The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!




Ehhhh to be honest, I’m not interested in WoTLK classic and will never touch it.

I just… don’t like stagnant games that everything’s been seen for already. I only like stories that move forward when it comes to MMORPGs. Especially as a roleplayer and collector. There’s no benefit for me to ever touch a wrath classic server. All of my stories have been progressing in a forward way, and I don’t like ‘roleplaying the past’ unless it’s just writing backstory, but that’s not roleplay, it’s story building.

Plus, it’d be impossible to get any San’layn stories that are interesting as they’d all be mustache twirling villains back then.

Think that’s why I’d probably leave if all their focus just went to classic stuff. There’d be nothing to bother going for, no progression, stagnant story ><


well this is how i see it, once stuff is fleshed out and established, its easier to add to other parts of the game (classic is running on the modern engine so easy to share content), even if not in the exact same way, such as model upgrades or new locations.

As long as it’s shared and not exclusive because I think I’d rather suffer through a sports video game than ever touch any variation of classic. (And I hate sports).

I just wish they finally work on improving the actual game sometime. They’re supposedly taking feedback but they’d need huge changes to get my sub again once it runs out in a month


they have a different dev team for classic than retail. same situation for ogres as for other requested races. once they get them to playable state, it’ll be so much easier to add them to different areas of the game.

could have a little story arc where ogres decide they like orcs but want their own town (maybe the doors are too short, or not enough rocks hehe), now youve got an established ogre town.

could also be that the employees just want it to all crash and burn, in which case, this is all for naught.

With regards to Classic, I don’t really know what the long-term plan is. I personally don’t see them going past WotLK, and I know Classic+ has been a consideration, though as I mentioned, I don’t see anything in it being on a grand scale of new content as opposed to small things like new dungeons or raids.

In my own personal opinion, it’s hard for me to imagine them taking the resources Retail has and duplicating it to make Classic an alternate timeline thing or adding things like new playable races to it. Retail has enough issues that have cropped up, and I don’t see the benefit of duplicating it for Classic on that scale. I can see all sorts of other problems if they try to make Classic something more grand than what it was planned to be initially, and I would rather the resources be used to work on Retail more.

I don’t really see them adding new races to Classic, myself, but if they did, I’d want them added on Retail also. I’d hate to see Ogres get added to Classic in some fashion, only for them to continue to get ignored in Retail. As I said, smaller things like dungeons or raids that don’t have much in the way of storylines I can see them adding as a for-fun thing, but other things like new races or brand new expansions in general, I don’t really see for Classic. Again, all in my own personal opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Tomorrow is October 19th, which is the release date of Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor. My pre-order on Amazon doesn’t have an estimated delivery date yet unfortunately, so there might be some sort of delay before I get it. As far as I know, the release date hasn’t changed.

Whenever it does arrive, I’ll read it as soon as I can. As a reminder, the book itself involves Zekhan (Zappy Boy) and Rexxar exploring Kalimdor and writing down info on each area from their journey. You can see more info and some sample pages here:

In terms of Horde Ogres, we have some potential to have something written about them. Maybe we could see the MU Stonemaul Clan finally get their home back in Dustwallow Marsh and possibly what they’ve been up to, we could possibly see what is going on with the MU Stonemaul Clan in Feralas and Dire Maul, maybe we could see Megs Dreadshredder in Tanaris and see what she has the Dunemaul Clan up to, and maybe a mention of the AU Stonemaul Clan could be possible.

Realistically, I don’t know what to expect. I don’t expect mountains of information on the Horde Ogre clans. It’s likely we might not see much on the Dunemaul Clan at all, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the AU Stonemaul Clan were completely forgotten. At the very least, we should see something about the MU Stonemaul Clan, and maybe some insight from Rexxar as he remembers his time as their leader. Hopefully we see something about the MU Stonemaul Clan and what they’ve been up to at least.

Whatever is written, as well as what isn’t written I suppose, I’ll be sure to report my findings here. Hopefully, I’ll be able to work on my Horde Ogre research sooner than later. When the book actually arrives, I’ll be sure to make a mention of it here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hoping for Ogre news for you folks sometime soon!


Well as it turns out, Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor’s release date has been pushed back a second time, with the new date now allegedly being December 7th. Kinda wish I knew this before I posted in a bunch of megathreads about it. The date didn’t change until the day it was suppose to release. Go figure. -o -

We’ll see if it actually releases then, but at this point, I may consider getting this as a potential birthday present in March…assuming it releases then. I’ll give it some thought.

In the meantime, how about something more positive? Hallow’s End has arrived in Retail and in Classic, so I figured I would check on our Horde Ogre pals and see what they have set up.

First, checking Dustwallow Marsh on Retail:

This seems to be the only Hallows End decoration in Brackenwall Village, as I went around the area and didn’t see much of anything else, unless I missed something.

Normally, there is a candy bucket and a bin of apples in water at every inn, so I figured it was just that being put there since it was an inn and that would be that. However, checking on the Stonemaul Mound in Feralas, I found a few decorations in the area:

This is the inn there.

A pumpkin set up on top of a cage.

And several pumpkins around a cauldron of some sort. Seems like the MU Stonemaul Clan likes the cyclops pumpkins.

Those were all the decorations I could find with the MU Stonemaul Clan. I assume they do like it, but in Brackenwall Village, they’re stuck in the part of the timeline where they haven’t gotten their home back where at the Stonemaul Mound, maybe it’s the part of the timeline where they got their home back and can be happy and enjoy holidays. Maybe if we see them get their home finally, they’ll decorate it with all sorts of Hallows End decorations and have all kinds of Ogre treats!

As for the Dunemaul Clan, I went by there, and unfortunately didn’t see any decorations around. Likely, this is because there isn’t an inn there, and Megs Dreadshredder is a bit busy to put something up where she stands.

And since the AU Stonemaul Clan have disappeared into fat air, I can’t see if they have a form of Hallows End from AU Draenor. Maybe in the future, we’ll be able to introduce the Dunemaul and AU Stonemaul Clan to Hallows End and let them in on the festivities!

I should check on the MU Stonemaul Clan in Classic, but I suspect it’ll just be similar to the first screenshot above. If I notice anything different, I’ll be sure to report here. In the meantime, have fun with Hallows End!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve talked about these two Ogres before in the old Ogre megathread, but I don’t think I’ve talked about them here. In Twilight Highlands, there are a couple of two-head Ogres I wanted to share because they had some unique looks that could work for Ogre customization options.

The quest involving them is this:

And the NPC’s in question are these:

Here is a better look at them:

One of the heads:

And the other head:

It’s interesting to see this model, since during Cataclysm, it was a unique looking model compared to most Ogres during that expansion. Part of me wonders if the designs for this Ogre may have come from any original plans of making Ogres a playable Horde race during Cataclysm. We’ve since had WoD Ogres and the Darkmaul Clan Ogres in the new starting area, though most that I remember don’t really have much in the way of facial hair. Speaking of, I should look at the NPC models of them to see if I can find any other customization option ideas.

This model is worth sharing just to show off potential playable Ogre customization options. I think I’ve seen some players mention wanting to give their Ogres a full, grizzly beard to fit their savage theme, so it helps to see some examples of Ogres with facial hair, even if it isn’t a full beard so far.

I suppose you could say messing with an Ogre could be a HAIRY situation! :V

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I feel like people would go crazy over playable two-headed ogres. I know I’ve seen several mention the desire to play them. Not going to lie, it would be super cool to see both in game and in roleplay.


I’ve seen a lot of players mention wanting a two-headed customization option, and I’m hoping it’s a possibility as people may expect that should playable Horde Ogres become a reality.

As I said before, it would be something really unique in MMO’s in general to have a race with the ability to have two fully customizable heads. If Blizzard got it working, it would generate a lot of marketing hype and interest in the game, and of course making several people happy. My Ogre would have just one head, but I’d want Ogre players in general to be happy with their vision of how they want their Ogre to look like.

It’s likely a lot of work, but I think it’d be worth it in the long run if it is possible to add it as a customization option. It would also be interesting to see a lore reason for how two-headed Ogres came into being, also.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


While I wont likely be using a Two headed Ogre myself I really hope they have this option for people.

Its a request I see a lot.


So we know the Dunemaul Clan was shown off as the dimwitted variety of Ogre, usually living only to bash things and eat the nearby silithid and maybe other types of food that wander into their vicinity. but as it turns out, they have mages and warlocks:

It’s interesting to see how the Ogre clans that are of the dumb and primitive variety are capable of learning magic of both those classes, as other Ogre clans do have mages and warlocks as well. Most Ogres with that kind of magical power, though not all Ogres I think, usually end up having two-heads as well, which I am curious of the process of how two-headed Ogres come into being.

Anyway, I wanted to mention these two mobs since the Dunemaul Clan \is technically part of the Horde. It shows off two classes that I feel playable Ogres should have, and assuming the Dunemaul Clan is part of the playable Ogre faction, this just helps to support those classes as options. Even without them, there are ways to explain the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans having Mages, trained by Tabetha (who has helped trained Horde Mages including Ogres I think), and Warlocks, which can come from several other sources.

Just an interesting observation I wanted to ramble about some. I have no doubt playable Ogres would have those classes, but it helps to have actual in-game evidence to support it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

I do not see that happening, but no point in not asking.

I don’t think it’s an impossibility, but I know that it would be a lot of work to get a two-headed Ogre customization option working.

As I mentioned before, they would need to have each head with their own customization options, animations, be able to wear all helms, present and future helms that get made, being able to switch between one and two heads at a barber shop, and allow each head to have separate helm transmog options as well. I imagine it would be a huge undertaking in the the frankenstein that is WoW’s engine coding.

On the other hand, if it is possible, it would be huge news and be something really unique to MMO’s in general. Sure, Ogres wouldn’t be anywhere near elf levels of players, but it still adds to the world building as a long term asset to see something unique as two-head customization. I’m sure it would be pretty popular among Ogre players as well, so it would get used.

I could also see two head customization being an unlockable questline like with the Night Warrior customization. It would be interesting to see how two-headed Ogres are made through such a quest and go through the process with your Ogre. Plus it could give more time for Blizzard to work with implementing it and get it working…at least in theory.

While I plan to only have one head for my Ogre, I do know several others have wanted a two-headed option. I’m hoping it’ll be possible for them to be able to make the Ogre character of their dreams. I know it would be expected in some fashion with playable Ogres, so hopefully it’s a possibility for those wanting it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hadn’t thought of how intense that option actually is… still I hope they attempt.

I think Ogres have a much larger base than most think. I’m betting they’ll be more popular than most ARs.

It could use one of the Altar of Storms still in the world… That would be cool as all get out!

Ogres for the Horde! :cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


My own personal opinion is that Ogres would be decently popular and positively received. They have been requested since the game launched, and finally getting them as a playable Horde race would get a number of people excited to try them out, as well as being something fairly different from other races.

Sure, some people would grumble about it, but then again, people will grumble about any race becoming playable. I do think the world building and positive reception in general would be well worth making them finally playable as a Horde race.

Regardless, I hope to see Ogre players running around Orgrimmar someday…with me being one of them!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I shared this video in the Saberon megathread, but I thought I’d share it here also. This is another video of the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario, showing another angle of some of the AU Stonemaul Clan members arriving in Azeroth with them Mag’har and other Draenor denizens.

Video should load at the 24:25 timestamp if it doesn’t take you there automatically:

Despite there being just two AU Stonemaul Ogres shown, there would be more that came with them. We know there are more Mag’har Orc NPC’s in the world (of Warcraft!) than shown here, along with them utilizing several beasts from Draenor in some world quests from BfA that aren’t even shown here. There are also quite a bit of Mag’har Orc players in general that likely would’ve filled the entirety of Durotar and some of the Barrens. So it stands to reason a bunch of the AU Stonemaul Clan came with the Mag’har Orcs than shown in-game.

I am wondering if the rumored Barrens warfront might have utilized the AU Stonemaul Clan at all. When we back to Azeroth from the unlock scenario, we see some Botani (which is really scary when you think about it) and Saberon (which would make a great playable race) having come back with us and running off towards the Barrens. It’s possible both Botani and Saberon were going to be utilized in the Barrens warfront as jobber NPC’s if it was created, which would’ve consisted of more than the two of each we see running away.

What role would the AU Stonemaul have played in the Barrens? Well, I’d guess they’d help us both combat Alliance forces there and maybe help fight against the Botani threat, since Ogres on Draenor like have experience fighting them. Depending on where the Barrens warfront would’ve taken place, we could also have seen the MU Stonemaul Clan help out, since Dustwallow Marsh is connected to the Southern Barrens.

Of course, warfronts were quickly abandoned, so we won’t really know what ideas would’ve been implemented into it. Still, I want to keep mentioning the AU Stonemaul Clan since they disappeared without any word. I still believe they joined the Horde, since they stood with the Mag’har Orcs while getting inducted.

Maybe I need to create a “Where on Azeroth is the AU Stonemaul Clan?” level of search or something for them. They have to be somewhere. If I were to guess, they likely were sent to join with the MU Stonemaul Clan, which would be an easy solution and also offer some neat RP opportunities for players, along with explaining the MU Stonemaul Clan having some Draenor Ogre designs in some things.

I’ll keep trying to make sure they aren’t forgotten. Hopefully, we’ll find them sometime and see what the Horde had them doing since they joined up, as well as giving them and the other Horde Ogre clans an official induction into the Horde!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You got this! You are a beacon for ogre fans, and I really do hope Blizzard takes threads like these seriously :slight_smile: So much love and work was put into this.