Next Monday, November 15th, starts WoW’s 17th anniversary in-game event. You can find more info on that here:
17 years since the game launched…and still no playable Horde Ogres. A shame, but hopefully it won’t be another 17 years until we see playable Horde Ogres a reality. As long as I keep playing the game, I plan to continue my march in support of the Horde Ogres as best as I can!
Another Ogre toy I forgot to put with my previous Ogre toy post is this War Horn:
Using it summons an AU Bloodmaul and Bladespire Ogre, who will kneel before you before attacking each other. The winner, who is randomized, will celebrate in victory with a chuckle and then kneel before you for a bit before despawning.
If you’re interesting in getting this toy, this video shows where to get it:
And this video shows off what the toy in action looks like:
It’s a neat little toy, though a bit of a waste. If I had power to command Ogres, I’d have them fight for the Horde as opposed to fighting and killing each other.
Speaking of, if you recall, the MU Bloodmaul and Bladespire Clans are the ones in Blade’s Edge Mountains, who are rivals of each other. Then you can become King/Queen of the Ogres, where both clans revere you. Sadly, I can’t send them to Orgrimmar, join the Horde, and get on that character creation screen, but still a fun thing to mess around with in-game.
I wanted to link that toy in case people haven’t gotten it yet. I’m also trying to keep track of all the Ogre-related toys and stuff in game for my Ogre research. I also don’t see it deterring Ogres as a playable race at all. It and the other Ogre toys can still exist even with playable Ogres, and I don’t see why it would deter their chances of becoming playable at all.
Anyway, I’ll continue to keep an eye out for any other interesting Ogre related stuff in game. Hopefully, we’ll see what the Horde Ogre clans are up to in the next expansion!
If you search for female Ogres on the web (no, not in that way you perverts), chances are you may come across a fan edit of a model of a two headed female Ogre and a two headed female Ogre wearing the starting Death Knight gear. I’ve found a Deviantart page for it that might be where it possibly originated from, though I’m not 100% certain.
The following link shows off those two models on DeviantArt, uploaded by the user “GL-of-Cybertron” on April 1st, 2013 (what a date to upload such a thing, eh?). Remember that the following is a fan model edit:
I’m not really too sure what to think of this particular model. I think it’s a bit too pretty, though that is just me. I’m still kinda expecting female Ogres to look more savage and…well, more ugly I suppose. Not all female races need to look like beauty models, in my opinion, and having something more ugly makes things more unique to the game, even if female Ogre players wouldn’t be too high in numbers.
I think I’ve seen some other fan made models of female Ogres, so I’ll have to hunt them down to share them on here. I think it helps to see some examples to get opinions and offer inspiration for how best to approach designing female Ogres. That said, opinions on the models I linked would be welcomed, as I’d like to hear what other players think.
Another fan made model I’ve been able to find is this one:
Which is taken from an old WoW Wiki, under the appearance section:
I don’t really know the origins of that model, however, so I can’t really give credit to whoever made it sadly. I did see that the Ogri’la fan website has the same type of model, but wearing a different outfit here:
Not sure if the model originated from there and it was taken or what. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can give credit to whoever made that female Ogre model.
As for the model itself, it’s a bit more towards the direction of how I’d see female Ogres. Not really good looking, but with that savage look that you can see Ogre qualities in them. It’s better than the other one I linked in my previous post, in my opinion.
As I said, not a lot of players would play Ogre female characters, but still having it there as a unique option is still great for those who are interesting in making a gruff female Ogre character. Popularity didn’t really stop Everquest 1 from having female Ogres and Trolls. It instead added to the world (of Everquest!) and also allowed the devs there to make female NPC’s of those races where needed. It feels like they embraced what made an Ogre an Ogre and a Troll a Troll when designing those races, male and female.
The more options, the better in my opinion. I still think female Ogres should be viewed less as a hindrance and instead as an asset that could appeal to some players. Yes, people will say they’re ugly, but that’s part of what being an Ogre is, which is something that most people who want to play as Ogres would want.
Anyway, I’ve talked about female Ogres a lot before, but it’s still worth talking about in my opinion. I’ll continue to keep an eye out for any other examples of female Ogre models to share for Ogre idea inspiration!
Blizzard and many companies have a tendency to beautify their female character models. trolls always struck me as that in WoW especially, and also Worgen and Dreanei.
Its to the point that they don’t entirely look like the same species. I get why they do it but I hope that the Ogre females get less of that treatment myself.
They could use the Kultiran/Female Maldraxxi gladiator and slap more of a belly on her, but the Male Kultiran would work very well and it’s the same one they use for the blood troll warmothers.
The male maldraxxi gladiators use a modified ogre animation set that gives their attacks less stiffness.
Finding a good balance between looking like an ogre and not turning off the players would be great.
I’d suggested this thread to a lady over on a warcraft facebook group as she was posting she’d love to see playable Ogres. (a couple weeks back)
The males are definitely Ogres. (ones with the hooded face)
The skeletal guys are definitely kultiran though.
The robotic construct guys from Bastion also use the same modified ogre animations as the Male gladiators.
They changed up their run and attack animations to remove the stiffness that the regular ogre animations have. I’d kept hoping that it could have been the prelude to adding Ogres since updated animations would be great.
Agreed. They’re ogres!
Here’s a few stills comparing the animations.
(death run sit)
Although running two instances of the model viewer and playing the animations side by side, really shows they’re conversions. The gladiator animations expanded out to cover all of the ones needed for a player character would work great for playable male ogres.
When the male Kultiran dies, he spins around and lies face down. Same death animation the troll warmothers have, but not the male gladiators.
Poking around in the model viewer can be fun. I’ve seen people deny it, but you can definitely see a development evolution between orcs and kultiran males as well. Seeing as how the vrykul also do, and the kultiran are descended it makes a lot of sense…plus being used for Moknathal.
I’ve even seen some say Zandalari aren’t derived from the Night Elves, when early on, they had the very same animations, but were tweaked to make them more unique, which definitely saves time and money.
In comparisons between the male gladiator and ogres, if you pay attention to the legs, they were modified a lot less compared to upperbody movement.
Kul’tiran and Vrykul do not share a model even modified.
And its not from orcs either.
Blizzard has confirmed this themselves. One of the devs who worked on them confirmed it.
This is also only partially true.
The Zandalari back in earlier builds were using Night Elf Animations but the model itself is derived from the Darkspear troll. Also confirmed by Blizzard.
I’ll dig around again to find it but I’m not doing it right now. >.< Gotta cook food.
Similar to what others have said.
It’s funny that orcs get upright stance and then shortly after we get the Kultirans. I’ve always felt like I was playing one of my orcs when I’m playing a kultiran.
Some of the animations are very close, but others are very modified.
The female orc, kultiran female, and female vrykul all have a very similar look to them and their stance. They’re different models but the animations likely share a development path. The models might even too. Pick something as a base and get to tweaking.
They’re not going to make something from scratch when you can take something and modify it even heavily and get what you’re after. Time and money.
As for confirming it, it’s all about the wording. It all makes logical sense as well. Kultirans are descended from Vrykul, so having that be the case in development keeps that vibe. Same for the female troll model and the night elf. I’m sure part of that was because the original troll was scrapped and they needed something made faster, but it also works since they’re descended from one another.
Kultirans even visually look more like a vrykul than they do the regular humans.
It’s part of why I quite liked Simaia’s tweak where she made a Kultiran male a bit thinner in the waist by scaling the bones and then put a big long beard on them…would make a great playable Vrykul.
I could see the head definitely being derived from the dark spear, it’s also likely a different animation set from the body. The model very well could be a dark spear body scaled to fit the night elf animation rig. You’d save time having to model the hands and the feet and such.
I’m sure there’s a lot of animation targetting too. You see that on a lot of the animations with Combat- as a prefix as well as a bunch of the casting ones. Same animation just ported over to each race.
Saw this video in my YouTube recommendations. It discusses most of the units of the Ogre Kingdoms army in Total War: Warhammer 3 with concept artwork:
Thought I would share this just in case it inspires some ideas for WoW Ogres. Still pretty cool to see something Ogre related bringing excitement to a game. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see similar excitement with playable Horde Ogres in WoW someday!
I’m still hoping to be able to make my male Fury Warrior Ogre as a champion of the Horde someday!
I’m curious whether these models and/or animations could be utilized in some fashion for playable Ogre models.
I recall mention that at some point, Blizzard starting putting NPC models under where PC models were in game files, treating them as such. The reasoning, if I recall correctly, was so they would be easier to edit with armor and such for use in the future when creating new NPC mobs using said models.
Obviously, a lot more would have to go into making a race playable, but I wonder how much of it would involve rigging onto models like the one you mentioned. Playable Ogre models would still need to be created, male and female with customization options (and much more work if they get two head customization working), but I assume there could be some rigging with animations onto the new models.
New playable races in general would be a lot of work, but I would be curious as to the process of creating new playable races. Would make for an interesting watch, in my opinion!
The bits you’re referencing would have been building out the models to support the needed geosets and armor attachment points. It’s a good way of doing it as it also allows you more variety in looks since that’d mean you could equip pretty much any of the armor to them.
The ogre model would need all the geosets built into it like other races have. I’m not real sure if it has any, the naga model has a few but not all of the ones a player race has.
Had a quick look at a few ogre models. They do have some geosets you can turn on and off. There’s some facial ones which change up the horn or the facial paint/tatoo markings and some even equip a helm mesh.
There’s a category labeled bracer but it seems to be set up to swap out different outfit parts. The caster robe bottom, a heavy belt, a harness for the torso. Looks like it was a way to set up the NPC model to support the various textures being applied that then make them look like they’re wearing different gear.
Even one of the facial groups is additional armor bits like cloth toga strap.
Hrm, actually…it doesn’t swap out the horn, it swaps out the head above the bottom jaw.
You can strip the model down to just it’s undies though.
It’d be neat to take the ogre model and apply the maldraxxi gladiator animations to it.
They’re definitely missing the geosets that change the armor and leg geometry for boot and glove textures to apply to.
Here’s an example image I’d already had uploaded to imgur showing the Zandalari troll with one of the boot geosets turned on that encloses the full foot.
This would then have the boot texture applied to it.
It’s a toggle that turns on an option built into the model that enables some geometry to make the leg boot shaped. This is done for the skirt of robes, gloves. It’s why older gloves and boots almost all share a small set of shapes. Lately they’ve been building new meshes that are actually added to the model in the same way that shoulders and helms are.
Good example is the Maldraxxi covenant armor having an actual breast plate that is equipped on the model instead of only a texture.
Or in the case of the breastplate this character I’m posting on is wearing, it has an additional collar that is added.
Took me a few to find it, but here is an old image I remembered of the Pandaren showing the base model and the geoset wireframes built into the model. A bunch of these are overlayed on one another, so it’s got all the versions of the gloves and boots showing, that’s why it’s so busy around the arms and legs. It even shows some of the belt shapes built into the model.
I know of at least three Ogre NPC models currently:
-Original Ogre mobs on the old world
-Draenor Ogre mobs
-New starting area Ogre mobs
I’ve pondered a few times if the Draenor Ogre models could be edited some, since they have a lot of animations you’d see in playable races thanks to sharing a skeleton with some of the moonkin forms. Obviously, a lot of work in general would have to be performed, assuming you could convert it to a playable race model to begin with. I’m not really sure what the most practical way would be to make playable Ogre models to begin with, so I’m left to just speculate.
I think the new starting area Ogre mobs don’t have a lot of animations the Draenor Ogre mobs have. Not 100% certain on all the details on it, though.
I’d be curious to see a documentary on the process of creating new playable races in WoW. I know a lot of work would go into making new playable races, even with how a lot of allied races were handled. It’d be an interesting watch and would give us a lot of appreciation for the work that goes into making new playable races in general. If two-headed Ogre customization for playable Ogres became a reality, I’d be really curious to see how that was created and got working.
With Turkey Massacre Day (U.S. Thanksgiving) coming up in a few days, I wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe week!
Also, Pilgrim’s Bounty should be starting on the 23rd (That would be tomorrow at the time of this post!). Wowhead has information on the event here:
I can’t remember if there are any decorations or such on the old world continents, but I’ll likely take a look around just to see. I would think the Horde Ogre clans would have something planned for that event. An Ogre feast sounds pretty good right about now, come to think of it…
I’m sure I’ll unleash an Ogre sized appetite in a couple days, myself.
Going to post this in both my megathreads, though slightly different to tailor to the theme of both of course.
Since part of Thanksgiving is to give thanks, I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who comes to my megathreads. Whether you just come to look and see what all I’ve typed up in posts or if you make some posts here yourself, I’m very appreciative of everyone who comes to check my megathreads out.
I feel very lucky in that both of my megathreads have been going smoothly and received positively in general. Y’all are one of the big reasons I keep going. I can’t say whether text I type on here will lead into anything, but I still feel it’s worth a shot to continue on at present. As long as I keep playing the game, I plan to keep going on the best I can. Thank you to everyone who has offered their support to our cause!
Still keeping the dream of seeing Ogre on the Horde side of that character creation screen! As always, dream big, Ogre fans!