The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Its more that I see class skins as a way to differentiate classes by the lore of their races.

Paladins for instance.

Sunwalkers would be able to have firey attacks, still clearly the light but with some sun based look to them. Also you could change some of the abilities to better match the Tauren Sunwalkers.

Blood Knights, similar though I’d imagine more red. Not sure why I imagine them as redder… but eh. Also changing some of their abilities to match their race lore. Like instead of judgement throwing a hammer, it throws a Blood knight spear of Reddish Firey Light.

If they added paladin to the Night Elves, the abilities could be moon based coloration wise and the powers themed on Elune.

Things like Necromancer, Tinkerer, Bard and Warden seem like they don’t fit that style of mold. They’re different lore to the classes they “could” be skinned to.

Also thats not an exhaustive list of classes that could be unique enough to be more than skins.

All of this in my opinion. >.>

Basically thats just my take on the difference.

Class Skins should be minor alterations to a class that don’t fundamentally change what it is, but fit the races they could be applied to.

Full Classes should be more unique and more full class concepts.


Not to mention that Night Elf Priests need this desperately. It wouldn’t make up for their lack of ability to equip and fight with a bow, but it would be something.


That is an amazing potential for class skins actually.


Yeah, but I’d be fine with it if everything just dealt 1 damage and looked awesome. How hard can it be to balance if everything in the game just does 1 damage :stuck_out_tongue:
Seems pretty balanced. :wink:
MOAR CLASSES! Then it’s funny when you see people say they’d rather have new specs instead of a class…umm that’s like 4 classes worth of work. I’d rather have the 4 classes.

I also like the idea of class skins as it’s just another level of further customization. There’s a lot of places they’d make things make more sense or be really neat additions.

More slots would be great…I’m surprisingly close to my max just because I end up making a new character when a new idea hits me. There’s some that just seem too good to ignore.

Agreed except on the last one. I think a demon hunter warden class skin would work really well. Sure it could probably be made more unique, but there’s so many similarities. The main issue is the warden armor is usually more metal looking, but since it’s mainly a visual thing, just make warden themed leather armor that’s mostly metal looking.

Absolutely loved Simaia and Lost Codex’s Paladin class skin fan idea thing…it covered almost all of the versions I’d like to see except an arcane one…a nightborne arcane flinging paladin would be sweet.

It’s weird seeing so many complaining about void paladins, but I think that makes a whole lot more sense than paladins serving the void, wielding the light, and we’ve already got those in-game.

Night elf and worgen elune worshipping paladins just sound great too.
The whole wolf/moon combo.

They had images made up of both sunwalkers and blood knights and they looked great.

I’ve got a dark iron paladin that I really wish could have fiery spells.


I suggested Rogue for Warden since they literally have Fan of Knives. They also throw poisoned daggers. They have Blink, which is a Mage skill now, but Rogues do get Shadowstep, which is similar. Their Shadowmeld also basically functioned like Stealth.

The theme of Paladins is Light. Changing it from golden Light to Elune’s Light, it would still be Light. Even fire or sunlight are close enough. Darkness is the literal opposite of light, so Void Paladins go directly against the theme of the class.

As for a new class that melees and wields Void? Sure, that would be cool. But a lot of people probably have other classes they’d want instead. Necromancers, Bards, Tinkerers, Dark Rangers, Battlemages, Spellbows, the list is pretty large, and Blizzard can only add one at a time if they’re full classes.

For the record, I have no personal stance on it since I’m not too invested in a new class. If it’s a class skin though, it would have to be in a system where any class can have a skin with a radical departure from their theme like that.

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I came across a video someone made of their top 5 Ogres in Warcraft that I thought was a fun watch:

Some interesting Ogre lore in here, even if it doesn’t really have much to do with the Horde Ogre clans. Still, maybe some playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration can come from it in some way.

37 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’d actually make a really good class skin for both, I could even see a warrior…focusing more on the martial aspects. That was something I’d liked about the class skin proposal that Simaia and Lost Codex had put out. In their images, they had a selection of classes the skin/theme would apply to highlighted at the bottom.
Kinda similar to how you see people suggesting hunter, rogue, warrior for a Dark Ranger option.
I could see DH, rogue, and warrior work well for a Warden option.

Eh, for most it is, but I don’t mind one bit if other cosmic powers are represented. A group of shadowpriests taking up arms as a sect of void/shadow wielding paladins, fits fully within the lore, especially with how we’ve seen the light behaving. To not do so in preparation just doesn’t make a lot of sense. I also think it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have light wielders happily serving the void.

I’m also all for a new class wielding the void, but void wielding paladins make sense.

There’s no reason they couldn’t do more. the kind of money and such that this game makes, they could easily increase development team size if that was needed.
But yeah, some of those would make great classes, it’s possible to do so with all of them, I just wonder how unique a few of them could be made to feel. The dark ranger one feels more like a class skin/customization set…but I’d really like to see a full on proposal on how a dark ranger class could play. I’ve seen it on necromancers, bard, and tinker and thought they all would be great.

I think more classes and class skins would both be great options.

I’ve kinda wondered what a battle mage could be like too.
The nighthold raid boss had that heavy plate melee spell caster vibe. It’s part of why I think an arcane wielding paladin would be great too. I’d make a nightborne one =D

I think if they’re going to continue fleshing out all the cosmic stuff, then allowing it through customizations and such would be great as well. Currently the void is quite underrepresented.

I’m pretty open to stuff, pretty much anything can be explained via the lore too since they’re the ones writing it.


Oh, they probably could add more than one at a time, but there’s really no reason for them to.

Just think about it: a new class is usually one of the big draws of a new expansion. What reason would they have to throw more than one of those draws away by just lumping them together at once?

I’d love to see a Battlemage class.

Ah yes, Spellblade Aluriel. Would be very cool to have a playable class similar to her.


No Ogres would go to Horde and make faction imbalance 10x worse to that will never happen.

As long as they do the same for other classes too. If Paladins can wield Arcane or Void, it would be cool if Priests could do the same. For Priests, it would be cool for example if you could heal with Void or dps with Light.

You mean the Twilight Vindicators? Yeah, that’s really dumb.

Off the top of my head, they could differ from Hunters by wearing leather and having stealth, as they do in the lore. They could also take some inspiration from HotS Sylvanas. I remember one of her moves being that when she scores killing blows, she raises the targets as skeletons.

Yeah. Pretty much just void elves (who don’t actually get a whole lot of void), Shadow Priests, and maybe a few Affliction Warlock spells, and like one or two Shadowflame spells in Destro.

There’s a few void themed weapons, like those new purple lightsaber-ish things. One of them that comes to mind is the purple voidfire DH warglaives, but of course those are unobtainable now (it’s the one in my DH’s offhand).


I hope ogres are announced…


As am I. Preferably for the Horde, of course.

As I said before, I always keep some hope of seeing “New Playable Horde Race: Ogres” appear on the expansion features trailers for each expansion. Been doing this since I first started playing the game during BC.

I also keep some hope of seeing other races I want playable also, but Ogres are usually the one I hold in my head the most during the trailers. I think a lot of that is because they’re a race I feel like is long overdue for becoming playable, given they’ve been part of the Horde since its near beginning.

Better late than never, I suppose. Also, 36 days until the next expansion’s announcement!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It better be for the Horde. If they add them to the Alliance instead, I swear I’m gonna gank Azeroth. Yes, the planet. Don’t ask me how, just trust me.


I mean, the Jailer is utilizing something to attack Azeroth in general. I’d guess you would take over that in order to accomplish it.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t be needed, of course. If it’s suppose to recreate reality in someway, then I want to create a timeline where we get playable Horde Ogres and other various races we want to see. We can deal with the Bronze Dragonflight later. I’m sure they’d totally understand.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just create a universe where the Bronze Dragonflight is on board with the plan. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Their Time has come and gone.



Mi building Ogre Kingdom In total war Warhammer 3

RAWR !!!

We can turn other races into food there :rofl::rofl:

PS - Game is really good…give it a try to get Ogre fix


the insect race I play in Rimworld perks up

We can? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ogre armies always need meat. If they run out, they start to suffer attrition :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Ogre 1: “Me order long boar. What you order? …Well, it not matter.”
Ogre 2: “Why it no matter? And what long boar?”
Ogre 1: “It no matter because long boar is you! Smash!”
Ogre 1 ate well that night.