The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Not only do they exist, but according to Traveler, they’re as common as males in Dire Maul for example… so really, the only reason why we haven’t seen them ingame is that, well, devs haven’t made them a model yet. But the lore is crystal clear on the subject


Makes me wonder if we revisit the Horde Ogre clans, if we might see female Ogres appear. It would be a good sign for potential in seeing playable Ogres finally.

Otherwise, if we deal with enemy Ogre mooks, chances are we may just see male Ogres. The thing is that it does sound like female Ogres should have been within several of the clans. Tharg having a wife shows that there should be female Ogres within the MU Stonemaul Clan at least.

We’ll see what happens if/when we hopefully revisit the Horde Ogre clans someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Not gonna lie if I go to quest someplace and find female ogres among the regular males I’ll freak out.

I can’t imagine after all these years they’d go through the trouble without intending them to be playable.

I also kinda hope the Horde ogres end up taking over Dire Maul.

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


Seeing female Ogres in-game in any form will get me very excited. (No, not like that you perverts < - <; ) It’d be the first time we’d see any female Ogres at all in-game, and I know we’d report it and speculate a lot. The closest we really have in-game is that female Ogre mask, but it would be big news to see it actually happen.

This is what I imagined for a Feralas scenario I’ve been meaning to write up.

The idea is that the three Horde Ogre clans are helping to fend off a higher, aggressive Gordunni threat (which I think is actually happening in the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book). You come and assist, sneak in to see what all is going on, only to see that Mok’morokk is the new Gordok King and is leading the charge to take over Feralas and form a new empire of sorts.

The scenario ends with a full on attack with the Horde and the Horde Ogre Clans going after Dire Maul. Eventually, Mok’morokk gets captured alive (used to clean the Ogre latrines for the moment) and one of the MU Stonemaul Clan members (likely Draz’Zilb since he is magical oriented) becomes the new Gordok king, thus bringing the Gordunni into the Horde.

It just seems more fun to me than just slaughtering all the Gordunni. Plus if Blizzard went the multiple Horde Ogre faction for playable Ogres, it can offer some RP opportunity. Not to mention the back and forth between the Gordunni Clan who calls the Dunemaul Clan “poo Ogres.” It’s something the Gordunni claim if you talk to them as the Gordok King.

Dire Maul’s dungeons can still exist, but the Horde can still be in the process of excavating it with the Blood Elves and Nightborne, who would have a lot of interest in it. As well as Goblins, for profit opportunities, and maybe Vulpera, who’d be there to help excavate the area.

I know I’ve talked about this a lot in the previous Ogre megathread, but I don’t remember all the details I’ve talked about here. I know I’ve talked some about it, but it’s an idea worth revisiting occasionally, since Feralas has a lot of loose story threads with the Horde Ogre clans.

Maybe I’ll actually write up that scenario sometime. It would make for a good pre-expansion event leading up to playable Horde Ogres, with Dire Maul as their racial hub.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s time for them to start making female models. I think it is a bit on the nose to still have such trouble making females when they have been getting all these sexual harassment allegations. You’d think it would be red alert to reverse that course asap.

With that in mind, the next two races to be added should be Ogres and Broken, each with a brand new custom female model!


If they make them bigger and taller than the existing playable races (even if they’re smaller than the mobs), I would be very happy.


Something I’ve commented on before a few times is that they apparently didn’t know how to make female Ogres in Classic because they didn’t know how to create something female players would want.

Which, of course, is rather silly since players of any gender would have different types of characters they would want to play as. Some want to be a slender, beautiful elf while others would want something savage and monstrous.

I don’t know if that mentality or reasoning changed since Classic. I assume it must have since Ogres were considered for Cataclysm and allegedly for WoD.

If you want to see my thoughts and more info on that quote, you can see my post here:

I still remain firm in the belief that female Ogres would be good for the game assuming they’re savage and monstrous as opposed to being prettified waifus. Having more options for player characters helps in multiple ways, and female Ogres would stand out in a sea of mostly barbie dolls. Just my own personal opinion, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Agreed. Not every female toon needs to be a barbie doll. I’m sure plenty of women players and men alike would appreciate being able to make a monstrous female. All they have to be is slightly more attractive than the males of the same species, but if those males are really monstrous, slightly more attractive will still be monstrous.


It makes me wonder how, in the context of Classic, they were able to make female Orcs but not female Ogres. I mean, Orcs are one of the most important races to Warcraft as a whole, so they had to do something with them. But seeing as the majority of female Orc customization with classic models weren’t really good looking at the time, did they consider what female players wanted with them?

I also have to wonder how they determined what female players wanted to begin with. Moreso since, as I said, any gender would have different character types they want to play as. It just seems like such an odd statement to me.

I’m not against there being beautiful races, to be clear. It’s when it is the majority of the playable races that you do need some races that are a bit more on the savage side to have a bit more diverse in character options. Not everyone wants to be a pretty character, so you appeal to those people if you have the option for them.

I don’t think Everquest 1 thought much about that regard with their female Ogres and Trolls. They just created what felt fitting at the time for world building, even if a very small percentage of players made them in the first place. It also helped to give some memorable NPC’s as well.

It’s just something I feel strongly about, even if I don’t have much of a stake in it since my Ogre character would be male. It’s still something worth bringing up and discussing, since female Ogres would be one of the features of playable Ogres that would generate a lot of news.

I do think with female Ogres on the monstrous side would work well with NPC’s as well, making them a lot more interesting and memorable. Making them pretty just devalues that and really hinders things as opposed to helping, in my opinion.

Hopefully, we’ll see female Ogres designed well for those wanting to make them as their characters.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yeah, female trolls in the old alpha builds looked much more like the male trolls, though they had a very incomplete model.

Somewhere along the line, Blizzard decided to pretty them up, leading to the significant dimorphism we currently see in trolls.


I am here to support ogres because I want an ogre rogue like Dagg. Please bring him back to the story. He was a fun garrison guy. And it was nice to see him hiding by the mage tower! Hope one day to have a Dagg-like ogre rogue or magic user ult.


I think this is the only one we seen from a book.

This fan one looks better though.


i want to play as a Ogre.


both are nice in my opinion, Ogres should have both option :3


I would hope the female ogre get a Leela hairstyle!


I like…



The top one I like more. I feel like they should maybe make them more brawly to show more of a link how some descended into orcs. They are like the vrykul equivalent of humans to orcs so that may inspire some looks too.


Those both look really cool!


Those are good examples close to how I would view female Ogres. Something gruff, savage, and not especially good looking. Something like that would be really unique as character creation options.

I’m sure female Ogre player characters would not be plentiful at all, but I’m sure it would make those who want such a character happy. I mean, people made jokes about female Dwarves all the time back in Classic, so rarity isn’t something I feel should be an issue when designing female Ogres. I feel like world-building is more important, as it pleases the people who want such an option while just making the game feel more like a world long-term.

Especially with the NPC’s. A female Ogre NPC looking like the above two works pretty well to be memorable and fitting. Having a gruff female Ogre commander of an outpost yelling at grunts to move and also helping to bash some skulls works a lot better than if they were prettied up. Quite a number of things you could do with that type of female Ogre for NPC’s.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think if an ogre could be a druid
bear would be a riverbeast hippo thing.
Cat form a boar
Balance thats easy they turn into chris Farley in a skimpy tuxedo from SNL