The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

FINALLY A MAN OF CULTURE! Rickflair WOO!! It’s your time to shine back!

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I hope they give us permanent banners for at least the Horde and Burning Blade, but I doubt it’ll ever happen ;(


There is the Honorable Pennant, though sadly as it’s a toy it doesn’t display in the Armory or on the login screen.

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I’ve requested that multiple times for almost every orc clan.

Right now most of my orcs just use the PvP banner that has the Horde sign on it. That at least lasts and has a short CD.

Time to try my last 2 toons on ICC for, as someone has said, Invisible.


I remember reading about an Ogre area in WoD. I think you can still see that continent on the WoD map somewhere still. If Horde Ogres were considered again and abandoned, though…it just figures that Horde Ogres again get the short end of the stick.

Still, I do wonder what they would’ve done had they given us playable Horde Ogres in WoD. Whether the Stonemaul would’ve helped against the Iron Horde invasion or an AU clan works with the Horde on Draenor, serving as a Horde outpost of sorts. Also would wonder what Alliance would’ve gotten.

Still hope that Horde Ogres become playable someday soon…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


IIRC that island south of Nagrand was meant to be the original ogre island, but I might be wrong. That continent sized land in the bottom left is still on the map now, it might’ve been the original ogre island the whole time and I’m recalling wrongly.


If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t the original island on the map meant to represent Farahlon?


Faralohn was northeast of Gorgrond, you can still view that on some maps like the map of Draenor on the Horde mission table.

It was also present in the Chronicle map of Draenor.

Whereas the other two islands, south of Spires and Nagrand, weren’t present, so they’re scrapped entirely, and the continent southwest of Draenor might be cannon or a scrapped idea, because it didn’t appear in the Chronicle map but it did appear on the live in-game version of the Draenor map. But, Faralohn didn’t, so that’s a double edged sword.


Ah, right then. My mistake.

Still, I wonder what they were intending for that other island? It’s obviously too small for a continent, but could it have been perhaps an outpost?


It’s been that way for almost half a year at this point.

I used to make almost all of my threads with an emoji…

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I was so into the Burning Blade on Taur while leveling him that I have a version of him on the Burning Blade server, just so it says Taurtarus-BurningBlade.

This was his original customizations, styled as an AU version of Lancelot’s Orc Warrior Marcus.


I made my first Mag’har as an AU version of my shaman but I couldn’t get into the character much + IRL stuff so I scrapped the idea. My first max level Mag’har was my warrior Agilrogg.


Taurtarus was Marcus’s original name too, before a few server transfers, so that helps sell it. We headcanon it that Taurtarus was his Orcish name, while Marcus was one the MU one got on Azeroth.


My guess is it was the original location for Highmaul.

As you can see from the beta map to the live map, the island disappears and large landmass appears to the west of Nagrand


Though admittedly trival. That seems so stupid. There are many threads that without emojis its not immediately obvious in my mind that they are megathreads. Wonder why the change.

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The thread functions seem to be anything but consistent. Videos don’t embed now. There was a brief time when you couldn’t link videos because the forums thought they were images. They’re just buggy and inconsistent. :frowning:


I used to have such high hopes for these forums but I want the old ones back.

I support.

Also seeing all the orcs posting is delightful.


I played an Ogre as my 2nd character in EQ. He was amazing. All of the “Me dumb ogre” jokes along with the “scratch” standing animation made the big dumb uglies fun (Its also where I developed a love for shaman).

It was weird to come to WoW and see orcs had similar racials (like stun resist). I spent many a day as an ogre killing orcs :slight_smile:

Edit - forgot to say I would do so again in a heartbeat. A big dumb silly ugly? Sign me up!


I remember hearing a while ago that after Shadowlands it’s theorized to be Dragon Island or something. Would you guys be willing to give Alliance Dragonkin if Horde got ogres?

As much as I’d like to play as a dragonkin I would sacrifice them for Horde ogres. Of course I think Alliance should get Vrykul, as long as they are NOT vampiric, and Horde ogres.

Alliance = werewolves and Horde = vampires.