The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m not as supportive of ARs these days on account of the lackluster and uneven job they’ve done giving customizations to races. With one AR benefitting during the core race pass and again after that, or the way this patch has taken a bit of time but they couldn’t fit all ARs in? Stuff like that.

But I would hope to see Ogres as a core race in all honesty. Which I see as a bit different than the continuation of ARs.

Wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween for those who celebrate it! :jack_o_lantern:

It is good to see some of the Hallow’s End decorations around where the MU Stonemaul Clan are. It means they get to enjoy the holiday as well! Hopefully someday, the AU Stonemaul and the Dunemaul Clans will also get to enjoy the festivities someday too.

Still, I hope we see the Horde Ogre clans get to adventure across the world (of Warcraft!), collect candy from the pumpkin buckets, and get to celebrate it with the other members of the Horde. But in the meantime, I’m imagining them having some really neat Ogre Halloween parties in the meantime!

Have a fun, safe, and happy Halloween everyone! And as always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I can just imagine how amusing it is to watch them carve pumpkins!

I wish Wow did more for Halloween than just pumpkins and some minor changes to the world. Like have ogres actively making decorations and also in other place show the races there engaged in the holiday.


This sounds super awesome, I really wish we had more stuff like this too. I feel Blizzard needs to breathe some life into the holidays.


With the ability to do solo Island Expeditions now, I came across an enemy Ogre clan you can run into:

There isn’t a whole lot of note with them, since they’re your typical jobber NPC group, but what I wanted to note is that these Ogres are seafaring.

They had to come from somewhere to arrive at the island they reside in. Their leader also has the title of Captain as well, so they must have ships of some kind despite being of the dumb variety of Ogres.

It’s something I wanted to note because Ogres being great shipwrights are actually an important part of their history. It’s not all just bashin’ and eatin’ for them, as they designed some really awesome ships back in the day! Even Orc ships use Ogre ship designs!

And as a reminder, the MU Stonemaul Clan did sail to Kalimdor from Eastern Kingdoms. A shame they didn’t appear in an expansion that had ships and potential nautical combat as a theme…or didn’t appear in the expansion at all in general, for that matter. -grumble grumble-

Anyway, just something of interest I wanted to share. Ogres making excellent shipwrights and making their own ships is a fact that I try to stress, which would be another reason why the Horde Ogre Clans would be useful to the Horde in general.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Old Gods this drove me insane.

Ogres should have been an AR and should have brought their Juggernaughts back to the Horde ranks. It could have been a whole story thing.


The lack of Horde Ogre presence in general in BfA, as well as other missed opportunities, drives me insane. I know I keep grumbling about it, but it’s worth noting how frustrating it was to not even have them as NPC’s helping out in the war.

Even if they wouldn’t have been an allied race, the Horde not utilizing the Horde Ogre clans at all, including the AU Stonemaul Clan that came with the Mag’har Orcs, is baffling. They don’t appear as grunts on ground combat, they don’t appear as shipwrights to help in an expansion that has a naval theme to it, they are ignored in favor of bending time and space for AU Mag’har Orcs that may or may not have been keen on stopping what they’re doing to fight and die in some war in another universe (Happy to have playable Mag’har Orcs to be clear, just not happy about the circumstances of bringing in the AU Mag’har Orcs), and so many other reasons I’ve grumbled about time and time again.

At the very least, I’m trying to make sure the Horde Ogre clans aren’t forgotten. The MU Stonemaul Clan in particular owe the Horde a lot, and you’d think they would appear every now and then to help out with whatever the Horde is up to so they can repay their debt to the Horde. -grumble grumble-

Sorry, had to get that out of my system again. I’m sure I’ll be grumbling about it more in the future until the Horde remembers they have three clans within their ranks and actually do something with them. Preferably putting them on the Horde side of that character creation screen and making them champions of the Horde, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Even more so that we see the Hozen in Dazar as Horde soldiers but not ogres…

Just… All of this.

It’s good to state it from time to time.

With luck Blizzard don’t forget again.

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So it was recently announced for Total War: Warhammer 3 that Ogre Kingdoms will officially be a playable faction in that game. They just released a trailer for it:

Currently they’re offered a a pre-order bonus, but I assume they’ll be fully available in the future as DLC.

Pretty exciting to see both Lizardmen and Ogre Kingdoms, the two armies I have the most interest in, part of the Total War: Warhammer games. I know Ogre Kingdoms have been speculated and requested in the series for quite a long time, and I’m pretty excited to eventually try them out in the game.

It’s cool to see celebrating of Ogres in a game. Just imagine if WoW had a similar trailer announcing playable Horde Ogres. I can tell you right now that it would be really hype for myself, on the level of Smash Bros. announcements, and likely hype for a lot of people. Hopefully, we’ll see the day that we can celebrate being able to make our Horde Ogre champions someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Prefer WoW’s Ogres honestly. >.>

Still neat to see them! Day by day I step closer to buying that game…

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I prefer WoW Ogres as well. They fit what I like about Ogres in general more. I wanted to link that trailer to show off how awesome it is and just the general excitement of an Ogre related announcement could be.

If you see the trailer, you see things that make them really unique in the Warhammer Ogre culture. It makes me think of how Ogres in WoW would be unique in a similar manner. They’re brutish, all about the bashin’ and eatin’, and are their own race when compared to others. It’s something I wish we could see more of if the Horde Ogre clans got utilized more, as they would be a lot of fun as a playable race in general.

Also I have to admit, I cracked a smile during the entirety of the song in that trailer. Makes me want to make a WoW Ogre drinking or party song of some kind now. Maybe I’ll look into that sometime. :musical_note:

It’s cool that I can celebrate Lizardmen and Ogres in the Warhammer series in general. I’m hoping someday, we can celebrate Ogres and Saurok in WoW as playable Horde champions someday. It would be a dream come true for sure! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :meat_on_bone::japanese_ogre:


Found a video that goes over some features of the Ogre Kingdoms army in Total War: Warhammer 3 as we currently know it, along with some neat pieces of artwork shown throughout the video:

Looking at the Ogre Kingdoms makes me imagine if the WoW Ogres got their savage side fleshed out a bit more.

Usually when the WoW Ogres are savage, it’s from enemy Ogre clans. This often results in a bit of the extreme in actions that are deemed not very nice, usually shown in the WoD Ogres. It’s not exactly what I would expect from Horde Ogres, and there is a better direction I feel like they could go to complement what is already there as opposed to completely revamping them.

Now, most Ogres we run into, they’re of the dumb “me smash!” variety. There is nothing wrong with this at all, and it gives them character. Not to mention the occasion humor in quests and the like. However, when you consider Ogres have had empires, built ships, and can be quite vicious in combat, I feel like some of that needs to be shown.

It’s not really easy for me to translate what I envision in my head to text on a computer screen, and I’ve attempted this post a couple times as a draft before restarting entirely, but I’ll give it a go. The theme of savagery can be shown through various means with the WoW Ogres. This could be shown with armor, battle tactics, personality, mounts they ride, and general actions. You have these big, hulking beings who are extremely strong, and you want to see them out there clobbering enemies, often in humorous manners.

I’ll be clear in saying that the “big and dumb” personality of Ogres should be a thing and stay. It’s how I view my own Ogre character. What I want to see in addition to that is just Ogre culture being shown off, often with a bit of a savage theme. Orcs have a theme of savagery, but they lean more towards honor. Ogres on the other hand would have a more brutish flair in their battle tactics. An Orc might fight honorably one-on-one while an Ogre might punt that Gnome Mage casting a fireball into a crowd, causing a fiery explosion from a failed fire spell cast.

As I said, I have a bit of a hard time trying to explain my view of a savage theme while also trying to keep a balance of the “big and dumb” type of Ogre, which again I love and want that to be part of the Horde Ogres personality. It’s a reason I link Ogre Kingdoms stuff from Warhammer, not as a definitive example of what Ogres should be, but showing off what you could do with Ogres as a whole to inspire some ideas.

Ideally for Horde Ogres, we’d see a good mixture in it. Big and dumb from the MU Horde Ogre Clans (Stonemaul and Dunemaul for reference) with some Draenor themed things (armor, buildings, etc) coming from the AU Stonemaul Clan. Thus, you have a variety people can choose how to play their Ogre, and you can mix it up a bit to create something that enemies would be extremely fearful of seeing charging towards their general direction.

I do want to hear opinions on this, as I feel like it’s an important topic to show off ideas. Horde Ogres would likely get some fleshing out if brought back to the current timeline, especially if they were playable. I view them being fairly unique and want to show off what makes a WoW Ogre an Ogre through various means.

I feel like I haven’t been able to explain my opinion very well and that I mostly rambled aimlessly, but hopefully I’ll be able to better give an example of what I mean. Maybe I need to look at Ogres in other MMO’s and media to properly explain what I’d like to see as a mix of dumb and savage.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I like the idea of having the MU ogres be more often than not the less intelligent ones while having some of the AU ogres that joined with the Mag’har be the more often intelligent ones. Though I’d still like to see some of our MU ogres turn out to be diamonds in the rough as it were.

I’d love to see them using giant boars from the Barrens as mounts and being more than willing to tie cannons to their backs. I think that fits well honestly, maybe using magic as the cannon ball though with the help of the AU Ogres.

A blending of the two is always good. I’d also like to see in their “capital” whereever that ends up the Ogri’la Ogres appear as ambassadors for all Ogre kind. Perhaps even helping to mediate further negotiations with the Horde ogres and other unaligned Ogre tribes.

I also want to see them take control of or bring one of the Altar’s of Storms to Duskwallow Marsh/Whatever other capital they have, and use it to empower their Ogre Magi.

It’d be a nice tie in to WCII.

Those are some of my thoughts anyways.


I’ve mentioned this before, but the AU Stonemaul Clan joining the MU Stonemaul Clan would be the best thing they could do with them.

-It’s the easiest explanation for where they went during BfA, assuming the MU Stonemaul Clan were doing things that prevented them from joining the fight in BfA.

-It gives Blizzard an explanation for how some Ogres are dumb and others aren’t when we come across them as NPC’s or as enemies if playing as Alliance.

-It allows both Azeroth and Draenor Ogre designs for buildings, armor and weapons, heritage armor, and other aspects to be applied.

-It gives players the option to RP their Ogre how they want.

-It can give an explanation of Ogres having Draenor boar mounts. If the Mag’har can come with a zoo of Draenor beasts that isn’t shown in the unlock scenario, then the AU Stonemaul Clan could reasonably have brought mounts with them.

As you can see, it would work really well and add to playable Horde Ogres becoming a thing. It’s a hope I have for the AU Stonemaul Clan, as I really don’t want them to be forgotten.

I do like the idea of Ogres carrying cannons. I think the Warhammer Ogres do something similar, with their units being called “Lead Belchers.” Although with Ogre strength, they could always just chuck cannonballs at enemies. And speaking of shooting stuff, I assume Ogre Hunters would start with a gun as opposed to a bow and arrows.

Ogre battering rams would also be interesting. It could either be Ogres carrying a big tree trunk or something similar, or it could just be some Ogres with a particularly sturdy hat on. Siege mechanics aren’t really a thing in WoW, but it would be amusing to see them utilized that way.

Ogres have a lot of potential if you look at what they are and how they would utilize their strengths in general. It’s a lot of fun to do so when you really get into it!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I don’t think I’ve linked these videos before, but I came across some videos with some interesting general Ogre facts:

And a video on Ogre magi:

There are some interesting facts here, especially with information about two-headed Ogres and how they potentially came to be. Granted, there seems to be multiple ways that two-headed Ogres came into being. Some of it could be used to explain how two-headed Ogres are created, and could even be used as a customization quest like with Night Warrior customization for Night Elves.

Most two-headed Ogres we see in-game are of a magic based class, but not all two-headed Ogres become a magic-based class. Thus, if two-headed customization options become a thing, it should be available for all classes so people can design the Ogre of their dreams.

Hopefully, two-headed customization options would be possible for those wanting it. As I said, I know several people who want it and if it is possible, it would be really big news and a really unique feature to WoW in general that would create some positive marketing buzz! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Very interesting!

I agree that two headed ogres should be available for all classes. Whether or not blizzard wants to go with a magical capability for them they’ve shown more than once that customizations are meant to be for everyone.

Gold eyes for blood elves for instance is canonly only going to appear on the Faithful, yet even warlocks can use the option.

There should be no restrictions on two headed ogres.

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I don’t think there would be a class restriction on two-headed Ogres…at least, I would hope there wouldn’t be any restrictions.

I feel like that would be even more complicated coding on top of what would likely be complicated coding. Not to mention the more customization options, the better. I’m sure there are people who would want a two-headed Ogre Warrior or other non-magical related classes, and opening that customization option for them would just make more people happy in the long run.

From the sound of it, there is mention of Ogres with two heads that aren’t magical oriented in their careers. So I really don’t see why there would be restrictions in the first place. I’d say to open that option for all classes!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

Got an interesting YouTube video in my recommendations of a tracklist of in-game Ogre related music in WoD, although some of it is shared with the Iron Horde and I assume our regular Horde, according to the video description:

If you take the video URL and go to the YouTube page, you can see timestamps of all tracks and their names in the description.

Speaking of Ogre music, I’ve been working on a WoW Ogre drinking song for fun, having been inspired by that Ogre Kingdoms song that is still stuck in my head. I’ll see if I can work out the lyrics for such a song and post it here, though I don’t know how well that well translate from my head to text on the screen. Guess we’ll find out in the near future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


A new official trailer for Total War: Warhammer 3’s Ogre Kingdoms has been officially shown, showing off bits of their gameplay and the types of troops they have.

While Warhammer Ogres are different from WoW Ogres, I wanted to show them off and also Ogres from other games and such in general for idea inspiration. Sometimes, it helps to see things in action as opposed to just text on a computer screen.

Also, as I said before, there is a lot of hype for the Ogre Kingdoms joining this game. I can only imagine the hype there would be for WoW Ogres to finally become a playable Horde race! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As people here likely know, the last major patch was announced for Shadowlands, which means the next expansion’s announcement will be forthcoming. Hopefully sooner than later, of course.

There seem to be two big rumors going around lately when it comes to the next expansion: Dragon Isles and an old world revamp (likely just Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms). Both of them seem like they would have decent chances of involving the Horde Ogre clans in some way.

With Dragon Isles, a lot will depend on whatever the story is for it. The MU Stonemaul Clan could have involvement if any of Onyxia’s offspring has been able to survive and grow during all this time (which is fairly likely). If there is an enemy dragon in general, I’m sure they would be happy to go bashing some bad dragons as well. A lot will really depend on what goes on with this expansion, assuming Dragon Isles would be a whole expansion instead of being part of one.

The old world revamp rumor is the more likely scenario of at least seeing the Horde Ogre clans. If Kalimdor gets revamped, we’d have to see what the MU Stonemaul Clan has been up to at least, hopefully seeing some explanation of the AU Stonemaul Clan’s whereabouts and possibly what Megs Dreadshredder is having the Dunemaul clan do. At the very least, the MU Stonemaul Clan would have to make an appearance at some point since Dustwallow Marsh would be part of the revamp, along with Feralas and Tanaris.

I feel like an old world revamp is one of the better choices of expansion options. It has been awhile since a lot of things happened on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, and since undead are suppose to be running amuck in the world (of Warcraft!), seeing the old continents rebuilding would make for a good starting point for such an expansion. Not to mention the possibilities of new playable races would be higher here and would really make such an expansion interesting. Especially if playable Horde Ogres came out of it.

As I said, those are just rumors and nothing is set in stone for whatever the next expansion is. I’ll of course temper expectations, but will also keep an eye out to see if anything involving the Horde Ogre clans is mentioned. We do have a bit of a wait until the next expansion’s announcement, however, so we’ll just keep trucking along with our playable Horde Ogre support in the meantime!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: