The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So reading through the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book, I wanted to start reporting on any findings of the Horde Ogre clans as well as anything of general interest. I may do this in multiple posts as I do need to read through the book. It’ll likely be easier reading to do it in chunks as well.

Let’s begin with the most important Horde Ogre Clan: the MU Stonemaul Clan!

There is a small section (two paragraphs) dedicated to the MU Stonemaul Clan. It’s mostly an abridged retelling of their history as we see it from Warcraft 3, though with some lore inconsistency. As per Wowpedia:

“The book mentions Thrall sending Rexxar to visit the Stonemaul clan in Dustwallow Marsh. In Old Hatreds, it was just Crol’ka who came to find help from Vol’jin and Rexxar, with the mok’nathal agreeing to aid in his problem with Kor’gall and simply seizing the opportunity to have the ogres help in the fight against Admiral Proudmoore.”

A reminder that Crol’ka is the two headed Ogre who came to get help from the Horde. Really wonder what he is up to since he isn’t in WoW to my knowledge…

It’s likely Thrall would’ve been fine with Rexxar going to help the MU Stonemaul Clan and would’ve sent him if he were part of that scene in Warcraft 3. Not really that bad of a lore inconsistency, IMO.

It does mention briefly that putting Mok’morokk in charge of the MU Stonemaul Clan was a decision Rexxar regrets, seeing as Mok’morokk wasn’t very nice at all. It’s unclear if Rexxar knew about it at the time or if he found out about it much later. I assume it would be the latter, as unless Rexxar was in the middle of something, I don’t see why he wouldn’t come back to aid the MU Stonemaul Clan at all.

It also mention a champion of the Horde (That’s us!) removed Mok’morokk from power, which is true since we sent him packing as opposed to killing him. Another Ogre to wonder about what they’ve been doing since then. In this case, likely nothing good.

Another brief mention is the black dragonflight raiding the MU Stonemaul Clan, which is why they fled and made Brackenwall Village. This is one of the big reasons that if we deal with a Dragon themed expansion again, that I imagine the MU Stonemaul Clan being a part of it. There is still likely some evil dragons that could use a good revenge bashing, Ogre style!

Speaking of, the book mentions thar Varian Wrynn is the one who cut Onyxia’s head from her shoulders. I suppose it makes some sense to have Alliance officially kill her, since she was infiltrating them, but it is a shame that so far, the MU Stonemaul Clan hasn’t had an opportunity for revenge of some kind against the evil dragons responsible for sending them running.

The only thing that is really mentioned past the MU Stonemaul Clan’s Warcraft 3 history is a single sentence:

“Today the ogres be doing well, even growing their holdings into Feralas at Stonemaul Hold.” -P. 146

Seems about all that is really said about them. A shame, as it would be good to know that they got their home back. I assume they did if they’re growing their holdings in Feralas, since they wouldn’t have a lot of units to spare otherwise.

On that note, I took a brief look at Feralas and didn’t see any mention of the MU Stonemaul Clan there. It does take place many pages before the MU Stonemaul Clan’s section, so maybe that is a reason why. I plan to read it more thoroughly very soon.

There is a neat sketch of an Ogre near the MU Stonemaul Clan section. I haven’t found it online, but if I come across it, I’ll be sure to link it here. In the meantime, more Ogre research to continue!

22 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


One of the things I wanted to look for in Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor is to see if anything about the Dunemaul Clan is mentioned. Wowpedia doesn’t have Megs Dreadshredder appearing on the list of characters mentioned, but I still was interested in seeing if the Dunemaul Clan had any appearance.

From what I’ve read, there doesn’t appear to be any mention of them at all sadly.

Not a whole lot of Tanaris gets explored in the book. It has Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port, a brief detour to Thousand Needles, Sandsorrow Watch, a section about Silithids and The Gaping Chasm, and then goes into Uldum locales. There is mention of the Caverns of Time, but Rexxar doesn’t want to go there at all. Maybe he wants to respect the area or is a party pooper.

Bit of a missed opportunity, since we could’ve gotten an update on the Dunemaul Clan and what Megs Dreadshredder has been doing with them. We haven’t heard from either since Cataclysm, so who knows what Megs has had them do. Also begs the question of whether the Horde even realizes she got them to join the Horde (technically). I still consider them as members, myself.

I imagine if Tanaris ever got revamped, we might see the Dunemaul home area become a Horde outpost, filled with different NPC’s and quests of different types. Maybe Megs would be there or she’d have a palace of some kind nearby or in another area with Dunemaul guards. As I said before, it would be ideal to have the Dunemaul Clan still be part of the Horde and even be one of the playable Horde Ogre clan factions, though the MU Stonemaul Clan is still the most important one IMO.

Still going through the book, so I’ll have more Ogre research to share soon!

21 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


One of the conversations in the Shadowlands epilogue involves the Death Knights. They will apparently have a role in the world (of Warcraft!) seeing as the Scourge is still going to be a problem. This is of interest to future playable races.

The following images are taken from here:

Here are a couple of images of said conversations:

I’m going to guess with Bolvar no longer the Lich King, there is still a way to raise new Death Knights. Undead are still a problem and likely the necromancy school of magic still is possible of working. I could also see some beings becoming undead as part of the Scourge and then getting freed, potentially becoming Death Knights afterwards.

As such, I am hoping that future playable races will be able to become Death Knights. One of the characters I hope to create someday is a Saurok Unholy Death Knight, and I’m sure several others would love to have Death Knights as an option for future playable races.

Granted, I’m not sure how their starting area will be, seeing as both Death Knight starting areas are time locked. Maybe we’ll see the one for allied races and Pandaren get edited to remove Lich King Bolvar. Seems like the simplest thing to do, in my opinion.

Ogres could start in any Death Knight starting area. If we have the MU Stonemaul Clan as the main playable Horde Ogre faction, then they would fit fine in the original Death Knight starting area. I think it’d be more likely for them to appear in the updated one, however. Seems like that would be the easiest to implement and test as opposed to doing a number of things to implement and test for the original Death Knight starting area.

Whatever the case, I’m hoping Death Knights will still be a possibility for future playable races.

20 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As death knights should. When they where first released, the core feature of death knights is that any race can be one. Becoming a death knight unlike other classes isn’t one baised on culture of a race after all.

Although I still get urked on lfd death knights, a feature when advertised need to always be maintained.


I intend to have two Ogres. One is my Ogre monk who is based on Sumo Wrestlers and is from the MU Stonemaul clan.

The other is a death knight whom I’m basing off of a dead ogre (Probably two headed if that option is present) from the second war found by the lich king frozen on the coasts of Northrend. He has no memory of how he ended up there after he was raised up as a death knight but served faithfully until Bolvar took his place as the Lich King. (Hes kinda meant to be apart from the Ebon Blade.) Also I will make him a Necromancer if that becomes available instead of a Death Knight. Same story otherwise though. (Just pretending hes been raised from death in that case.)


I want this to happen, I really do!
Hopefully playable ogres will be a thing next expac.


The next and likely last part of Horde Ogre interest in Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor is Feralas.

Despite having a presence there, the Feralas section makes no mention of the MU Stonemaul Clan. As I said before, they have their own section around the Dustwallow Marsh part of the book that takes place several pages later, complete with that one sentence of them currently doing well and expanding their holdings at Stonemaul Hold.

Speaking of, it is mentioned that Belgrom Rockmaul was sent there to help with the various enemies in the area and wants to create a new outpost, named “Camp Rockmaul.” This is the guy in question:

Makes me wonder if this new camp might have some of the MU Stonemaul Clan there, and if this relates to them expanding their holdings. Guess we’ll see if Feralas gets revamped at all.

Bit of a shame there isn’t a section of Stonemaul Hold in Feralas. It would’ve been interesting to see what all was going on there and getting a bit more info on what the MU Stonemaul Clan have been up to there. At least we got that one sentence, I suppose…

As for anything else of interest, there is of course the Gordunni Clan.

The beginning of the Feralas section mentions the Gordunni Clan (not by name at first oddly enough) having been part of the Horde (Old Horde most likely), but they left it to “follow their own ambitions.” This would be true, since the majority of Ogres were part of the Old Horde, but then splintered off to different clans shortly after reaching Azeroth if I recall correctly.

There is a section for the Gordunni Ogres, some of which I’ve covered in a previous post, but I’ll go over some of it again.

The Gordunni Clan has expanded their own holdings, including taking over the Forgotten Coast. Seems as though they’ve become even more of a threat since we last left Feralas in Cataclysm. Makes me wonder what areas the MU Stonemaul Clan are expanding with their holdings.

Dire Maul is talked about some, including still being owned by the Gordunni Clan. It mentions the Traveler book series, specifically the plot point of the human antagonist becoming Gordok King. During the book, the majority of the Gordunni Clan had left Dire Maul empty…which makes me wonder why it wasn’t taken over by the Horde when it happened. Sure, the Gordunni Clan would’ve come back eventually, but they would’ve had to really fight to retake it back. Instead, they now have bigger territory in Feralas. Complete with an arena at Dire Maul that captives are forced to fight in. Go figure.

The only other section of interest for the Gordunni is the Gordok King part. It mentions how the Gordok King is determined by challengers who defeat the current Gordok King, something you can do in-game, although it isn’t permanent sadly. It’s something I bring up as a way of the Horde taking over the Gordunni Clan and having them become part of it. If I recall from the Traveler series, only Ogres can become Gordok King now, but there are some trustworthy members of the MU Stonemaul Clan that could fulfill that role.

As I said before, it seems like a cunning and more fun way to take care of the Gordunni problem in Feralas, especially since they have taken a lot of territory. Just slaughtering them all seems uninteresting and kinda depressing after you talk to members of the Gordunni Clan as Gordok King. It also offers some great roleplaying opportunities if Blizzard went with the multiple Ogre clans as part of the playable Horde Ogre factions. I still say that the MU Stonemaul Clan should be the main part of it (or the main Ogre faction if only one clan is the playable Horde Ogre faction), but it seems like a fun way to integrate the Gordunni Clan into the Horde.

So far, I’ve gone over the main sections that would have be of any Horde Ogre interest, though I am still reading the book. If I happen to see anything of interest, I’ll be sure to report it here. As I said, I am happy I managed to get a physical copy of the book to be able to see for myself what all is said in it. Even if the biggest thing was that one sentence in the MU Stonemaul Clan section.

19 days until the next expansion is announced! Still hoping for some playable Horde Ogre news to come from it!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I did some investigating and came across a Goblin who claimed to work at Blizzard. He offered some interesting leaked information for some gold, and it turns out we are getting playable Horde Ogres and Saurok with a storyline involving them both!

I was sure to ask how valid this claim was, but Ion was also there to confirm the Goblin’s claims. Not sure why Ion was attached to the Goblin’s hand and his lower jaw kept falling off, but that Goblin must’ve had a high First Aid skill as he kept fixing him up. Probably should have that jaw looked at…

Anyway, I was given some pre-alpha looking footage of Ogres and Saurok training together to join the Horde. It looks intense, but it’s part of some new PvP system. They apparently need to work together to become strong members of the Horde! Ogres even apparently have their own form of engineering, which looks pretty fun.

Footage as seen here:

Happy April Fools Day! :stuck_out_tongue:

18 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Did you know that Ogres have a workout routine? You can see one doing crunches in WoD here, complete with a motivational speaker:

Makes me imagine the Horde Ogre clans doing workouts like this to get ready in becoming a playable Horde race! :smiley:

17 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With the rumors of the next expansion being dragon themed getting stronger, my hopes of seeing at least the MU Stonemaul Clan rises.

Yes, I usually hope to see playable Horde Ogres in general whenever a new expansion is announced, but as you may recall, the MU Stonemaul Clan ever really got their revenge…or got to do much in general to fight against Onyxia and her minions/offspring.

Allegedly, we have a potentially dragon themed expansion coming up, and I would think that some of Onyxia’s minions/offspring may have gotten away. Likely up to no good. Just seems like it would be a good time to bring in the MU Stonemaul Clan and the other Horde Ogre clans during this expansion to help us out.

Of course, we don’t know what the next expansion will actually be about and what type of dragons we’d fight, assuming there are evil dragons as enemy mooks. Still, it’s worth bringing up what the MU Stonemaul Clan has had to deal with and how they could really use a good ole time of evil dragon bashin’.

Whatever happens for the next expansion, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out and report anything of Horde Ogre interest back here. Always hoping for the best for them!

16 days until the next expansion is announced.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve mentioned before the idea of how some of Onyxia’s offspring could have managed to survive in some fashion. While we haven’t really heard of much dragon-related activity in Dustwallow Marsh after Cataclysm, I do think with an upcoming dragon expansion, it is possible we could see some of Onyxia’s offspring having hatched and grown.

In Dustwallow Marsh, one of the quests involves you destroying her eggs that are all around the area:

"Onyxia’s brood has been scattered across the Dragonmurk. It is imperative that no more whelps be permitted to hatch.

Make haste to Wyrmbog in the south of Dustwallow Marsh. Surely, she has made her lair there. Track down the evil dragon’s eggs and destroy them.

We will never reclaim Stonemaul Village if the surrounding area remains a breeding ground."

Given all of the dragonkin mobs in the area and how wide of an area the eggs were put, I do think it’s possible some of the eggs managed to be taken out of the area to safety elsewhere. There certainly were more than the 5 eggs required to be destroyed for the quest, that is for sure.

Considering the next expansion is more and more rumored to be dragon themed, I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything relating to Onyxia and any relatives or minions of hers still out there. If we see any of that, it’d be a good time to get the MU Stonemaul Clan in the picture to help give them some revenge!

Also, with a new month and some days after April Fool’s Day, I’ve gone ahead and did another round of in-game suggestions of playable races and referring to their respective megathreads. Gotta help keep up the support! :smiley:

15 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Going to post this in both my megathreads, likely with some slight changes to reflect their respective megathread.

Two weeks from today is when we will be getting the next expansion revealed. I don’t think there is a particular time on the 19th announced yet, though I imagine we’ll see that when we get closer to that day.

While part of me is a bit dubious, I do have to say that I am excited at the chance of being in a more grounded area. Shadowlands’ theme really did a number on my interest, really sending it plummeting, and seeing some tidbits of patch 9.2.5 having stuff back on Azeroth has gotta me much more interested.

The theme of dragons is also helping things some. I’ve had a bit of a soft spot for them (especially in MMO’s) coming from the days of playing Everquest 1 and having imposing presence of infamous dragons like Nagafen and Lady Vox brings fond memories, though I never did raid them. The Sleeper was also a pretty big deal and is a fun read/watch if you are ever bored. We’ll see just how much of a role dragons play in the next expansion when it gets announced.

Of course, with a new expansion comes with the exciting prospect of getting to make new alts of some kind, assuming we get new playable races and/or classes. While I generally hope for specific ones, I would be happy to see some new playable races based on the different race request megathreads. I remember the fun that went on with the Vulpera and Mecha Gnome megathreads when they became playable, and I’d love to celebrate and do stuff with others with new playable races. As well as help give info on aspects of them (customization videos, how to unlock if locked, etc).

Whatever the next expansion ends up being, I’ll continue supporting playable Horde Ogres as best as I can. It’s something I know I will hope to see listed under the expansion features, which I’ve hoped to see in every other expansion trailer. Still, playable Horde Ogres are a long time coming and worth marching for in the long run. Besides, we Ogre fans have been at it since the game launched. May as well march onward and keep it up!

14 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Still think Ogres should be added as a core race tbh for the Horde


The age of the Stonemaul will hopefully soon be upon us! :japanese_ogre:


I would agree that Ogres being treated as a core race would likely give Blizzard the time needed to work on them and implement things like two head customization options, as opposed to having to do all that during an expansion patch with possibly harsher deadlines.

Granted, I’d be fine with either as long as we got playable Horde Ogres, but I feel like a playable Horde Ogre announcement would be something fitting of an expansion features announcement. I imagine showing off female Ogres and two-head customization options would be huge marketing buzz that would compliment an expansion announcement very well. Whether people want to roll Ogre characters or not, they’d likely look online for the news and videos of such things.

Given that we have three clans within the Horde, and the MU Stonemaul Clan is the most likely and best candidate in the event only one is the playable faction (adding AU Stonemaul Clan members), it kinda makes sense for playable Horde Ogres to start off playable at the beginning instead of having to work up rep to get them to become full members. Granted, getting them to earn full membership would be fun to do in-game!

As I said, I’d be fine with them being treated as a core or allied race. I just want the best for them and the higher chances of seeing things like two-head customization options, which I know would make a lot of Ogre fans happy. I know that Ogres would require a lot of work designing them as a playable race, and I’d want to make sure they aren’t rushed out and are given the love and care any new playable race should get. :smiley:

13 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Honestly really would like that.

I expect that most new races will probably be done AR style since its a lot easier and faster for Blizzard, but ogres would fit well as a core race setup.

Out of curiosity, who would you want to pair them with?


If Blood Elves don’t see something for losing visual uniqueness and Alliance infringing on a Horde race than nothing tbh.

Just give Horde Ogres.

This is a good question, since whatever the Alliance would get could get overshadowed by Ogres if they got two head customization options, as well as seeing what female Ogres look like (for better or worse).

On a much lesser scale, we kinda saw this with Worgen and Goblins in Cataclysm. Worgen had an interesting and unique mechanic with being werewolves, though Goblins were still big enough to also be exciting to see them playable. I’m sure it is possible to still have an exciting Alliance race to go with Ogres and not have them overshadowed. Especially in the future after they’ve been long since playable.

There are some combos you can do, though I think nowadays I lean a bit more towards Furbolg on the Alliance. In all honesty, some of this is a bit biased since I do want playable Furbolgs, but I see some potential with it.

Both have members that reside on Kalimdor, so you could have some stories intertwine with questlines or starting areas. They’re also both races we’ve seen back in Warcraft 3, with them having some connection with their respective factions. Furbolgs can also work with Night Elves with finding a new home together while the MU Stonemaul Clan have some unfinished business with any remaining evil dragons that hatched from Onyxia’s eggs or minions that are still around.

I think if done right, Furbolgs wouldn’t be too overshadowed and would still be very interesting to see. Yes, people may grumble because “we already have Pandarens!” which is a silly argument, but then again, no race that ever becomes playable will satisfy everyone. You’ll always have people who complain, no matter what becomes playable.

Of course, new playable races don’t necessarily have to have any significance to the opposite faction race they’re paired with. It can be cool if done right, though. However, given how the whole faction war theme seems to be dying down, I don’t know if we’d see much of this in the future.

Anyway, that is how I honestly feel currently. Hope to see both races on that character creation screen someday!

12 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If anyone was ever particularly interested in hearing how Ogres dine on food for several minutes, I have this video of the Ogre Mound Sound from Warcraft 2:

Let us hope they will be able to dine well in Orgrimmar someday! :smiley:

11 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Old God’s… The memories.

Literally bringing back flashbacks.