The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Now someone just needs to overlay a few more sounds and sing a song.

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So while the Ogres in Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar are different than WoW Ogres, I wanted to link a few army showcases of them to potentially get idea inspiration for playable Horde Ogres, be it customization options, mounts, themes, and so on.

Ogor Mawtribe army showcase:

Ogor Mawtribe army showcase montage with some closeups:

Another Ogor Mawtribe showcase:

As I said, theyā€™re quite different from WoW Ogres, but still fun to look at. You never know if any idea inspiration can come from them!

9 days until the next expansion is announced! Getting closer! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I had this video in my YouTube recommendations that was uploaded a few months ago, speculating on potential playable races we could see, albeit with a click-bait title. Ogres are included, of course. Thought I would link it for fun, since playable Horde Ogre support is always good.

Note that nothing is set in stone for the next expansion and the video is just for fun speculating. Take anything said with a grain of saltā€¦or perhaps a salt lick or two.

A good point is raised with why the Horde isnā€™t utilizing them for other things. Something Iā€™ve grumbled about for a long time, seeing as the Horde Ogre clans missed the entirety of BfA.

Maybe weā€™ll be able to help free up the MU Stonemaul Clan by getting Feralas under control. We could then throw the AU Stonemaul Clan in their clan, as well as get the Dunemaul Clan involved if possible, and get them on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :smiley:

8 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Very nice. Ogres is a for sure option for the Horde. Be an easy win.


We are now one week away until the next WoW expansion is announced!

As I said before, I donā€™t really have any specific expectations, other than being somewhere back on Azeroth as opposed to some cosmic area. Of course, I keep hopes of seeing races that I and others want to see playable. The general possibility of being able to make new characters is always exciting when it comes to new expansions. Hopefully, Iā€™ll get to add more to my army of characters, though I also hope for more character slots for my account. Getting close to the cap, sadly, and Iā€™d love to be able to get more for it somehow.

Whatever does get announced, Iā€™ll at least report them in both my megathreads. Should there be anything of particular interest, Iā€™ll also be sure to note them in their respective megathreads as well.

Hoping for the best with the next expansion. I feel like a lot needs to be done to get players back and invested again, so hopefully weā€™ll see things turn around for the game.

And of course, Iā€™ll keep hope to see playable Horde Ogres announced as I always do with expansion trailers. :smiley:

7 days until, the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This. I feel like I keep having to hunt for characters to delete.


Looks like we have an official time for the next expansion announcement: 9 AM Pacific on the Warcraft YouTube and Twitch pages.

I should be able to watch live and report back afterwards!

Itā€™s a horrible feeling to have to do that. I donā€™t want to delete any characters, but I also donā€™t want to have to pay for another account and expansions for each and such. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll be able to get more slots somehow in the future. Speaking only for myself, Iā€™d happily buy more slots for my account.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Every last bit of all of this.


All this talk and rumors going on about potential dragons next expansion is getting me excited at the possibility of seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan again. I know I shouldnā€™t get my hopes up, but itā€™d be another good opportunity to bring them back in the picture, dagnabbit!

I still feel like a good way to get them in the picture could involve an offspring of Onyxia out there and causing problems where ever the next expansion takes place. Or even have them invade Dustwallow Swamp again, which was a scenario I wrote up in three parts back in the previous Ogre megathread. I should hunt those down and paste them in here, though they havenā€™t really aged well since I typed it up before Nazjatar was released.

The general idea I had was an event sort of like the pre-Cataclysm events. Having an offspring of Onyxia return to Dustwallow Marsh, taking over her cave, and causing problems in the area sounds like a neat opportunity to have world quests and a big scenario raid against them, maybe even as a throwback to the old Onyxia raid. Having playable Horde Ogres at the end of it would be the cherry on the top.

Itā€™s something that could tie up a number of loose ends and make it feel like the MU Stonemaul Clan got their home back for good. I honestly donā€™t know if weā€™d go back to Dustwallow Marsh for anything, assuming the next expansion is dragon related, but itā€™s still a neat thought.

Trying to keep an open mind with the next expansion and its features, but as I said before, I always keep some hope of finally seeing playable Horde Ogres becoming a reality. Hopefully, the 19th will be here soon so we can see what lies ahead.

6 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That would be awesome. Even more so if it led to playable Ogres.

To be fair, the Alliance has no more claim there as their stuffs all destroyed. Soā€¦ I say let the Ogres use it as their starting zone.


Scenario: We will see how Eitrigg, the Horde hero (the player) and some Horde soldiers will help Tharg to unite all Stonemaul Ogres from the Dustwallow Marsh, how they will clear the last remaining dragons of black dragonflight from the Dustwallow Marsh and how Tharg will become the new leader of Brackenwall Village and for the Stonemaul clan. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It could be nice for the Ogres allied with the Horde to have their ā€œlittle Gorian Empireā€ or to try to have something like that. Not so big and powerful as the first one but a ā€œlittle Gorian Empireā€ for these Ogres. I think it could be a good way to develop their culture.


That sounds fantastic and the quest chain could have the players collapse Onyxiaā€™ s cave, thereby trapping the dragon inside and then either an NPC or a new entrance can be made on the side. That way Stonemaul Village can be reclaimed in a way that would prevent Alliance players from voicing concern at getting aggroed by guards while heading into the raid.


When I was imagining a Dustwallow Marsh scenario, I was thinking a lot about the Cataclysm pre-release events with the Gnomes and Darkspear Trolls. The Horde Ogre Clans have a lot of loose ends to tie up, so the idea was to try to tie up most of them while also bringing something familiar.

The idea I had was a quest chain that shows the MU Stonemaul Clan losing their home again while Dustwallow Marsh suddenly started getting invaded by stronger dragonkin mobs with some kind of enchanted weapon, which also would have the AU Stonemaul Clan there (to explain where they went) and Megs with the Dunemaul Clan also there as backup (evil strong dragons so close to Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff would be kinda important to take care of).

I imagine it being a quest chain of investigation to find out they were using the residue from the mana bombed Theramore (which I think said residue has been mentioned before) and that an offspring of Onxyia took over the cave again (previously used by the neutral Goblins as a tourist attraction). I recall there were some quest chains for both the Gnome and Darkspear Troll events pre-Cataclysm, so itā€™d be something like that but a bit more of a narrative focus. Maybe some world quests afterwards.

It would result in an instanced scenario battle again the offspring and their forces, which wouldā€™ve been a grand scale thing of pushing back and then fighting the dragon at the end. The dragonā€™s head would be on a pike in the MU Stonemaul home afterwards.

The other type of event I had imagined, which I havenā€™t really typed up, would involve Mokā€™morokk taking over the Gordunni Clan as the new Gordok king, and causing a lot of problems in Feralas. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve talked about before multiple times and itā€™s another thing to tie up loose ends with the Horde Ogre clans. Iā€™ve been meaning to type up a sample scenario for a long time. Maybe Iā€™ll do that when I get inspiration.

All of this was meant as an example of what you could do to lead into playable Horde Ogres, especially as a pre-expansion event. I think the Cataclysm pre-events were memorable and exciting, since we did see things like Darkspear Troll Druids appear in there before we got that combo playable. Iā€™ll likely hunt for those three parts and paste them in a post if anyone particularly is interested in seeing what I typed, though it is far from perfect.

Itā€™s just a fun thing to imagine with how long people have been wanting playable Horde Ogres. I imagine Alliance would get something similar with whatever playable race theyā€™d get. As I said before, with the potential dragon theme, it has me hoping weā€™ll see the MU Stonemaul Clan at least pop back into the picture again. Preferably on the Horde side of that character creation screen, of course!

5 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™d love either of those two scenarios.

I love the Dustwallow one because of the several call backs and the zone could become Horde fully finally.

I love the other as it adds another group of ogres to the Horde.

Iā€™d also like to see the Alteraci join the Horde and retake their city across the world. In that reclaiming of their home Iā€™d love to see them take over the Ogres in Alterac and send them along to assist the Stonemaul adding yet another clan to the Horde.


Fun fact: The Crushridge clan in Alterac were originally members of the Stonemaul in War3. At some point in time the clan split, with the members staying in the Eastern Kingdoms coming under Mugā€™thol command, where they became involved in Sylvanasā€™ war against the Dreadlords, and later broke free when Mugā€™thol found the Crown of Wills. It was never explained why he decided to rename them Crushridge though.

Meanwhile those who left for Kalimdor eventually coming under Korā€™gallā€™s command when he took over and then joined the Horde when Rexxar took over.


I originally viewed both types of scenarios in general happening, though I can realistically see only one happening. Iā€™m not sure which Iā€™d prefer to have happen between the two, as both are important and have a lot of potential.

That they were. Itā€™s unclear why the clan broke up and went their separate ways.

Mugā€™thol is still alive to my knowledge. Seems like a missed opportunity for him to try to get some revenge on Sylvanas for what she did to him in Warcraft 3, especially since there was a whole Horde rebellion in BfA and chasing after her in Shadowlands. Oh well, not the first missed opportunity and likely not the last one, sadly.

Not sure on what the chances are of reuniting the two clans are. It could be interesting if done right, though I donā€™t know how easy it would be, since the Crushridge Clan is hostile to the Horde. Maybe weā€™ll learn more of their history together and why they split up sometime.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I went through the previous Ogre megathread and found the three part scenario that I typed up a long time ago of a Dustwallow Marsh questline that wouldā€™ve lead into Horde Ogres as an allied race.

I had initially typed it up shortly after Blizzard did a presentation showing off the patch where Nazjatar and Mechagon were upcoming. There was still hope of mine that the Horde Ogre clans would appear. I mean, it was a big war with the Alliance, the MU Stonemaul Clan were part of the assault on Theramore and the death of Jainaā€™s dad, and they totally owed the Horde big time. Sadly, none of the Horde Ogre clans appeared. A huge missed opportunity in more ways than one.

What I typed up is far from perfect. It was one of my first big scenarios I typed up and some parts couldā€™ve used some revamping. I kinda regret skipping a part with it, giving a general description instead of thinking something up with it. Also, this was before Warcraft 3 Reforged, so I didnā€™t think of Crolā€™ka, the Ogre that ran to the Horde for help in Warcraft 3. He didnā€™t get that name either until Reforged, I think, and so I kinda forgot all about him. Heā€™s not even in WoW, though I think he should play a part should we see the MU Stonemaul Clan again.

As I said, theyā€™re not the best things ever. I typed it up to show off what you could do with the Horde Ogre clans, as well as a lead-in to them becoming a playable Horde race. Theyā€™re also a bit lengthy, so itā€™s something to look at if youā€™re particularly bored and need some time to kill.

Click on each of the following to read each part and bear in mind this was made before we ever went to Nazjatar:

Part 1

Weā€™ll start with the scenario taking place after the events we know of in 8.2 having occurred. A message is delivered to the player character in Orgimmar, via messenger bird:


Your assistance is requested in the Southern Barrens for an important mission. Make sure youā€™re not followed as you arrive. More details to follow.

-(Horde Symbol)ā€

Going to Southern Barrens, somewhat close to Dustwallow Marsh, we find Thrall, who sent the letter:

Thrall: Ah, champion, you got my message. We have a difficult task ahead of us, and in order to accomplish it, we need all the help we can get. While we were infiltrating Orgimmar, Rexxar went ahead to make contact with the Stonemaul Clan in Dustwallow Marsh. Theyā€™re a clan of Ogres that have helped the Horde many times, and Rexxar was the one to help bring them to our side. Since he left, however, we have not heard back from him at all. There seems to be some sort of commotion and action coming from Dustwallow Marsh that makes me feel uneasy. I contacted you for assistance in traveling there to see what has happened and to find Rexxar.

As you ride with Thrall, Thrall reminisces:

Thrall: The Stonemaul Clan are Ogres that sought our help a long time ago in removing their corrupt chieftain that was leading their clan to ruin. Itā€™s interesting that the tables have turned, and we now seek their help for a very similar reason. Most Ogres weā€™ve had to deal with have not been very friendly towards us, but the Stonemaul Clan have proven to be both honorable and reliable. While we consider them part of the Horde, they were never officially inducted to my knowledge. Perhaps after all this, I should help rectify that considering all they have done for the Horde. In particular, they were a great help when we lead the attack on Theramore toā€¦

(Thrall stops and looks up at the sky)

Thrall: ā€¦Jaina. So much has happenedā€¦Iā€¦(ahem) Pardon me. There will be time for that later. Right now, let us focus on the task at hand.

After entering Duskwallow Marsh, there is a sudden ambush by the dragonkin mobs, which you and Thrall fend off.

Thrall: These dragonkin still prowl the area? And these weapons they haveā€¦something is familiar about them. This is an ill omenā€¦wait a minute, I see smoke in the distance in the direction of Brackenwall Village. Quickly, champion!

As you and Thrall arrive, you notice that the entire village is being attacked and there is fire. You and Thrall start by attacking some groups of the dragonkin around the village before entering it to find that the inhabitants are still alive and defending the area.

Thrall: Rexxar!

Rexxar: Thrall! Almost missed all the fun!

Thrall: Indeed, old friend. Fill me in after the battle.

All the NPCā€™s previously in the area are here and helping in the fight, including Brogg who is the two-headed Ogre in Mudsprocket that offered you some quests. In addition there are male and female Ogres now, Megs Dreadshredder is here with her Dunemaul Ogres and a unique female Ogre model that is the chieftain put into place by her, a unique Ogre model that is the leader of the Gorian Ogres that came with the Magā€™Har, and Tharg now has a unique model as he has since become the leader of the Stonemaul Clan. Orhan Ogreblade is also here from Feralas.

The attack occurs in a few waves that occurs throughout the whole village. Eventually, a dragonkin commander charges in. After he is slain and the rest of the mobs are killed, we then put out all the fire in the village. Some more exposition follows.

Thrall: Itā€™s no wonder I didnā€™t hear back from you, Rexxar.

Rexxar: Things have gotten worse since the Cataclysm occurred here. At first, the dragonkin here were decreasing in numbers as the Stonemaul tried to retake their villageā€¦but gradually, more began to appear, and they became more and more aggressive while taking and patrolling more of the area in the process.

Tharg: Stonemaul almost take back home, but den da Stonemaul got run out again.

Orhan Ogreblade: It got so bad that I had to take the Stonemaul with me in Feralas to assist here. We barely have been able to hold this village, and they were wielding weapons we havenā€™t seen before. Iā€™m afraid our absence in Feralas means that Dire Maul has been left uncheckedā€¦

Megs Dreadshredder: Aww, donā€™t worry about that, hon! Once we get finished with here, Iā€™ll help get us back to Feralas and my Dunemaul can help with that.

Thrall: Dunemaul? Did an Ogre clan join the Horde while I have been away?

Megs Dreadshredder: Err, in a sense. Look, right now, we need to help out these poor Stonemaul Ogres get their place back.

Thrall: I see. So we have two clans of Ogres helping us?

Orhan Ogreblade: Three, actually.

Gorian leader: Da Gorians be helping too!

Megs Dreadshredder: Yeah, so when the Magā€™har joined us, these guys came along with them. They needed a place to go so I decided to get them to help us at Feralas until we had to come here to help out.

Rexxar: I trust they arenā€™t just indentured servants?

Megs Dreadshredder: Totally voluntary! No contracts involved! I promise!

Rexxar: Hmmā€¦

Tharg: Thrall. Me knows Da Stonemaul ask for lots before, but da Stonemaul need help again. Me ask if da Horde help get back home for good. Da Stonemaul do whatever Horde want.

Thrall: Iā€™m sure we can work something out, Tharg. Your clan has done a lot for the Horde, and we wonā€™t abandon you here in your clanā€™s time of need. First, let us figure out what to do next.

This bit of exposition is meant to help tie up some of the loose ends I mentioned before in this thread. It also sets up plans in motion for what I previously typed involving Mokā€™morokk taking over Dire Maul with the Gordunni, since the area is more or less unopposed with the Alliance busy.

Part 2

We last left off with Brackenwall Village having been defended from an organized attack from the dragonkin that have temporarily stopped. While the rest of the main NPCā€™s in the area go to fill each other in on the situation and plan, our attention is sought by an Orc that gave a few quests in Cataclysmā€™s Dustwallow Marsh:

Krog: Champion! A moment of your time, if I may. If you happen to be traveling out, Iā€™d like to ask you to check on the witch, Tabetha. Despite being a human, we have made peace with her and promised to respect her property. I fear with the increased attacks that she may be in danger. If you collect some of those overgrown lizardsā€™ weapons, take them to her to see if she can make sense of what they are.

Rexxar: If youā€™re going out there, Misha and I will come with you. There are likely patrols out there, and you could use someone use to the wilds to aid you.

Brogg: Ooo! Ooo! Brogg come too! Brogg want help magic hooman who taught Brogg magics! Brogg want learn wut magic in leezard weapons!

ā€“Brogg is the two-headed Ogre mage that sat in Mudsprocket, giving you some quests. Something I may not have mentioned before was that not only do the weapons the dragonkin are wielding foreign, but theyā€™ve been magically enchanted in a way that makes them more powerful than they normally are.ā€“

As our group reaches Tabethaā€™s house, they see a giant red sphere being assaulted by the dragonkin mobs.

Rexxar: What is that sphere?

Brogg: Dats ah magic shell for protects! Tab-Tab be in dere!

Rexxar: Theres a house in there?! Then we better help her out before it fails!

A brief battle laterā€¦

Brogg: Tab-Tab! Yoo ok in dere?! We bashed da leezards!

The magic shell dissipates.

Tabetha: Is that you Brogg, dear? You came just in time!

Rexxar: We were sent to check on you and make sure you were ok.

Tabetha: Krog set you, right? Heā€™s thoughtful as always. Those horrid dragon things are worse than the Grimtotem! When I saw the commotion towards Brackenwall Village, I wanted to help, but I was stuck here with those fire lizards at my door.

Rexxar: We brought some of their weapons. Krog asked us if you could examine them. They seem to be magically enchanted.

Tabetha: Bring them inside and Iā€™ll take a look. Now, letā€™s see here. (she examines them and casts an identifying spell) Hmm, interestingā€¦first of all, the designs appear to be similar to that of naga weapons.

(Brogg ducks and manages to squeeze through the doorway)

Rexxar: Naga? What could they possibly get from aiding that brood?

Tabetha: What is even weirder is that the magic theyā€™ve enchanted on these weapons is very similar to the remnants of Theramoreā€¦from that mana bomb.

Rexxar: That mana bomb left that much residue?

Brogg: Hoomy city went boom from bomb. Made da place dangerous ta be in since da boom.

Tabetha: Yes, the mana bombā€™s effects still lingered long after it went off and destroyed Theramore. The traces in these weapons are very similar to it.

Rexxar: I have a very bad feeling about this. Champion, we should report back at Brackenwall Village. Tabetha, thank you for your help, but I fear the attacks may continue. If you want, we could escort you-

Tabetha: Oh, that wonā€™t be necessary. Weā€™re more than capable of handling them from here. Besides, I have more work to do in studying these weapons. Iā€™ll make sure to send a message with my findings.

Brogg: Brogg stay. Make sure Tab-Tab safe un help with magic shell.

Rexxar: Very well, but if things take a turn for the worse, head to Brackenwall Village.

Tabetha: (nods) Good luck, and safe travels!

ā€“A thing to note about the mana bomb is that I found, on WoWhead, something that seemed like a worldquest for both Horde and Alliance. You were sent there to explore the ruined of Theramore as a potential place to build a base, and the mana bombā€™s effects are still active and damaging if you stay in them long enough. As far as I know, this has not been implemented on live and it seems like it couldā€™ve been related to the rumored Barrens Warfront, in that the Barrens could have been changed to an updated area with world quests and suchā€¦which, if Iā€™m right, would be interesting to see if Blizzard put the Stonemaul Clan in the story that way. If anyone knows about this quest I mentioned, please feel free to mention it and describe it some more. As it is, all I can do is speculate.ā€“

Back to the story, we then head back to Brackenwall Village to fill in Thrall and the rest and fill them in with Tabethaā€™s findings.

Thrall: I doubt that brood took those naga weapons by forceā€¦so what would the naga gain from giving them weapons?

Drazā€™zilb: Iā€™m not comfortable with the essence of that mana bomb in these weapons, either. Itā€™s no wonder they managed to get the advantage on us.

ā€“Something to note is that Drazā€™zilb is that smart Ogre mage that offers some quests in Cataclysmā€™s Dustwallow Marshā€”

Rexxar: Perhaps we should investigate the ruins of Theramore to see what exactly is being done to gather the essence, then.

Thrall: Yesā€¦

Rexxar: You donā€™t have to go if you donā€™t want to, Thrall.

Thrall: No, I should. We donā€™t know what dangers are there, and we shouldnā€™t go with too few people. Even if we just scout it out. Iā€™llā€¦be ok.

Megs: If itā€™s bomb related, I should come too! I know a thing or two about mana bombs and I can scan the area for radiation and make sure it wonā€™t hurt us!

Thrall: It was powerful enough to still be dangerous?

Megs: Oh yeah! The whole land area was dangerous ever since that city went kablooey!

Thrall: (winces)

Megs: Err, wrong choice of words?

Thrall: Letā€™s just head there.

And thus, you, Thrall, Rexxar, Misha, and Megs fight your way to the ruins of Theramore.

Rexxar: The ruins should be close.

Megs: Wait a sec! Donā€™t get too close. That stuff is still a hot area.

Thrall: Wait a minute, I see some naga there. Theyā€™re holding orbs of some sort.

Megs: Seriously? (climbs on top of Rexxar and peers in the distance) Yeah, yeah I see them too. Just a sec. (whips out a scanning devices and fiddles with it) Hmm, thatā€™s odd. This is saying theres barely any of that radiation thing from the mana bomb.

Rexxar: Could you ask bef-

Thrall: Wait, theyā€™re moving away.

(The naga slither into the nearby water)

Megs: Hmmā€¦now itā€™s saying theres no radiation whatsoever.

Thrall: Then they must have tapped it of that essence completely.

Megs: (climbs down Rexxar)

Rexxar: You couldā€™ve climbed the bear, you know.

Megs: Yeah, but you were less likely to eat me after the fact. Anyways, tread carefully boys. That mana bomb was nasty stuff.

ā€“After seeing the area clear, the group walks up to the ruins, looking out for any signs of naga nearby.ā€“

Thrall: (sighs) Jainaā€¦I should have been there. I should never have left theā€¦

Rexxar: Itā€™s not your fault, Thrall. You werenā€™t the one who ordered the bomb to be used here.

Thrall: Yes, butā€¦

Rexxar: Even if you had never left, something likely wouldā€™ve happened that would have pushed us into war again. At any rate, there will be time for regret later. We need to think of the people that weā€™ll save, not those that have already perished.

Thrall: Youā€™re right. Letā€™s continue.

Megs: Hold up, fellas! (fiddles with her scanner again) Hmm, this scanner is detecting some movement east of us.

Rexxar: The naga must be doing something down below the depths. Drat, if only we had members of The Unshackled here.

Megs: Hold up a sec. (digs around in her bag) Letā€™s seeā€¦aha! I got three underwater breathing masks right here!

Rexxar: Then two of us will have to wait up here.

Thrall: Iā€™ll wait up here. I feel that my lightning magic may work better when not surrounded by water.

Rexxar: Will you be alright?

Megs: Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll stay here with him. Now, let me see if I can get this to the right size for our bear friend here.

Misha: (roars loudly)

Megs: And thatā€™s why I donā€™t climb bears.

Rexxar: Here, Iā€™ll put that on her.

Megs: Iā€™ll give you a radio also, so we can talk to each other. Here ya go, champ! (hands a radio and breathing mask to the player character)

Thrall: Stay sharp down there. Naga are formidable in their home turf.

Rexxar: They havenā€™t met Misha yet, then.

Megs: (starts looking around the area muttering to herself) Hmmā€¦ya know, this might actually workā€¦(starts measuring different spots of ground)

With this part, we go underwater and perform a few quests. We slaughter a lot of naga, collect the orbs mentioned previously, gather up some important looking plans, a few weapons, and likely fight a giant sea monster that the naga have as a guard as well. Iā€™ll leave this part to the imagination so I can finish this part sooner, but ultimately, the underwater naga camp is destroyed and the group comes back up to findā€¦

Thrall: Are you insane?!

Megs: Well, you kinda have to be in this business.

Thrall: Why would you want to build a base here of all places?!

Megs: Look around! Itā€™d be perfect for a shipyard! Those Ogres know how to make ships, and itā€™d be a great spot to make sure the naga donā€™t come back!

Thrall: Yes, butā€¦thatā€™s justā€¦

Rexxar: Thrall. The Alliance has changed since you were last warchief.

Thrall: This would just incite them towards war!

Rexxar: Theyā€™re already at war with us! Theres no turning back. The Jaina you knew died a long time ago. Nothing is going to change it. Theyā€™re going to seek us out on some delusional genocide until all of us are no more.

Thrall: ā€¦

Rexxar: We have to stop worrying about their people and start worrying about ours.

Thrall: Iā€¦I see the wisdom, much as I donā€™t like it.

Megs: Iā€™ll get my people on it as soon as we take care of the area. Now, you got those plans you found?

Rexxar: Here. I canā€™t make heads or tails of it, myself.

Megs: (flips through the different plans) Hmmā€¦well, this one is how theyā€™re enchanting the weapons with that mana bomb essenceā€¦this one seems to be how to get the essence in and out of those orb thingiesā€¦huh. This one looks like plans for their own mana bomb.

Rexxar: They were going to make their own mana bombs?!

Megs: Looks like it. Though, they lack the items that made this one so powerfulā€¦still, Iā€™d hate to see what they wouldā€™ve come up with given enough time and research.

Thrall: We should get back to Brackenwall Village. Maybe some of the Ogre mages there can do something with those plans to give us the upper hand. Also see if Tabetha sent a report on her findings.

Megs: Iā€™m sure I can whip up a disenchanting device of some sort also. Something that wouldnā€™t affect us, of course.

Rexxar: Or blow us up.

Megs: Yeah, blowing up the people keeping me alive is rather low on my list of fun, happy, and healthy activities.

And so the group goes back to Brackenwall Village

Part 3

We continue the scenario with the group heading back to Brackenwall Village with their findings.

Drazā€™zilb: (looks at the plans) This is very troubling. If left unchecked, it could have done some major damage to here and likely to Orgimmar.

Rexxar: All while weā€™re fighting in Nazjatar, too.

Thrag: Stonemaul make sure naga not come back, but leezards need ta be bashed first.

Rexxar: Agreed. What can we do?

Tharg: Gobbo town south of us. Maybe dey help?

Megs: Not a bad idea, big guy. Actually, they might have a few components Iā€™ll need for this device thatā€™ll help us against their enchanted weapons.

Brogg: (teleports in) Brogg back! Tab-Tab gots idea! (hands note to Drazā€™zilb)

Drazā€™zilb: (reads the note) Hmm, this could actually work. (hands the note to Megs) Could we apply this to that device of yours, little one?

Megs: Shouldnā€™t be a problem! In the meantime, take this list, champ. (player receives a list) Itā€™s a list of a few components I need from Mudsprocket. They owe me a few favors, so it shouldnā€™t be a problem.

Brogg: Brogg come wit, too! Brogg know gobbos well and want help dem!

Rexxar: Then letā€™s hope theyā€™re still standing.

Thrall: In the meantime, Tharg. Iā€™d like to speak with you about what has been going on with the Horde lately. I may have a favor to ask.

Tharg: Tharg fight for da Horde. Tharg listen.

ā€“The player travels south, slaughtering their way to Mudsprocket to find it closed and being besieged by the dragonkin.ā€“

Brogg: Brogg see town!

Rexxar: And theyā€™re under attack. Quickly! Letā€™s help them!

After a brief battle, the dragonkin are slain. Rexxar bangs on the gates, which lower.

Axle: Ayy, thanks for the help there! Really appre-(sees Brogg) OH NONONONONO! NOT YOU AGAIN!

Brogg: (gives a hearty chuckle) Brogg happy ta see bestest Gobbo friend too!

Axle: You are NOT staying here again! I donā€™t care how dangerous it is out there!

ā€“Something to note is that Axle is the Goblin innkeeper who housed Brogg. Brogg wanted these Goblins to help reclaim the Stonemaul ruins, where the Stonemaul village use to be, and wouldnā€™t leave until you helped with the quests he gave. Drazzit Dripvalve is, I think, one of the head Goblins of the area. Regardless, heā€™ll work for this section.ā€“

Brogg: No worry little Gobbo friend, Brogg not here ta stays!

Rexxar: Actually, weā€™re here to gather some components for Megs Dreadshredder.

Drazzit Dripvalve: Ah, yeah, we know her. (looks at the list) Hmm, I think we got some of that stuff in supplies. What does she need it for?

Rexxar: Some device to help us defeat these dragonkin.

Drazzit Dripvalve: Really? Well, Iā€™ll make sure to get the stuff ready for her. In the meantime, I got something that might help ya out too.

Brogg: Brogg take supplies! Brogg wait in his spot for dem! (heads towards the inn)

Axle: Now just a second, you! (chases after Brogg)

Brogg: Brogg leave when Brogg get supplies. Brogg promise!

Drazzit Dripvalve: Heres the deal. You get rid of those lizard things, and Iā€™ll let you use one of these babies. These spider robots we got as part of a trade awhile back, and we modified them to work as stealth robots. See, those lizards were going down in size thanks to those Ogres fighting them, but somethings been getting them to come to here and be more aggressive. Bad for business, ya know?

Rexxar: So we can use one of these to see whatā€™s going on in that cave?

Drazzit Dripvalve: You got it! That cave also use to be the lair of that dragon uhh, what was itā€¦.ah! Onyxia!

Rexxar: Iā€™ve heard some of that name before. I thought she was slain long ago.

Drazzit Dripvalve: Yeah, but seems like theyā€™ve taken a lot of her eggs elsewhere. I know the Ogres had some Horde champions go out and smash them, but I guess some eggs got lucky and were carried off. Anyway, use this control panel here to control a spider robot.

Rexxar: Go ahead champion. Letā€™s see whats going on over there.

ā€“This segment is meant as a stealth section where you travel to Onyxiaā€™s lair. Once in, you climb the ceiling while stealthed and go to the center where we see a large group of dragonkins performing a fire ritual on a large dragon. At a certain point, it stands up, spreads its wings, and roars so loud, the part of the ceiling the spider robot is on falls down to the ground and is smashed.ā€“

Rexxar: I donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing in there, but I donā€™t like it at all. We should head back to Brackenwall Village. We have to end this.

Drazzit Dripvalve: Best of luck to you guys. I wish we could help you more, but we barely have enough crew to run this place as it is.

Rexxar: No hard feelings. I donā€™t know what will happen, but itā€™s likely going to get hot out there. Stay safe.

Brogg: Brogg got supplies!

Axle: Man, the smell is going to take weeks to get out of here againā€¦(sighs)

Rexxar: Letā€™s head back, champion. We have a battle to prepare for.

ā€“As the group heads back, more of the area seems to be on fire, and a bright red glow emanates from the direction of Onyxiaā€™s lair. We arrive back at Brackenwall Village.ā€“

Thrall: ā€¦and that is the situation currently and why we need your help.

Tharg: Me understand. Stonemaul not have home without da Horde. Me promise ta make Stonemaul Village secret talking place in da caves.

Thrall: I should point out that by aiding us, your clan might be at risk for her wrath.

Tharg: laughs Stonemaul tough. Stonemaul not fear dead lady.

Thrall: If we can accomplish this, then we will owe you greatly.

Tharg: Stonemaul already owe Horde much, but if Stonemaul become full members of da Horde, dat be all Stonemaul ask for after Stonemaul get home back.

Thrall: At the moment, I donā€™t have the power to do so, but when the time comes, I will speak for your clan.

Rexxar: As will I, but before that can happen, we have a situation to deal with.

Thrall: What did you find?

Rexxar: Theyā€™ve got a dragon down in that lair performing some fire enchantment ritual.

Orhan Ogreblade: That explains why they slowed their attack, then. They mustā€™ve wanted to keep the area busy and take what they could while the ritual was performed.

Thrall: Then we need to form an attack then.

Rexxar: If weā€™re going to lead an attack, we should make sure nothing is coming behind us. Weā€™ll need to take over the Stonemaul ruins.

Tharg: We take Stonemaul village back, den we charge da lair.

Thrall: Sounds like a plan, but do we have the numbers to accomplish this?

Megs: I know some Horde champions thatā€™d love to get in on this. Theyā€™re not fans of our current warchief, so we can trust them. Iā€™ll send some messages.

Thrall: If you trust them, then that should work. And the device?

Megs: Shouldnā€™t take too long for me to make that nullifying device. Hey big guy, can you come help some? I could use your magical expertise.

Drazā€™Zilb: Right behind you little one.

Thrall: Letā€™s gather up our army and get the device ready. Then, weā€™ll rally the Ogre clans and start with the ruins.

Tharg: Dis be long time coming. Stonemaul get village back fine-lee!

ā€“At this point, we set up the scenario for an event. If youā€™ve been with this megathread for awhile, youā€™ll recall that I mentioned some pre-expansion events similar to the Cataclysm pre-expansion events. This is similar to the Gnomes and Darkspear Trolls where groups of players banded together and helped both of these races. Itā€™s been awhile since such a thing occurred in WoW, and given that Ogres have had a presence in Warcraft for a long time, I figured they could use some hype. In this case, we get put in a timer that queues people in the area that have gotten to this point of the quest for a giant battle. Once the battle beginsā€¦ā€“

Tharg: Stonemaul Clan! It be long time since we lost home! But da time be now! Stonemaul no wait longer! We take home now! Den we bash da leezards wut took home!

Megs: Stay close everyone! This device should help nullify the effects of their weapons! (activates the device that gives everyone a buff that makes them immune to the magical part of the dragonkin weapons)

Tharg: We go now! For da Horde!

ā€“With that, players, Ogres, and several of the named NPCā€™s from Brackenwall Village join and begin to march from Brackenwall Village to the Stonemaul Ruins. During this, several bands of dragonkin charge and fight the group. Several warcries from the Ogres occur during this. When the raid reaches the Stonemaul Village, it is infested with several fire elementals and dragonkin.ā€“

Tharg: Dis be Stonemaul Clan home! We take back home NOW! CHARGE!

ā€“Itā€™s utter chaos as the area gets swamped with enemies. We kill them on the outside and enter the caves to fight even more dragonkin and fire elementals. Eventually we get a high priestess and dragonkin warlord to slaughter. Once that is doneā€¦.ā€“

Tharg: Stonemaul get home back! But dis not be end! We go to da lair! We drive dem out of swamp! For da Horde!

ā€“The slaughter continues all the way to the lair, where several elite guards stand in front of the entrance while all the dragonkins in the area are freaking out and charging the raid group. The battle is long and hard, and as the area clears, a sudden voice booms in the areaā€¦ā€“


A dragon walks out of the lair entrance flanked by several elite-looking guards. The dragon has a firery purple look.

Dragon: You can not hope to defeat the Black Dragonflight! We still yet live, and we will take back the land given to us by birthright!

Rexxar: So youā€™re one of Onyxiaā€™s children then?

Dragon: Oh yes. I am the one who was most deserving to ruling our people! You pathetic beings think you can beat me with these brutes?! We drove them out easily, and this time weā€™ll burn you in eternal flame!

Tharg: You not take over land! Dis Ogre land! Stonemaul clan, charge!

Thrall: Lokā€™tar ogar my brothers and sisters! To battle!

ā€“This battle is quite fierce. With the elite guards, the dragon, and even more dragonkin are swarming the area to assist their leader. As the dragonā€™s health gets lowerā€¦

Dragon: You think this will end with me?! Hah! There are more of us than you can imagine! We will hunt you down! Our time is nigh! You can not win!

Tharg: Und da Stonemaul Clan time be NOW!

ā€“With that, Tharg jumps on the back of the drahonā€™s head and starts hacking away. Soon, the head falls down, along with the body, and Tharg safely jumps off. Any dragonkin still alive just run off in the area.ā€“

Tharg: Da Stonemaul Clan win! Da Stonemaul Clan finally go home!

ā€“A celebration occurs with dancing Ogres all around. We soon then get transported to the Stonemaul Village, within the caves, and notice that many bodies of dragonkin are on spikes outside of the village. The dragonā€™s skeleton is on a big spike outside the entrance with the head on the top.ā€“

Tharg: Thrall. Stonemaul Clan keep promise. Stonemaul help protect you from dead lady. Thrall have planning talks in dis cave.

Thrall: You have our thanks, Tharg, and we will never forget what your clan has done for the Horde. Iā€™ll need to contact Saurfang and Baine to get them to here so we can begin our planning.

Megs: I can hook ya up with some detecting devices to make sure none of the bansheeā€™s cronies are around. Plus, my Bilgewater guys will help keep an eye on the area as they help rebuild this village and our new shipyard base.

Thrall: Is Gallywix ok with all this?

Megs: Just leave that mook to me. I know how to sweet talk him!

Rexxar: If things are safe here, I should continue to my next contact.

Thrall: The Mokā€™nathol Clan?

Rexxar: Indeed. I canā€™t promise theyā€™ll join, but we need all the help we can get for this.

Thrall: Iā€™ll try to keep you up to speed with what we plan out then. Stay safe, old friend.

Rexxar: And you as well. You too, champion.

Thrall: Champion, I donā€™t know what will happen in the near future, but when the time comes, Iā€™ll be sure to contact you when we have a plan. Until then, keep us informed of what Sylvanas is up to. The Horde will have many trials up ahead. Let us hope that luck is on our side.

ā€“And since Blizzard has been allowing you to report such actions, Iā€™ll go ahead and post a thing where you tell Nathanos.ā€“

Nathanos: So, they decided to wallow in the muck with those dumb brutes? How typical. Let them have their little swamp parties and play along with them. The Dark Ladyā€™s plans have almost come into fruition, and we must keep faith.

And with that, my Dustwallow scenario is done. This is just an idea to show that it is quite possible to include the Stonemaul Clan back into the story while tying up some loose ends and also lead them into being playable. If we were to get playable Ogres, I wouldnā€™t expect such an event to occur exactly as I typed it up, and it is far from perfect, but hopefully it will inspire some Horde Ogres to get written into the storyline that can lead into them becoming playable.

Someday, I may look into rewriting this scenario again and also look into doing one involving Dire Maul in the future. It has been awhile since I did writing, so I am a bit rusty at it.

Not perfect by any means, but the general idea of a big event leading to playable Horde Ogres, similar to the Cataclysm pre-patch events would be pretty fun to see and be a part of. If anyone read all that, hope you enjoyed it!

4 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know in thinking about how Blizzard has had the newest playable races be encountered or based in the the expansion in question, (Nightborne in Suramar, Zandalari in Zandalar, Mechagnomes in Mechagon, etcā€¦) and with how ogres are shipwrights and made their way to Kalimdor via shipsā€¦ I canā€™t help but wonder if the ogres could have a presence on the Dragon Isles and that would end up being the route of playable ogres.

It would also fit the generally trend of Blizzard focusing on new content over updating the old.


While there could be good reasons for the Horde Ogre clans to be involved with a Dragon Isles expedition, assuming thatā€™ll be the focus of the next expansion, it doesnā€™t necessarily mean they would be apart of it.

BfA was one of the better times to at least reintroduce the Horde Ogre clans, given:

-A huge war with the Alliance

-An expansion with a bit of a naval flair, given Ogres are great shipwrights

-The MU Stonemaul Clan having involvement with the death of Jainaā€™s father

-A third Ogre clan joined the Horde (AU Stonemaul Clan)

And yet, the Horde Ogre clans were completely MIA, even as NPCā€™s.

I could go on, but itā€™s something Iā€™ve grumbled about for a long time. Much as I am excited for the possibility for playable Horde Ogres, especially since the MU Stonemaul Clan getting some revenge on evil dragons, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if they didnā€™t show up at all next expansion. Again, assuming the next expansion is dragon based.

As such, I can only really temper my expectations until I actually see what the next expansion is. If it is dragon themed and we donā€™t see playable Horde Ogres, Iā€™ll at least be seeing if any of the Horde Ogre clans show up at all, either reporting such findings or grumbling yet again about missed opportunities.

That said, Iā€™m not sure what all to expect, and I prefer to temper expectations until I see what gets announced. Hope never dies for playable Horde Ogres, of course. I just hope the 19th gets here ASAP so we can see what lies ahead. Darned if Iā€™m not more hopeful than normal, however. < - <;

3 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yeah that was a missed opportunity and now that Iā€™m thinking about it, Iā€™m kind of bummed that we didnā€™t have an orc, forest troll, and ogre team for the Island Expeditions. Not only would it have shown both the Stonemaul and Revantusk having some kind of involvement in the war itself, I could have served as a neat call back to War2.