The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Could even use the Dire Maul arena for “Two ogres enter only one ogre leaves” type fun event.


That was one of the reasons I didn’t care for it. The other was just the whole theme of the expansion taking place in an alternate universe. I could go on more why I didn’t like WoD, but I’d likely be typing quite a bit. Also didn’t help that I didn’t like Legion after it.

I’m for it, as having more Ogre clans can give some more customization options and roleplaying opportunities. Plus it finally closes the thread on the Horde getting Dire Maul.

A fun video I’ve linked many times before actually talks about Dire Maul for the Horde that would be of interest to Blood Elves, Nightborne, and even San’layn if they join the Horde:

The important thing is that the Stonemaul Clan is part of the playable Ogre clans, of course. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I would strongly contemplate going back to the Horde for the first time in almost 10 years if they added Ogres.


Ugh no not Rebel Wilson or whatever her name is. She’s super annoying. Blizzard needs to find their dance from here:

p.s Back when we first heard about Kul Tiran, I was begging Blizzard to use dance moves from this video. Instead they went with a 300lb ballerina :woman_facepalming:


9 seconds in and I see the dance females should have. It’s the dude’s dance, lol. Yup, that dudes dance thru the WHOLE video is it. Spot on imo.


I almost skipped the entire thing. I only came back when the Wardrobe and Demon Hunters were announced.


While I do think the boar fits them the most, clefthooves would also be big enough for an ogre’s big ol’ rumpus.

Or if we wanna get silly, ogres hoisting a horse over one shoulder and running at mount speed like Cho’gall in Heroes of the Storm.


YES that guy is amazing.



I thought about that. If tauren aren’t getting plains running then ogres, being so big, should get something akin to it. It starts off slow but then they really get moving so don’t use, can’t use mounts. Maybe call it wrecking ball or something. With a racial called shoulder slam at the end that damages enemies.

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I played through most of WoD, getting to max level, but I didn’t do too much else other than getting flying unlocked. Legion actually made me quit WoW outright shortly after it launched. I didn’t return to WoW until after Legion flying was implemented…and it might have been when BfA was announced also when I came back to it. BfA and allied races really renewed my interest in the game.

There are many reasons I really didn’t like WoD and Legion. I may go into detail someday, but I don’t feel like typing up a huge rant thingus about it…not at the moment, anyway. They’re both my least favorite expansions, however.

Hopefully, Shadowlands will do better. Trying to go into it with an open mind, although a lot of it I’m honestly not really excited for. Still, I’ll give it a chance.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Problem with Plainsrunning is Blizzard couldn’t balance it right, and that’d complicate things with flying mounts being a thing now.

I still kinda think they should implement Plainsrunning for Tauren, but just make it a cast time like Worgen’s Running Wild.


Well for the ogre “plainsrunning” type racial they would start out at a jog, then a run and finally they would have some kind of speed streaks when at full speed so it would be kind of a casting time but you would move slower then mount speed during the windup.

Only draw back might be you don’t stop on a dime like mounts can. Maybe a casting speed slow down or you fall on your face.

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I would absolutely die if I could play a 2 headed ogre warlock :weary::weary:

Even a shadow priest would look awesome as a 2 headed ogre

Make this happen Blizzard! Give me this one thing!


I didn’t feel the sting of lack of flying quite as much since I played Demon Hunter, so I enjoyed exploring with double jump and glide.

I’m not super interested in the Shadowlands themselves, but I am looking forward to the new customizations.

This was exactly how Plainsrunning worked, and testers hated it.

Plainsrunning had it that you lost your speed if you stopped moving, which people hated.


Lack of flying actually wasn’t a reason I disliked WoD and Legion, though I didn’t care for the whole “no flying ever” kerfuffle that happened with WoD.

That and the new character creation screen are the most exciting things for me in Shadowlands.

Really, my main issues with Shadowlands are the following:

First Reason: It being in the afterlife. Something about just going there for the entirety of an expansion just makes me feel like it devalues the life and death cycle. Hard to really explain this in big detail, but having actual…areas and seeing how things operate there as opposed to seeing he many different views of death in different cultures of Azeroth doesn’t sit right with me.

Second Reason: Sylvanas, pretty much. We pretty much saw that she was bad news, despite the “not Garrosh 2.0” or “morally grey decisions” and she could’ve been stopped…only to be able to do nothing but just let her skip merrily on her way. Now we get to clean up her work in an expansion.

Third reason: An over reliance of past characters in the game who are dead to carry an expansion. I can understand it from a marketing point-of-view, but I’d rather see Azeroth move forward as opposed to staying in the past. Plus, as I said before, it kinda makes death meaningless and less of an impact, in my opinion. Not to mention that part of me dreads what they’ll do with Arthas, who I’m sure will be back in some form during Shadowlands.

There are other reasons, but those are the ones that stand out to me currently.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I feel exactly the same way.

instantly comes to mind. How many times has Krillin been rezzed, seriously?


That video was rather good. Were we really suppose to get an ogre empire to explore in WoD or did I hear that wrong? I know it was cut short but did they just cut out ogres AGAIN?!?

At 1:03 I would so love to have the Horde on the left instead of the current one tbh. Nothing wrong with the current one but I want the old school Horde.

And at 3:48 that is one badass ogre on the right.

Wow, I didn’t know Dire Maul could be so powerful. Would actually be awesome, especially for RP players, to have access to that as Horde. And sounds like it has more RP value as ogre, nightborne, and BE Sunreavers. And at 6:38 badass nightborne on right. Why didn’t we get those guys?

:+1: Ogres as playable


Yes, Ogres got cut again. I’d have to do some digging to find the article where a lot of the things that were cut were laid out to confirm, but there was a whole Ogre continent that was meant to exist.

Highmaul was only intended to be the Gorian Empire’s outpost on the continent we visit, not even close to the apex of the Ogre’s might.


I hear you. Orcs are my favourite Horde race. My main this patch is a Mag’har Warrior actually.