The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Moonkin do share this dance. But still, it is iconic to Ogres.


If they donā€™t give that dance to ogres Iā€™m casting blood fury IRL, that is my favorite dance in game, it looks like theyā€™re seriously jamminā€™ whenever they dance.



I think the dance originated from Chris Farley in a Chippendale dancer parody on Saturday Night Live (click the image to load the youtube video in a separate page if it isnā€™t embedded:

I donā€™t see why they would need to replace it when itā€™s already in the game. Weā€™d just need a dance for female Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So going over something Iā€™ve talked about before, I wanted to bring up the Stonemaul banner you have to retrieve for a quest in Dustwallow Marsh:

Edit: Iā€™m not sure why posting images lead to them either being small or big and blurry. Hopefully, itā€™s something thatā€™ll get fixed in the future. x- x

And the quest involved is this:

Iā€™m not sure if this is a unique banner design or if other Ogre clans use the exact same banner in their places of residence, but itā€™s interesting for a couple of reasons.

The first is that if the Stonemaul Ogres became recruited as an allied race, then we have a banner design they could implement in the Horde embassy. Blizzard would just need to put it on a post or stand.

The second thing is that it could potentially be used as a tabard design for the Stonemaul Ogres.

In my opinion, it would work fine for either or both. Anything that helps save development time and resources, within reason of course, is very fortuitous. Seems like Ogres have that going for them in general, which helps to offset some potential coding nightmares such as trying to get two heads function on a character model.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


The Ogres/ettin in Gilneas also used that banner.


I looked it up, and they do use that same banner:

Edit: Seems like if I edit the post and change it, the image goes back to the size it usually is when I link them, albeit sometimes fuzzy. Go figure.

From this quest:

Guessing it was just an asset they used for multiple purposes. Likely, other Ogre clans and similar races/creatures would use the same banner as well. Ah well, it could still work for Stonemaul Ogres in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I agree it was probably just a convenient asset.

I also agree itā€™s a good use for the Stonemaul ogres.

Perhaps an upgraded version with a Horde symbol imposed in the background of the flag?


This has been happening lately with images from Wikis. It could be a problem with webp images.


If wow doesnā€™t comes with ogres then its good alternative for us to get our ogre fix.

Plus I always wanted to try EQ but too spoilt with todayā€™s graphics, so I look forward to trying that game


High elves? Sorta check.
Wildhammer? Sorta check.

Forest trolls? Uhā€¦ if you stretch.
Ogres? Not at all.

Blizz! Fix please!


We did get a sort of gilgoblin esque skin. Still would rather they be an allied race though by a longshot. Good luck with the efforts lobbying for ogres by the way!



Absolutely. If anybody got a playable draconic race it would be the Alliance. Things may have simmered down since the second war, and the dragonflights may have needed the Hordeā€™s help a couple times, but suffice to say that dragons are not necessarily big fans of orcs.

Anything that gets us ogres is good.


So I played around with my screen resolution in order to take a decent screenshot of the new character creation screen. This is what I was able to come up with:

It looks like there is room for 6 more races on each side before they would have to make a new column.

The important point, of course, is that there is room for plenty new races. So hopefully, weā€™ll see some races people have been wanting added on that screen. I know a few races in particular that would make me very happy to see up there, especially on the Horde side. :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


always bump


It is very spacious! This gives me hope for playable Ogres, and perhaps a few others that have been requested over the years!


I have played warcraft since 1995 when i was like 7 years old and ogre-mages WERE MAH BOYS

so would make ogre my main


Ogre Warriors, Mages, Shamans, Death Knights possibly? Ogre Hunters, Ogre Warlocksā€¦ and finallyā€¦


ā€¦Ogre Monks?

They have a few definite class chocies that make sense for them, at least! Need them Ogres, Blizz!


It gives me some hope, as well. It would be great if people got the races theyā€™ve been requesting for a long time. I know Iā€™ll be supporting my most wanted races for the long haul. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Could always give em Rogue. :wink: