The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Do Warcraft Ogres practice Cannibalism? That seems predominately a Warhammer Ogre thing.


Not that I know of but that also wouldnā€™t be super surprising if one or two clans may have.


Definitely. Having a shadowpriest spec that is light themed would be great for Lightforged and anyone else who wanted to use it.
Mages would be a great place to make use of it.
If the void can birth life, I donā€™t see why it couldnā€™t heal too, weā€™ve already got healing spells based off it.


Yeah, Iā€™d expect those things, Iā€™m just wondering what all you could do to flesh out 2-3 specs. It doesnā€™t strike me as something thatā€™d be a tank or healerā€¦so 2 or 3 different dps specs?
At one point I was thinking they could easily make a glyph for ā€œdire beastā€ that upon cast shot a dark arrow at the target which then summoned in a skeleton to attack rather than the beast. Killing blows to raise skeletons would also work. The only time Iā€™ve ever played my death knight and really felt like a necromancer has been in Torghast and thatā€™s because thereā€™s little abilities that let you summon undead on things like dying while under a debuff caused by death coil, or the grip spell. Regular unholy spec is disappointing because the undead you summon feel useless a lot of the time. By the time they get done summoning, youā€™ve already killed your target and they fall apart too fast.

I just got one of those, the purple one! It does have a void vibe. The red one is kinda neat too. Itā€™d be nice on a sanā€™layn themed mog.

Iā€™m not fond of stuff becoming unobtainable. Pretty cool glaive though. I wonder which ones I haveā€¦they still need to add the night elf one they said wouldnā€™t be locked to demon hunters.


They could do a couple over the course of the expansion. I kept hoping maybe theyā€™d go that route with necromancers like they did for Diablo 3ā€¦like maybe they werenā€™t ready and theyā€™d surprise us later since it was the new death themed expansion with them all over the placeā€¦nope.

Seems a lot tend to drop off mid way or later in an expansion. Good way to draw people back in :wink:

Yep, her! I couldnā€™t remember her name.
Iā€™ve kinda thought playable Manā€™ari and a paladin option themed like Tyrant Velhari would be cool too.

How come? You just give alliance their own giants as well. Vrykul!
Then each faction has their progenitor race of the OG warcraft race.


If anyone needs something to listen to while doing stuff for awhile, I came across a long discussion about the Ogres from the upcoming MMO, ā€œPantheon: Rise of the Fallen.ā€ It was uploaded in 2016, so some stuff might be a bit outdated, but it is an interesting discussion:

Makes me wonder if this game ever comes out, if Blizzard might release playable Horde Ogres finally to compete with it. Granted, I donā€™t know when this game will ever come out, so getting them sooner would be preferable!

35 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Oh this game is still in development ?

I thought they went dark


As far as I know, itā€™s still in development. I havenā€™t really followed it too closely, so Iā€™m unaware of any troubles in developing the game. Granted, Iā€™m sure it slowed down a bunch with the pandemic and with Brad McQuaid, one of the head people on the game, passing away.

I imagine developing a MMO these days is costly and time consuming, so I at least understand why it would take so long. If it ever comes out, Iā€™ll be sure to share the Ogre customization options in that game.

Just goes to show that Ogres are awesome in general to be in the base roster of the launch of a few MMOā€™s. Not to mention a pre-order bonus for a RTS game!. They do have some popularity in general!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If Stonemaul Ogres are added to the playable cast at some point, do you think their starting zone would be in Dustwallow Marsh or rather in Feralas ? Iā€™m kinda rooting for Dustwallow Marsh tbh. Be it an updated Brackenwall Village or a rebuilt Stonemaul Village


I hope itā€™s Dustwallow Marsh unless they have a story where the Stonemaul, Dunemaul and Gordunni ogres join together and take Dire Maul for the Horde.


A lot would really depend on whether the playable Horde Ogre faction would be just the MU Stonemaul Clan (With the AU Stonemaul Clan integrated in it) or multiple clans.

If it is just the Stonemaul Clans, then I see their starting racial hub being the Stonemaul home having been rebuilt some. It would be big enough to explore, though I donā€™t expect it to be on the level of capital cities. It also can provide a quest hub in Duskwallow Marsh, along with Mudsprocket and Brackenwall Village. It also leaves some questing opportunities for Feralas and access to Dire Maul for both Horde and Alliance.

If multiple Ogre factions are part of the playable Horde Ogre faction (MU Stonemaul Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan Dunemaul Clan, and potentially Gordunni Clan), then I could see a pre-expansion event of the Horde taking over Dire Maul, integrating the Gordunni into the Horde, and having that as a racial hub. The Stonemaul home can still be rebuilt and utilized as a questing hub, though something would need to be done so that Alliance could still do Dire Maul dungeons without running into too much trouble trying to get to them if the Horde has taken Dire Maul.

There are a lot of factors that could lead to different situations and opportunities, but that is a good thing for new playable races IMO. I canā€™t say what direction Blizzard would go, but as long as Ogres are a playable Horde race and the MU Stonemaul Clan is part of it, Iā€™ll be pretty happy!

34 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Holi Fellow Ogres :slight_smile:

(Its a festival of love here in India)

Ogre love is supreme :heart:

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The Horde Ogre clans definitely need a lot of love. Itā€™s a good thing weā€™re all here to give them that and make sure theyā€™re not forgotten. Still hope to see them on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :smiley:

33 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres need to be playable in the Horde.

Look this Ogre with his ā€œgorian styleā€ and all these good customizations we could have for them.





Iā€™m pretty sure we could have many other good customizations for the Ogres with these ones. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™m curious if we had multiple Ogre clans with the playable Horde Ogre faction, if we could have a Magā€™har Orc situation where different clan members would have different customization options.

Obviously in-game, there isnā€™t too much of that with the various Ogre clans, but something could be done to them after the fact. I imagine the Dunemaul Clan living in the desert would have some different features than the MU Stonemaul Clan, who live in a swamp. The AU Stonemaul Clan would likely have different customization options, aside from the Roman theme in general, and also the Gordunni Clan could have some differences if the story went that direction.

Definitely something to think about if playable Horde Ogres consisted of multiple clans. If anyone has any ideas, please share! :smiley:

32 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across an in-game animation someone made suggesting Ogres as an allied race on Youtube:

That Orc makes a pretty strong argument. I canā€™t really make out what the Ogre says, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s in agreement. Whether an allied race or core race, letā€™s hope weā€™ll see playable Horde Ogres someday! :smiley:

31 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


When seeing the male Ogre dance in videos, it usually involves just Ogres with one head. I came across a video that shows a two-headed Ogre doing the same dance:

Seems like the dance Ogres have would work just fine for one or two headed Ogres. We just need to find a dance for female Ogres. Iā€™ve shared some before, with some in the main post of the megathread, and itā€™s possible to make those dances work with two-headed models.

Anyway, an excuse to share dancing Ogres and bring some smiles is always a good thing. Hopefully, weā€™ll have a bunch of dancing Horde Ogres across the world (of Warcraft!) someday!

30 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I came across an old video from Bellular speculating about possible playable Ogres in WoD. Of course, that never happened (unfortunately), but it is interesting to see speculation back then about it. You can see the video here:

Iā€™ve speculated some about if we did get playable Horde Ogres in WoD, how it could have worked in a previous post. I still stand with my opinion that if we got playable Horde Ogres, it should be focused on the MU Stonemaul Clan, with some AU Stonemaul Clan members mixed in. It makes the most sense and has the most meaning as opposed to another clan coming out of nowhere to be it. Dunemaul Clan being part of it would also be great if they went with the multiple Ogre clan route in the playable faction.

I suppose if the AU Stonemaul Clan was part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, then technically weā€™d have some of the AU Draenor Ogres playable. Itā€™s an interesting thing to note, and I see no reason why Blizzard couldnā€™t mix in the AU Stonemaul Clan members with the MU Stonemaul Clan. It makes a lot of sense and gives people some good RP opportunities. Not to mention giving playable Ogres some Roman themed armor and such.

Anyway, just an interesting video I wanted to share. Also, 29 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Piercings and jewelry alone on that guy could give quite a lot. His skin also looks like it has markings of some kind.

That would be neat. Even if like the Magā€™har its just a skin tone setup.

I imagine the difference between the one headed and two headed model wont be immense so any emotes for either would be usable on both.


Hello my fellow Ogres. Here is a video on mythical origins of Ogres

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Down with Ogres. Support playable Gnolls instead.