The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Nature of the game being mechanic driven rather than biology driven means biological science testing impossible.

Only mechanics testing and lore tidbits that are very liable to change invalidating everything we try to learn. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love how Choā€™gal plays in HotS. Lance drives the body and wades into melee while I throw magic as the other head. Super fun. Too bad thereā€™s no way they could balance such a system in WoW.

Yeah. I mean, itā€™s not like we can measure their femurs.


Ok now I understood it :slight_smile:



Hello hi Iā€™m late to the discussion.

Thereā€™s two types of two-headed Ogres:

The first type are the naturally born ones. These Ogres are exceptionally rare and gifted in magic. Despite having two heads they are still considered one Ogre. Same personality, same thoughts, etc. Thereā€™s no conflict between the two heads because itā€™s one Ogre. These Ogres typically end up as leaders of their community because of their status.

The second type are ones that were made artificially. These Ogres only exist in our timeline. They were created by the Orc Warlocks during what I think was the Second War. The Shadow Council quite literally fused two Ogres together hoping to replicate the power of natural two-headed Ogres. The issue here is that they didnā€™t fuse like natural ones do where itā€™s one Ogre. The two heads are two different Ogres. This leads to a good deal of conflict and bickering between both heads. If you see an Ogre out in Azeroth with two heads, the odds are very good this Ogre wasnā€™t naturally born this way.

So tl;dr two-headed Ogres are either one Ogre or two Ogres fused together.


Thanks for sharing the lore :slight_smile:


I LOVE Ogres and RP them regularly so Iā€™m pretty read up on their lore.


Iā€™m curious if we get two-head Ogre customization, if any of that lore might be touched upon or just be accepted that two-headed Ogres are a thing without much thought in-game.

I think the best thing for those wanted two-headed customization is to have it from the beginning. If that is what happens, then I would hope some of that lore would be in the game somehow. Maybe it would be mentioned in a quest, where you gather reagents that helps create them, or maybe a book lying around written by someone who observed the process.

A part of me wonders if two-head customization could be something youā€™d unlock in a quest, like with the Night Warrior customization quest. In such a thing, it could give a bit more in-game lore on the creation of two-headed Ogres, give some world-building, and maybe give the devs more time in taking care with getting two-head customization options to work as opposed to rushing it to get it out when Ogres become playable. At least in theory.

Whatever the case, I still hope that two-head customization is an option for those wanting it. Itā€™d be something you should be able to change in a barber shop as well. I do think it would be fairly popular among Ogre players and, if done right, bring a lot of marketing buzz.

24 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Possible Ogre racial?


You know, I should look into collecting the Dragon Balls. Maybe Shenron will be able to grant me the playable races I want on their respective factions. That and more character slots per account, too! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The Stonemaul Ogres cry out for a chance to be playable! Please Blizzard, make it happen!


Ogres next Expansion or riot.


Today I turn a year older and I need to figure out something to do. Iā€™m thinking maybe a beach party with the Horde Ogre clans and some Saurok. With lots of BBQ!

Iā€™m sure you can tell what part of my birthday wish is! :smiley:

23 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I found that on a website. When we choose our characters, that could be a good background for the Ogres. :smiley:



Happy birthday!

Hope we get Ogres.


Itā€™s pics like that that remind that ogres have some cool lore to draw upon and playable ogres could reintroduce, and explore a lot of it.

I imagine playable ogres would be able imply the PC can come from one of the multiple ogres clans that are already part of the horde, or the more imperious Gorian magocrats from AU Draenor that came with the Magā€™har. It would be interesting to see how they would all mix up.


The background of that image looks really cool and fitting. It seems like something that you might see where the leader of the MU Stonemaul Clan would reside in Dustwallow Marsh.

I could see the background of playable Ogres on the character creation screen going two ways:

If it is MU Stonemaul Clan specific, it could be something similar to that image or have Dustwallow Marsh in the background. Likely with some Ogre buildings or decorative items in the background.

If we got multiple Horde Ogre clans, then it could be another area. Dire Maul could be an option if that gets taken over for the Horde, for example. If there is a council of the Ogre clans, that area could be in the background with the different Horde Ogre clan banners in the background as well. Different possibilities here!

Hopefully, weā€™ll be able to see what gets picked out someday should we be lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


For one of my birthday presents, I got the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book Iā€™ve been wanting to get for a long while. We know some things about it that are Ogre related from Wowpedia, but it is very helpful to finally have a copy in my hands where I can read and cite things on my own.

Iā€™ll be reading and going through it as soon as I can so I can make a report post on it. Granted, I realize there are lore inaccuracies in it and that anything in the book is subject to change (such as what happened to the Chronicle books). Despite that, itā€™s something I feel is strongly worth a look at least.

Ogre research has begun! I will post my findings as soon as possible.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: