The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Just stonemaul??? Needs to be more ambitious! Bring in that ogre clan from bc that grew smart from apexis crystals!


Oh my god I canā€™t believe I forgot about Rogues! Yeah, if a Devilsaur can sneak up on adventurers like a great big terrifying dino-assassin, Iā€™m sure an Ogre could learn to tread very lightly.

Illusion magics are handy too, of course.

Ogre Rogues are on the roster of potential classes, then!


It is possible, since we do have an Ogre Rogue NPC in the game:

Though, Iā€™m not sure if having playable Ogre Rogues would diminish how awesome Dagg is as a special NPC of sorts. Then again, Iā€™ll happily take Ogre Rogues as a potential class if it means playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I get this. Then again, thereā€™s a nelf pally in the game. When I see her, I donā€™t think ā€œwow, sheā€™s so cool and specialā€, I just think ā€œDarn, I wish I could be a nelf pallyā€.


Pretty much how i feel. Iā€™d love to play an ogre. Been wanting to do that for, like 15 years lol.


Posts may slow down a bit since my next class started early, so Iā€™m trying to get a head start since itā€™s going to be a bit of a tough class (Business Financeā€¦oooo, spooky!). Iā€™ll always find time for Ogre and Saurok support, of course! :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:

Iā€™ve been wanting to open up a discussion regarding Ogre racial ideas, since that is an important part of new WoW races. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve thought of off and on, and while Iā€™m somewhat decent at considering PvE or for fun things, Iā€™m not that great at considering PvP.

One thing that came to mind was something involving stuns and either resistances to it or immunity from specific types of stuns. I remember from Everquest 1, Ogres there had an immunity to frontal melee stuns. Iā€™m not sure if something like that would be viable for WoW, but itā€™s a neat idea.

In relation to that, the regular Orc racial regarding stun is this:

ā€œHardiness - Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 20%.ā€

Iā€™m not sure how balanced stun immunity would be, even if it was only from the front and only from melee attacks. Still, something to consider.

Another fun racial idea could be a ā€œBonk!ā€ skill. Bonking your opponent on the head stuns them for a second or two, possible causing a second or two daze effect afterwards. Seems like a fun thing to have, though again I donā€™t know how much balancing it would need.

Lastly, another idea I had is that if they incorporated multiple clans to make up the playable Ogre faction, you could get a buff based on what clan you claimed to be part of. This is something similar to the Zandalari choosing a loa to get a specific buff as one of their racials.

Iā€™m not sure what kind of buff you could get, but it would be something you could always change. I can imagine talking to a NPC to switch it going along like this:

ā€œMe forget wut clan me part of.ā€

ā€œDat ok. Me forget stuffs all da time. Da best way ta remember is wit dis magic stick. After dat, yoo remember wut clan you part of!ā€

More or less, they knock themselves out with a club and then wake up remembering. Something amusing like this would be a fun way to choose between the different clan buffs.

So if anyone has any racial ideas, please share them! We could use some racial ideas for Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I love Zandalari so much (and this is coming from an Elf fan)

I really wish we had gotten Ogres too :weary: it just feels like a complete Horde

Thats a good idea though too!


Originally, hardiness was a chance to resist a stun, it was nerfed to what it currently is because of how OP it was. Being able to randomly dodge something like hammer of justice in PvP is insane.

Side note, but I hope this is expanded to the others trolls we have/get playable.

Pandaren have a 2 second pacify, so it breaks on damage. This would essentially be an upgraded version of that. If we went with just a slow it would be a downgraded version of what nightborne have.

I dig the idea, but because of similarity reasons I donā€™t see it happening this way. It could be modified have time/slow amount modified to be a mix of the two, maybe.

Orcs used to have a racial that increased damage with axes (was never a flat 1% damage increase, it changed over the years but last time it was in game it was 1% increased expertise with fist weapons/axes/two handed weapons. Was removed in WoD with expertise going out the window.)

We could give ogres 1% increased damage with something like arcane/two handed maces/two handed weapons/maces.

Currently, orcs have a 1% increased damage with pets, so 1% damage racials are still around (nightborne, blood elves, and void elves have ones too I think)


The idea is nice and thematic, but most things involving stuns in regards to racials would be too strong, especially in PvP.

Even after the nerfs, the Orc racial is still considered one of the best, if not the best racial for PvP.


Iā€™d avoid increased damage on a specific weapon type, since mogging kind of kills that theme.


Also because theyā€™ve removed all of the weapon specific damage racials in previous patches. Itā€™s clear Blizzard doesnā€™t want them in the game anymore.


Theyā€™ve done away with all weapon specific types, but thereā€™s still some 1% damage increases. Nightborne have it with magical damage, orcs with pets, and blood elves have an extra 1% crit which is close enough.

That rules out all of those but arcane. That would make nightborne have a better version of what ogres have, so they could copy nightborneā€™s over to ogres with a different name, but I donā€™t know how Blizzard is with copying racials like that, I bet they donā€™t care for it.


They generally donā€™t. I think there might be a few that cross faction, like two separate races might now get 1% crit or haste, but Iā€™m not too sure.


You could always go with 1% damage increase to 2-handers of all types. This would make Ogre Arms and Titanā€™s Grip Fury Warriors better than Single Minded Fury Warriors. That seems fairly thematic, though a bit constricting.


All two handed weapons was one of my ideas.


I can confirm that if ogre becomes a playable race I will reroll every character I can to one. Itā€™ll be all ogre after theyā€™re playable.


Since I mentioned it, I wanted to go over the idea of the racial of choosing your Ogre clan and what clans it could potentially involve. This is assuming that Blizzard would go the multiple clan route for playable Horde Ogres.

Currently, the Ogre clans in the Horde are the following:

Stonemaul Clan (Our Universe)
Stonemaul Clan (Alternate Draenor Universe)
Dunemaul Clan

Iā€™ve mentioned in the old Ogre megathread the idea of the Gordunni being added to the Hordeā€™s ranks. Now, considering theyā€™re enemies that have been causing the Horde trouble, how would this work?

The Gordunni are lead by the King Gordok, who if killed, the slayer of the King Gordok becomes the new King Gordok. This is actually shown in-game when you run the Dire Maul section with the Gordunni Ogres, where you can become the King Gordok. You get rewards that get higher in value if you manage kill as few Ogres as possible on your way to the King Gordok boss.

Now, with regards to the Stonemaul Ogres, one of the loose ends that needs to be tied with them is with Dire Maul, as aside from helping with the Gordunni threat, they were to help the Horde take over Dire Maul:

"You kill Gordok leader, you new ogre king. If you king, then ogre leaders like Kromcrush and Kreeg that survive pay you big tribute and you stop Gordok invasion. If you do that, then me very happy ogre and we take Dire Maul FOR DA HORDE!!!

Go, little -insert race here- ! Kill ugly Gordok ogre king and maybe dis be new Stonemaul Hold! Yar!"

So one idea I had was to tie this in to Mokā€™morokk, where he goes to Dire Maul (said to be empty during the Traveler book series forā€¦reasons. Guessing the Stonemaul had some emergency or something to not be able to take it over) to camp out and figure out what to do. The Gordunni, having left in the Traveler series, would come back, Mokā€™morokk would then challenge and take over the leadership, which then causes problems for the Horde in Feralas.

Now, slaughtering everyone there would workā€¦but itā€™s not quite what I would want. I feel like having one of the Stonemaul Ogres, likely Drazā€™Zilb since he is magically inclined and could help Blood Elves and Nightborne study the area, could end up taking leadership as a permanent Gordok King. After the Traveler book series, the Gordunni decided only Ogres could become King Gordok if I recall correctly.

It solves a few loose ends while ending on a more lighthearted note. The Horde could utilize the Gordunni to ruin Alliance lands (epic dance party to distract the Alliance, perhaps?), since they were ruining the lands of Feralas and know how to damage stuff, and Mokā€™morokk could be relegated to ā€œMaster of the Ogre Outhousesā€ and would be used to keep the Ogre latrines clean. Sounds a bit more fun than just slaughtering everyoneā€¦especially when you talk to the Gordunni Ogres after becoming Gordok King. Makes me feel bad for killing them.

Iā€™ll go more into detail with this line of thinking in a future post, but with this idea, youā€™d have four clans within the Horde to utilize the clan buff racial idea I mentioned. I donā€™t know if any other clans would join up, and it doesnā€™t seem like there are any other candidates for the most part, but you never know.

Iā€™d have to think of what each clan would have to offer for such a racial buff. Iā€™m sure there are things they specialize in that would work well as small buffs, though Iā€™d have to really think on it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Well, Chronicle 3 made it canon that it was the Horde who cleared out Dire Maul, so theoretically this quest could have happened.

It doesnā€™t go into a lot of detail regarding the exact situation, other than stating that the Horde only expected to kill Gordok, but ended up clearing the other two wings as well. It also mentions that after the battles in the city, the remainder of the elves there fled Dire Maul for good.


There is a bit of confusion with Dire Maul, as I assume the Traveler book series have some form of canon.

In the Traveler series, the Gordunni get taken over by a human, who leads them elsewhere to do things. This was suppose to leave Dire Maul empty during the time period.

Taken from the Traveler section of Wowpediaā€™s Gordunni page:

"The boy was sought after by the Hidden whose members attacked the gates of Dire Maul and entered its amphitheater. Malus, leader of the dark organization, fought and killed King Gordok, becoming new King of the Dire Maul Gordunni clan, the new Gordok. Since the boy and his friends escaped, Malus declared the Gordunni ogres to be no more as they are Hidden now and ordered all of his new ogre minions to leave Dire Maul and find Aramar.

As such, all Gordunni ogres completely evacuated Dire Maul, being sent to Feralas, Thousand Needles, and Tanaris. Most of their elites were killed by the Hidden, but Malus wanted to have their remaining best organized into an elite force. In order to keep Throgg loyal, the new Gordok assured him that once the business with Aram and the compass is done, he will renounce being Gordok to anyone Throgg will choose and the Gordunni will return to Dire Maul."

There is an assumption that the Gordunni returned to Dire Maul after the events of the Traveler series.

However, assuming Traveler is canon, it doesnā€™t explain why when Dire Maul was empty, the Horde didnā€™t take it over if that was one of their goals in Feralas. Sure, according to the text, some Gordunni were still in Feralas, but it didnā€™t take much for the Horde to fend off the Gordunni during the Cataclysm Feralas questline, so I donā€™t see why them without the leaders nearby wouldā€™ve caused too much issues to keep them from Dire Maul until the Gordunni leaders came back.

So itā€™s all a confusing mess as to what happened with Dire Maul, and with Feralas stuck in Cataclysmā€™s timeline, itā€™s unclear what the Horde have been up to in that area since then or what the Stonemaul in general have been up to. Even moreso when Iā€™ve seen some people mention that things in the Chronicles books allegedly got changed in-game after the books were published.

Thus all the frustrations of not knowing what has been going on with the Stonemaul Clan in general, especially since the last thing we saw is their ambassador to Pandaria acting as a jobber to the Alliance and missing the entirety of the huge war with the Alliance in BfA. -grumble grumble-

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Do you happen to know when Traveler is supposed to take place? Or does it ever say?

Cataā€™s timeline overstaying its welcome was something I was worried about way back during the reveal trailer for it.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the mention of the Spirit Healers. In Chronicle theyā€™re stated to be Valā€™Kyr, but theyā€™ve since retconned them into being Kyrians.