The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Careful Vulpera…I heard vulperas are favorite dish of Ogres as dinner :imp::skull:

They like elves more. As do Gnolls. Bring it.

It’s generally the policy of these allied race and customization threads to support one another not to shoot each other down.

Ogres for the Horde.

Gnolls for the Alliance.

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I don’t see why we couldn’t have both Ogres and Gnolls. There is plenty of room for them both on that character creation screen.

I also hold the view of the more the merrier when it comes to new playable races. There are a lot of NPC races that would make for wonderful playable races that would really make people happy to make characters of them. It’s one of the many reasons I support most playable race requests.

I’m hoping everyone will be able to make the character of their dreams someday. The player character is, in my opinion, the most important part of a MMORPG. It would be great if we all got the races people want playable as time went on. :smiley:

28 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Indeed, this is a fantasy game, and with fantasy our imaginations is our limits!

Of course, there still have to be lore to support it, but there is definately always room for more races.

Also here is my support post for ogres for the horde, for no horde is complete without it’s muscle!

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I’ve linked a video before of in-game Ogre related music from WoD, but I came across the name of a track called “Plight of the Ogres.” You can listen to it here:

It’s an interesting name for this track. Moreso since you mainly dealt with Gorian Empire Ogres during the expansion. Not too sure on their plight in general, unless it was us beating them up.

In a way, it could be a fitting theme for the AU Stonemaul Clan, since they went through quite a bit before some came with us back to our Azeroth. Maybe it could fit the MU Stonemaul Clan in some situations as well, since they also went through a lot in their lore.

Regardless of the track’s name, it’s a pretty neat musical piece. Also, 27 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Nice track.

I wonder if the “plight” is just in reference to their empire slowly falling and decaying.

The Orcs rising up against them, the draenei beating them handily and then us.

They’ve fallen far in AU Draenor.

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I love this soundtrack so much that I used to switch off other volumes and increase the music volume to listen to it

It’s very catchy

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I got thinking a bit more about the potential of two-headed ogres. What if they were the first race that could dual class?

I don’t mean blending two classes together, like a warrior with renew, but instead could switch between two different classes chosen at creation.

You could pick a class for each of the two heads, only rule being they must be different classes. In your specialization selection window, instead of just having your class specs, there could be another button to change to your second class.

The classes would each be tied to one of the two heads, and when you switch classes you would also be giving control of the body to the other head.

For the icing on the cake, you would have flavor text like how the shadow priest dagger artifact would talk to you, only it would be the inactive head talking to you from a large list of possible commentary. Switching heads would mean the head talking to you changes and so does the commentary. Flavor text lines could be per class too.

Bonus points if you can pick two names when you create your character and your name changes when you change heads.


Kinda like that idea not gonna lie. lol

Though Ogres seem to incorporate naming into their main names with the two heads sometimes.

Cho’Gal for instance often acts as though one head is named Cho and the other Gal.

Though I don’t think thats kept with every two headed ogre even remotely.


That’s a good point! So maybe you name each head with half of the total name, and the character creation shows each head with its individual name above their head but at the top of the screen it shows what the name will look like combined.

A combined name for both heads would be much easier to code for guilds and stuff too.

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Dual classes sound interesting, but I imagine it would be a bit broken at times, as well as a bit unfair to Ogres with one head. I also figure trying to code such a thing would be a nightmare. Still a neat concept, though!

I also imagine names being the same mechanic as they are now. It would be up to the player to either name their Ogre in a way that shows the name of both heads (with a bit of creativity) or be something that is RP-like and mentioned by the player, even if it isn’t shown. That said, I do like the idea of both heads having their own name in some fashion.

Still some really cool ideas to think about, though. Thank you for sharing! :smiley:

26 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


On this note, can we get ’ in names now please Blizzard?


Longer name field and allow the inclusion of apostrophe, space, and hyphen.


How do two headed ogres work though ?

Like do they have different personalities ? If yes, who controls the body ?

Also what if they ended up having argument with each other :sweat_smile: (if they have separate personalities)

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I imagine it is possible for both heads to have a different personality. I don’t know if we see this much in game, since all I can even remember is Cho’Gal’s heads talking, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be something we could see with some Ogre NPC’s.

I do remember the two-headed Ogre from the canceled Point-and-click Warcraft adventure game. Both heads had distinctly different personalities. You can see more info on that Ogre here:

As for how the whole two-headed Ogre thing works in general…that is something Ogre scientists are still trying to figure out. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to explain it, myself.

25 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I thought you are an Ogre Scientist yourself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m an Ogre researcher, but not really a scientist. Maybe if we ever see how Ogres with two heads come into being in-game, we might be able to learn how they function. I’m sure it isn’t the weirdest thing to try and figure out, given a lot of the weird physics and such that occur in Azeroth on a daily basis.

I suppose for now, it remains a mystery. One I hope we uncover someday! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Technically since we’re constrained by the game mechanics and its all…digital… its hard to do science with them. You can research and get data but the nature of that data will always be flimsy and fundamentally not real.

Blizzard would have to have setup a much more robust system of programming for “science” to be conducted in any meaningful way that isn’t just testing game mechanics as far as biology and such is concerned.


English please

This went over top of my head :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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