arrowed in his quiver’d” Denathrius.

He wasnt right at the time. It was the gut reaction of an old warrior constantly reliving 8n his mind, fantasies of A Good War, hearing the words “Lok’tar Ogar” from a warchief who was not an orc, and spoken not as a battle cry, but as a hollow, mournfully cold statement of fact
 the dire fate of Orgrimmar orcs would be the latter.

Saurfang was just getting acquainted with reality for the first time in a long time.

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Because today is april fools day I will say this:

Blizzard makes a better orgrimmar than i do :wink:

Ugly place. Orcs deserve better then to sit in a hole in the desert without any natural resources. I hope they raze Orgrimmar some day and would built it up somewhere else again.

You mean the moment after she was reeling from being slashed across the eye by a guy screaming “for the Horde”

Here I was thinking that was just a reflex response that she decided to roll with, and not her actual opinion of the Horde. She’s said many pro-Horde things since Legion. It all fell on deaf ears apparently. She can’t possibly be lying about that
 no, she must be lying about everything else.

If I stub my foot on a chair, im going to call the chair dumb. Same thing.

This is definitely clearly an intentional theme being explored. How well the story is remembered is going to depend in part on how well they handle her reaction to the realization of this.

They also need to shift away from her as main villain. So far shes still the main Badguy, Zovaal is just the Kingpin. And Zovaal is a horrible badguy. Since we know evidentially that the Maw was not for housing Zovaal, or “evil” people
 what was originally chained there? That should be the real threat, and it should be bigger than Deathwing.

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OOPS! Gosh darned reply nonsense. This was all addressed to Lux, sry Zarrin. Its what I get for trying to use reply to a post responding to multiple people I suppose. My bad.

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